Beispiel #1
def test_structure_type(thr):

    shape = (100, 100)
    dtype = dtypes.align(
        numpy.dtype([('i1', numpy.uint32),
                     ('nested', numpy.dtype([
                         ('v', numpy.uint64),
                     ])), ('i2', numpy.uint32)]))

    a = get_test_array(shape, dtype)
    a_dev = thr.to_device(a)

    # Have to construct the resulting array manually,
    # since numpy cannot reduce arrays with struct dtypes.
    b_ref = numpy.empty(100, dtype)
    b_ref['i1'] = a['i1'].sum(0)
    b_ref['nested']['v'] = a['nested']['v'].sum(0)
    b_ref['i2'] = a['i2'].sum(0)

    predicate = Predicate(
        Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: """
            ${ctype} result = ${v1};
            result.i1 += ${v2}.i1;
            result.nested.v += ${v2}.nested.v;
            result.i2 += ${v2}.i2;
            return result;
        numpy.zeros(1, dtype)[0])

    rd = Reduce(a_dev, predicate, axes=(0, ))

    b_dev = thr.empty_like(rd.parameter.output)

    rdc = rd.compile(thr)
    rdc(b_dev, a_dev)
    b_res = b_dev.get()

    # Array.get() runs numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided() on the array,
    # which adds dummy variables instead of custom offsets (and our `dtype` has them),
    # making the result dtype different, and failing the test.
    # For now we will just note the difference and convert the result
    # back to the original dtype (they are still compatible).
    # When the behavior changes, the test will start to fail and we will notice.
    # See inducer/compyte issue #26.
    wrong_dtype = b_res.dtype != b_dev.dtype

    b_res = b_res.astype(dtype)
    assert diff_is_negligible(b_res, b_ref)

    if wrong_dtype:
        pytest.xfail("as_strided() still corrupts the datatype")
    else:"as_strided() does not corrupt the datatype anymore, "
                    "we can remove the `astype()` now")
Beispiel #2
def test_nondefault_function(thr):

    shape = (100, 100)
    a = get_test_array(shape, numpy.int64)
    a_dev = thr.to_device(a)
    b_ref = a.sum(0)

    predicate = Predicate(
        Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: "return ${v1} + ${v2};"), 0)

    rd = Reduce(a_dev, predicate, axes=(0, ))

    b_dev = thr.empty_like(rd.parameter.output)

    rdc = rd.compile(thr)
    rdc(b_dev, a_dev)

    assert diff_is_negligible(b_dev.get(), b_ref)
Beispiel #3
def test_scan_structure_type(thr, exclusive):

    shape = (100, 100)
    dtype = dtypes.align(
        numpy.dtype([('i1', numpy.uint32),
                     ('nested', numpy.dtype([
                         ('v', numpy.uint64),
                     ])), ('i2', numpy.uint32)]))

    a = get_test_array(shape, dtype)
    a_dev = thr.to_device(a)

    # Have to construct the resulting array manually,
    # since numpy cannot scan arrays with struct dtypes.
    b_ref = numpy.empty(shape, dtype)
    b_ref['i1'] = ref_scan(a['i1'], axes=0, exclusive=exclusive)
    b_ref['nested']['v'] = ref_scan(a['nested']['v'],
    b_ref['i2'] = ref_scan(a['i2'], axes=0, exclusive=exclusive)

    predicate = Predicate(
        Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: """
            ${ctype} result = ${v1};
            result.i1 += ${v2}.i1;
            result.nested.v += ${v2}.nested.v;
            result.i2 += ${v2}.i2;
            return result;
        numpy.zeros(1, dtype)[0])

    scan = Scan(a_dev, predicate, axes=(0, ), exclusive=exclusive)

    b_dev = thr.empty_like(scan.parameter.output)

    scanc = scan.compile(thr)
    scanc(b_dev, a_dev)
    b_res = b_dev.get()

    assert diff_is_negligible(b_res, b_ref)
Beispiel #4
    return repeat_kernel(img, prg.border, 1)

# Create LUT and stringify into preamble of map kernel
LUT = np.zeros(256, np.int32)
for b in xrange(8):
    LUT[(np.arange(256) & (1 << b)) != 0] += 1
strLUT = "constant int LUT[256] = {" + ",".join(map(str, LUT)) + "};\n"
byte_to_count = Transformation([
    Parameter('output', Annotation(Type(np.int32, (1, )), 'o')),
    Parameter('input', Annotation(Type(np.uint8, (1, )), 'i'))
], strLUT + """

predicate = Predicate(
    Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: """return ${v1} + ${v2}"""), np.int32(0))

sum_bits_reduction = Reduce(byte_to_count.output, predicate)
sum_bits = sum_bits_reduction.compile(thr)
#sum_byte_count = ReductionKernel(cx, np.int32, neutral="0",
#                    reduce_expr="a+b", map_expr="LUT[bytes[i]]",
#                    arguments="__global unsigned char *bytes",
#                    preamble=strLUT)
#def count_bits(img):
#    return sum_byte_count(img).get().item()
#pixel_inds = GenericScanKernel(cx, np.int32,
#                    arguments="__global unsigned char *bytes, "
Beispiel #5
mmc_c_decl = dtypes.ctype_module(mmc_dtype)

# Create the "empty" element for our minmax monoid, that is
# x `minmax` empty == empty `minmax` x == x.
empty = numpy.empty(1, mmc_dtype)[0]
empty["cur_min"] = 1 << 30
empty["cur_max"] = -(1 << 30)

# Reduction predicate for the minmax.
# v1 and v2 get the names of two variables to be processed.
predicate = Predicate(
    Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: """
        ${ctype} result = ${v1};
        if (${v2}.cur_min < result.cur_min)
            result.cur_min = ${v2}.cur_min;
        if (${v2}.cur_max > result.cur_max)
            result.cur_max = ${v2}.cur_max;
        return result;
                   render_kwds=dict(ctype=mmc_c_decl)), empty)

# Test array
arr = numpy.random.randint(0, 10**6, 20000)

# A transformation that creates initial minmax structures for the given array of integers
to_mmc = Transformation([
    Parameter('output', Annotation(Type(mmc_dtype, arr.shape), 'o')),
    Parameter('input', Annotation(arr, 'i'))
], """
    ${output.ctype} res;
    res.cur_min = ${input.load_same};
Beispiel #6
def test_scan_custom_predicate(thr):
    predicate = Predicate(
        Snippet.create(lambda v1, v2: "return ${v1} + ${v2};"), 0)
    check_scan(thr, (10, 20, 30, 40), axes=(1, 2), predicate=predicate)