def lipo_lstm_test(r,threshold_SC,threshold_BC,symbols_TC,seq,TestCaseNum,Mutation,CoverageStop): r.resetTime() seeds = 3 random.seed(seeds) # set oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.2 # load model lipo = lipoClass() lipo.load_data() lipo.load_model() sme = SmilesEnumerator() # test layer layer = 1 # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # calculate mean and std for z-norm h_train = lipo.cal_hidden_keras(lipo.X_train, layer) mean_TC, std_TC, max_SC, min_SC, max_BC, min_BC = aggregate_inf(h_train, indices) n_seeds = 200 # get the seeds pool smiles_seeds = [] for item in lipo.X_orig_train: if sme.randomize_smiles(item,0) != None: smiles_seeds.append(item) if len(smiles_seeds) == n_seeds: break smiles_seeds = np.array(smiles_seeds) X_seeds = lipo.smile_vect(smiles_seeds) # predict logD value from smiles representation smiles = np.array(['SCC(=O)O[C@@]1(SC[NH+](C[C@H]1SC=C)C)c2SCSCc2']) test = np.squeeze(lipo.smile_vect(smiles)) [h_t, c_t, f_t] = lipo.cal_hidden_state(test,layer) # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_nc = 0 nctoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, layer, threshold_nc, test) # test objective KMNC kmnctoe = KMNCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) k_sec = 10 kmnctoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, layer, k_sec, test) # test objective NBC nbctoe = NBCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) ub = 0.7 lb = -0.7 nbctoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, layer, ub, lb, test) # test objective SNAC snactoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_snac = 0.7 snactoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, layer, threshold_snac, test) # test objective SC SCtoe = SCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) SC_test_obj = 'h' act_SC = SCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) SCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, SC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_SC), indices, max_SC, min_SC, np.squeeze(act_SC)) # test objective BC BCtoe = BCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) BC_test_obj = 'h' act_BC = BCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) BCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, BC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_BC), indices, max_BC, min_BC, np.squeeze(act_BC)) # test objective TC TCtoe = TCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) seq_len = 5 TC_test_obj = 'h' TCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(lipo.model, TC_test_obj, layer, int(symbols_TC), seq_len, indices, mean_TC, std_TC) y_seeds = np.squeeze(lipo.model.predict(X_seeds)) X_test = [] r_t = 400 // len(X_seeds) while lipo.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum): # generate test cases unique_test = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X_seeds)), r_t, axis=0) smiles_test1 = np.repeat(smiles_seeds, r_t, axis=0) y_test1 = np.repeat(y_seeds, r_t, axis=0) new_smiles = np.array([sme.randomize_smiles(smiles_test1[i], i+lipo.numSamples) for i in range(len(smiles_test1))]) test2 = lipo.smile_vect(new_smiles) if lipo.numSamples > 0 and Mutation == 'genetic': y_test1 = np.concatenate((y_test1, np.array([sc_test_1]), np.array([bc_test_1]), np.array([tc_test_1]))) test2 = np.concatenate((test2, np.array([sc_test_2]), np.array([bc_test_2]), np.array([tc_test_2]))) unique_test = np.concatenate((unique_test, np.array([seed_id_sc]), np.array([seed_id_bc]), np.array([seed_id_tc]))) y_test2 = np.squeeze(lipo.model.predict(test2)) # # display statistics of adv. lipo.displayInfo(y_test1, y_test2, unique_test) # calculate the hidden state h_test = lipo.cal_hidden_keras(test2, layer) # update the coverage # update NC coverage nctoe.update_features(test2) # update KMNC coverage kmnctoe.update_features(test2) # update NBC coverage nbctoe.update_features(test2) # update SNAC coverage snactoe.update_features(test2) # update SC coverage SCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update BC coverage BCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update TC coverage TCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) X_test = X_test + test2.tolist() if Mutation == 'genetic': num_generation = 10 sc_test_record = SCtoe.testObjective.test_record bc_test_record = BCtoe.testObjective.test_record tc_test_record = TCtoe.testObjective.test_record if len(sc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for SC') sc_feature, sc_cov_fit = random.choice(list(sc_test_record.items())) seed_id_sc = sc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) sc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_sc] # boost coverage with GA sc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(lipo, SCtoe, sc_feature, np.array(X_test[sc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, lipo.numSamples) print('\n') else: sc_test_1 = y_seeds[0] sc_test_2 = X_seeds[0] seed_id_sc = 0 if len(bc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for BC') bc_feature, bc_cov_fit = random.choice(list(bc_test_record.items())) seed_id_bc = bc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) bc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_bc] # boost coverage with GA bc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(lipo, BCtoe, bc_feature, np.array(X_test[bc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, lipo.numSamples) print('\n') else: bc_test_1 = y_seeds[0] bc_test_2 = X_seeds[0] seed_id_bc = 0 if len(tc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for TC') tc_feature, tc_cov_fit = random.choice(list(tc_test_record.items())) seed_id_tc = tc_cov_fit[1] % len(X_seeds) tc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_tc] # boost coverage with GA tc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(lipo, TCtoe, tc_feature, np.array(X_test[tc_cov_fit[1]]), num_generation, lipo.numSamples) else: tc_test_1 = y_seeds[0] tc_test_2 = X_seeds[0] seed_id_tc = 0 # write information to file writeInfo(r, lipo.numSamples, lipo.numAdv, lipo.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, kmnctoe.coverage, nbctoe.coverage, snactoe.coverage, SCtoe.coverage, BCtoe.coverage, TCtoe.coverage, len(lipo.unique_adv)) print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() kmnctoe.displayCoverage() nbctoe.displayCoverage() snactoe.displayCoverage() SCtoe.displayCoverage() BCtoe.displayCoverage() TCtoe.displayCoverage() print('unique adv.', len(lipo.unique_adv)) lipo.displaySuccessRate()
