Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, definition, raw_data=None):
     self.definition = definition
     self.raw_data = raw_data
     self.matcher = re_compile(''.join(elem.pattern
                                       for elem in self.definition))
     self.line_class = self.get_line_class(
         [elem._name for elem in self.definition])
Beispiel #2
 def compile(self, p):
     self.xsdPattern = p
     if r"\i" in p or r"\c" in p:
         p = p.replace(r"[\i-[:]]", iNameChar).replace(r"\i", iNameChar) \
              .replace(r"[\c-[:]]", cMinusCNameChar).replace(r"\c", cNameChar)
     self.pyPattern = re_compile(p + "$")  # must match whole string
     return self
Beispiel #3
    def _set_up_matcher(self, pattern):
        orig_groups = self._brace_pattern.findall(pattern)
        groups = [elem.replace('{', '').replace('}', '') for elem in orig_groups]
        groups = [[elem, self._elem_re_template.format(elem)] for elem in groups]

        for idx, (group, re) in enumerate(groups):
            pattern = pattern.replace(orig_groups[idx], re)

        self._group_names.extend([elem[0] for elem in groups])
        self._matcher = re_compile(pattern + '$')
Beispiel #4
def parse_oui_data(filename, config):
    # open the oui file into memory
    fp = open(filename, 'rb')
    # get the size of the file, 2)
    oui_bytes = fp.tell(), 0)

