Beispiel #1
def test_signedmessage_happy():
    sm = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(420), SK)
    assert sm.is_valid()
    assert sm.msg == Stub(420)
    assert sm.is_valid()
    m, pk = sm.unwrap()
    assert m == Stub(420)
    assert pk == SK.pubkey
Beispiel #2
def test_encryptedmessage_crypt_identity_3():
    # EncryptedMessage can store a EncryptedMessage, thorela at the time of
    # writing, there's no need for this. It's just for completeness
    ek_sub = Enckey.gen()
    m_in = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(29874), ek_sub)
    m_out = EncryptedMessage.enc(m_in, EK).dec(EK)
    assert m_in == m_out
def test_getinfo_not_getinfo():
    db_conn = get_db()
    # not a GetInfo
    gi = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(1), SK1)
    gir = server.handle_getinfo(db_conn, gi)
    assert isinstance(gir, getinfo.GetInfoResp)
    assert not gir.ok
    assert gir.err == getinfo.GetInfoRespErr.Malformed
def test_account_req_resp_malformed():
    db_conn = get_db()
    sk = crypto.Seckey((333).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
    # Supposed to be signing an AccountReq, but instead signing a junk message
    req = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(420), sk)
    resp = server.handle_account_request(db_conn, req)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == account.AuthRespErr.Malformed
def test_authchallengeresp_not_authreq():
    db_conn = get_db()
    # Sign something other than an AuthChallengeResp
    smsg = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(1), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_authchallengeresp(db_conn, smsg)
    assert isinstance(resp, account.AuthResp)
    assert resp.cred is None
    assert resp.err == account.AuthRespErr.Malformed
Beispiel #6
def test_signedmessage_malformed():
    sm = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(420), SK)
    sm.msg_bytes = b'fooooo'
    assert not sm.is_valid()
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
def test_location_update_badecred_1():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn,
    loc = location.Location(u, loca.Coords(42, 69), time.time())
    # use a Stub instead of encrypted signed AccountCred
    lu = location.LocationUpdate(loc, Stub(90210))
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(lu, SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == location.LocationUpdateRespErr.Malformed
def test_location_update_malformed():
    db_conn = get_db()
    u = db.user_with_pk(db_conn,
    _ = get_cred(u)
    # Sign a Stub instead of a LocationUpate
    slu = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(90210), SK1)
    resp = server.handle_location_update(db_conn, slu)
    assert type(resp) == location.LocationUpdateResp
    assert not resp.ok
    assert resp.cred is None  # TODO
    assert resp.err == location.LocationUpdateRespErr.Malformed
def get_credchal(
    u: user.User,
    cls: Type[Union[account.AccountCred, account.AuthChallenge]],
    expire: float,
    scred_stub: bool = False,
    scred_munge: bool = False,
    cred_stub: bool = False,
    cred_wrong_key: bool = False,
    cred_expired: bool = False,
    cred_wrong_user: bool = False,
) -> EncryptedMessage:
    if scred_stub:
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(34444), server.ENCKEY)
    elif scred_munge:
        cred = cls(u, expire)
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(cred, server.IDKEY)
        scred.msg_bytes = b'fooooo'
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
    elif cred_stub:
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(2342), server.IDKEY)
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
    elif cred_wrong_key:
        sk = crypto.Seckey((9879).to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
        cred = cls(u, expire)
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(cred, sk)
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
    elif cred_expired:
        cred = cls(u, time.time() - 0.00001)
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(cred, server.IDKEY)
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
    elif cred_wrong_user:
        assert u != U2
        fake_u = user.User(U2.nick,, rowid=11)
        cred = cls(fake_u, expire)
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(cred, server.IDKEY)
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
        cred = cls(u, expire)
        scred = SignedMessage.sign(cred, server.IDKEY)
        ecred = EncryptedMessage.enc(scred, server.ENCKEY)
    return ecred
Beispiel #10
def test_encryptedmessage_crypt_identity_2():
    # EncryptedMessage can store a SignedMessage
    m_in = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(29874987), SK)
    m_out = EncryptedMessage.enc(m_in, EK).dec(EK)
    assert m_in == m_out
Beispiel #11
def test_authresp_dict_no_cred():
    d = account.AuthResp(Stub(1), None).to_dict()
    del d['cred']
    assert account.AuthResp.from_dict(d) is None
Beispiel #12
def test_encryptmessage_dict_identity_3():
    ek_sub = Enckey.gen()
    first = EncryptedMessage.enc(EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(420), ek_sub), EK)
    second = EncryptedMessage.from_dict(first.to_dict())
    assert first == second
Beispiel #13
def test_encryptedmessage_crypt_identity_1():
    # EncryptedMessage can store a Message
    m_in = Stub(29873987)
    m_out = EncryptedMessage.enc(m_in, EK).dec(EK)
    assert m_in == m_out
Beispiel #14
def test_encryptmessage_malformed():
    em = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(420), EK)
    em.ctext_nonce = b'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnncccccccc'
    with pytest.raises(nacl.exceptions.CryptoError):
Beispiel #15
def test_encryptmessage_dict_identity_2():
    first = EncryptedMessage.enc(SignedMessage.sign(Stub(420), SK), EK)
    second = EncryptedMessage.from_dict(first.to_dict())
    assert first == second
Beispiel #16
def test_authchallenegeresp_dict_identity():
    echal = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(1), EK)
    first = account.AuthChallengeResp(echal)
    second = account.AuthChallengeResp.from_dict(first.to_dict())
    assert first == second
Beispiel #17
def test_authresp_dict_bad_cred():
    d = account.AuthResp(Stub(1), None).to_dict()
    assert account.AuthResp.from_dict(d) is None
Beispiel #18
def test_authchallengeresp_dict_no_enc_chal():
    echal = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(1), EK)
    d = account.AuthChallengeResp(echal).to_dict()
    del d['enc_chal']
    assert account.AuthChallengeResp.from_dict(d) is None
def test_getinfo_dict_bad_ecred():
    gi = GetInfo(, really_fake_cred())
    d = gi.to_dict()
    d['cred'] = Stub(1).to_dict()
    assert GetInfo.from_dict(d) is None
Beispiel #20
def test_signedmessage_dict_identity():
    first = SignedMessage.sign(Stub(420), SK)
    second = SignedMessage.from_dict(first.to_dict())
    assert first == second
Beispiel #21
def test_authchallengeresp_str():
    echal = EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(1), EK)
    acr = account.AuthChallengeResp(echal)
    s = 'AuthChallengeResp<%s>' % (echal, )
    assert str(acr) == s
Beispiel #22
def test_authchallengeresp_dict_bad_enc_chal():
    d = account.AuthChallengeResp(Stub(1)).to_dict()
    assert account.AuthChallengeResp.from_dict(d) is None
def really_fake_cred() -> EncryptedMessage:
    return EncryptedMessage.enc(Stub(1), crypto.Enckey.gen())
def test_locationupdate_from_dict_invalid_3():
    cred = fake_cred()
    lu = LocationUpdate(Location(U, Stub(1), time.time()), cred)
    assert isinstance(lu, LocationUpdate)
    lu = LocationUpdate.from_dict(lu.to_dict())
    assert lu is None
def test_getinforesp_eq_stub():
    assert GetInfoResp(None) != Stub(1)
def test_locationupdateresp_equal_stub():
    lur = LocationUpdateResp(fake_cred(), None)
    assert lur != Stub(1)