Beispiel #1
    def list_changes(self, cursor, after_tid, last_tid):
        """Return the (oid, tid) values changed in a range of transactions.

        The returned iterable must include the latest changes in the range
        after_tid < tid <= last_tid.
        if self.keep_history:
            stmt = """
            SELECT zoid, tid
            FROM current_object
            WHERE tid > %(min_tid)s
                AND tid <= %(max_tid)s
            stmt = """
            SELECT zoid, tid
            FROM object_state
            WHERE tid > %(min_tid)s
                AND tid <= %(max_tid)s
        params = {'min_tid': after_tid, 'max_tid': last_tid}
        stmt = intern(stmt % self.runner.script_vars)

        cursor.execute(stmt, params)
        return cursor.fetchall()
Beispiel #2
        def __dict_to_tuple(self, sql, args):
            Transform a dict-format expression into the equivalent
            tuple version.

            Caches statements. We know we only use a small number of small
            hard coded strings.
                # This is racy, but it's idempotent
                tuple_sql, itemgetter = _dict_cache[sql]
            except KeyError:
                dict_exprs = param_match.findall(sql)
                if not dict_exprs:
                    tuple_sql = sql
                    itemgetter = lambda d: ()
                    itemgetter = operator.itemgetter(*[dict_expr[2:-2] for dict_expr in dict_exprs])
                    if len(dict_exprs) == 1:
                        _itemgetter = itemgetter
                        itemgetter = lambda d: (_itemgetter(d),)
                    tuple_sql = param_match.sub('%s', sql)
                    tuple_sql = intern(tuple_sql)
                _dict_cache[sql] = (tuple_sql, itemgetter)

            return tuple_sql, itemgetter(args)
Beispiel #3
        def __dict_to_tuple(self, sql, args):
            Transform a dict-format expression into the equivalent
            tuple version.

            Caches statements. We know we only use a small number of small
            hard coded strings.
                # This is racy, but it's idempotent
                tuple_sql, itemgetter = _dict_cache[sql]
            except KeyError:
                dict_exprs = param_match.findall(sql)
                if not dict_exprs:
                    tuple_sql = sql
                    itemgetter = lambda d: ()
                    itemgetter = operator.itemgetter(
                        *[dict_expr[2:-2] for dict_expr in dict_exprs])
                    if len(dict_exprs) == 1:
                        _itemgetter = itemgetter
                        itemgetter = lambda d: (_itemgetter(d), )
                    tuple_sql = param_match.sub('%s', sql)
                    tuple_sql = intern(tuple_sql)
                _dict_cache[sql] = (tuple_sql, itemgetter)

            return tuple_sql, itemgetter(args)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, poll_query, keep_history, runner, revert_when_stale):
        self.poll_query = poll_query
        self.keep_history = keep_history
        self.runner = runner
        self.revert_when_stale = revert_when_stale

        list_changes_range_stmt = self._HP_LIST_CHANGES_RANGE if self.keep_history else self._HF_LIST_CHANGES_RANGE
        self._list_changes_range_stmt = intern(list_changes_range_stmt % self.runner.script_vars)

        poll_inv_stmt = self._HP_POLL_INV if self.keep_history else self._HF_POLL_INV
        poll_inv_stmt_exc = poll_inv_stmt + " AND tid != %(self_tid)s"

        self._poll_inv_stmt = intern(poll_inv_stmt % self.runner.script_vars)
        self._poll_inv_stmt_exc = intern(poll_inv_stmt_exc % self.runner.script_vars)

        self._tran_exists_stmt = intern(self._HP_TRAN_EXISTS % self.runner.script_vars)
Beispiel #5
    def prop(inst):
        queries = getattr(inst, base_name + '_queries')
        query = queries[0] if inst.keep_history else queries[1]
        if isinstance(query, Exception):
            raise query

        if extension:
            query = query + extension
        if formatted:
            query = intern(query % inst.runner.script_vars)

        return query
    def run_many(self, cursor, stmt, items):
        """Execute a statement repeatedly.  Items should be a list of tuples.

        stmt should use '%s' parameter format.
        # replace '%s' with ':n'
        matches = []
        def replace(_match):
            return ':%d' % len(matches)
        stmt = intern(re.sub('%s', replace, stmt))

        cursor.executemany(stmt, items)
Beispiel #7
def format_to_named(stmt):
    Convert '%s' pyformat strings to :n numbered
    strings. Intended only for static strings.
        return _stmt_cache[stmt]
    except KeyError:
        matches = []
        def replace(_match):
            return ':%d' % len(matches)
        new_stmt = intern(re.sub('%s', replace, stmt))
        _stmt_cache[stmt] = new_stmt

        return new_stmt
Beispiel #8
def _format_to_named(stmt):
    Convert '%s' pyformat strings to :n numbered
    strings. Intended only for static strings.

    This is legacy. Replace strings that use this with SQL statements
    constructed from the schema.
    import re
    from relstorage._compat import intern

        return _stmt_cache[stmt]
    except KeyError:
        matches = []

        def replace(_match):
            return ':%d' % len(matches)
        new_stmt = intern(re.sub('%s', replace, stmt))
        _stmt_cache[stmt] = new_stmt

        return new_stmt
Beispiel #9
    def poll_invalidations(self, conn, cursor, prev_polled_tid, ignore_tid):
        """Polls for new transactions.

        conn and cursor must have been created previously by open_for_load().
        prev_polled_tid is the tid returned at the last poll, or None
        if this is the first poll.  If ignore_tid is not None, changes
        committed in that transaction will not be included in the list
        of changed OIDs.