    oui_regexps = {}
    for k, v in config.items('oui'):
            oui_regexps[k] = re_compile(v, I)
        except Exception, ex:
            print "There was a problem compiling the regular expression for %s." % k
            print "Expression: %s" % v
            raise ex
Beispiel #5
def parse_oui_data(filename, config):
	# open the oui file into memory
	fp = open(filename, 'rb')
	# get the size of the file, 2)
	oui_bytes = fp.tell(), 0)
	oui_regexps = {}
	for k, v in config.items('oui'):
			oui_regexps[k] = re_compile(v, I)
		except Exception, ex:
			print "There was a problem compiling the regular expression for %s." % k
			print "Expression: %s" % v
			raise ex
Beispiel #6
def validateValue(modelXbrl, elt, attrTag, baseXsdType, value, isNillable=False, isNil=False, facets=None):
    if baseXsdType:
            if (len(value) == 0 and attrTag is None and not isNillable and 
                baseXsdType not in ("anyType", "string", "normalizedString", "token", "NMTOKEN", "anyURI", "noContent")):
                raise ValueError("missing value for not nillable element")
            xValid = VALID
            whitespaceReplace = (baseXsdType == "normalizedString")
            whitespaceCollapse = (not whitespaceReplace and baseXsdType != "string")
            isList = baseXsdType in {"IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"}
            if isList:
                baseXsdType = baseXsdType[:-1] # remove plural
            pattern = baseXsdTypePatterns.get(baseXsdType)
            if facets:
                if "pattern" in facets:
                    pattern = facets["pattern"]
                    # note multiple patterns are or'ed togetner, which isn't yet implemented!
                if "whiteSpace" in facets:
                    whitespaceReplace, whitespaceCollapse = {"preserve":(False,False), "replace":(True,False), "collapse":(False,True)}[facets["whiteSpace"]]
            if whitespaceReplace:
                value = normalizeWhitespacePattern.sub(' ', value)
            elif whitespaceCollapse:
                value = collapseWhitespacePattern.sub(' ', value.strip())
            if baseXsdType == "noContent":
                if len(value) > 0 and not value.isspace():
                    raise ValueError("value content not permitted")
                # note that sValue and xValue are not innerText but only text elements on specific element (or attribute)
                xValue = sValue = None
                xValid = VALID_NO_CONTENT # notify others that element may contain subelements (for stringValue needs)
            elif not value and isNil and isNillable: # rest of types get None if nil/empty value
                xValue = sValue = None
                if pattern is not None:
                    if ((isList and any(pattern.match(v) is None for v in value.split())) or
                        (not isList and pattern.match(value) is None)):
                        raise ValueError("pattern facet " + facets["pattern"].pattern if facets and "pattern" in facets else "pattern mismatch")
                if facets:
                    if "enumeration" in facets and value not in facets["enumeration"]:
                        raise ValueError("{0} is not in {1}".format(value, facets["enumeration"]))
                    if "length" in facets and len(value) != facets["length"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, expected {1}".format(len(value), facets["length"]))
                    if "minLength" in facets and len(value) < facets["minLength"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, minLength {1}".format(len(value), facets["minLength"]))
                    if "maxLength" in facets and len(value) > facets["maxLength"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, maxLength {1}".format(len(value), facets["maxLength"]))
                if baseXsdType in {"string", "normalizedString", "language", "token", "NMTOKEN","Name","NCName","IDREF","ENTITY"}:
                    xValue = sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "ID":
                    xValue = sValue = value
                    xValid = VALID_ID
                elif baseXsdType == "anyURI":
                    if value:  # allow empty strings to be valid anyURIs
                        if UrlUtil.relativeUrlPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("IETF RFC 2396 4.3 syntax")
                    # encode PSVI xValue similarly to Xerces and other implementations
                    xValue = anyURI(UrlUtil.anyUriQuoteForPSVI(value))
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType in ("decimal", "float", "double"):
                    if baseXsdType == "decimal":
                        if decimalPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = Decimal(value)
                        sValue = float(value) # s-value uses Number (float) representation
                        if floatPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = sValue = float(value)
                    if facets:
                        if "totalDigits" in facets and len(value.replace(".","")) > facets["totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError("totalDigits facet {0}".format(facets["totalDigits"]))
                        if "fractionDigits" in facets and ( '.' in value and
                            len(value[value.index('.') + 1:]) > facets["fractionDigits"]):
                            raise ValueError("fraction digits facet {0}".format(facets["fractionDigits"]))
                        if "maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets["maxInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" > maxInclusive {0}".format(facets["maxInclusive"]))
                        if "maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets["maxExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(facets["maxExclusive"]))
                        if "minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets["minInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" < minInclusive {0}".format(facets["minInclusive"]))
                        if "minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets["minExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" <= minExclusive {0}".format(facets["minExclusive"]))
                elif baseXsdType in {"integer",
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if ((baseXsdType in {"nonNegativeInteger","unsignedLong","unsignedInt"} 
                         and xValue < 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "nonPositiveInteger" and xValue > 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "byte" and not -128 <= xValue < 127) or
                        (baseXsdType == "unsignedByte" and not 0 <= xValue < 255) or
                        (baseXsdType == "short" and not -32768 <= xValue < 32767) or
                        (baseXsdType == "unsignedShort" and not 0 <= xValue < 65535) or
                        (baseXsdType == "positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0)):
                        raise ValueError("{0} is not {1}".format(value, baseXsdType))
                    if facets:
                        if "totalDigits" in facets and len(value.replace(".","")) > facets["totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError("totalDigits facet {0}".format(facets["totalDigits"]))
                        if "fractionDigits" in facets and ( '.' in value and
                            len(value[value.index('.') + 1:]) > facets["fractionDigits"]):
                            raise ValueError("fraction digits facet {0}".format(facets["fractionDigits"]))
                        if "maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets["maxInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" > maxInclusive {0}".format(facets["maxInclusive"]))
                        if "maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets["maxExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(facets["maxExclusive"]))
                        if "minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets["minInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" < minInclusive {0}".format(facets["minInclusive"]))
                        if "minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets["minExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(" <= minExclusive {0}".format(facets["minExclusive"]))
                elif baseXsdType == "boolean":
                    if value in ("true", "1"):  
                        xValue = sValue = True
                    elif value in ("false", "0"): 
                        xValue = sValue = False
                    else: raise ValueError
                elif baseXsdType == "QName":
                    xValue = qnameEltPfxName(elt, value, prefixException=ValueError)
                    #xValue = qname(elt, value, castException=ValueError, prefixException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                    ''' not sure here, how are explicitDimensions validated, but bad units not?
                    if xValue.namespaceURI in modelXbrl.namespaceDocs:
                        if (xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameConcepts and 
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameTypes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributeGroups):
                            raise ValueError("qname not defined " + str(xValue))
                elif baseXsdType in ("XBRLI_DECIMALSUNION", "XBRLI_PRECISIONUNION"):
                    xValue = sValue = value if value == "INF" else _INT(value)
                elif baseXsdType in ("XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL"):
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if xValue == 0:
                        raise ValueError("invalid value")
                elif baseXsdType == "XBRLI_DATEUNION":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATEUNION, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "dateTime":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATETIME, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "date":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATE, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "regex-pattern":
                    # for facet compiling
                        sValue = value
                        if value in xmlSchemaPatterns:
                            xValue = xmlSchemaPatterns[value]
                            if r"\i" in value or r"\c" in value:
                                value = value.replace(r"\i", iNameChar).replace(r"\c", cNameChar)
                            xValue = re_compile(value + "$") # must match whole string
                    except Exception as err:
                        raise ValueError(err)
                elif baseXsdType == "fraction":
                    sValue = value
                    xValue = Fraction("/".join(elt.fractionValue))
                    if baseXsdType in lexicalPatterns:
                        match = lexicalPatterns[baseXsdType].match(value)
                        if match is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        if baseXsdType == "gMonthDay":
                            month, day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            if int(day) > {2:29, 4:30, 6:30, 9:30, 11:30, 1:31, 3:31, 5:31, 7:31, 8:31, 10:31, 12:31}[int(month)]:
                                raise ValueError("invalid day {0} for month {1}".format(day, month))
                            xValue = gMonthDay(month, day)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gYearMonth":
                            year, month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gYearMonth(year, month)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gYear":
                            year, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gYear(year)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gMonth":
                            month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gMonth(month)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gDay":
                            day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gDay(day)
                            xValue = value
                    else: # no lexical pattern, forget compiling value
                        xValue = value
                    sValue = value
        except (ValueError, InvalidOperation) as err:
            if ModelInlineValueObject is not None and isinstance(elt, ModelInlineValueObject):
                errElt = "{0} fact {1}".format(elt.elementQname, elt.qname)
                errElt = elt.elementQname
            if attrTag:
                    _("Element %(element)s attribute %(attribute)s type %(typeName)s value error: %(value)s, %(error)s"),
                    value=value if len(value) < 31 else value[:30] + '...',
                    _("Element %(element)s type %(typeName)s value error: %(value)s, %(error)s"),
                    value=value if len(value) < 31 else value[:30] + '...',
            xValue = None
            sValue = value
            xValid = INVALID
        xValue = sValue = None
        xValid = UNKNOWN
    if attrTag:
        try:  # dynamically allocate attributes (otherwise given shared empty set)
            xAttributes = elt.xAttributes
        except AttributeError:
            elt.xAttributes = xAttributes = {}
        xAttributes[attrTag] = ModelAttribute(elt, attrTag, xValid, xValue, sValue, value)
        elt.xValid = xValid
        elt.xValue = xValue
        elt.sValue = sValue
Beispiel #7
from arelle.ModelObject import ModelObject, ModelAttribute
from arelle import UrlUtil
validateElementSequence = None  #dynamic import to break dependency loops
modelGroupCompositorTitle = None
ModelInlineValueObject = None
ixMsgCode = None

