Beispiel #1
def test_autolink_simple():
    result = util.autolink('This is a simple link to')
    assert result == 'This is a simple link to <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'

    result = util.autolink('A link without a schema maybe?')
    assert result == 'A link without a schema <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> maybe?'

    result = util.autolink('Shortened link for ex.')
    assert result == 'Shortened link <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> for ex.'
Beispiel #2
def test_autolink_simple():
    result = util.autolink('This is a simple link to')
    assert result == 'This is a simple link to <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'

    result = util.autolink(
        'A link without a schema maybe?')
    assert result == 'A link without a schema <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> maybe?'

    result = util.autolink('Shortened link for ex.')
    assert result == 'Shortened link <a class="auto-link" href=""></a> for ex.'
Beispiel #3
def guess_content(post):
    name = None
    picture = None
    link = None
    message = ""

    if post.title:
        message += post.title + "\n\n"

    html = util.autolink(util.markdown_filter(post.content))

    message += util.format_as_text(html)

    if post.post_type != "article":
        message += " (" + post.shortlink + ")"

    if post.post_type == "share":
        link = next((s.url for s in post.repost_contexts), None)

    elif post.post_type == "article":
        name = post.title
        link = post.permalink

    elif post.post_type == "photo" and post.attachments:
        picture = post.attachments[0].url

        # first link becomes the target
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

        # filter out hashtags
        link = next(filter(lambda h: h and not h.startswith("#"), (a.get("href") for a in soup.find_all("a"))), None)

    return message, link, name, picture
Beispiel #4
def test_parsing_hashtags():
    """Exercise the #-tag matching regex

    test_cases = [
        ('#hashtag should be linked',
         '<a href="/tags/hashtag">#hashtag</a> should be linked',
        ('hashtag should not be linked',
         'hashtag should not be linked',
        ('match #hashtags in the middle',
         'match <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> in the middle',
        ('match a tag at the #end',
         'match a tag at the <a href="/tags/end">#end</a>',
        ('#1 should not be linked',
         '#1 should not be linked',
        ('#12345 should be linked',
         '<a href="/tags/12345">#12345</a> should be linked',
        ('#.foobar should not be linked',
         '#.foobar should not be linked',
        (' should be partially linked',
         '<a href="/tags/foo">#foo</a>.bar should be partially linked',
        ('capital letters in #HashTags will be lowercased',
         'capital letters in <a href="/tags/hashtags">#HashTags</a> will be lowercased',
        ('duplicate #hashtags should parse both #hashtags fine',
         'duplicate <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> should parse both <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> fine',
        ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam sem, in tempus elit lacinia vel. Integer accumsan cursus purus et euismod. Nullam ultricies nunc sit amet ante consequat porta. Pellentesque et porta odio. Sed et neque cursus, iaculis lorem nec, laoreet odio. Donec molestie volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus elit ut massa pretium luctus. #Nullam sollicitudin ligula vitae tincidunt suscipit. Maecenas in neque porta, scelerisque metus at, mollis nunc. Fusce accumsan imperdiet velit, in tincidunt tellus aliquam ac. Nullam iaculis vel urna sed vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam et tortor turpis. Vivamus mattis enim lacus, in aliquet nulla blandit.',
         'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam sem, in tempus elit lacinia vel. Integer accumsan cursus purus et euismod. Nullam ultricies nunc sit amet ante consequat porta. Pellentesque et porta odio. Sed et neque cursus, iaculis lorem nec, laoreet odio. Donec molestie volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus elit ut massa pretium luctus. <a href="/tags/nullam">#Nullam</a> sollicitudin ligula vitae tincidunt suscipit. Maecenas in neque porta, scelerisque metus at, mollis nunc. Fusce accumsan imperdiet velit, in tincidunt tellus aliquam ac. Nullam iaculis vel urna sed vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam et tortor turpis. Vivamus mattis enim lacus, in aliquet nulla blandit.',
        ('this hash#tag will not be parsed',
         'this hash#tag will not be parsed',
         '<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>',