def mnist_lstm_adv_test(r, threshold_SC, threshold_BC, symbols_TC, seq, TestCaseNum, Mutation, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() seeds = 1 np.random.seed(seeds) random.seed(seeds) # set up oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.01 # load model mn = mnistclass() mn.load_model() # test layer layer = 1 mean = 0 # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # calculate mean and std for z-norm h_train = mn.cal_hidden_keras(mn.X_train, layer) mean_TC, std_TC, max_SC, min_SC, max_BC, min_BC = aggregate_inf( h_train, indices) # get the seeds pool X_seeds = [] # input seeds for label_idx in range(10): x_class = mn.X_train[mn.y_train_org == label_idx] for i in range(89, 99): X_seeds.append(x_class[i]) # X_seeds = mn.X_train[mn.y_train_org == 2] # X_seeds = mn.X_train[:50000] # test case test = mn.X_test[11] h_t = mn.cal_hidden_keras(np.array([test]), layer)[0] # h_t, c_t, f_t = mn.cal_hidden_state(test, layer) # output digit image # img = test.reshape((28, 28, 1)) # pred_img = image.array_to_img(img) #'2.jpg') # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_nc = 0 nctoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, layer, threshold_nc, test) # test objective KMNC kmnctoe = KMNCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) k_sec = 10 kmnctoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, layer, k_sec, test) # test objective NBC nbctoe = NBCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) ub = 0.7 lb = -0.7 nbctoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, layer, ub, lb, test) # test objective SNAC snactoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_snac = 0.7 snactoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, layer, threshold_snac, test) # test objective SC SCtoe = SCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) SC_test_obj = 'h' act_SC = SCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) SCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, SC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_SC), indices, max_SC, min_SC, np.squeeze(act_SC)) # test objective BC BCtoe = BCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) BC_test_obj = 'h' act_BC = BCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) BCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, BC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_BC), indices, max_BC, min_BC, np.squeeze(act_BC)) # test objective TC TCtoe = TCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) seq_len = 5 TC_test_obj = 'h' act_TC = TCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) TCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(mn.model, TC_test_obj, layer, int(symbols_TC), seq_len, indices, mean_TC, std_TC) # visualize internal structure information # act_TC = Z_ScoreNormalization(np.squeeze(act_TC), mean_TC, std_TC) # act_BC = np.sum(f_t, axis=1) / float(f_t.shape[1]) # act_SC = (np.squeeze(act_SC) -min_SC) / (max_SC - min_SC) # plt.figure(1) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_TC)) # plt.plot(plot_x, act_TC) # plt.ylabel('$\\xi_t^{h}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # plt.figure(2) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_BC)) #, act_BC) # plt.ylabel('$\\xi_t^{f, avg}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # plt.figure(3) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_SC)) #, act_SC) # plt.xlabel('Input', fontsize=14) # plt.ylabel('$\Delta\\xi_t^{h}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # X_test = [] r_t = 1000 // len(X_seeds) while mn.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum): # generate test cases test1 = np.repeat(X_seeds, r_t, axis=0) unique_test = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X_seeds)), r_t, axis=0) var = np.random.uniform(0.005, 0.02) noise = np.random.normal(mean, var**0.5, test1.shape) test2 = test1 + noise test2 = np.clip(test2, 0.0, 1.0) if mn.numSamples > 0 and Mutation == 'genetic': test1 = np.concatenate( (test1, np.array([sc_test_1]), np.array([bc_test_1]), np.array([tc_test_1]))) test2 = np.concatenate( (test2, np.array([sc_test_2]), np.array([bc_test_2]), np.array([tc_test_2]))) unique_test = np.concatenate( (unique_test, np.array([seed_id_sc]), np.array([seed_id_bc]), np.array([seed_id_tc]))) # display statistics of adv. o, m = oracle(test1, test2, 2, oracleRadius) mn.displayInfo(test1, test2, o, m, unique_test) # calculate the hidden state h_test = mn.cal_hidden_keras(test2, layer) # update the coverage # update NC coverage nctoe.update_features(test2) # update KMNC coverage kmnctoe.update_features(test2) # update NBC coverage nbctoe.update_features(test2) # update SNAC coverage snactoe.update_features(test2) # update SC coverage SCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update BC coverage BCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update TC coverage TCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) X_test = X_test + test2.tolist() if Mutation == 'genetic': num_generation = 10 sc_test_record = SCtoe.testObjective.test_record bc_test_record = BCtoe.testObjective.test_record tc_test_record = TCtoe.testObjective.test_record if len(sc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for SC') sc_feature, sc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(sc_test_record.items())) seed_id_sc = sc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) sc_test_1 = X_seeds[seed_id_sc] # boost coverage with GA sc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(mn, SCtoe, sc_feature, np.array(X_test[sc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, mn.numSamples) print('\n') if len(bc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for BC') bc_feature, bc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(bc_test_record.items())) seed_id_bc = bc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) bc_test_1 = X_seeds[seed_id_bc] # boost coverage with GA bc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(mn, BCtoe, bc_feature, np.array(X_test[bc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, mn.numSamples) print('\n') if len(tc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for TC') tc_feature, tc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(tc_test_record.items())) seed_id_tc = tc_cov_fit[1] % len(X_seeds) tc_test_1 = X_seeds[seed_id_tc] # boost coverage with GA tc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(mn, TCtoe, tc_feature, np.array(X_test[tc_cov_fit[1]]), num_generation, mn.numSamples) # write information to file writeInfo(r, mn.numSamples, mn.numAdv, mn.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, kmnctoe.coverage, nbctoe.coverage, snactoe.coverage, SCtoe.coverage, BCtoe.coverage, TCtoe.coverage, len(mn.unique_adv)) print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() kmnctoe.displayCoverage() nbctoe.displayCoverage() snactoe.displayCoverage() SCtoe.displayCoverage() BCtoe.displayCoverage() TCtoe.displayCoverage() print('unique adv.', len(mn.unique_adv)) mn.displaySuccessRate()