UNVALIDATED = 0 # note that these values may be used a constants in code for better efficiency
NONE = 3
VALID = 4 # values >= VALID are valid
VALID_NO_CONTENT = 6 # may be a complex type with children

normalizeWhitespacePattern = re_compile(r"\s")
collapseWhitespacePattern = re_compile(r"\s+")
languagePattern = re_compile("[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$")
NCNamePattern = re_compile("^[_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
QNamePattern = re_compile("^([_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
namePattern = re_compile("^[_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
Beispiel #8
                               anyURI, INVALIDixVALUE, gYearMonth, gMonthDay, gYear, gMonth, gDay)
from arelle.ModelObject import ModelObject, ModelAttribute
from arelle import UrlUtil
validateElementSequence = None  #dynamic import to break dependency loops
modelGroupCompositorTitle = None
ModelInlineValueObject = None

UNVALIDATED = 0 # note that these values may be used a constants in code for better efficiency
NONE = 3
VALID = 4 # values >= VALID are valid
VALID_NO_CONTENT = 6 # may be a complex type with children

normalizeWhitespacePattern = re_compile(r"\s")
collapseWhitespacePattern = re_compile(r"\s+")
languagePattern = re_compile("[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$")
NCNamePattern = re_compile("^[_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
QNamePattern = re_compile("^([_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
namePattern = re_compile("^[_A-Za-z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0100-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD]"
Beispiel #9
    if d is not None:
        output += str(d) + 'D'
    if h is not None:
        output += 'T' + str(h) + 'H'
    return output

def numinf(arg):
    return "INF"

def numneginf(arg):
    return "-INF"

def numnan(arg):
    return "NaN"

numwordsenPattern = re_compile(r"^\s*(((((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Qq]uintillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Qq]uadrillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Tt]rillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Bb]illion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Mm]illion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?((((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Tt]housand((\s*,\s*|\s+)((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?)))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|[Zz]ero|[Nn]o(ne)?)\s*$")

numwordsNoPattern = re_compile(r"^\s*[Nn]o(ne)?\s*$")

commaAndPattern = re_compile(r",|\sand\s") # substitute whitespace for comma or and

def numwordsen(arg):
    if not numwordsenPattern.match(arg) or len(arg) == 0:
        raise FunctionArgType(1, "numwordsen lexical error")
    elif numwordsNoPattern.match(arg): # match "no" or "none"
        return "0"
        return str(text2num(commaAndPattern.sub(" ", arg.strip().lower()))) # must be returned as a string
    except (NumberException, TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
        raise FunctionArgType(1, str(ex))
Beispiel #10
    return durationValue(None, None, days, None, sign)

# if arg is not an integer, the rest can spill into hours, but nothing lower
def durday(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    days = int(n)
    hours = int((n - days) * 24)
    return durationValue(None, None, days, hours, sign)

# the output will only be in hours, nothing lower
def durhour(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    hours = int(n)
    return durationValue(None, None, None, hours, sign)

dateQuarterEndPattern = re_compile(r"([^0-9]*(1|[Ff]irst|2|[Ss]econd|3|[Tt]hird|4|[Ff]ourth|[Ll]ast)[^0-9]*([0-9]{4})[^0-9]*)|([^0-9]*([0-9]{4})[^0-9]*(1|[Ff]irst|2|[Ss]econd|3|[Tt]hird|4|[Ff]ourth|[Ll]ast)[^0-9]*)") 

# the output is a date value of a calendar quarter end
def datequarterend(arg):
        m = dateQuarterEndPattern.match(arg)
        year = int( or # year pattern, raises AttributeError if no pattern match
        month = {"first":3, "1":3, "second":6, "2":6, "third":9, "3":9, "fourth":12, "last":12, "4":12
                 }[( or]
        return str(, month, lastDayOfMonth(year, month)))
    except (AttributeError, ValueError, KeyError):
        raise FunctionArgType(0, "xs:date")

def getValue(arg):
        n = float(arg) # could cause a ValueError exception
Beispiel #11
 def set_up(self):
     self.matcher = re_compile(''.join(elem.pattern
                                       for elem in self.definition))
     self.line_class = self.get_line_class(
         [elem._name for elem in self.definition])
Beispiel #12
	from regex import I
except ImportError:
	from re import compile as re_compile
	from re import I

from tollgate import __version__
from tollgate.frontend.models import Oui, IP4Protocol
from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError, IntegrityError
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand, CommandError

# other constants
OUI_LIST_FILE = 'oui.txt'
OUI_RE = re_compile(r'^([0-9A-F]{6})\s+\(base 16\)\s+(.*)\s*$')

IP4P_LIST_FILE = 'protocol-numbers.xml'

HELPER_DATA = join(realpath(dirname(__file__)), 'scraper.dat')

UA = 'tollgate/%s (; Python)' % __version__
PBAR_WIDGET_STYLE = [Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()]

def download_file(filename, url):
	etag_filename = filename + '.etag'
	# check to see if there's an existing dump of the data
	mtime = None
Beispiel #13
from arelle import UrlUtil
validateElementSequence = None  #dynamic import to break dependency loops
modelGroupCompositorTitle = None
ModelInlineValueObject = None
ixMsgCode = None

