Beispiel #1
def init_authorized_keys(user='******', fix_permissions=True):
    ak_file = get_authorized_keys_file(user)
    ak_dir = remote.path.dirname(ak_file)

    changed = False

    # ensure the directory exists
    changed |= fs.create_dir(ak_dir, mode=AK_DIR_PERMS).changed

    if fix_permissions:
        changed |= fs.chmod(ak_dir, AK_DIR_PERMS).changed
        changed |= fs.chown(ak_dir, uid=user).changed

    # check if the authorized keys file exists
    if not remote.lstat(ak_file):
        changed |= fs.touch(ak_file).changed

    if fix_permissions:
        changed |= fs.chmod(ak_file, AK_FILE_PERMS).changed
        changed |= fs.chown(ak_dir, uid=user).changed

    # at this point, we have fixed permissions for file and dir, as well as
    # ensured they exist. however, they might still be owned by root

    if changed:
        return Changed(ak_file,
                       msg='Changed permissions or owner on authorized keys')
    return Unchanged(
        ak_file, msg='authorized keys file has correct owner and permissions')
Beispiel #2
Datei: Projekt: mbr/remand
def init_authorized_keys(user='******', fix_permissions=True):
    ak_file = get_authorized_keys_file(user)
    ak_dir = remote.path.dirname(ak_file)

    changed = False

    # ensure the directory exists
    changed |= fs.create_dir(ak_dir, mode=AK_DIR_PERMS).changed

    if fix_permissions:
        changed |= fs.chmod(ak_dir, AK_DIR_PERMS).changed

    # check if the authorized keys file exists
    if not remote.lstat(ak_file):
        changed |= fs.touch(ak_file).changed

    if fix_permissions:
        changed |= fs.chmod(ak_file, AK_FILE_PERMS).changed

    # at this point, we have fixed permissions for file and dir, as well as
    # ensured they exist. however, they might still be owned by root

    if changed:
        return Changed(ak_file,
                       msg='Changed permissions or owner on authorized keys')
    return Unchanged(
        msg='authorized keys file has correct owner and permissions')
Beispiel #3
Datei: Projekt: mbr/remand
def install_private_key(key_file,

    if target_path is None:
        # FIXME: auto-determine key type if None
        if key_type not in ('rsa', ):
            raise NotImplementedError('Key type {} not supported')

        fn = 'id_' + key_type
        target_path = remote.path.join(info['posix.users'][user].home, '.ssh',

    changed = False

    # blocked: SSH transport does not suppoort
    # with remote.umasked(0o777 - KEY_FILE_PERMS):
    changed |= fs.create_dir(

    changed |= fs.upload_file(key_file, target_path).changed
    changed |= fs.chmod(target_path, mode=KEY_FILE_PERMS).changed

    if changed:
        return Changed(msg='Installed private key {}'.format(target_path))
    return Unchanged(
        msg='Private key {} already installed'.format(target_path))
Beispiel #4
def install_private_key(key_file,

    if target_path is None:
        # FIXME: auto-determine key type if None
        if key_type not in ('rsa', ):
            raise NotImplementedError('Key type {} not supported')

        fn = 'id_' + key_type
        target_path = remote.path.join(info['posix.users'][user].home, '.ssh',

    changed = False

    # blocked: SSH transport does not suppoort
    # with remote.umasked(0o777 - KEY_FILE_PERMS):
    changed |= fs.create_dir(remote.path.dirname(target_path),

    changed |= fs.upload_file(key_file, target_path).changed
    changed |= fs.chmod(target_path, mode=KEY_FILE_PERMS).changed

    if changed:
        return Changed(msg='Installed private key {}'.format(target_path))
    return Unchanged(
        msg='Private key {} already installed'.format(target_path))
Beispiel #5
def install_docker_compose():
    # docker: install docker compose
    ch = fs.upload_file(docker.webfiles["docker-compose-Linux-x86_64"], "/usr/local/bin/docker-compose").changed
    ch |= fs.chmod("/usr/local/bin/docker-compose", mode=0o755).changed

    if ch:
        return Changed(msg="Installed docker-compose")
    return Unchanged(msg="docker-compose already installed")
Beispiel #6
def install_docker_compose():
    # docker: install docker compose
    ch = fs.upload_file(docker.webfiles['docker-compose-Linux-x86_64'],
    ch |= fs.chmod('/usr/local/bin/docker-compose', mode=0o755).changed

    if ch:
        return Changed(msg='Installed docker-compose')
    return Unchanged(msg='docker-compose already installed')
Beispiel #7
Datei: Projekt: mbr/remand
def install_cert(cert, key, cert_name=None, key_name=None):
    cert_name = cert_name or os.path.basename(cert)
    key_name = key_name or os.path.basename(key)

    # small sanity check
    with open(cert) as f:
        if 'PRIVATE' in
            raise ValueError(
                'You seem to have passed a private key as a cert!')

    with open(key) as f:
        if 'PRIVATE' not in
            raise ValueError(
                '{} does not seem to be a valid private key'.format(key))