def vgg16_lstm_test(r, threshold_SC, threshold_BC, symbols_TC, seq, TestCaseNum, Mutation, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() random.seed(2) # set up oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.1 * 255 # load model uvlc = ucf101_vgg16_lstm_class() uvlc.model.summary() # test layer layer = 0 # preload the data # X = [] # Y_real = [] # Y_pred = [] # images_X = [] # for index in range(500): # images, test, label, pred_label = uvlc.predict(index) # X.append(test) # Y_real.append(label) # Y_pred.append(pred_label) # images_X.append(images) # np.savez('dataset/very_large_data/ucf101_test.npz', data1 = X, data2 = Y_real, data3 = Y_pred, data4 =images_X) with np.load('dataset/very_large_data/ucf101_test.npz') as data: X = data['data1'] Y_real = data['data2'] Y_pred = data['data3'] images_X = data['data4'] acc = 0 for i in range(len(Y_real)): if Y_pred[i] == Y_real[i]: acc = acc + 1 acc = acc / len(Y_real) # choose time step to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # calculate mean and std for z-norm h_train = uvlc.cal_hidden_keras(X, layer) mean_TC, std_TC, max_SC, min_SC, max_BC, min_BC = aggregate_inf( h_train, indices) mode = "gaussian" # noise type "gaussian", "localvar", "poisson", "salt", "pepper", "s&p", "speckle" # test case image, test, label, pred_label = uvlc.predict(11) h_t = uvlc.cal_hidden_keras(np.array([test]), layer)[0] # get the seeds pool X_seeds = X[:200] images_X_seeds = images_X[:200] Y_seeds = Y_pred[:200] # X_seeds = X[Y_pred == "Basketball"] # Y_seeds = Y_pred[Y_pred == "Basketball"] # images_X_seeds = images_X[Y_pred == "Basketball"] # X_seeds = X_seeds[:100] # Y_seeds = Y_seeds[:100] # images_X_seeds = images_X_seeds[:100] # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_nc = 0 nctoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, layer, threshold_nc, test) # test objective KMNC kmnctoe = KMNCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) k_sec = 10 kmnctoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, layer, k_sec, test) # test objective NBC nbctoe = NBCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) ub = 0.7 lb = -0.7 nbctoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, layer, ub, lb, test) # test objective SNAC snactoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_snac = 0.7 snactoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, layer, threshold_snac, test) # test objective SC SCtoe = SCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) SC_test_obj = 'h' act_SC = SCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) SCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, SC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_SC), indices, max_SC, min_SC, np.squeeze(act_SC)) # test objective BC BCtoe = BCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) BC_test_obj = 'h' act_BC = BCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) BCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, BC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_BC), indices, max_BC, min_BC, np.squeeze(act_BC)) # test objective TC TCtoe = TCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) seq_len = 5 TC_test_obj = 'h' TCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(uvlc.model, TC_test_obj, layer, int(symbols_TC), seq_len, indices, mean_TC, std_TC) images_X_test = [] X_test = [] r_t = 400 // len(X_seeds) while uvlc.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum): test1 = np.repeat(X_seeds, r_t, axis=0) label1 = np.repeat(Y_seeds, r_t, axis=0) unique_test = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X_seeds)), r_t, axis=0) var = random.uniform(0.0001, 0.001) # new_images, test2, label2, conf2 = uvlc.predict_imgs(images, mode, uvlc.numSamples, var) noise = np.random.normal(0, var**0.5, test1.shape) test2 = test1 + noise label2 = uvlc.predict_test(np.array(test2)) if uvlc.numSamples > 0 and Mutation == 'genetic': label1 = np.concatenate( (label1, np.array([sc_label_1]), np.array([bc_label_1]), np.array([tc_label_1]))) label2 = np.concatenate( (label2, np.array([sc_label_2]), np.array([bc_label_2]), np.array([tc_label_2]))) unique_test = np.concatenate( (unique_test, np.array([seed_id_sc]), np.array([seed_id_bc]), np.array([seed_id_tc]))) test2 = np.concatenate( (test2, np.array([sc_test_2]), np.array([bc_test_2]), np.array([tc_test_2]))) o, m = oracle_uvlc(test1, test2, 2, oracleRadius) uvlc.displayInfo(label1, label2, o, m, unique_test) # calculate hidden values h_test = uvlc.cal_hidden_keras(np.array(test2), layer) # update the coverage # update NC coverage nctoe.update_features(test2) # update KMNC coverage kmnctoe.update_features(test2) # update NBC coverage nbctoe.update_features(test2) # update SNAC coverage snactoe.update_features(test2) # update SC coverage SCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update BC coverage BCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update TC coverage TCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) X_test = X_test + test2.tolist() if Mutation == 'genetic': num_generation = 10 sc_test_record = SCtoe.testObjective.test_record bc_test_record = BCtoe.testObjective.test_record tc_test_record = TCtoe.testObjective.test_record if len(sc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for SC') sc_feature, sc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(sc_test_record.items())) seed_id_sc = sc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) sc_label_1 = Y_seeds[seed_id_sc] # boost coverage with GA sc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(uvlc, SCtoe, sc_feature, np.array(X_test[sc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, uvlc.numSamples) sc_label_2 = uvlc.predict_test(np.array([sc_test_2]))[0] print('\n') if len(bc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for BC') bc_feature, bc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(bc_test_record.items())) seed_id_bc = bc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) bc_label_1 = Y_seeds[seed_id_bc] # boost coverage with GA bc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(uvlc, BCtoe, bc_feature, np.array(X_test[bc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, uvlc.numSamples) bc_label_2 = uvlc.predict_test(np.array([bc_test_2]))[0] print('\n') if len(tc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for TC') tc_feature, tc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(tc_test_record.items())) seed_id_tc = tc_cov_fit[1] % len(X_seeds) tc_label_1 = Y_seeds[seed_id_tc] # boost coverage with GA tc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(uvlc, TCtoe, tc_feature, np.array(X_test[tc_cov_fit[1]]), num_generation, uvlc.numSamples) tc_label_2 = uvlc.predict_test(np.array([tc_test_2]))[0] # write information to file writeInfo(r, uvlc.numSamples, uvlc.numAdv, uvlc.