UNVALIDATED = 0  # note that these values may be used a constants in code for better efficiency
NONE = 3
VALID = 4  # values >= VALID are valid
VALID_NO_CONTENT = 6  # may be a complex type with children, must be last (after VALID with content enums)

normalizeWhitespacePattern = re_compile(
)  # replace tab, line feed, return with space (XML Schema Rules, note: does not include NBSP)
collapseWhitespacePattern = re_compile(
    r"[ \t\n\r]+"
)  # collapse multiple spaces, tabs, line feeds and returns to single space
entirelyWhitespacePattern = re_compile(
    r"^[ \t\n\r]+$"
)  # collapse multiple spaces, tabs, line feeds and returns to single space
languagePattern = re_compile("[a-zA-Z]{1,8}(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*$")
NCNamePattern = re_compile(
QNamePattern = re_compile(
Beispiel #14
 def __init__(self, pattern):
     self._brace_pattern = re_compile('\{\w+\}')
     self._elem_re_template = r'(?P<{}>\w+)'
     self._group_names = []
     self._matcher = None
Beispiel #15
def durday(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    days = int(n)
    hours = int((n - days) * 24)
    return durationValue(None, None, days, hours, sign)

# the output will only be in hours, nothing lower
def durhour(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    hours = int(n)
    return durationValue(None, None, None, hours, sign)

dateQuarterEndPattern = re_compile(

# the output is a date value of a calendar quarter end
def datequarterend(arg):
        m = dateQuarterEndPattern.match(arg)
        year = int( or
                   )  # year pattern, raises AttributeError if no pattern match
        month = {
            "first": 3,
            "1": 3,
            "second": 6,
            "2": 6,
            "third": 9,
Beispiel #16
    from regex import I
except ImportError:
    from re import compile as re_compile
    from re import I

from tollgate import __version__
from tollgate.frontend.models import Oui, IP4Protocol
from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import DatabaseError, IntegrityError
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand, CommandError

# other constants
OUI_LIST_FILE = 'oui.txt'
OUI_RE = re_compile(r'^\s+([0-9A-F]{6})\s+\(base 16\)\s+(.*)\s*$')

IP4P_LIST_FILE = 'protocol-numbers.xml'

HELPER_DATA = join(realpath(dirname(__file__)), 'scraper.dat')

UA = 'tollgate/%s (; Python)' % __version__
PBAR_WIDGET_STYLE = [Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()]

def download_file(filename, url):
    etag_filename = filename + '.etag'
    # check to see if there's an existing dump of the data
    mtime = None
Beispiel #17
    if d is not None:
        output += str(d) + 'D'
    if h is not None:
        output += 'T' + str(h) + 'H'
    return output

def numinf(arg):
    return "INF"

def numneginf(arg):
    return "-INF"

def numnan(arg):
    return "NaN"

numwordsenPattern = re_compile(r"^\s*(((((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Qq]uintillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Qq]uadrillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Tt]rillion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Bb]illion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?(((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Mm]illion(\s*,\s*|\s+|$))?((((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))\s+[Tt]housand((\s*,\s*|\s+)((([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?)))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)\s+[Hh]undred(\s+(and\s+)?(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|(([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree|en|welve|hirteen)|[Ff](our(teen)?|ive|ifteen)|[Ss](ix(teen)?|even(teen)?)|[Ee](ight(een)?|leven)|[Nn]ine(teen)?)|([Tt](wenty|hirty)|[Ff](orty|ifty)|[Ss](ixty|eventy)|[Ee]ighty|[Nn]inety)((-|\s+)([Oo]ne|[Tt](wo|hree)|[Ff](our|ive)|[Ss](ix|even)|[Ee]ight|[Nn]ine))?))?)|[Zz]ero|[Nn]o(ne)?)\s*$")

numwordsNoPattern = re_compile(r"^\s*[Nn]o(ne)?\s*$")

commaAndPattern = re_compile(r",|\sand\s") # substitute whitespace for comma or and

def numwordsen(arg):
    if not numwordsenPattern.match(arg) or len(arg) == 0:
        raise FunctionArgType(1, "numwordsen lexical error")
    elif numwordsNoPattern.match(arg): # match "no" or "none"
        return "0"
        return str(text2num(commaAndPattern.sub(" ", arg.strip().lower()))) # must be returned as a string
    except (NumberException, TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
        raise FunctionArgType(1, str(ex))
Beispiel #18
    return durationValue(None, None, days, None, sign)

# if arg is not an integer, the rest can spill into hours, but nothing lower
def durday(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    days = int(n)
    hours = int((n - days) * 24)
    return durationValue(None, None, days, hours, sign)

# the output will only be in hours, nothing lower
def durhour(arg):
    n, sign = getValue(arg)
    hours = int(n)
    return durationValue(None, None, None, hours, sign)

dateQuarterEndPattern = re_compile(r"([^0-9]*(1|[Ff]irst|2|[Ss]econd|3|[Tt]hird|4|[Ff]ourth|[Ll]ast)[^0-9]*([0-9]{4})[^0-9]*)|([^0-9]*([0-9]{4})[^0-9]*(1|[Ff]irst|2|[Ss]econd|3|[Tt]hird|4|[Ff]ourth|[Ll]ast)[^0-9]*)") 

