def test_with_no_playbooks(self): """ Good playbooks should react as expectd. """ with mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser') as ap: ap().parse_args.return_value = Namespace( playbooks=[], verbose=False, header=False) try: main() except SystemExit, se: assert se.code == 0
def test_with_no_playbooks(self): """ Good playbooks should react as expectd. """ with mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser') as ap: ap().parse_args.return_value = Namespace(playbooks=[], verbose=False, header=False) try: main() except SystemExit, se: assert se.code == 0
def test_verbose_with_bad_plabook(self): """ Bad playbooks should return too much error information. """ with mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser') as ap: ap().parse_args.return_value = Namespace( playbooks=['tests/playbook_schema_invalid.json'], verbose=True, header=False) try: main() except SystemExit, se: assert se.code == 1 assert ap()._print_message.call_count == 3
def test_verbose_with_good_plabook(self): """ Good playbooks should return good header. """ with mock.patch('argparse.ArgumentParser') as ap: ap().parse_args.return_value = Namespace( playbooks=['tests/playbook_schema_valid.json'], verbose=True, header=False) try: main() except SystemExit, se: assert se.code == 0 ap()._print_message.called_once()