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, kmnctoe.coverage, nbctoe.coverage, snactoe.coverage, SCtoe.coverage, BCtoe.coverage, TCtoe.coverage, len(uvlc.unique_adv)) print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() kmnctoe.displayCoverage() nbctoe.displayCoverage() snactoe.displayCoverage() SCtoe.displayCoverage() BCtoe.displayCoverage() TCtoe.displayCoverage() uvlc.displaySamples() print('unique adv.', len(uvlc.unique_adv)) uvlc.displaySuccessRate()
def ts_lstm_test(r, threshold_CC, threshold_MC, symbols_SQ, seq, TestCaseNum, minimalTest, TargMetri, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() random.seed(1) # set oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.2 # load model ts = tsClass() ts.load_data('dataset/sp500.csv', 50, True) model = ts.load_model() if not model: ts.train_model() # minimal test dataset generation if minimalTest != '0': ncdata = [] ccdata = [] mcdata = [] sqpdata = [] sqndata = [] # test layer layer = 1 termin = 0 test_data = [ 1455.219971, 1399.420044, 1402.109985, 1403.449951, 1441.469971, 1457.599976, 1438.560059, 1432.25, 1449.680054, 1465.150024, 1455.140015, 1455.900024, 1445.569946, 1441.359985, 1401.530029, 1410.030029, 1404.089966, 1398.560059, 1360.160034, 1394.459961, 1409.280029, 1409.119995, 1424.969971, 1424.369995, 1424.23999, 1441.719971, 1411.709961, 1416.829956, 1387.119995, 1389.939941, 1402.050049, 1387.670044, 1388.26001, 1346.089966, 1352.170044, 1360.689941, 1353.430054, 1333.359985, 1348.050049, 1366.420044, 1379.189941, 1381.76001, 1409.170044, 1391.280029, 1355.619995, 1366.699951, 1401.689941, 1395.069946, 1383.619995, 1359.150024 ] # predict logD value from smiles representation test_array = np.array(test_data).reshape((1, 50, 1)) test = np.array(ts.create_sequence(test_array)) h_t, c_t, f_t = ts.cal_hidden_state(test) # input seeds X_train = ts.X_train[random.sample(range(3100), 3000)] # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) nctoe.model = ts.model nctoe.testObjective.layer = layer nctoe.testCase = test activations_nc = nctoe.get_activations() nctoe.testObjective.feature = (np.argwhere( activations_nc >= np.min(activations_nc))).tolist() nctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # test objective CC cctoe = CCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) cctoe.model = ts.model cctoe.testObjective.layer = layer cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.threshold = float(threshold_CC) activations_cc = cctoe.get_activations() total_features_cc = (np.argwhere( activations_cc >= np.min(activations_cc))).tolist() cctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_cc cctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() cctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective MC mctoe = MCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) mctoe.model = ts.model mctoe.testObjective.layer = layer mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.threshold = float(threshold_MC) activations_mc = mctoe.get_activations() total_features_mc = (np.argwhere( activations_mc >= np.min(activations_mc))).tolist() mctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_mc mctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() mctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective SQ sqtoe = SQTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) sqtoe.model = ts.model sqtoe.testObjective.layer = layer sqtoe.symbols = int(symbols_SQ) # generate all the features # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) #slice(70, 75) # characters to represent time series alpha_list = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + int(symbols_SQ))] symb = ''.join(alpha_list) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_p = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_n = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() for test in X_train: for i in range(4): pred1 = ts.displayInfo(test) # get next input test2 from the current input test smiles = ts.vect_smile(np.array([test])) new_smiles = np.array([sme.randomize_smiles(smiles[0], i)]) test2 = np.squeeze(ts.smile_vect(new_smiles)) if not (test2 is None): pred2 = ts.displayInfo(test2) h_t, c_t, f_t = ts.cal_hidden_state(test2) cctoe.hidden = h_t ts.updateSample(pred1, pred2, 0, True) # update NC coverage nctoe.testCase = test2 nctoe.update_features() # update CC coverage cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.update_features() # update MC coverage mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.update_features() # update SQ coverage sqtoe.hidden = h_t sqtoe.update_features(indices) # write information to file writeInfo(r, ts.numSamples, ts.numAdv, ts.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, cctoe.coverage, mctoe.coverage, sqtoe.coverage_p, sqtoe.coverage_n) # terminate condition if TargMetri == 'CC': termin = cctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'GC': termin = mctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'SQN': termin = sqtoe.coverage_n elif TargMetri == 'SQP': termin = sqtoe.coverage_p # output test cases and adversarial example if minimalTest == '0': f = open('output/smiles_test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if abs(pred1 - pred2) >= 1: f = open('adv_output/adv_smiles_test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() else: if nctoe.minimal == 1: ncdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_nc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if cctoe.minimal == 1: ccdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_cc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if mctoe.minimal == 1: mcdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_mc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimalp == 1: sqpdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqp/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimaln == 1: sqndata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqn/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() # check termination condition if ts.