def add_additional_values(table_collection): """ Parameters ---------- table_collection Returns ------- """ transf = table_collection["power plants"] for values in ["variable_costs", "downtime_factor"]: if cfg.get("creator", "use_{0}".format(values)) is True: add_values = getattr(data.get_ewi_data(), values) if cfg.has_option("creator", "downtime_bioenergy"): add_values.loc["bioenergy", "value"] = cfg.get("creator", "downtime_bioenergy") transf = transf.merge( add_values, right_index=True, how="left", left_on="fuel", ) transf.drop(["unit", "source"], axis=1, inplace=True) transf.rename({"value": values}, axis=1, inplace=True) else: transf[values] = 0 table_collection["power plants"] = transf return table_collection
def fetch_data_coordinates_by_id(coastdat_id): """ Returns the coordinates of the weather data set. Parameters ---------- coastdat_id : int or str ID of the coastdat weather data set Returns ------- namedtuple : Fields are latitude and longitude Examples -------- >>> location=fetch_data_coordinates_by_id(1132101) >>> round(location.latitude, 3) 53.692 >>> round(location.longitude, 3) 11.351 """ coord = namedtuple("weather_location", "latitude, longitude") coastdat_polygons = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("coastdat", "coastdatgrid_polygon"), ) c = coastdat_polygons.loc[int(coastdat_id)].geometry.centroid return coord(latitude=c.y, longitude=c.x)
def pv_yield_by_orientation(): global START START = reduced = get_coastdat_onshore_polygons() sandia_modules = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('SandiaMod') sapm_inverters = pvlib.pvsystem.retrieve_sam('cecinverter') module = sandia_modules['LG_LG290N1C_G3__2013_'] inverter = sapm_inverters['ABB__MICRO_0_25_I_OUTD_US_208_208V__CEC_2014_'] system = {'module': module, 'inverter': inverter} system['installed_capacity'] = (system['module']['Impo'] * system['module']['Vmpo']) orientation_sets = [] n = 2 for n in range(18): ts = n * 10 te = (n + 1) * 10 if te == 90: te = 91 orientation_sets.append( sorted( set((x / 2, y / 2) for x in range(ts, te) for y in range(0, 721)))) year = 2014 key = 1129089 weather_file_name = os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'coastdat'), cfg.get('coastdat', 'file_pattern').format(year=year)) if not os.path.isfile(weather_file_name): coastdat.get_coastdat_data(year, weather_file_name) weather = pd.read_hdf(weather_file_name, mode='r', key='/A' + str(key)) path = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'analysis'), 'pv_yield_by_orientation_c', '{0}') point = reduced.centroid[key] # pv_orientation(key, point, weather, system, orientation, path) coastdat_fields = [] for orientation in orientation_sets: d = "tilt_{0}".format(str(orientation[0][0]).replace('.', '')) coastdat_fields.append({ 'key': key, 'geom': point, 'weather': weather, 'system': system, 'orientation': orientation, 'path': path.format(d), }) p = multiprocessing.Pool(6), coastdat_fields) p.close() p.join()
def get_entsoe_renewable_data(file=None, version=None): """ Load the default file for re time series or a specific file. Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> my_re=get_entsoe_renewable_data() >>> int(my_re['DE_solar_generation_actual'].sum()) 188160676 """ if version is None: version = cfg.get("entsoe", "timeseries_version") path_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "entsoe"), "{0}") if file is None: fn = path_pattern.format( cfg.get("entsoe", "renewables_file_csv").format(version=version)) else: fn = file.format(version=version) if not os.path.isfile(fn): if file is None: renewables = split_timeseries_file(version=version).renewables renewables.to_csv(fn) re = pd.read_csv( fn, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True, date_parser=lambda x: datetime.datetime.strptime( x.split("+")[0], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ) return re
