def index(self): # This function is called after the login has been visited c.user = h.user() if c.user is None: h.flash_alert(u"Login Failed. Please try again.") return render('/account/login.mako') c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() return render('home.mako')
def index(self): # The default page for the client tab c.user = h.user() c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() # Debtors should not have access to this menu if ( == 'Debtor'): # Alert the user h.flash_alert(u"Debtors do not have access to this menu.") # Redirect the user to the return render('/') return render('/client/client.mako')
def index(self): # WebFlash is used to flash messages to the user. Flashed messages # will survive redirects and will only be displayed once. # h.flash_alert("Flash an Alert!") # h.flash_info("Flash an Info") # h.flash_ok("Flash an OK") c.user =h.user() # checks for the identity of the user if there if c.user is None: return render('/account/login.mako') else: c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() return render('/home.mako')
def updatePassword(self): # This subroutine will update the password for the user user = h.user() # gets the users object # getsthe old, new, and the retyped new passowrd new_pwd = request.params['pwd_new'] old_pwd = request.params['pwd_old'] new_pwd_re = request.params['pwd_new_re'] # test to see if they've entered the correct old passwrd if (new_pwd =='') and (old_pwd =='') and (new_pwd_re ==''): # If nothing was entered, user just pressed the button pass elif user.validate_password(old_pwd): # test to see if they've netered the new password in correctly if new_pwd == new_pwd_re: # update the user with the new password user.set_password(new_pwd) Session.commit() h.flash_ok(u"Your password has changed.") else: h.flash_alert(u"Password change failed.") else: h.flash_alert(u"Password change failed.") c.user = user c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() return render("/home.mako")
def index(self): # The default page for the report tab c.user = h.user() c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() return render('/report/report.mako')
def login(self): identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity') if identity is not None: came_from = request.params.get('came_from', None) if not came_from or came_from in CAME_FROM_EXCLUDE: redirect(url('/')) else: redirect(url(str(came_from))) return render('/account/login.mako')
def doReset(self): # This is the form where the user will go once they have submitted their email address for thier password to be reset # This will e-mail a randomly generated password to the user email = request.params['user_email'] # This will return the users object u = Session.query(Users).filter_by(email=email) for user in u: temp_password = h.gen_pwd() from turbomail import Message message = Message("*****@*****.**",, "Password Reset") message.plain = "Your new RejuVu password is '%s'. Your username is '%s'." %(temp_password, user.username) message.send() user.set_password(temp_password) Session.commit() h.flash_info(u"An email has been sent to %s containing a new password for your account." %(,)) redirect(url('/')) else: h.flash_info("Error - Sorry no such account exists or registered") return render('/index.mako')
def new(self): # This subroutine will render the new form to create a client # double check that user's level c.user = h.user() c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() if request.method == 'POST': state = State() state.session = Session try: params = new_client_form.validate(request.params, state=state) except tw.forms.core.Invalid, e: c.form_error = e.error_dict or {} else: # If the client passes all of the scrutiny clientname = params['client_name'] client =Clients(name = clientname) Session.add(client) Session.commit() h.flash_ok(u"Client %s Created" %(clientname)) return render('/home.mako')
def updateUserInfo(self): # This subroutine will update the users inforamtion error =False changed =False # get the parameters from the form new_name = request.params['name'] new_username = request.params['username'] new_userlevel = request.params['userlevel'] new_email = request.params['email'] new_address = request.params['address'] new_city = request.params['city'] new_state = request.params['state'] new_zip = request.params['zip'] c.user =h.user() # get the user object usernames = Session.query(Users.username) emails = Session.query( g =Geocoder() # gets the users level c.user_level = Session.query(UserLevels).filter(UserLevels.ulid==c.user.level).first() if != new_userlevel: # test to see if the users level has been changed, ERROR if so error = True h.flash_alert(u"User Level change is prohibited.") if (c.user.username != new_username) and (error ==False): # Test to see if the user name has changed if not new_username in usernames: # test to see if the username is unique c.user.username = new_username Session.commit() changed =True else: # The use name is not unique h.flash_alert(u"Username already taken.") # Test to see if the address changed if (new_address != '') and (new_city !='') and (new_state != '') and (new_zip != '') and (error ==False) and (g.geocode(new_address+ ' ' + new_city +', '+ new_state+' '+ new_zip).valid_address !=False): # There are not any empty address fields and the address is valid # Check to see if there are any changes if (c.user.address != new_address): # address change c.user.address =new_address Session.commit() if changed != True: changed =True if ( != new_city): # new city =new_city Session.commit() if changed != True: changed =True if (c.user.state != new_state): # new state c.user.state =new_state Session.commit() if changed != True: changed =True if ( != new_zip): # new zip code =new_zip Session.commit() if changed != True: changed =True elif (c.user.address == new_address) and (c.user.state == new_state) and ( == new_city) and (c.user.zp ==new_zip): # If everything in the form address wise has not been changed then there is nothing that needs to be done pass else: # The address was bad error = True h.flash_alert(u"Improper Address.") if changed ==True and error ==False: h.flash_ok(u"Your user account is updated.") return render('/home.mako')
def forgot(self): # render the forgot password screen return render('/account/forgot.mako')