Beispiel #1
# settings
DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = "development key"
REDIS = {"host": "localhost", "port": 6379, "password": None, "db": 0}

# Initialize app. Defaults are loaded from the namespace of this module. If the
# MARCEL_SETTINGS environment variable is set, import settings from whatever
# file it points to.
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config.from_envvar("MARCEL_SETTINGS", silent=True)

# Configure a Redis connection instance
redis = Redis(**app.config["REDIS"])
redis.error = RedisError  # for convenience's sake; use in try/except

# Set up flask-openid to use Redis as its datastore
redis_store_factory = lambda: RedisStore(key_prefix="marcel:oid", conn=redis)
oid = OpenID(app, store_factory=redis_store_factory)

app.config["OPENID_PROVIDERS"] = {"google": "", "yahoo": ""}

# Set up flask-babel and register dependent template filters
babel = Babel(app)
app.jinja_env.filters["format_datetime"] = format_datetime
app.jinja_env.filters["timesince"] = timesince

def reset_app():
    """ Reset Marcel by deleting all associated keys """