def get_kba_table(): """ Get the "kfz" table for all vehicles and the "pkw" table for more statistics about passenger cars. Returns ------- namedtuple Examples -------- >>> table = get_kba_table() >>> kfz = table.kfz >>> print(type(kfz)) <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> """ kba_table = namedtuple("kba_table", "kfz pkw") kba_filename = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "general"), cfg.get("mobility", "table_kba")) # Download table if it does not exit if not os.path.isfile(kba_filename): tools.download_file(kba_filename, cfg.get("mobility", "url_kba")) return kba_table( kfz=format_kba_table(kba_filename, "Kfz_u_Kfz_Anh"), pkw=format_kba_table(kba_filename, "Pkw"), )
def deflex_profile_from_entsoe(year, share, annual_demand=None, overwrite=False): load_file = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'entsoe'), cfg.get('entsoe', 'load_file')) if not os.path.isfile(load_file) or overwrite: reegis.entsoe.split_timeseries_file(overwrite) # Fetch de load profile from entsoe de_load_profile = reegis.entsoe.get_entsoe_load(year).DE_load_ load_profile = pd.DataFrame(index=de_load_profile.index) regions = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'geo_deflex'), cfg.get('geometry', 'deflex_polygon')).format( map=cfg.get('init', 'map'), type='polygon', suffix='reegis'), index_col=[0]) for region in regions.index: region = 'DE{:02}'.format(region) if region not in share: share[region] = 0 load_profile[region] = de_load_profile.multiply(float(share[region])) if annual_demand is not None: load_profile = load_profile.div( load_profile.sum().sum()).multiply(annual_demand) return load_profile
def split_timeseries_file(filename=None, overwrite=False, version=None): """Split table into load and renewables.""" entsoe_ts = namedtuple("entsoe", ["load", "renewables"])"Splitting time series.") if version is None: version = cfg.get("entsoe", "timeseries_version") path_pattern = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "entsoe"), "{0}") if filename is None: filename = path_pattern.format( cfg.get("entsoe", "de_file").format(version=version)) if not os.path.isfile(filename) or overwrite: prepare_de_file(filename, overwrite, version) de_ts = pd.read_csv( filename.format(version=version), index_col="utc_timestamp", parse_dates=True, date_parser=lambda col: pd.to_datetime(col, utc=True), ) de_ts.index = de_ts.index.tz_convert("Europe/Berlin") de_ts.index.rename("cet_timestamp", inplace=True) de_ts["DE_load_"] = de_ts["DE_load_actual_entsoe_transparency"] if "DE_load_actual_entsoe_power_statistics" in de_ts: berlin = pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin") end_date = berlin.localize(datetime.datetime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)) de_ts.loc[de_ts.index < end_date, "DE_load_"] = de_ts.loc[ de_ts.index < end_date, "DE_load_actual_entsoe_power_statistics"] load = pd.DataFrame(de_ts[pd.notnull(de_ts["DE_load_"])]["DE_load_"], columns=["DE_load_"]) re_columns = [ "DE_solar_capacity", "DE_solar_generation_actual", "DE_solar_profile", "DE_wind_capacity", "DE_wind_generation_actual", "DE_wind_profile", "DE_wind_offshore_capacity", "DE_wind_offshore_generation_actual", "DE_wind_offshore_profile", "DE_wind_onshore_capacity", "DE_wind_onshore_generation_actual", "DE_wind_onshore_profile", ] re_subset = [ "DE_solar_capacity", "DE_solar_generation_actual", "DE_solar_profile", "DE_wind_capacity", "DE_wind_generation_actual", "DE_wind_profile", ] renewables = de_ts.dropna(subset=re_subset, how="any")[re_columns] return entsoe_ts(load=load, renewables=renewables)
def scenario_elec_demand(year, table, weather_year=None): if weather_year is None: demand_year = year else: demand_year = weather_year annual_demand = cfg.get('electricity_demand', 'annual_demand') demand_method = cfg.get('electricity_demand', 'demand_method') if annual_demand == 'bmwi': annual_demand = reegis.bmwi.get_annual_electricity_demand_bmwi(year) msg = ("Unit of BMWI electricity demand is 'TWh'. " "Will multiply it with {0} to get 'MWh'") converter = 1e+6 annual_demand = annual_demand * 1e+6 logging.warning(msg.format(converter)) df = deflex.demand.get_deflex_profile(demand_year, demand_method, annual_demand=annual_demand) df = pd.concat([df], axis=1, keys=['electrical_load']).swaplevel(0, 1, 1) df = df.reset_index(drop=True) if not calendar.isleap(year) and len(df) > 8760: df = df.iloc[:8760] return pd.concat([table, df], axis=1).sort_index(1)