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float( CoverageStop): continue else: io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_CC.mat', {'feature_count_CC': cctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_GC.mat', {'feature_count_GC': mctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) # if minimalTest != '0': #'minimal_nc/ncdata', ncdata) #'minimal_cc/ccdata', ccdata) #'minimal_mc/mcdata', mcdata) #'minimal_sqp/sqpdata', sqpdata) #'minimal_sqn/sqndata', sqndata) break if ts.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float(CoverageStop): continue else: break print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() cctoe.displayCoverage() mctoe.displayCoverage() sqtoe.displayCoverage1() sqtoe.displayCoverage2() ts.displaySamples() ts.displaySuccessRate()
def mnist_lstm_test(r, threshold_CC, threshold_MC, symbols_SQ, seq, TestCaseNum, minimalTest, TargMetri, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() # epsilon value range (a, b] random.seed(3) a = 0.05 b = 0.1 step_bound = 5 # set up oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.005 # load model mn = mnistclass() mn.load_model() # test layer layer = 1 termin = 0 # test case test = mn.X_test[15] h_t, c_t, f_t = mn.cal_hidden_state(test, layer) # input seeds X_train = mn.X_train[random.sample(range(20000), 5000)] # minimal test dataset generation if minimalTest != '0': ncdata = [] ccdata = [] mcdata = [] sqpdata = [] sqndata = [] # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) nctoe.model = mn.model nctoe.testObjective.layer = layer nctoe.testCase = test activations_nc = nctoe.get_activations() nctoe.testObjective.feature = (np.argwhere( activations_nc >= np.min(activations_nc))).tolist() nctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # test objective CC cctoe = CCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) cctoe.model = mn.model cctoe.testObjective.layer = layer cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.threshold = float(threshold_CC) activations_cc = cctoe.get_activations() total_features_cc = (np.argwhere( activations_cc >= np.min(activations_cc))).tolist() cctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_cc cctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() cctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective MC mctoe = MCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) mctoe.model = mn.model mctoe.testObjective.layer = layer mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.threshold = float(threshold_MC) activations_mc = mctoe.get_activations() total_features_mc = (np.argwhere( activations_mc >= np.min(activations_mc))).tolist() mctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_mc mctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() mctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective SQ sqtoe = SQTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) sqtoe.model = mn.model sqtoe.testObjective.layer = layer sqtoe.symbols = int(symbols_SQ) # generate all the features # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # characters to represent time series alpha_list = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + int(symbols_SQ))] symb = ''.join(alpha_list) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_p = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_n = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # get gradient function for the mnist f, nodes_names = get_gradients_function(mn.model, mn.layerName(0)) for test in X_train: for i in range(4): o = oracle(test, 2, oracleRadius) last_activation = np.squeeze(mn.model.predict(test[np.newaxis, :])) (label1, conf1) = mn.displayInfo(test) epsilon = random.uniform(a, b) # get next input test2 from the current input test step = random.randint(1, step_bound) test2 = getNextInputByGradient(f, nodes_names, mn, epsilon, test, last_activation, step) if not (test2 is None): (label2, conf2) = mn.displayInfo(test2) h_t, c_t, f_t = mn.cal_hidden_state(test2, layer) mn.updateSample(label2, label1, o.measure(test2), o.passOracle(test2)) # update NC coverage nctoe.testCase = test2 nctoe.update_features() # update CC coverage cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.update_features() # update MC coverage mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.update_features() # update SQ coverage sqtoe.hidden = h_t sqtoe.update_features(indices) # write information to file writeInfo(r, mn.numSamples, mn.numAdv, mn.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, cctoe.coverage, mctoe.coverage, sqtoe.coverage_p, sqtoe.coverage_n) # terminate condition if TargMetri == 'CC': termin = cctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'GC': termin = mctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'SQN': termin = sqtoe.coverage_n elif TargMetri == 'SQP': termin = sqtoe.coverage_p # output test cases and adversarial example if minimalTest == '0': img = test2.reshape((28, 28, 1)) pred_img = image.array_to_img(img)'output/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) if label2 != label1 and o.passOracle(test2) == True:'adv_output/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) else: img = test2.reshape((28, 28, 1)) pred_img = image.array_to_img(img) if nctoe.minimal == 1: ncdata.append(test2)'minimal_nc/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) if cctoe.minimal == 1: ccdata.append(test2)'minimal_cc/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) if mctoe.minimal == 1: mcdata.append(test2)'minimal_mc/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) if sqtoe.minimalp == 1: sqpdata.append(test2)'minimal_sqp/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) if sqtoe.minimaln == 1: sqndata.append(test2)'minimal_sqn/output_%d_%d_%d.jpg' % (mn.numSamples, label1, label2)) # check termination condition if mn.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float( CoverageStop): continue else: io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_CC.mat', {'feature_count_CC': cctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_GC.mat', {'feature_count_GC': mctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) # if minimalTest != '0': #'minimal_nc/ncdata', ncdata) #'minimal_cc/ccdata', ccdata) #'minimal_mc/mcdata', mcdata) #'minimal_sqp/sqpdata', sqpdata) #'minimal_sqn/sqndata', sqndata) break if mn.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float(CoverageStop): continue else: break print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() cctoe.displayCoverage() mctoe.displayCoverage() sqtoe.displayCoverage1() sqtoe.displayCoverage2() mn.displaySamples() mn.displaySuccessRate()