    for inp, out, tags in test_cases:
        ts = util.find_hashtags(inp)
        res = util.autolink(inp)
        assert out == res
        assert tags == ts
Beispiel #5
def test_autolink_urls():
    """Exercise the URL matching regex
    test_cases = [
        ('this should be',
         'this should be <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'),
        ('this should not be link.linked',
         'this should not be link.linked'),
        ('a link to, should end at the comma',
         'a link to <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>, should end at the comma'),
        ('A link to$qrst&v should not terminate early',
         'A link to <a class="auto-link" href="$qrst&v">$qrst&v</a> should not terminate early'),
        ('HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected',
         'HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected'),
        ('Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>',
         'Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>')

    for inp, out in test_cases:
        assert out == util.autolink(inp)
Beispiel #6
def test_parsing_hashtags():
    """Exercise the #-tag matching regex

    test_cases = [
        ('#hashtag should be linked',
         '<a href="/tags/hashtag">#hashtag</a> should be linked', ['hashtag']),
        ('hashtag should not be linked', 'hashtag should not be linked', []),
        ('match #hashtags in the middle',
         'match <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> in the middle',
        ('match a tag at the #end',
         'match a tag at the <a href="/tags/end">#end</a>', ['end']),
        ('#1 should not be linked', '#1 should not be linked', []),
        ('#12345 should be linked',
         '<a href="/tags/12345">#12345</a> should be linked', ['12345']),
        ('#.foobar should not be linked', '#.foobar should not be linked', []),
        (' should be partially linked',
         '<a href="/tags/foo">#foo</a>.bar should be partially linked',
        ('capital letters in #HashTags will be lowercased',
         'capital letters in <a href="/tags/hashtags">#HashTags</a> will be lowercased',
        ('duplicate #hashtags should parse both #hashtags fine',
         'duplicate <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> should parse both <a href="/tags/hashtags">#hashtags</a> fine',
         ['hashtags', 'hashtags']),
        ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam sem, in tempus elit lacinia vel. Integer accumsan cursus purus et euismod. Nullam ultricies nunc sit amet ante consequat porta. Pellentesque et porta odio. Sed et neque cursus, iaculis lorem nec, laoreet odio. Donec molestie volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus elit ut massa pretium luctus. #Nullam sollicitudin ligula vitae tincidunt suscipit. Maecenas in neque porta, scelerisque metus at, mollis nunc. Fusce accumsan imperdiet velit, in tincidunt tellus aliquam ac. Nullam iaculis vel urna sed vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam et tortor turpis. Vivamus mattis enim lacus, in aliquet nulla blandit.',
         'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tincidunt aliquam sem, in tempus elit lacinia vel. Integer accumsan cursus purus et euismod. Nullam ultricies nunc sit amet ante consequat porta. Pellentesque et porta odio. Sed et neque cursus, iaculis lorem nec, laoreet odio. Donec molestie volutpat vestibulum. Curabitur rhoncus elit ut massa pretium luctus. <a href="/tags/nullam">#Nullam</a> sollicitudin ligula vitae tincidunt suscipit. Maecenas in neque porta, scelerisque metus at, mollis nunc. Fusce accumsan imperdiet velit, in tincidunt tellus aliquam ac. Nullam iaculis vel urna sed vulputate. Aliquam erat volutpat. Etiam et tortor turpis. Vivamus mattis enim lacus, in aliquet nulla blandit.',
        ('this hash#tag will not be parsed',
         'this hash#tag will not be parsed', []),
         '<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>',

    for inp, out, tags in test_cases:
        ts = util.find_hashtags(inp)
        res = util.autolink(inp)
        assert out == res
        assert tags == ts
Beispiel #7
def test_autolink_urls():
    """Exercise the URL matching regex
    def simple_url_marker(url, soup):
        return '<' + url + '>'