def scenario_transmission(table_collection): vs = table_collection['volatile_source'] # This should be done automatic e.g. if representative point outside the # landmass polygon. offshore_regions = (cfg.get_dict_list('offshore_regions_set')[cfg.get( 'init', 'map')]) elec_trans = deflex.transmission.get_electrical_transmission_deflex() # Set transmission capacity of offshore power lines to installed capacity # Multiply the installed capacity with 1.1 to get a buffer of 10%. for offreg in offshore_regions: elec_trans.loc[elec_trans.index.str.contains(offreg), 'capacity'] = (vs[offreg].sum().sum() * 1.1) elec_trans = (pd.concat([elec_trans], axis=1, keys=['electrical']).sort_index(1)) general_efficiency = cfg.get('transmission', 'general_efficiency') if general_efficiency is not None: elec_trans['electrical', 'efficiency'] = general_efficiency else: msg = ("The calculation of the efficiency by distance is not yet " "implemented") raise NotImplementedError(msg) if cfg.get('init', 'map') == 'de22': elec_trans.loc['DE22-DE01', ('electrical', 'efficiency')] = 0.9999 elec_trans.loc['DE22-DE01', ('electrical', 'capacity')] = 9999999 return elec_trans
def read_original_timeseries_file(overwrite=False): """Read timeseries file if it exists. Otherwise download it from opsd. """ orig_csv_file = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'entsoe'), cfg.get('entsoe', 'original_file')) readme = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'entsoe'), cfg.get('entsoe', 'readme_file')) json = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'entsoe'), cfg.get('entsoe', 'json_file')) if not os.path.isfile(orig_csv_file) or overwrite: req = requests.get(cfg.get('entsoe', 'timeseries_data')) if not overwrite: logging.warning("File not found. Try to download it from server.") else: logging.warning("Will download file from server and overwrite" "existing ones") logging.warning("Check URL if download does not work.") with open(orig_csv_file, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(req.content) logging.warning("Downloaded from {0} and copied to '{1}'.".format( cfg.get('entsoe', 'timeseries_data'), orig_csv_file)) req = requests.get(cfg.get('entsoe', 'timeseries_readme')) with open(readme, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(req.content) req = requests.get(cfg.get('entsoe', 'timeseries_json')) with open(json, 'wb') as fout: fout.write(req.content) orig = pd.read_csv(orig_csv_file, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True) orig = orig.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('Europe/Berlin') return orig
def get_ew_by_deflex_subregions(year): """Get a GeoDataFrame with the inhabitants of each region. Parameters ---------- year : int Returns ------- geopandas.geoDataFrame """ deflex_sub = reegis.geometries.load( cfg.get('paths', 'geo_deflex'), cfg.get('geometry', 'overlap_federal_states_deflex_polygon').format( map=cfg.get('init', 'map'))) deflex_sub['state'] = deflex_sub.index.to_series().str[2:] deflex_sub['region'] = deflex_sub.index.to_series().str[:2] deflex_sub['ew'] = reegis.inhabitants.get_ew_by_region( year, deflex_sub, name='deflex_subregions') deflex_sub = deflex_sub.replace({'state': cfg.get_dict('STATE_KEYS')}) deflex_sub['region'] = deflex_sub.region.astype(str).apply( 'DE{:0>2}'.format) no_inhabitants = deflex_sub[deflex_sub.ew == 0] deflex_sub = deflex_sub[deflex_sub.ew != 0]"States with no inhabitants have been removed: {0}".format( no_inhabitants.index)) return deflex_sub
def test_opsd2reegis(): path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data') cfg.tmp_set('paths', 'opsd', path) cfg.tmp_set('paths', 'powerplants', path) fn_opsd = opsd.opsd_power_plants() fn_reegis = powerplants.pp_opsd2reegis() os.remove(fn_opsd) filename = str(fn_reegis.split(os.sep)[-1]) geo_path = cfg.get('paths', 'geometry') geo_file = cfg.get('geometry', 'federalstates_polygon') gdf = geo.load(path=geo_path, filename=geo_file) powerplants.add_regions_to_powerplants( gdf, 'fed_states', filename=filename, path=path, dump=True) geo_path = cfg.get('paths', 'geometry') geo_file = cfg.get('coastdat', 'coastdatgrid_polygon') gdf = geo.load(path=geo_path, filename=geo_file) pp = powerplants.add_regions_to_powerplants( gdf, 'coastdat2', filename=filename, path=path, dump=False) os.remove(fn_reegis) eq_(int(pp.groupby('fed_states').sum().loc['BE', 'capacity']), 2427) year = 2000 pp = powerplants.get_reegis_powerplants(year, pp=pp) eq_(int(pp.groupby('fed_states').sum().loc['BE', 'capacity_2000']), 2391) eq_(coastdat.windzone_region_fraction( pp, name='fed_states', year=year).round(2).loc['NI', 3], 0.24)
