def run_model(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds):
    '''Takes in arguemnts and returns final state of cells and total number 
    of cells burnt'''
    length = len(f_grid)

    # Creates a initial b_grid which is all False

    b_grid = []
    for i in range(length):
        grid = []
        for j in range(length):

    for b_cell in burn_seeds:
        if not b_cell:
            burning = False
        burning = True
        b_grid[b_cell[0]][b_cell[1]] = True

    # While loop keeps iterating until no cells are burning
    count = 0

    while burning:

        # Creating a duplicate b_grid
        nb_grid = []
        q = 0
        for a in range(length):
            gri = []
            for b in range(length):

        for i in range(length):
            for j in range(length):
                if b_grid[i][j] is False and f_grid[i][j] != 0:
                    nb_grid[i][j] = check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid,
                                                   i_threshold, w_direction, i,
                elif b_grid[i][j] is True:
                    if f_grid[i][j] != 0:
                        f_grid[i][j] -= 1
                        nb_grid[i][j] = True
                        count += 1

        b_grid = nb_grid

        # Checking whether all values of b_grid are False or not

        for item in nb_grid:
            for thing in item:
                if thing is True:
                    q += 1
        if q == 0:
            burning = False

    return (f_grid, count)
Beispiel #2
def run_model(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds):
    '''Takes in the current state of the landscape and returns a tuple 
    containing (a) the final state of the landscape after the fire has stopped 
    burning, and (b) the total number of cells that have been burnt.'''
    # Case where nothing is burning 
    if not burn_seeds:
        return (f_grid, 0)
    # Keep track of how many cells have been burnt
    burnt_cells = set(burn_seeds)
    # Iterate until nothing is burning
    while burn_seeds:
        # Create b_grid from burn_seeds
        size = len(f_grid)
        b_grid = []
        for x in range(size):
            row = []
            for y in range(size):
                if (x, y) in burn_seeds:
        # Update b_grid and f_grid for the next time step
        new_b_grid = []
        for x in range(size):
            row = []
            for y in range(size):
                # check ignition function for cells not currently burning
                if (x, y) not in burn_seeds:
                # update fuel of burning cells and see if they continue burning
                    f_grid[x][y] -= 1
                    if f_grid[x][y] == 0:
        b_grid = new_b_grid
        # Update burn seeds for next time step and keep track of cells burnt
        burn_seeds = []
        for x in range(size):
            for y in range(size):
                if b_grid[x][y]:
                    burn_seeds.append((x, y))
                    burnt_cells.add((x, y))
    return (f_grid, len(burnt_cells))
def next_time(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds,
    ''' takes in arguments of grid of current fuel load, height grid,
    ignition threshold, wind direction, coordinates of all currently
    burning cells, and an empty list that will contain all burnt cells.
    This function returns the fuel load and all the cells that are
    burning at time t+1 '''

    b_grid = create_bgrid(f_grid, burn_seeds)

    new_burn_seeds = []  # newly burning cells

    for i in range(len(f_grid)):
        for j in range(len(f_grid)):
            if (i, j) not in burn_seeds:
                if check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold,
                                  w_direction, i, j) is True:
                    new_burn_seeds.append((i, j))

    for item in burn_seeds:  # increment fuel load of burning cells
        f_grid[item[0]][item[1]] -= 1
        if f_grid[item[0]][item[1]] == 0:

    burn_seeds = list(set(burn_seeds).difference(burnt_seeds))
    burn_seeds += new_burn_seeds

    if len(burn_seeds) == 0:  # an indication when no more cells are burning
        return None, None

    return f_grid, burn_seeds
def run_model_with_burn_count(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction,
                              burn_seeds, burnt_cell_count):
    """ returns a tuple containing (a) the final state of the landscape once the
    fire has stopped burning, and (b) the total number of cells that have been 
    burnt by the fire (including any initially burning cells in burn_seeds)."""

    m = len(f_grid)

    # creates b_grid: a list of lists representing what is currently burning
    b_grid = []
    for i_num in range(m):
        i_row = []
        for j_num in range(m):
            if (i_num, j_num) in burn_seeds:

    # creates a list of cells that are adjacent to the burning seeds
    adjacent_cells = []
    for seed in burn_seeds:
        for i_num in adjacency_range(m, seed[0]):
            for j_num in adjacency_range(m, seed[1]):
                adjacent_cells.append([i_num, j_num])

    # reduces fuel load where there are burnt seeds
    for seed in burn_seeds:
        if f_grid[seed[0]][seed[1]] > 0:
            f_grid[seed[0]][seed[1]] -= 1

    # creates a new list of burn_seeds consisting if adjacent cells that have
    # ignited. Cells are considered ignited if they have if they still have
    # fuel, are not currently in burn_seeds, and fulfils check_ignition
    # conditions
    new_burn_seeds = []
    for cell in adjacent_cells:
        if (check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction,
                           cell[0], cell[1]) and f_grid[cell[0]][cell[1]] > 0
                and (cell[0], cell[1]) not in burn_seeds
                and (cell[0], cell[1]) not in new_burn_seeds):
            new_burn_seeds.append((cell[0], cell[1]))

    for seed in burn_seeds:
        if f_grid[seed[0]][seed[1]] > 0:
            new_burn_seeds.append((seed[0], seed[1]))
            burnt_cell_count += 1

