smtp_host = "localhost"
smtp_port = -1
smtp_use_ssl = FalseTrue
smtp_username = ""
smtp_password = ""
# If using SSL on port 587, and you get this error:
#     ssl.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:504: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol
# use port 465 rather than 587.
# -
smtp_host = "<smtp_host>"
smtp_port = 465
smtp_use_ssl = True
smtp_username = "******"
smtp_password = "******"
reddit_collector.email_initialize( smtp_host_IN = smtp_host, smtp_port_IN = smtp_port, smtp_use_ssl_IN = smtp_use_ssl, smtp_username_IN = smtp_username, smtp_password_IN = smtp_password )

# set email address to which status updates will be sent.
reddit_collector.set_email_status_address( "<email_address>" )

# test sending email status (from and to the email_status_address).
#reddit_collector.email_send_status( "test message", "test subject" )

# first, retrieve one or more posts from database using Django QuerySets
# -
import reddit_collect.models

# get all posts where the related subreddit has filter_1 = True.
#matching_subreddit_qs = reddit_collect.models.Subreddit.objects.filter( filter_1 = True ).values( 'id' )

# get all posts where the related subreddit has filter_2 = True AND filter_1 = False.