def get_entsoe_load(year): """ Parameters ---------- year Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> entsoe=get_entsoe_load(2015) >>> int(entsoe.sum()) 477923089 """ filename = os.path.join( cfg.get("paths", "entsoe"), cfg.get("entsoe", "load_file") ) if not os.path.isfile(filename): load = split_timeseries_file().load load.to_hdf(filename, "entsoe") # Read entsoe time series for the given year f = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0) t = datetime.datetime(year, 12, 31, 23) f = f.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin")) t = t.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin"))"Read entsoe load series from {0} to {1}".format(f, t)) df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(filename, "entsoe")) return df.loc[f:t]
def get_ego_demand(filename=None, sectors=False, overwrite=False): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str sectors : bool overwrite : bool Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ if filename is None: path = cfg.get("paths", "demand") filename = os.path.join(path, cfg.get("open_ego", "ego_file")) if sectors is True: filename = filename.replace(".", "_sectors.") if os.path.isfile(filename) and not overwrite: return pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(filename, "demand")) else: load = get_ego_data(osf=True, sectors=sectors) load.to_hdf(filename, "demand") return load
def guess_coordinates_by_spatial_names_opsd(df, fs_column, cap_col, total_cap, stat): # *** Use municipal_code and federal_state to define coordinates *** if fs_column in df: if 'municipality_code' in df: if df.municipality_code.dtype == str: df.loc[df.municipality_code == 'AWZ', fs_column] = 'AWZ_NS' if 'postcode' in df: df.loc[df.postcode == '000XX', fs_column] = 'AWZ' states = df.loc[df.lon.isnull()].groupby( fs_column).sum()[cap_col] logging.debug("Fraction of undefined capacity by federal state " + "(percentage):") for (state, capacity) in states.iteritems(): logging.debug("{0}: {1:.4f}".format( state, capacity / total_cap * 100)) stat.loc[state, 'undefined_capacity'] = capacity # A simple table with the centroid of each federal state. f2c = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'geometry'), cfg.get('geometry', 'federalstates_centroid')), index_col='name') # Use the centroid of each federal state if the federal state is given. # This is not very precise and should not be used for a high fraction # of plants. f2c = f2c.applymap(wkt_loads).centroid for l in df.loc[(df.lon.isnull() & df[fs_column].notnull())].index: if df.loc[l, fs_column] in f2c.index: df.loc[l, 'lon'] = f2c[df.loc[l, fs_column]].x df.loc[l, 'lat'] = f2c[df.loc[l, fs_column]].y return df
def patch_offshore_wind(orig_df, columns): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) offsh = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'static_sources'), cfg.get('static_sources', 'patch_offshore_wind')), header=[0, 1], index_col=[0]) offsh = offsh.loc[offsh['reegis', 'com_year'].notnull(), 'reegis'] for column in offsh.columns: df[column] = offsh[column] df['decom_year'] = 2050 df['decom_month'] = 12 df['energy_source_level_1'] = 'Renewable energy' df['energy_source_level_2'] = 'Wind' df['energy_source_level_3'] = 'Offshore' goffsh = geo.create_geo_df(df) offsh_df = pd.DataFrame(goffsh) new_cap = offsh_df['capacity'].sum() old_cap = orig_df.loc[orig_df['technology'] == 'Offshore', 'capacity'].sum() # Remove Offshore technology from power plant table orig_df = orig_df.loc[orig_df['technology'] != 'Offshore'] patched_df = pd.DataFrame( pd.concat([orig_df, offsh_df], ignore_index=True, sort=True)) logging.warning( "Offshore wind is patched. {0} MW were replaced by {1} MW".format( old_cap, new_cap)) return patched_df