    test_cases = [
        ('this should be link.ed', 'this should be <http://link.ed>'),
        ('this should not be link.linked', 'this should not be link.linked'),
        ('a link to, should end at the comma',
         'a link to <>, should end at the comma'),
        ('A link to$qrst&v should not terminate early',
         'A link to <$qrst&v> should not terminate early'),
        ('HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected',
         'HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected'),
        ('Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>',
         'Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>')

    for inp, out in test_cases:
        assert out == util.autolink(
            inp, person_processor=None, url_processor=simple_url_marker)
Beispiel #8
def test_autolink_urls():
    """Exercise the URL matching regex
    test_cases = [
        ('this should be',
         'this should be <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'
        ('this should not be link.linked', 'this should not be link.linked'),
        ('a link to, should end at the comma',
         'a link to <a class="auto-link" href=""></a>, should end at the comma'
        ('A link to$qrst&v should not terminate early',
         'A link to <a class="auto-link" href="$qrst&v">$qrst&v</a> should not terminate early'
        ('HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected',
         'HTML links <a href=""></a> should not be affected'
        ('Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>',
         'Neither should <code><pre>http://fenced.code/blocks</pre></code>')

    for inp, out in test_cases:
        assert out == util.autolink(inp)
Beispiel #9
def test_autolink_people(db):
    """Exercise the @-name matching regex, without contacts
    def simple_name_marker(contact, name, soup):
        return '<' + name + '>'

    test_cases = [
        ('@han should be linked', '<han> should be linked'),
        ('[email protected] should not be',
         '[email protected] should not be'),
        ('@leia @luke @han', '<leia> <luke> <han>'),
        ('@leia@luke@han', '@leia@luke@han'),
        ('match a name at the end @kylewm',
         'match a name at the end <kylewm>'),
        ('match a name followed by a period @kylewm.',
         'match a name followed by a period <kylewm>.'),
        ('followed by a @comma, right?',
         'followed by a <comma>, right?'),

    for inp, out in test_cases:
        assert out == util.autolink(
            inp, person_processor=simple_name_marker,
Beispiel #10
def guess_content(post):
    name = None
    picture = None
    link = None
    message = ''

    if post.title:
        message += post.title + '\n\n'

    html = util.autolink(

    message += util.format_as_text(html)

    if post.post_type != 'article':
        message += ' (' + post.shortlink + ')'

    if post.post_type == 'share':
        link = next((s.url for s in post.repost_contexts), None)

    elif post.post_type == 'article':
        name = post.title
        link = post.permalink

    elif post.post_type == 'photo' and post.attachments:
        picture = post.attachments[0].url

        # first link becomes the target
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

        # filter out hashtags
        link = next(filter(lambda h: h and not h.startswith('#'),
                           (a.get('href') for a in soup.find_all('a'))), None)

    return message, link, name, picture
Beispiel #11
def guess_content(post):
    name = None
    picture = None
    link = None
    message = ''

    if post.title:
        message += post.title + '\n\n'

    html = util.autolink(

    message += util.format_as_text(html)

    if post.post_type != 'article':
        message += ' (' + post.shortlink + ')'

    if post.post_type == 'share':
        link = next((s.url for s in post.repost_contexts), None)

    elif post.post_type == 'article':
        name = post.title
        link = post.permalink

    elif post.post_type == 'photo' and post.attachments:
        picture = post.attachments[0].url

        # first link becomes the target
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html)

        # filter out hashtags
        link = next(filter(lambda h: h and not h.startswith('#'),
                           (a.get('href') for a in soup.find_all('a'))), None)

    return message, link, name, picture
Beispiel #12
def save_post(post):
    was_draft = post.draft
    pub_str = request.form.get('published')
    if pub_str:
        post.published = mf2util.parse_dt(pub_str)
        if post.published.tzinfo:
            post.published = post.published.astimezone(datetime.timezone.utc)\

    if 'post_type' in request.form:
        post.post_type = request.form.get('post_type')

    start_str = request.form.get('start')
    if start_str:
        start = mf2util.parse_dt(start_str)
        if start:
            post.start = start
            post.start_utcoffset = start.utcoffset()

    end_str = request.form.get('end')
    if end_str:
        end = mf2util.parse_dt(end_str)
        if end:
            post.end = end
            post.end_utcoffset = end.utcoffset()