        Returns (changes, new_polled_tid), where changes is either
        a list of (oid, tid) that have changed, or None to indicate
        that the changes are too complex to list.  new_polled_tid can be
        0 if there is no data in the database.
        # find out the tid of the most recent transaction.
        rows = list(cursor)
        if not rows:
            # No data.
            return None, 0
        new_polled_tid = rows[0][0]
        if not new_polled_tid:
            # No data.
            return None, 0

        if prev_polled_tid is None:
            # This is the first time the connection has polled.
            return None, new_polled_tid

        if new_polled_tid == prev_polled_tid:
            # No transactions have been committed since prev_polled_tid.
            return (), new_polled_tid

        elif new_polled_tid > prev_polled_tid:
            # New transaction(s) have been added.

            if self.keep_history:
                # If the previously polled transaction no longer exists,
                # the cache is too old and needs to be cleared.
                # XXX Do we actually need to detect this condition? I think
                # if we delete this block of code, all the unreachable
                # objects will be garbage collected anyway. So, as a test,
                # there is no equivalent of this block of code for
                # history-free storage. If something goes wrong, then we'll
                # know there's some other edge condition we have to account
                # for.
                stmt = "SELECT 1 FROM transaction WHERE tid = %(tid)s"
                    intern(stmt % self.runner.script_vars),
                    {'tid': prev_polled_tid})
                rows = cursor.fetchall()
                if not rows:
                    # Transaction not found; perhaps it has been packed.
                    # The connection cache should be cleared.
                    return None, new_polled_tid

            # Get the list of changed OIDs and return it.
            if self.keep_history:
                stmt = """
                SELECT zoid, tid
                FROM current_object
                WHERE tid > %(tid)s
                stmt = """
                SELECT zoid, tid
                FROM object_state
                WHERE tid > %(tid)s
            params = {'tid': prev_polled_tid}
            if ignore_tid is not None:
                stmt += " AND tid != %(self_tid)s"
                params['self_tid'] = ignore_tid
            stmt = intern(stmt % self.runner.script_vars)

            cursor.execute(stmt, params)
            changes = cursor.fetchall()

            return changes, new_polled_tid

            # The database connection is stale. This can happen after
            # reading an asynchronous slave that is not fully up to date.
            # (It may also suggest that transaction IDs are not being created
            # in order, which would be a serious bug leading to consistency
            # violations.)
            if self.revert_when_stale:
                # This client prefers to revert to the old state.
                    "Reverting to stale transaction ID %d and clearing cache. "
                    new_polled_tid, prev_polled_tid)
                # We have to invalidate the whole cPickleCache, otherwise
                # the cache would be inconsistent with the reverted state.
                return None, new_polled_tid
                # This client never wants to revert to stale data, so
                # raise ReadConflictError to trigger a retry.
                # We're probably just waiting for async replication
                # to catch up, so retrying could do the trick.
                raise ReadConflictError(
                    "The database connection is stale: new_polled_tid=%d, "
                    "prev_polled_tid=%d." % (new_polled_tid, prev_polled_tid))
Beispiel #10
 def finalize(self):
     return intern(self.buf.getvalue().strip()), {v: k for k, v in self.placeholders.items()}
Beispiel #11
    def prepare(self):
        # This is correct for PostgreSQL. This needs moved to a dialect specific
        # spot.

        datatypes = self._find_datatypes_for_prepared_query()
        query = self.buf.getvalue()
        name = self._next_prepared_stmt_name(query)

        if datatypes:
            assert isinstance(datatypes, (list, tuple))
            datatypes = ', '.join(datatypes)
            datatypes = ' (%s)' % (datatypes,)
            datatypes = ''

        q = query.strip()

        # PREPARE needs the query string to use $1, $2, $3, etc,
        # as placeholders.
        # In MySQL, it's a plain question mark.
        placeholder_to_number = {}
        counter = 0
        for placeholder_name in self.placeholders.values():
            counter += 1
            placeholder = self._placeholder(placeholder_name)
            placeholder_to_number[placeholder_name] = counter
            param = self._prepared_param(counter)
            q = q.replace(placeholder, param, 1)

        q = self._quote_query_for_prepare(q)

        stmt = 'PREPARE {name}{datatypes} {conjunction} {query}'.format(
            name=name, datatypes=datatypes,

        if placeholder_to_number:
            execute = 'EXECUTE {name}({params})'.format(
                params=','.join(['%s'] * len(self.placeholders)),
            # Neither MySQL nor PostgreSQL like a set of empty parens: ()
            execute = 'EXECUTE {name}'.format(name=name)

        if '%s' in placeholder_to_number:
            # There was an ordered param. If there was one,
            # they must all be ordered, so there's no need to convert anything.
            assert len(placeholder_to_number) == 1
            def convert(p):
                return p
            def convert(d):
                # TODO: This may not actually be needed, since we issue a regular
                # cursor.execute(), it may be able to handle named?
                params = [None] * len(placeholder_to_number)
                for placeholder_name, ix in placeholder_to_number.items():
                    params[ix - 1] = d[placeholder_name]
                return params

        return intern(stmt), intern(execute), convert