def get_heat_profiles_by_state(year=None, weather_year=None): if weather_year is None: heat_demand_state_file = os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'demand'), cfg.get('demand', 'heat_profile_state').format(year=year)) else: heat_demand_state_file = os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'demand'), cfg.get('demand', 'heat_profile_state_var').format( year=year, weather_year=weather_year)) # Load demand heat profiles by state if os.path.isfile(heat_demand_state_file):"Demand profiles by state exist. Reading file.") demand_state = pd.read_csv(heat_demand_state_file, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True, header=[0, 1, 2]) demand_state = demand_state.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert( 'Europe/Berlin') else: demand_state = reegis.heat_demand.get_heat_profiles_by_state( year, to_csv=True, weather_year=weather_year) return demand_state
def get_pv_wind_areas_by_nuts3(create_geojson=False): """ Parameters ---------- year : int Year of interest region_pick : list Selected regions in NUTS-3 format Returns: pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing yearly heat CTS heat consumption by NUTS-3 region ------- """ path = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "GLAES"), 'nuts3_geojson') if create_geojson: save_nuts3_to_geojson(path) fn = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "GLAES"), 'suitable_area_wind_pv.csv') if not os.path.isfile(fn): suitable_area = calc_wind_pv_areas(path) suitable_area.to_csv(fn) else: suitable_area = pd.read_csv(fn) suitable_area.set_index('nuts3', drop=True, inplace=True) return suitable_area
def prepare_ego_demand(rmap=None, overwrite=False): if rmap is None: rmap = cfg.get('init', 'map') egofile_deflex = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'demand'), cfg.get('demand', 'ego_file_deflex')).format(map=rmap) if os.path.isfile(egofile_deflex) and not overwrite: ego_demand_deflex = pd.read_hdf(egofile_deflex, 'demand') else: ego_demand_df = reegis.openego.get_ego_demand(overwrite=overwrite) # Create GeoDataFrame from ego demand file. ego_demand = reegis.geometries.create_geo_df(ego_demand_df) # Load region polygons deflex_regions = deflex.geometries.deflex_regions() # Add column with region id ego_demand = reegis.geometries.spatial_join_with_buffer(ego_demand, deflex_regions, name=rmap + '_region') # Overwrite Geometry object with its DataFrame, because it is not # needed anymore. ego_demand_deflex = pd.DataFrame(ego_demand) # Delete the geometry column, because spatial grouping will be done # only with the region column. del ego_demand_deflex['geometry'] # Write out file (hdf-format). ego_demand_deflex.to_hdf(egofile_deflex, 'demand') return ego_demand_deflex.groupby('{0}_region'.format(rmap)).sum()
def federal_state_average_weather(year, parameter): """ Example for spatial_average_weather() with federal states polygons. Parameters ---------- year parameter Returns ------- """ federal_states = geometries.load( cfg.get('paths', 'geometry'), cfg.get('geometry', 'federalstates_polygon')) filename = os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'coastdat'), 'average_{0}_BB_TH_{1}.csv'.format(parameter, year)) if not os.path.isfile(filename): spatial_average_weather(year, federal_states, parameter, 'federal_states', outfile=filename) return pd.read_csv(filename, index_col=[0], parse_dates=True)
def get_entsoe_load(year, version=None): """ Parameters ---------- year version Returns ------- Examples -------- >>> entsoe=get_entsoe_load(2015) >>> float(round(entsoe.sum()/1e6, 1)) 479.5 """ if version is None: version = cfg.get("entsoe", "timeseries_version") filename = os.path.join(cfg.get("paths", "entsoe"), cfg.get("entsoe", "load_file")) if not os.path.isfile(filename): load = split_timeseries_file(version=version).load load.to_hdf(filename.format(version=version), "entsoe") # Read entsoe time series for the given year f = datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1, 0) t = datetime.datetime(year, 12, 31, 23) f = f.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin")) t = t.astimezone(pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin"))"Read entsoe load series from {0} to {1}".format(f, t)) df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(filename.format(version=version), "entsoe")) return df.loc[f:t]