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    if not post.published or was_draft:
        post.published = now
    post.updated = now

    # populate the Post object and save it to the database,
    # redirect to the view
    post.title = request.form.get('title', '')
    post.content = request.form.get('content')
    post.draft = request.form.get('action') == 'save_draft'
    post.hidden = request.form.get('hidden', 'false') == 'true'
    post.friends_only = request.form.get('friends_only', 'false') == 'true'

    venue_name = request.form.get('new_venue_name')
    venue_lat = request.form.get('new_venue_latitude')
    venue_lng = request.form.get('new_venue_longitude')
    if venue_name and venue_lat and venue_lng:
        venue = Venue() = venue_name
        venue.location = {
            'latitude': float(venue_lat),
            'longitude': float(venue_lng),
        venue.update_slug('{}-{}'.format(venue_lat, venue_lng))
        db.session.commit()'venue-saved', venue, request.form)
        post.venue = venue

        venue_id = request.form.get('venue')
        if venue_id:
            post.venue = Venue.query.get(venue_id)

    lat = request.form.get('latitude')
    lon = request.form.get('longitude')
    if lat and lon:
        if post.location is None:
            post.location = {}

        post.location['latitude'] = float(lat)
        post.location['longitude'] = float(lon)
        loc_name = request.form.get('location_name')
        if loc_name is not None:
            post.location['name'] = loc_name
        post.location = None

    for url_attr, context_attr in (('in_reply_to', 'reply_contexts'),
                                   ('repost_of', 'repost_contexts'),
                                   ('like_of', 'like_contexts'),
                                   ('bookmark_of', 'bookmark_contexts')):
        url_str = request.form.get(url_attr)
        if url_str is not None:
            urls = util.multiline_string_to_list(url_str)
            setattr(post, url_attr, urls)

    # fetch contexts before generating a slug

    if 'item-name' in request.form:
        post.item = util.trim_nulls({
            'name': request.form.get('item-name'),
            'author': request.form.get('item-author'),
            'photo': request.form.get('item-photo'),
    if 'rating' in request.form:
        rating = request.form.get('rating')
        post.rating = int(rating) if rating else None

    syndication = request.form.get('syndication')
    if syndication is not None:
        post.syndication = util.multiline_string_to_list(syndication)

    audience = request.form.get('audience')
    if audience is not None:
        post.audience = util.multiline_string_to_list(audience)

    tags = request.form.getlist('tags')
    if post.post_type != 'article' and post.content:
        # parse out hashtags as tag links from note-like posts
        tags += util.find_hashtags(post.content)
    tags = list(filter(None, map(util.normalize_tag, tags)))
    post.tags = [Tag.query.filter_by(name=tag).first() or Tag(tag)
                 for tag in tags]

    post.people = []
    people = request.form.getlist('people')
    for person in people:
        nick = Nick.query.filter_by(name=person).first()
        if nick:

    slug = request.form.get('slug')
    if slug:
        post.slug = util.slugify(slug)
    elif not post.slug or was_draft:
        post.slug = post.generate_slug()

    # events should use their start date for permalinks
    path_date = post.start or post.published

    if post.draft:
        m = hashlib.md5()
        m.update(bytes(path_date.isoformat() + '|' + post.slug,
        post.path = 'drafts/{}'.format(m.hexdigest())

    elif not post.path or was_draft:
        base_path = '{}/{:02d}/{}'.format(
            path_date.year, path_date.month, post.slug)
        # generate a unique path
        unique_path = base_path
        idx = 1
        while Post.load_by_path(unique_path):
            unique_path = '{}-{}'.format(base_path, idx)
            idx += 1
        post.path = unique_path