# the output is a date value of a calendar quarter end
def datequarterend(arg):
        m = dateQuarterEndPattern.match(arg)
        year = int( or # year pattern, raises AttributeError if no pattern match
        month = {"first":3, "1":3, "second":6, "2":6, "third":9, "3":9, "fourth":12, "last":12, "4":12
                 }[( or]
        return str(, month, lastDayOfMonth(year, month)))
    except (AttributeError, ValueError, KeyError):
        raise FunctionArgType(0, "xs:date")

def getValue(arg):
        n = float(arg) # could cause a ValueError exception
Beispiel #19
@author: Mark V Systems Limited
(c) Copyright 2010 Mark V Systems Limited, All rights reserved.
from collections import defaultdict
from math import (log10, isnan, isinf, fabs, trunc, fmod, floor, pow)
import decimal
    from regex import compile as re_compile
except ImportError:
    from re import compile as re_compile
import hashlib
from arelle import Locale, XbrlConst, XbrlUtil
from arelle.ModelObject import ObjectPropertyViewWrapper
from arelle.XmlValidate import UNVALIDATED, VALID

numberPattern = re_compile("[-+]?[0]*([1-9]?[0-9]*)([.])?(0*)([1-9]?[0-9]*)?([eE])?([-+]?[0-9]*)?")
ZERO = decimal.Decimal(0)
ONE = decimal.Decimal(1)
NaN = decimal.Decimal("NaN")
floatNaN = float("NaN")
floatINF = float("INF")