def aggregate_by_region(year, state): # Create the path for the output files. feedin_state_path = cfg.get('paths_pattern', 'state_feedin').format(year=year) os.makedirs(feedin_state_path, exist_ok=True) # Create pattern for the name of the resulting files. feedin_berlin_outfile_name = os.path.join( feedin_state_path, cfg.get('feedin', 'feedin_state_pattern').format(year=year, type='{type}', state=state)) # Filter the capacity of the powerplants for the given year. pp = get_grouped_power_plants(year) # Loop over weather depending feed-in categories. # WIND and PV for cat in ['Wind', 'Solar']: outfile_name = feedin_berlin_outfile_name.format(type=cat.lower()) if not os.path.isfile(outfile_name): aggregate_by_region_coastdat_feedin(pp, [state], year, cat, outfile_name) # HYDRO outfile_name = feedin_berlin_outfile_name.format(type='hydro') if not os.path.isfile(outfile_name): aggregate_by_region_hydro(pp, [state], year, outfile_name) # GEOTHERMAL outfile_name = feedin_berlin_outfile_name.format(type='geothermal') if not os.path.isfile(outfile_name): aggregate_by_region_geothermal([state], year, outfile_name)
def get_ego_demand(overwrite=False): egofile = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'demand'), cfg.get('open_ego', 'ego_file')) if os.path.isfile(egofile) and not overwrite: return pd.read_hdf(egofile, 'demand') else: return prepare_ego_demand(egofile)
def get_feedin_by_state(year, feedin_type, state): """ Parameters ---------- year feedin_type state : str Official abbreviation of state in Germany e.g. 'BE', 'SH', 'TH'... Returns ------- """ feedin_state_file_name = os.path.join( cfg.get('paths_pattern', 'state_feedin'), cfg.get('feedin', 'feedin_state_pattern')).format(year=year, type=feedin_type, state=state) # Add any federal state to get its normalised feed-in. if feedin_type in ['solar', 'wind']: if not os.path.isfile(feedin_state_file_name): aggregate_by_region(year, state) return pd.read_csv(feedin_state_file_name, index_col=[0], header=[0, 1, 2]) elif feedin_type in ['hydro', 'geothermal']: if not os.path.isfile(feedin_state_file_name): aggregate_by_region(year, state) return pd.read_csv(feedin_state_file_name, index_col=[0], header=[0]) else: return None
def fetch_id_by_coordinates(latitude, longitude): """ Get nearest weather data set to a given location. Parameters ---------- latitude : float longitude : float Returns ------- int : coastdat id Examples -------- >>> fetch_id_by_coordinates(53.655119, 11.181475) 1132101 """ coastdat_polygons = geometries.load( cfg.get("paths", "geometry"), cfg.get("coastdat", "coastdatgrid_polygon"), ) location = Point(longitude, latitude) cid = coastdat_polygons[coastdat_polygons.contains(location)].index if len(cid) == 0: msg = "No id found for latitude {0} and longitude {1}." logging.warning(msg.format(latitude, longitude)) return None elif len(cid) == 1: return cid[0]
def get_time_series_for_one_location(latitude, longitude, year, set_name=None): coastdat_id = fetch_id_by_coordinates(latitude, longitude) # set_name = 'M_LG290G3__I_ABB_MICRO_025_US208' df = pd.DataFrame() if set_name is not None: hd_file = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join( cfg.get('paths', 'feedin'), 'coastdat', str(year), 'solar', cfg.get('feedin', 'file_pattern').format(year=year, type='solar', set_name=set_name)), mode='r') df = hd_file['/A{0}'.format(coastdat_id)] hd_file.close() else: path = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'feedin'), 'coastdat', str(year), 'solar') for file in os.listdir(path): hd_file = pd.HDFStore(os.path.join(path, file), mode='r') tmp = hd_file['/A{0}'.format(coastdat_id)] hd_file.close() df = pd.concat([df, tmp], axis=1) opt = int(round(feedin.get_optimal_pv_angle(latitude))) df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('opt', str(opt)) return df