def sentimentGenerateTestSuite(r, threshold_SC, threshold_BC, symbols_TC, seq, TestCaseNum, Mutation, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() seeds = 3 random.seed(seeds) # set oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.2 # load model sm = Sentiment() sm.load_model() # test layer layer = 1 #choose time step to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # calculate mean and std for z-norm h_train = sm.cal_hidden_keras(sm.X_train, layer) mean_TC, std_TC, max_SC, min_SC, max_BC, min_BC = aggregate_inf( h_train, indices) # get the seeds pool X_seeds = [] # input seeds for label_idx in range(2): x_class = sm.X_train[sm.y_train == label_idx] for i in range(100, 200): X_seeds.append(x_class[i]) # X_seeds = sm.X_train[sm.y_train == 0] # X_seeds = X_seeds[:100] # predict sentiment from reviews review = "really good film to watch and highly recommended" # review = "movie is horrible and watching experience is terrible" tmp = sm.fromTextToID(review) test = np.squeeze(sm.pre_processing_x([tmp])) [h_t, c_t, f_t] = sm.cal_hidden_state(test, layer) # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_nc = 0 nctoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, layer, threshold_nc, test) # test objective KMNC kmnctoe = KMNCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) k_sec = 10 kmnctoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, layer, k_sec, test) # test objective NBC nbctoe = NBCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) ub = 0.7 lb = -0.7 nbctoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, layer, ub, lb, test) # test objective SNAC snactoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) threshold_snac = 0.7 snactoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, layer, threshold_snac, test) # test objective SC SCtoe = SCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) SC_test_obj = 'h' act_SC = SCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) SCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, SC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_SC), indices, max_SC, min_SC, np.squeeze(act_SC)) # test objective BC BCtoe = BCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) BC_test_obj = 'h' act_BC = BCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) BCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, BC_test_obj, layer, float(threshold_BC), indices, max_BC, min_BC, np.squeeze(act_BC)) # test objective TC TCtoe = TCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) seq_len = 5 TC_test_obj = 'h' act_TC = TCtoe.get_activations(np.array([h_t])) TCtoe.testObjective.setParamters(sm.model, TC_test_obj, layer, int(symbols_TC), seq_len, indices, mean_TC, std_TC) # visualize internal structure information # act_TC = np.squeeze(act_TC)[-8:] # act_SC = np.squeeze(act_SC)[-8:] # act_TC = Z_ScoreNormalization(act_TC, mean_TC, std_TC) # act_BC = np.sum(f_t, axis=1) / float(f_t.shape[1]) # act_BC = act_BC[-8:] # act_SC = (act_SC - min_SC) / (max_SC - min_SC) # # plt.figure(1) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_TC)) # plt.plot(plot_x, act_TC) # plt.ylabel('$\\xi_t^{h}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # plt.figure(2) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_BC)) #, act_BC) # plt.ylabel('$\\xi_t^{f, avg}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # plt.figure(3) # plot_x = np.arange(len(act_SC)) #, act_SC) # plt.xlabel('Input', fontsize=14) # plt.ylabel('$\Delta\\xi_t^{h}$', fontsize=14) # plt.xticks(fontsize=14) # plt.yticks(fontsize=14) # text_seeds = [sm.fromIDToText(item) for item in X_seeds] y_seeds = sm.getOutputResult(X_seeds) X_test = [] r_t = 400 // len(X_seeds) while sm.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum): # generate test cases unique_test = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X_seeds)), r_t, axis=0) y_test1 = np.repeat(y_seeds, r_t, axis=0) alpha = random.uniform(0.01, oracleRadius) aug_text = [] for text in text_seeds: out = eda(text, sm.numSamples, alpha_sr=alpha, alpha_ri=alpha, alpha_rs=alpha, p_rd=alpha, num_aug=r_t) aug_text = aug_text + out tmp = [sm.fromTextToID(text) for text in aug_text] test2 = sm.pre_processing_x(tmp) if sm.numSamples > 0 and Mutation == 'genetic': y_test1 = np.concatenate( (y_test1, np.array([sc_test_1]), np.array([bc_test_1]), np.array([tc_test_1]))) test2 = np.concatenate( (test2, np.array([sc_test_2]), np.array([bc_test_2]), np.array([tc_test_2]))) unique_test = np.concatenate( (unique_test, np.array([seed_id_sc]), np.array([seed_id_bc]), np.array([seed_id_tc]))) y_test2 = sm.getOutputResult(test2) # # display statistics of adv. sm.displayInfo(y_test1, y_test2, alpha, unique_test) # calculate the hidden state h_test = sm.cal_hidden_keras(test2, layer) # update the coverage # update NC coverage nctoe.update_features(test2) # update KMNC coverage kmnctoe.update_features(test2) # update NBC coverage nbctoe.update_features(test2) # update SNAC coverage snactoe.update_features(test2) # update SC coverage SCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update BC coverage BCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) # update TC coverage TCtoe.update_features(h_test, len(X_test)) X_test = X_test + test2.tolist() if Mutation == 'genetic': num_generation = 10 sc_test_record = SCtoe.testObjective.test_record bc_test_record = BCtoe.testObjective.test_record tc_test_record = TCtoe.testObjective.test_record if len(sc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for SC') sc_feature, sc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(sc_test_record.items())) seed_id_sc = sc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) sc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_sc] # boost coverage with GA sc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(sm, SCtoe, sc_feature, np.array(X_test[sc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, sm.numSamples) print('\n') if len(bc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for BC') bc_feature, bc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(bc_test_record.items())) seed_id_bc = bc_cov_fit[0] % len(X_seeds) bc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_bc] # boost coverage with GA bc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(sm, BCtoe, bc_feature, np.array(X_test[bc_cov_fit[0]]), num_generation, sm.numSamples) print('\n') if len(tc_test_record) != 0: print('boost coverage for TC') tc_feature, tc_cov_fit = random.choice( list(tc_test_record.items())) seed_id_tc = tc_cov_fit[1] % len(X_seeds) tc_test_1 = y_seeds[seed_id_tc] # boost coverage with GA tc_test_2 = getNextInputByGA(sm, TCtoe, tc_feature, np.array(X_test[tc_cov_fit[1]]), num_generation, sm.numSamples) # write information to file writeInfo(r, sm.numSamples, sm.numAdv, sm.