def validate(modelXbrl, inferDecimals=False):
    ValidateXbrlCalcs(modelXbrl, inferDecimals).validate()
class ValidateXbrlCalcs:
    def __init__(self, modelXbrl, inferDecimals=False):
        self.modelXbrl = modelXbrl
        self.inferDecimals = inferDecimals
        self.mapContext = {}
        self.mapUnit = {}
Beispiel #20
 def _parse_fasta(self, fasta):
     pat = re_compile(
         r'>(?P<hGene>[\w\d\.-]+ ){0,1}(?P<hSplice>[\w\.-]+)[ :]{1,2}(?P<id>[\w\.-]+) (?P<type>[\w\.-]+)[ :]{1,2}(?P<info>[-\w\.]+)[ :]{0,1}(?P<chrom>\w+:\w+:*\w*:*[- 0-9]*){0,1}.*?\n(?P<seq>[^>]+)',
     fasta_parse = pat.finditer(fasta)
     return fasta_parse
Beispiel #21
def validateValue(modelXbrl,
    if baseXsdType:
            if (len(value) == 0 and attrTag is None and not isNillable and 
                baseXsdType not in ("anyType", "string", "normalizedString", "token", "NMTOKEN", "anyURI", "noContent")):
                raise ValueError("missing value for not nillable element")
            xValid = VALID
            whitespaceReplace = (baseXsdType == "normalizedString")
            whitespaceCollapse = (not whitespaceReplace
                                  and baseXsdType != "string")
            isList = baseXsdType in {"IDREFS", "ENTITIES", "NMTOKENS"}
            if isList:
                baseXsdType = baseXsdType[:-1]  # remove plural
                if facets:
                    if "minLength" not in facets:
                        facets = facets.copy()
                        facets["minLength"] = 1
                    facets = {"minLength": 1}
            pattern = baseXsdTypePatterns.get(baseXsdType)
            if facets:
                if "pattern" in facets:
                    pattern = facets["pattern"]
                    # note multiple patterns are or'ed togetner, which isn't yet implemented!
                if "whiteSpace" in facets:
                    whitespaceReplace, whitespaceCollapse = {
                        "preserve": (False, False),
                        "replace": (True, False),
                        "collapse": (False, True)
            if whitespaceReplace:
                value = normalizeWhitespacePattern.sub(
                    ' ', value)  # replace tab, line feed, return with space
            elif whitespaceCollapse:
                value = collapseWhitespacePattern.sub(' ', value).strip(
                    ' '
                )  # collapse multiple spaces, tabs, line feeds and returns to single space
            if baseXsdType == "noContent":
                if len(value) > 0 and not entirelyWhitespacePattern.match(
                        value):  # only xml schema pattern whitespaces removed
                    raise ValueError("value content not permitted")
                # note that sValue and xValue are not innerText but only text elements on specific element (or attribute)
                xValue = sValue = None
                xValid = VALID_NO_CONTENT  # notify others that element may contain subelements (for stringValue needs)
            elif not value and isNil and isNillable:  # rest of types get None if nil/empty value
                xValue = sValue = None
                if pattern is not None:
                    if ((isList and any(
                            pattern.match(v) is None for v in value.split()))
                            or (not isList and pattern.match(value) is None)):
                        raise ValueError(
                            "pattern facet " +
                            facets["pattern"].pattern if facets
                            and "pattern" in facets else "pattern mismatch")
                if facets:
                    if "enumeration" in facets and value not in facets[
                        raise ValueError("{0} is not in {1}".format(
                            value, facets["enumeration"].keys()))
                    if "length" in facets and len(value) != facets["length"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, expected {1}".format(
                            len(value), facets["length"]))
                    if "minLength" in facets and len(
                            value) < facets["minLength"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, minLength {1}".format(
                            len(value), facets["minLength"]))
                    if "maxLength" in facets and len(
                            value) > facets["maxLength"]:
                        raise ValueError("length {0}, maxLength {1}".format(
                            len(value), facets["maxLength"]))
                if baseXsdType in {
                        "string", "normalizedString", "language",
                        "languageOrEmpty", "token", "NMTOKEN", "Name",
                        "NCName", "IDREF", "ENTITY"
                    xValue = sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "ID":
                    xValue = sValue = value
                    xValid = VALID_ID
                elif baseXsdType == "anyURI":
                    if value:  # allow empty strings to be valid anyURIs
                        if UrlUtil.relativeUrlPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("IETF RFC 2396 4.3 syntax")
                    # encode PSVI xValue similarly to Xerces and other implementations
                    xValue = anyURI(UrlUtil.anyUriQuoteForPSVI(value))
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType in ("decimal", "float", "double",
                    if baseXsdType in ("decimal", "XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL"):
                        if decimalPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = Decimal(value)
                        sValue = float(
                        )  # s-value uses Number (float) representation
                        if sValue == 0 and baseXsdType == "XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL":
                            raise ValueError("zero is not allowed")
                        if floatPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = sValue = float(value)
                    if facets:
                        if "totalDigits" in facets and len(
                                              "")) > facets["totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError("totalDigits facet {0}".format(
                        if "fractionDigits" in facets and (
                                '.' in value
                                and len(value[value.index('.') + 1:]) >
                            raise ValueError(
                                "fraction digits facet {0}".format(
                        if "maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets[
                            raise ValueError(" > maxInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets[
                            raise ValueError(" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets[
                            raise ValueError(" < minInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets[
                            raise ValueError(" <= minExclusive {0}".format(
                elif baseXsdType in {
                        "integer", "nonPositiveInteger", "negativeInteger",
                        "nonNegativeInteger", "positiveInteger", "long",
                        "unsignedLong", "int", "unsignedInt", "short",
                        "unsignedShort", "byte", "unsignedByte"
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if ((baseXsdType in {
                            "nonNegativeInteger", "unsignedLong", "unsignedInt"
                    } and xValue < 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "nonPositiveInteger" and xValue > 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == "byte" and not -128 <= xValue < 127)
                            or (baseXsdType == "unsignedByte"
                                and not 0 <= xValue < 255)
                            or (baseXsdType == "short"
                                and not -32768 <= xValue < 32767)
                            or (baseXsdType == "unsignedShort"
                                and not 0 <= xValue < 65535) or
                        (baseXsdType == "positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0)):
                        raise ValueError("{0} is not {1}".format(
                            value, baseXsdType))
                    if facets:
                        if "totalDigits" in facets and len(
                                              "")) > facets["totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError("totalDigits facet {0}".format(
                        if "fractionDigits" in facets and (
                                '.' in value
                                and len(value[value.index('.') + 1:]) >
                            raise ValueError(
                                "fraction digits facet {0}".format(
                        if "maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets[
                            raise ValueError(" > maxInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets[
                            raise ValueError(" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets[
                            raise ValueError(" < minInclusive {0}".format(
                        if "minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets[
                            raise ValueError(" <= minExclusive {0}".format(
                elif baseXsdType == "boolean":
                    if value in ("true", "1"):