    # generate short path
    if not post.short_path:
        short_base = '{}/{}'.format(
        short_paths = set(
            row[0] for row in db.session.query(Post.short_path).filter(
        for idx in itertools.count(1):
            post.short_path = short_base + util.base60_encode(idx)
            if post.short_path not in short_paths:

    infiles = request.files.getlist('files') + request.files.getlist('photo')
    current_app.logger.debug('infiles: %s', infiles)
    for infile in infiles:
        if infile and infile.filename:
            current_app.logger.debug('receiving uploaded file %s', infile)
            attachment = create_attachment_from_file(post, infile)
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(attachment.disk_path), exist_ok=True)

    photo_url = request.form.get('photo')
    if photo_url:
        current_app.logger.debug('downloading photo from url %s', photo_url)
        temp_filename, headers = urllib.request.urlretrieve(photo_url)
        content_type = headers.get('content-type', '')
        mimetype = content_type and content_type.split(';')[0].strip()
        filename = os.path.basename(urllib.parse.urlparse(photo_url).path)
        attachment = create_attachment(post, filename, mimetype)
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(attachment.disk_path), exist_ok=True)
        shutil.copyfile(temp_filename, attachment.disk_path)

    # pre-render the post html
    html = util.markdown_filter(post.content, img_path=post.get_image_path())
    html = util.autolink(html)
    if post.post_type == 'article':
        html = util.process_people_to_microcards(html)
        html = util.process_people_to_at_names(html)
    post.content_html = html

    if not

    current_app.logger.debug('saved post %d %s',, post.permalink)
    redirect_url = post.permalink'post-saved', post, request.form)
    return redirect(redirect_url)
Beispiel #13
def test_autolink_trailing_slash():
    result = util.autolink('')
    assert result == '<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'
Beispiel #14
def test_autolink_word_boundaries():
    result = util.autolink('common.language runtime')
    assert '<a' not in result
Beispiel #15
def test_autolink_no_consecutive_periods():
    result = util.autolink(' for something completely different')
    assert '<a' not in result
Beispiel #16
def test_autolink_at_names(contacts, mocker):
    result = util.autolink("@luke this is @leia tell @obiwan he\'s our only help!")
    assert result == """<a class="microcard h-card" href=""><img src=""/>Luke Skywalker</a> this is <a class="microcard h-card" href=""><img src=""/>Princess Leia</a> tell <a href="">@obiwan</a> he's our only help!"""
Beispiel #17
def save_post(post):
    was_draft = post.draft
    pub_str = request.form.get('published')
    if pub_str:
        post.published = mf2util.parse_dt(pub_str)

    start_str = request.form.get('start')
    if start_str:
        start = mf2util.parse_dt(start_str)
        if start:
            post.start = start
            post.start_utcoffset = start.utcoffset()

    end_str = request.form.get('end')
    if end_str:
        end = mf2util.parse_dt(end_str)
        if end:
            post.end = end
            post.end_utcoffset = end.utcoffset()

    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    if not post.published or was_draft:
        post.published = now
    post.updated = now

    # populate the Post object and save it to the database,
    # redirect to the view
    post.title = request.form.get('title', '')
    post.content = request.form.get('content')
    post.draft = request.form.get('action') == 'save_draft'
    post.hidden = request.form.get('hidden', 'false') == 'true'

    venue_name = request.form.get('new_venue_name')
    venue_lat = request.form.get('new_venue_latitude')
    venue_lng = request.form.get('new_venue_longitude')
    if venue_name and venue_lat and venue_lng:
        venue = Venue() = venue_name
        venue.location = {
            'latitude': float(venue_lat),
            'longitude': float(venue_lng),
        venue.update_slug('{}-{}'.format(venue_lat, venue_lng))
        db.session.commit()'venue-saved', venue, request.form)
        post.venue = venue