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, kmnctoe.coverage, nbctoe.coverage, snactoe.coverage, SCtoe.coverage, BCtoe.coverage, TCtoe.coverage, len(sm.unique_adv)) print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() kmnctoe.displayCoverage() nbctoe.displayCoverage() snactoe.displayCoverage() SCtoe.displayCoverage() BCtoe.displayCoverage() TCtoe.displayCoverage() print('unique adv.', len(sm.unique_adv)) sm.displaySuccessRate()
def lipo_lstm_test(r, threshold_CC, threshold_MC, symbols_SQ, seq, TestCaseNum, minimalTest, TargMetri, CoverageStop): r.resetTime() random.seed(1) # set oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.2 # load model lipo = lipoClass() lipo.load_data() lipo.load_model() # minimal test dataset generation if minimalTest != '0': ncdata = [] ccdata = [] mcdata = [] sqpdata = [] sqndata = [] # test layer layer = 1 termin = 0 # predict logD value from smiles representation smiles = np.array(['CCC(=O)O[C@@]1(CC[NH+](C[C@H]1CC=C)C)c2ccccc2']) test = np.squeeze(lipo.smile_vect(smiles)) h_t, c_t, f_t = lipo.cal_hidden_state(test) # input seeds X_train = lipo.X_train[random.sample(range(3100), 3000)] # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) nctoe.model = lipo.model nctoe.testObjective.layer = layer nctoe.testCase = test activations_nc = nctoe.get_activations() nctoe.testObjective.feature = (np.argwhere( activations_nc >= np.min(activations_nc))).tolist() nctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # test objective CC cctoe = CCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) cctoe.model = lipo.model cctoe.testObjective.layer = layer cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.threshold = float(threshold_CC) activations_cc = cctoe.get_activations() total_features_cc = (np.argwhere( activations_cc >= np.min(activations_cc))).tolist() cctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_cc cctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() cctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective MC mctoe = MCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) mctoe.model = lipo.model mctoe.testObjective.layer = layer mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.threshold = float(threshold_MC) activations_mc = mctoe.get_activations() total_features_mc = (np.argwhere( activations_mc >= np.min(activations_mc))).tolist() mctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_mc mctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() mctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective SQ sqtoe = SQTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) sqtoe.model = lipo.model sqtoe.testObjective.layer = layer sqtoe.symbols = int(symbols_SQ) # generate all the features # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) #slice(70, 75) # characters to represent time series alpha_list = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + int(symbols_SQ))] symb = ''.join(alpha_list) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_p = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_n = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2 - t1 + 1)) sqtoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # define smile enumerator of a molecule sme = SmilesEnumerator() for test in X_train: for i in range(4): pred1 = lipo.displayInfo(test) # get next input test2 from the current input test smiles = lipo.vect_smile(np.array([test])) new_smiles = np.array([sme.randomize_smiles(smiles[0], i)]) test2 = np.squeeze(lipo.smile_vect(new_smiles)) if not (test2 is None): pred2 = lipo.displayInfo(test2) h_t, c_t, f_t = lipo.cal_hidden_state(test2) cctoe.hidden = h_t lipo.updateSample(pred1, pred2, 0, True) # update NC coverage nctoe.testCase = test2 nctoe.update_features() # update CC coverage cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.update_features() # update MC coverage mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.update_features() # update SQ coverage sqtoe.hidden = h_t sqtoe.update_features(indices) # write information to file writeInfo(r, lipo.numSamples, lipo.numAdv, lipo.perturbations, nctoe.coverage, cctoe.coverage, mctoe.coverage, sqtoe.coverage_p, sqtoe.coverage_n) # terminate condition if TargMetri == 'CC': termin = cctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'GC': termin = mctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'SQN': termin = sqtoe.coverage_n elif TargMetri == 'SQP': termin = sqtoe.coverage_p # output test cases and adversarial example if minimalTest == '0': f = open('output/smiles_test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if abs(pred1 - pred2) >= 1: f = open('adv_output/adv_smiles_test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() else: if nctoe.minimal == 1: ncdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_nc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if cctoe.minimal == 1: ccdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_cc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if mctoe.minimal == 1: mcdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_mc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimalp == 1: sqpdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqp/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimaln == 1: sqndata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqn/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(new_smiles[0]) f.write('\n') f.close() # check termination condition if lipo.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float( CoverageStop): continue else: io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_CC.mat', {'feature_count_CC': cctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) io.savemat( 'log_folder/feature_count_GC.mat', {'feature_count_GC': mctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) # if minimalTest != '0': #'minimal_nc/ncdata', ncdata) #'minimal_cc/ccdata', ccdata) #'minimal_mc/mcdata', mcdata) #'minimal_sqp/sqpdata', sqpdata) #'minimal_sqn/sqndata', sqndata) break if lipo.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float(CoverageStop): continue else: break print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() cctoe.displayCoverage() mctoe.displayCoverage() sqtoe.displayCoverage1() sqtoe.displayCoverage2() lipo.displaySamples() lipo.displaySuccessRate()