    if new_burn_seeds:
        return run_model_with_burn_count(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold,
                                         w_direction, new_burn_seeds,
        return (f_grid, burnt_cell_count)
Beispiel #5
def b_state_fuel(ij_list, cell_burnt_dict, cell_burnt, b_grid, f_grid, h_grid,
                 i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds):
    """ Update all the burning states of the cell & fuel load for t + 1 and 
        also check if it will ignite to prepare for updating the 
        burning states of cell & fuel load of the cell for t + 2 onwards"""
    # Loop through all the coordinates and determine the new burning state
    # and fuel load
    for coordinates in ij_list:
        i = coordinates[0]
        j = coordinates[1]
        # Get the original f_grid before looping for comparison later 
        # To compare whether the f_grid has changed value 
        original_f_grid = f_grid[i][j]
        # Check for each coordinates whether it will ignite
        result = check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, 
                                w_direction, i, j)
        # For burning cells that are still burning and fuel load more than 0
        # - 1 its value. AND if the burning cell is still burning and no more
        # fuel load then burning cell should stop burning
        if b_grid[i][j] is True and f_grid[i][j] > 0:
            f_grid[i][j] -= 1
        elif b_grid[i][j] is True and f_grid[i][j] == 0:
            b_grid[i][j] = False
        # If the cell ignites and has a fuel load of more than 0
        # then we will set the burning cell to burn for t + 1
        # and if the cell ignites but no more fuel load, the burning cell 
        # should not burn anymore
        # If the cell fails to ignite and the fuel_load values change which 
        # means the burning cell is still burning
        if result is True:
            # if the cell has not be burned before then add it as burned cell
            if cell_burnt_dict[(i, j)] is False and b_grid[i][j] is False:
                    cell_burnt += 1
                    cell_burnt_dict[(i, j)] = True
            if f_grid[i][j] > 0:
                b_grid[i][j] = True
            elif f_grid[i][j] == 0:
                b_grid[i][j] = False
        elif result is False:
            if original_f_grid != f_grid[i][j] and f_grid[i][j] > 0:
                b_grid[i][j] = True

    return f_grid, cell_burnt, b_grid
def run_model(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds):
    ''' return final fuel state of landscape and total cells burned ''' 
    m = len(f_grid)
    b = create_b(m, burn_seeds)
    f = f_grid 
    coordinates = [(i, j) for i in range(m) for j in range(m)]
    count = set()

    # run model until b_grid is all False (no cell is burning) 
    while b != [[False] * m for dimension in range(m)]:
        catch_fire_cells = []
        burning_cells = []
        # classify each coordinate into a list from above 
        for (i, j) in coordinates:
            if b[i][j]:
                if (i, j) not in burning_cells:
                    burning_cells.append((i, j))
            if not b[i][j]:
                if check_ignition(b, f, h_grid, i_threshold, 
                                      w_direction, i, j):
                        catch_fire_cells.append((i, j))
        # burning cells fuel load -1 and evaluate to False if fuel = 0 after -1
        for (i, j) in burning_cells:
            if f[i][j] - 1 > 0:
                b[i][j] = True
            if f[i][j] -1 == 0:
                b[i][j] = False
            f[i][j] -= 1
        # cells that catch fire at t+1 evaluate to True
        # add to count of cells burned 
        for (i, j) in catch_fire_cells:
            b[i][j] = True
            count.add((i, j))
    return (f, len(count))
Beispiel #7
def run_model(f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction, burn_seeds):
    size = len(f_grid)

    # Keep a set of all (i, j) pairs that have been burnt by fire.
    burnt = set()

    # Compute the initial burn grid.
    b_grid = [[False] * size for _ in range(size)]
    for i, j in burn_seeds:
        b_grid[i][j] = True
        burnt.add((i, j))

    # Run the simulation while at least one cell is burning.
    while any(itertools.chain.from_iterable(b_grid)):
        new_b_grid = copy.deepcopy(b_grid)
        new_f_grid = copy.deepcopy(f_grid)

        # Work out what new cell should ignite.
        for i in range(size):
            for j in range(size):
                if check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold,
                                  w_direction, i, j):
                    new_b_grid[i][j] = True
                    burnt.add((i, j))

        # Decrease fuel for all currently burning cells.
        for i in range(size):
            for j in range(size):
                if b_grid[i][j]:
                    new_f_grid[i][j] -= 1
                    if new_f_grid[i][j] == 0:
                        new_b_grid[i][j] = False

        # Update our burn state for the next iteration.
        b_grid = new_b_grid
        f_grid = new_f_grid

    return (f_grid, len(burnt))
Beispiel #8
def update_state(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid, i_threshold, w_direction):
    # create matrices to store next state
    b_grid_next = [[x for x in y] for y in b_grid]
    f_grid_next = [[x for x in y] for y in f_grid]
    ignitions = 0
    grid_size = len(b_grid)
    # update each cell in turn
    for i in range(grid_size):
        for j in range(grid_size):
            # handle fuel depletion
            if b_grid[i][j]:
                f_grid_next[i][j] -= 1
                # extinguish fire at (i, j) if fuel depleted
                if f_grid_next[i][j] == 0:
                    b_grid_next[i][j] = False
            # check for new ignitions
                new_ignition = check_ignition(b_grid, f_grid, h_grid,
                                              i_threshold, w_direction, i, j)
                if new_ignition:
                    ignitions += 1
                    b_grid_next[i][j] = True
    return b_grid_next, f_grid_next, ignitions