        venue_id = request.form.get('venue')
        if venue_id:
            post.venue = Venue.query.get(venue_id)

    lat = request.form.get('latitude')
    lon = request.form.get('longitude')
    if lat and lon:
        if post.location is None:
            post.location = {}

        post.location['latitude'] = float(lat)
        post.location['longitude'] = float(lon)
        loc_name = request.form.get('location_name')
        if loc_name is not None:
            post.location['name'] = loc_name
        post.location = None

    for url_attr, context_attr in (('in_reply_to', 'reply_contexts'),
                                   ('repost_of', 'repost_contexts'),
                                   ('like_of', 'like_contexts'),
                                   ('bookmark_of', 'bookmark_contexts')):
        url_str = request.form.get(url_attr)
        if url_str is not None:
            urls = util.multiline_string_to_list(url_str)
            setattr(post, url_attr, urls)

    # fetch contexts before generating a slug

    syndication = request.form.get('syndication')
    if syndication is not None:
        post.syndication = util.multiline_string_to_list(syndication)

    audience = request.form.get('audience')
    if audience is not None:
        post.audience = util.multiline_string_to_list(audience)

    tags = request.form.getlist('tags')
    if post.post_type != 'article' and post.content:
        # parse out hashtags as tag links from note-like posts
        tags += util.find_hashtags(post.content)
    tags = list(filter(None, map(util.normalize_tag, tags)))
    post.tags = [Tag.query.filter_by(name=tag).first() or Tag(tag)
                 for tag in tags]

    slug = request.form.get('slug')
    if slug:
        post.slug = util.slugify(slug)
    elif not post.slug or was_draft:
        post.slug = post.generate_slug()

    # events should use their start date for permalinks
    path_date = post.start or post.published

    if post.draft:
        m = hashlib.md5()
        m.update(bytes(path_date.isoformat() + '|' + post.slug,
        post.path = 'drafts/{}'.format(m.hexdigest())

    elif not post.path or was_draft:
        base_path = '{}/{:02d}/{}'.format(
            path_date.year, path_date.month, post.slug)
        # generate a unique path
        unique_path = base_path
        idx = 1
        while Post.load_by_path(unique_path):
            unique_path = '{}-{}'.format(base_path, idx)
            idx += 1
        post.path = unique_path

    # generate short path
    if not post.short_path:
        short_base = '{}/{}'.format(
        short_paths = set(
            row[0] for row in db.session.query(Post.short_path).filter(
        for idx in itertools.count(1):
            post.short_path = short_base + util.base60_encode(idx)
            if post.short_path not in short_paths:

    infiles = request.files.getlist('files') + request.files.getlist('photo')
    current_app.logger.debug('infiles: %s', infiles)
    for infile in infiles:
        if infile and infile.filename:
            current_app.logger.debug('receiving uploaded file %s', infile)
            attachment = create_attachment_from_file(post, infile)
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(attachment.disk_path), exist_ok=True)

    # pre-render the post html
    html = util.markdown_filter(post.content, img_path=post.get_image_path())
    html = util.autolink(html)
    if post.post_type == 'article':
        html = util.process_people_to_microcards(html)
        html = util.process_people_to_at_names(html)
    post.content_html = html

    if not

    current_app.logger.debug('saved post %d %s',, post.permalink)
    redirect_url = post.permalink'post-saved', post, request.form)
    return redirect(redirect_url)
Beispiel #18
def test_autolink_no_consecutive_periods():
    result = util.autolink(' for something completely different')
    assert '<a' not in result
Beispiel #19
def test_autolink_trailing_slash():
    result = util.autolink('')
    assert result == '<a class="auto-link" href=""></a>'
Beispiel #20
def test_autolink_word_boundaries():
    result = util.autolink('common.language runtime')
    assert '<a' not in result