def fetch_coastdat_weather(year, coastdat_id): """ Fetch weather one coastdat weather data set. Parameters ---------- year : int Year of the weather data set coastdat_id : numeric ID of the coastdat data set. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame : Weather data set. Examples -------- >>> coastdat_id=fetch_id_by_coordinates(53.655119, 11.181475) >>> fetch_coastdat_weather(2014, coastdat_id)['v_wind'].mean().round(2) 4.39 """ weather_file_name = os.path.join( cfg.get("paths", "coastdat"), cfg.get("coastdat", "file_pattern").format(year=year), ) if not os.path.isfile(weather_file_name): download_coastdat_data(filename=weather_file_name, year=year) key = "/A{0}".format(int(coastdat_id)) return pd.DataFrame(pd.read_hdf(weather_file_name, key))
def guess_coordinates_by_postcode_opsd(df): # *** Use postcode *** if 'postcode' in df: df_pstc = df.loc[(df.lon.isnull() & df.postcode.notnull())] if len(df_pstc) > 0: pstc = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'geometry'), cfg.get('geometry', 'postcode_polygon')), index_col='zip_code') for idx, val in df_pstc.iterrows(): try: # If the postcode is not number the integer conversion will # raise a ValueError. Some postcode look like this '123XX'. # It would be possible to add the mayor regions to the postcode # map in order to search for the first two/three digits. postcode = int(val.postcode) if postcode in pstc.index: df.loc[ ==, 'lon'] = wkt_loads( pstc.loc[postcode].values[0]).centroid.x df.loc[ ==, 'lat'] = wkt_loads( pstc.loc[postcode].values[0]).centroid.y # Replace the last number with a zero and try again. elif round(postcode / 10) * 10 in pstc.index: postcode = round(postcode / 10) * 10 df.loc[ ==, 'lon'] = wkt_loads( pstc.loc[postcode].values[0]).centroid.x df.loc[ ==, 'lat'] = wkt_loads( pstc.loc[postcode].values[0]).centroid.y else: logging.debug("Cannot find postcode {0}.".format(postcode)) except ValueError: logging.debug("Cannot find postcode {0}.".format(val.postcode)) return df
def pp_reegis2deflex(regions, name, filename_in=None, filename_out=None): """ Add federal states and deflex regions to powerplant table from reegis. As the process takes a while the result is stored for further usage. Returns ------- str : The full path where the result file is stored. """ if filename_out is None: filename_out = os.path.join( cfg.get("paths", "powerplants"), cfg.get("powerplants", "deflex_pp"), ).format(map=name) # Add deflex regions to powerplants pp = powerplants.add_regions_to_powerplants(regions, name, dump=False, filename=filename_in) # Add federal states to powerplants federal_states = reegis_geometries.get_federal_states_polygon() pp = powerplants.add_regions_to_powerplants(federal_states, "federal_states", pp=pp, dump=False) # store the results for further usage of deflex pp.to_hdf(filename_out, "pp") return filename_out
def share_houses_flats(key=None): """ Parameters ---------- key str Valid keys are: 'total_area', 'avg_area', 'share_area', 'total_number', 'share_number'. Returns ------- dict or pd.DataFrame """ size = pd.Series([1, 25, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210]) infile = os.path.join(cfg.get('paths', 'data_de21'), cfg.get('general_sources', 'zensus_flats')) whg = pd.read_csv(infile, delimiter=';', index_col=[0], header=[0, 1], skiprows=5) whg = whg.loc[whg['Insgesamt', 'Insgesamt'].notnull()] new_index = [] states = cfg.get_dict('STATES') for i in whg.index: new_index.append(states[i[3:-13]]) whg.index = new_index flat = { 'total_area': pd.DataFrame(), 'total_number': pd.DataFrame(), } for f in whg.columns.get_level_values(0).unique(): df = pd.DataFrame(whg[f].values * size.values, columns=whg[f].columns, index=whg.index) flat['total_area'][f] = df.sum(1) - df['Insgesamt'] flat['total_number'][f] = df['Insgesamt'] flat['total_area']['1 + 2 Wohnungen'] = (flat['total_area']['1 Wohnung'] + flat['total_area']['2 Wohnungen']) flat['total_number']['1 + 2 Wohnungen'] = ( flat['total_number']['1 Wohnung'] + flat['total_number']['2 Wohnungen']) flat['avg_area'] = flat['total_area'].div(flat['total_number']) flat['share_area'] = (flat['total_area'].transpose().div( flat['total_area']['Insgesamt'])).transpose().round(3) flat['share_number'] = (flat['total_number'].transpose().div( flat['total_number']['Insgesamt'])).transpose().round(3) if key is None: return flat elif key in flat: return flat[key].sort_index() else: logging.warning( "'{0}' is an invalid key for function 'share_houses_flats'".format( key)) return None