def sentimentGenerateTestSuite(r,threshold_CC,threshold_MC,symbols_SQ,seq,TestCaseNum,minimalTest,TargMetri,CoverageStop): r.resetTime() random.seed(1) # set oracle radius oracleRadius = 0.2 # load model sm = Sentiment() sm.load_model() # test layer layer = 1 termin = 0 # minimal test dataset generation if minimalTest != '0': ncdata = [] ccdata = [] mcdata = [] sqpdata = [] sqndata = [] # predict sentiment from reviews review = "i really dislike the movie" tmp = sm.fromTextToID(review) test = np.squeeze(sm.pre_processing_x(tmp)) h_t, c_t, f_t = sm.cal_hidden_state(test) # input seeds X_train = sm.X_train[random.sample(range(20000),5000)] # test objective NC nctoe = NCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) nctoe.model = sm.model nctoe.testObjective.layer = layer nctoe.testCase = test activations_nc = nctoe.get_activations() nctoe.testObjective.feature = (np.argwhere(activations_nc >= np.min(activations_nc))).tolist() nctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() # test objective CC cctoe = CCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) cctoe.model = sm.model cctoe.testObjective.layer = layer cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.threshold = float(threshold_CC) activations_cc = cctoe.get_activations() total_features_cc = (np.argwhere(activations_cc >= np.min(activations_cc))).tolist() cctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_cc cctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() cctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective MC mctoe = MCTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) mctoe.model = sm.model mctoe.testObjective.layer = layer mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.threshold = float(threshold_MC) activations_mc = mctoe.get_activations() total_features_mc = (np.argwhere(activations_mc >= np.min(activations_mc))).tolist() mctoe.testObjective.feature = total_features_mc mctoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() mctoe.testObjective.setfeaturecount() # test objective SQ sqtoe = SQTestObjectiveEvaluation(r) sqtoe.model = sm.model sqtoe.testObjective.layer = layer sqtoe.symbols = int(symbols_SQ) # generate all the features # choose time steps to cover t1 = int(seq[0]) t2 = int(seq[1]) indices = slice(t1, t2 + 1) # slice(480, 485) # characters to represent time series alpha_list = [chr(i) for i in range(97, 97 + int(symbols_SQ))] symb = ''.join(alpha_list) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_p = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2-t1+1)) sqtoe.testObjective.feature_n = list(iter.product(symb, repeat=t2-t1+1)) sqtoe.testObjective.setOriginalNumOfFeature() for test in X_train: for i in range(4): text = sm.fromIDToText(test) (label1, conf1) = sm.displayInfo(test) # get next input test2 # test case pertubations alpha = random.uniform(0.001, oracleRadius) aug_text = eda(text, alpha_sr=alpha, alpha_ri=alpha, alpha_rs=alpha, p_rd=alpha, num_aug=1) tmp = sm.fromTextToID(str(aug_text[0])) test2 = np.squeeze(sm.pre_processing_x(tmp)) if not (test2 is None): (label2, conf2) = sm.displayInfo(test2) h_t, c_t, f_t = sm.cal_hidden_state(test2) cctoe.hidden = h_t sm.updateSample(label2, label1, alpha, True) # update NC coverage nctoe.testCase = test2 nctoe.update_features() # update CC coverage cctoe.hidden = h_t cctoe.update_features() # update MC coverage mctoe.hidden = f_t mctoe.update_features() # update SQ coverage sqtoe.hidden = h_t sqtoe.update_features(indices) # write information to file writeInfo(r, sm.numSamples, sm.numAdv, sm.perturbations,nctoe.coverage,cctoe.coverage, mctoe.coverage, sqtoe.coverage_p,sqtoe.coverage_n) # terminate condition if TargMetri == 'CC': termin = cctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'GC': termin = mctoe.coverage elif TargMetri == 'SQN': termin = sqtoe.coverage_n elif TargMetri == 'SQP': termin = sqtoe.coverage_p # output test cases and adversarial examples if minimalTest == '0': f = open('output/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() if label2 != label1 : f = open('adv_output/adv_test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.write(str(label2)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() else: if nctoe.minimal == 1 : ncdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_nc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() if cctoe.minimal == 1 : ccdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_cc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() if mctoe.minimal == 1 : mcdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_mc/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimalp == 1 : sqpdata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqp/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() if sqtoe.minimaln == 1 : sqndata.append(test2) f = open('minimal_sqn/test_set.txt', 'a') f.write(str(label1)) f.write('\t') f.writelines(str(aug_text[0])) f.write('\n') f.close() # check termination condition if sm.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float(CoverageStop): continue else: io.savemat('log_folder/feature_count_CC.mat', {'feature_count_CC': cctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) io.savemat('log_folder/feature_count_GC.mat', {'feature_count_GC': mctoe.testObjective.feature_count}) # if minimalTest != '0': #'minimal_nc/ncdata', ncdata) #'minimal_cc/ccdata', ccdata) #'minimal_mc/mcdata', mcdata) #'minimal_sqp/sqpdata', sqpdata) #'minimal_sqn/sqndata', sqndata) break if sm.numSamples < int(TestCaseNum) and termin < float(CoverageStop): continue else: break print("statistics: \n") nctoe.displayCoverage() cctoe.displayCoverage() mctoe.displayCoverage() sqtoe.displayCoverage1() sqtoe.displayCoverage2() sm.displaySamples() sm.displaySuccessRate()