                        xValue = sValue = True
                    elif value in ("false", "0"):
                        xValue = sValue = False
                        raise ValueError
                elif baseXsdType == "QName":
                    xValue = qnameEltPfxName(elt,
                    #xValue = qname(elt, value, castException=ValueError, prefixException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                    ''' not sure here, how are explicitDimensions validated, but bad units not?
                    if xValue.namespaceURI in modelXbrl.namespaceDocs:
                        if (xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameConcepts and 
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameTypes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributeGroups):
                            raise ValueError("qname not defined " + str(xValue))
                elif baseXsdType == "enumerationHrefs":
                    xValue = [qnameHref(href) for href in value.split()]
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == "enumerationQNames":
                    xValue = [
                        qnameEltPfxName(elt, qn, prefixException=ValueError)
                        for qn in value.split()
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType in ("XBRLI_DECIMALSUNION",
                    xValue = sValue = value if value == "INF" else _INT(value)
                elif baseXsdType in ("XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL"):
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if xValue == 0:
                        raise ValueError("invalid value")
                elif baseXsdType == "regex-pattern":
                    # for facet compiling
                        sValue = value
                        if value in xmlSchemaPatterns:
                            xValue = xmlSchemaPatterns[value]
                            if r"\i" in value or r"\c" in value:
                                value = value.replace(r"[\i-[:]]", iNameChar).replace(r"\i", iNameChar) \
                                              .replace(r"[\c-[:]]", cMinusCNameChar).replace(r"\c", cNameChar)
                            xValue = re_compile(value +
                                                "$")  # must match whole string
                    except Exception as err:
                        raise ValueError(err)
                elif baseXsdType == "fraction":
                    numeratorStr, denominatorStr = elt.fractionValue
                    if numeratorStr == INVALIDixVALUE or denominatorStr == INVALIDixVALUE:
                        sValue = xValue = INVALIDixVALUE
                        xValid = INVALID
                        sValue = value
                        numeratorNum = float(numeratorStr)
                        denominatorNum = float(denominatorStr)
                        if numeratorNum.is_integer(
                        ) and denominatorNum.is_integer():
                            xValue = Fraction(int(numeratorNum),
                            xValue = Fraction(numeratorNum / denominatorNum)
                    if baseXsdType in lexicalPatterns:
                        match = lexicalPatterns[baseXsdType].match(value)
                        if match is None:
                            raise ValueError("lexical pattern mismatch")
                        if baseXsdType == "XBRLI_DATEUNION":
                            xValue = dateTime(value,
                            sValue = value
                        elif baseXsdType == "dateTime":
                            xValue = dateTime(value,
                            sValue = value
                        elif baseXsdType == "date":
                            xValue = dateTime(value,
                            sValue = value
                        elif baseXsdType == "gMonthDay":
                            month, day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups(
                            if int(day) > {
                                    2: 29,
                                    4: 30,
                                    6: 30,
                                    9: 30,
                                    11: 30,
                                    1: 31,
                                    3: 31,
                                    5: 31,
                                    7: 31,
                                    8: 31,
                                    10: 31,
                                    12: 31
                                raise ValueError(
                                    "invalid day {0} for month {1}".format(
                                        day, month))
                            xValue = gMonthDay(month, day)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gYearMonth":
                            year, month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups(
                            xValue = gYearMonth(year, month)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gYear":
                            year, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gYear(year)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gMonth":
                            month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gMonth(month)
                        elif baseXsdType == "gDay":
                            day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gDay(day)
                        elif baseXsdType == "duration":
                            xValue = isoDuration(value)
                            xValue = value
                    else:  # no lexical pattern, forget compiling value
                        xValue = value
                    sValue = value
        except (ValueError, InvalidOperation) as err:
            if ModelInlineValueObject is not None and isinstance(
                    elt, ModelInlineValueObject):
                errElt = "{0} fact {1}".format(elt.elementQname, elt.qname)
                errElt = elt.elementQname
            if attrTag:
                    _("Element %(element)s attribute %(attribute)s type %(typeName)s value error: %(value)s, %(error)s"
                        elt, attrTag, isAttribute=True),
                    value=strTruncate(value, 30),
                    _("Element %(element)s type %(typeName)s value error: %(value)s, %(error)s"
                    value=strTruncate(value, 30),
            xValue = None
            sValue = value
            xValid = INVALID
        xValue = sValue = None
        xValid = UNKNOWN
    if attrTag:
        try:  # dynamically allocate attributes (otherwise given shared empty set)
            xAttributes = elt.xAttributes
        except AttributeError:
            elt.xAttributes = xAttributes = {}
        xAttributes[attrTag] = ModelAttribute(elt, attrTag, xValid, xValue,
                                              sValue, value)
        elt.xValid = xValid
        elt.xValue = xValue
        elt.sValue = sValue
Beispiel #22
def validateValue(modelXbrl, elt, attrTag, baseXsdType, value, isNillable=False, isNil=False, facets=None):
    if baseXsdType:
            if (len(value) == 0 and attrTag is None and not isNillable and 
                baseXsdType not in ("anyType", "string", "normalizedString", "token", "NMTOKEN", "anyURI", "noContent")):
                raise ValueError("missing value for not nillable element")
            xValid = VALID
            whitespaceReplace = (baseXsdType == u"normalizedString")
            whitespaceCollapse = (not whitespaceReplace and baseXsdType != u"string")
            isList = baseXsdType in set([u"IDREFS", u"ENTITIES", u"NMTOKENS"])
            if isList:
                baseXsdType = baseXsdType[:-1] # remove plural
            pattern = baseXsdTypePatterns.get(baseXsdType)
            if facets:
                if u"pattern" in facets:
                    pattern = facets[u"pattern"]
                    # note multiple patterns are or'ed togetner, which isn't yet implemented!
                if u"whiteSpace" in facets:
                    whitespaceReplace, whitespaceCollapse = {u"preserve":(False,False), u"replace":(True,False), u"collapse":(False,True)}[facets[u"whiteSpace"]]
            if whitespaceReplace:
                value = normalizeWhitespacePattern.sub(u' ', value)
            elif whitespaceCollapse:
                value = collapseWhitespacePattern.sub(u' ', value.strip())
            if baseXsdType == u"noContent":
                if len(value) > 0 and not value.isspace():
                    raise ValueError(u"value content not permitted")
                # note that sValue and xValue are not innerText but only text elements on specific element (or attribute)
                xValue = sValue = None
                xValid = VALID_NO_CONTENT # notify others that element may contain subelements (for stringValue needs)
            elif not value and isNil and isNillable: # rest of types get None if nil/empty value
                xValue = sValue = None
                if pattern is not None:
                    if ((isList and any(pattern.match(v) is None for v in value.split())) or
                        (not isList and pattern.match(value) is None)):
                        raise ValueError(u"pattern facet " + facets[u"pattern"].pattern if facets and u"pattern" in facets else u"pattern mismatch")
                if facets:
                    if u"enumeration" in facets and value not in facets[u"enumeration"]:
                        raise ValueError(u"{0} is not in {1}".format(value, facets[u"enumeration"]))
                    if u"length" in facets and len(value) != facets[u"length"]:
                        raise ValueError(u"length {0}, expected {1}".format(len(value), facets[u"length"]))
                    if u"minLength" in facets and len(value) < facets[u"minLength"]:
                        raise ValueError(u"length {0}, minLength {1}".format(len(value), facets[u"minLength"]))
                    if u"maxLength" in facets and len(value) > facets[u"maxLength"]:
                        raise ValueError(u"length {0}, maxLength {1}".format(len(value), facets[u"maxLength"]))
                if baseXsdType in set([u"string", u"normalizedString", u"language", u"token", u"NMTOKEN",u"Name",u"NCName",u"IDREF",u"ENTITY"]):
                    xValue = sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == u"ID":
                    xValue = sValue = value
                    xValid = VALID_ID
                elif baseXsdType == u"anyURI":
                    if value:  # allow empty strings to be valid anyURIs
                        if UrlUtil.relativeUrlPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError(u"IETF RFC 2396 4.3 syntax")
                    # encode PSVI xValue similarly to Xerces and other implementations
                    xValue = anyURI(UrlUtil.anyUriQuoteForPSVI(value))
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType in (u"decimal", u"float", u"double"):
                    if baseXsdType == u"decimal":
                        if decimalPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError(u"lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = Decimal(value)
                        sValue = float(value) # s-value uses Number (float) representation
                        if floatPattern.match(value) is None:
                            raise ValueError(u"lexical pattern mismatch")
                        xValue = sValue = float(value)
                    if facets:
                        if u"totalDigits" in facets and len(value.replace(u".",u"")) > facets[u"totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError(u"totalDigits facet {0}".format(facets[u"totalDigits"]))
                        if u"fractionDigits" in facets and ( u'.' in value and
                            len(value[value.index(u'.') + 1:]) > facets[u"fractionDigits"]):
                            raise ValueError(u"fraction digits facet {0}".format(facets[u"fractionDigits"]))
                        if u"maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets[u"maxInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" > maxInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"maxInclusive"]))
                        if u"maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets[u"maxExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"maxExclusive"]))
                        if u"minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets[u"minInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" < minInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"minInclusive"]))
                        if u"minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets[u"minExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" <= minExclusive {0}".format(facets[u"minExclusive"]))
                elif baseXsdType in set([u"integer",
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if ((baseXsdType in set([u"nonNegativeInteger",u"unsignedLong",u"unsignedInt"]) 
                         and xValue < 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"nonPositiveInteger" and xValue > 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"byte" and not -128 <= xValue < 127) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"unsignedByte" and not 0 <= xValue < 255) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"short" and not -32768 <= xValue < 32767) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"unsignedShort" and not 0 <= xValue < 65535) or
                        (baseXsdType == u"positiveInteger" and xValue <= 0)):
                        raise ValueError(u"{0} is not {1}".format(value, baseXsdType))
                    if facets:
                        if u"totalDigits" in facets and len(value.replace(u".",u"")) > facets[u"totalDigits"]:
                            raise ValueError(u"totalDigits facet {0}".format(facets[u"totalDigits"]))
                        if u"fractionDigits" in facets and ( u'.' in value and
                            len(value[value.index(u'.') + 1:]) > facets[u"fractionDigits"]):
                            raise ValueError(u"fraction digits facet {0}".format(facets[u"fractionDigits"]))
                        if u"maxInclusive" in facets and xValue > facets[u"maxInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" > maxInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"maxInclusive"]))
                        if u"maxExclusive" in facets and xValue >= facets[u"maxExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" >= maxInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"maxExclusive"]))
                        if u"minInclusive" in facets and xValue < facets[u"minInclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" < minInclusive {0}".format(facets[u"minInclusive"]))
                        if u"minExclusive" in facets and xValue <= facets[u"minExclusive"]:
                            raise ValueError(u" <= minExclusive {0}".format(facets[u"minExclusive"]))
                elif baseXsdType == u"boolean":
                    if value in (u"true", u"1"):  
                        xValue = sValue = True
                    elif value in (u"false", u"0"): 
                        xValue = sValue = False
                    else: raise ValueError
                elif baseXsdType == u"QName":
                    xValue = qnameEltPfxName(elt, value, prefixException=ValueError)
                    #xValue = qname(elt, value, castException=ValueError, prefixException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                    u''' not sure here, how are explicitDimensions validated, but bad units not?
                    if xValue.namespaceURI in modelXbrl.namespaceDocs:
                        if (xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameConcepts and 
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameTypes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributes and
                            xValue not in modelXbrl.qnameAttributeGroups):
                            raise ValueError("qname not defined " + str(xValue))
                elif baseXsdType in (u"XBRLI_DECIMALSUNION", u"XBRLI_PRECISIONUNION"):
                    xValue = sValue = value if value == u"INF" else _INT(value)
                elif baseXsdType in (u"XBRLI_NONZERODECIMAL"):
                    xValue = sValue = _INT(value)
                    if xValue == 0:
                        raise ValueError(u"invalid value")
                elif baseXsdType == u"XBRLI_DATEUNION":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATEUNION, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == u"dateTime":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATETIME, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == u"date":
                    xValue = dateTime(value, type=DATE, castException=ValueError)
                    sValue = value
                elif baseXsdType == u"regex-pattern":
                    # for facet compiling
                        sValue = value
                        if value in xmlSchemaPatterns:
                            xValue = xmlSchemaPatterns[value]
                            if ur"\i" in value or ur"\c" in value:
                                value = value.replace(ur"\i", iNameChar).replace(ur"\c", cNameChar)
                            xValue = re_compile(value + u"$") # must match whole string
                    except Exception, err:
                        raise ValueError(err)
                    if baseXsdType in lexicalPatterns:
                        match = lexicalPatterns[baseXsdType].match(value)
                        if match is None:
                            raise ValueError(u"lexical pattern mismatch")
                        if baseXsdType == u"gMonthDay":
                            month, day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            if int(day) > {2:29, 4:30, 6:30, 9:30, 11:30, 1:31, 3:31, 5:31, 7:31, 8:31, 10:31, 12:31}[int(month)]:
                                raise ValueError(u"invalid day {0} for month {1}".format(day, month))
                            xValue = gMonthDay(month, day)
                        elif baseXsdType == u"gYearMonth":
                            year, month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gYearMonth(year, month)
                        elif baseXsdType == u"gYear":
                            year, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gYear(year)
                        elif baseXsdType == u"gMonth":
                            month, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gMonth(month)
                        elif baseXsdType == u"gDay":
                            day, zSign, zHrMin, zHr, zMin = match.groups()
                            xValue = gDay(day)
                            xValue = value
                    else: # no lexical pattern, forget compiling value
                        xValue = value
                    sValue = value