    # check if remote is reasonably secure
    cert_dir = config['sslcert_cert_dir']
    cert_dir_st = remote.lstat(cert_dir)

    if not cert_dir_st:
        raise ConfigurationError('Remote SSL dir {} does not exist'.format(

    key_dir = config['sslcert_key_dir']
    key_dir_st = remote.lstat(key_dir)

    if not key_dir_st:
        raise ConfigurationError('Remote key dir {} does not exist'.format(

    SECURE_MODES = (0o700, 0o710)
    actual_mode = key_dir_st.st_mode & 0o777
    if actual_mode not in SECURE_MODES:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Mode of remote key dir {} is {:o}, should be one of {:o}'.format(
                key_dir, actual_mode, SECURE_MODES))

    if key_dir_st.st_uid != 0:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Remove key dir {} is not owned by root'.format(key_dir))

    # we can safely upload the key and cert
    cert_rpath = remote.path.join(cert_dir, cert_name)
    key_rpath = remote.path.join(key_dir, key_name)

    changed = False
    changed |= fs.upload_file(cert, cert_rpath).changed
    changed |= fs.upload_file(key, key_rpath).changed
    changed |= fs.chmod(key_rpath, 0o600).changed

    if changed:
        return Changed(
            msg='Uploaded key pair {}/{}'.format(cert_name, key_name))

    return Unchanged(
        msg='Key pair {}/{} already uploaded'.format(cert_name, key_name))
Beispiel #8
Datei: Projekt: mbr/remand
def set_authorized_keys(files, user='******', fix_permissions=True):
    ak_file = init_authorized_keys(user, fix_permissions).value

    kf = KeyFile()

    for fn in files:

    # directory is guaranteed to exist now, with correct permissions
    upload = fs.upload_string(str(kf), ak_file)

    if upload.changed and fix_permissions:
        fs.chmod(ak_file, AK_FILE_PERMS)

    fps = ', '.join(k.readable_fingerprint for k in kf.keys)

    if upload.changed:
        return Changed(
            msg='SSH authorized keys for {} set to: {}'.format(user, fps))

    return Unchanged(
        msg='SSH authorized keys for {} unchanged ({})'.format(user, fps))
Beispiel #9
def enable_letsencrypt(auto_reload=True, remove_default=True):
    changed = any_changed(

    fs.chmod('/var/www/html/.well-known', mode=0o755)
    fs.chmod('/var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge', mode=0o755)

    if remove_default:
        changed |= fs.remove_file('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default').changed

    if changed:
        if auto_reload:
            systemd.reload_unit('nginx.service', only_if_running=True)

        return Changed(msg='Enabled nginx Let\'s encrypt support')
    return Unchanged(msg='nginx Let\'s encrypt support already enabled')
Beispiel #10
def set_authorized_keys(files, user='******', fix_permissions=True):
    ak_file = init_authorized_keys(user, fix_permissions).value

    kf = KeyFile()

    for fn in files:

    # directory is guaranteed to exist now, with correct permissions
    upload = fs.upload_string(str(kf), ak_file)

    if upload.changed and fix_permissions:
        fs.chmod(ak_file, AK_FILE_PERMS)
        fs.chown(ak_file, uid=user)

    fps = ', '.join(k.readable_fingerprint for k in kf.keys)

    if upload.changed:
        return Changed(
            msg='SSH authorized keys for {} set to: {}'.format(user, fps))

    return Unchanged(
        msg='SSH authorized keys for {} unchanged ({})'.format(user, fps))
Beispiel #11
Datei: Projekt: mbr/remand
def install_cert(cert, key, cert_name=None, key_name=None):
    """Installs an SSL certificate with including key on the remote

    Certificate filenames are unchanged, per default they will be installed in
    `/etc/ssl`, with the corresponding keys at `/etc/ssl/private`."""
    cert_name = cert_name or os.path.basename(cert)
    key_name = key_name or os.path.basename(key)

    # small sanity check
    with open(cert) as f:
        if 'PRIVATE' in
            raise ValueError(
                'You seem to have passed a private key as a cert!')

    with open(key) as f:
        if 'PRIVATE' not in
            raise ValueError(
                '{} does not seem to be a valid private key'.format(key))

    # check if remote is reasonably secure
    cert_dir = config['sslcert_cert_dir']
    cert_dir_st = remote.lstat(cert_dir)

    if not cert_dir_st:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Remote SSL dir {} does not exist'.format(cert_dir))

    key_dir = config['sslcert_key_dir']
    key_dir_st = remote.lstat(key_dir)

    if not key_dir_st:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Remote key dir {} does not exist'.format(key_dir))

    SECURE_MODES = (0o700, 0o710)
    actual_mode = key_dir_st.st_mode & 0o777
    if actual_mode not in SECURE_MODES:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Mode of remote key dir {} is {:o}, should be one of {:o}'.format(
                key_dir, actual_mode, SECURE_MODES))

    if key_dir_st.st_uid != 0:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'Remove key dir {} is not owned by root'.format(key_dir))

    # we can safely upload the key and cert
    cert_rpath = remote.path.join(cert_dir, cert_name)
    key_rpath = remote.path.join(key_dir, key_name)

    changed = False
    changed |= fs.upload_file(cert, cert_rpath).changed
    changed |= fs.upload_file(key, key_rpath).changed
    changed |= fs.chmod(key_rpath, 0o640).changed
    changed |= fs.chown(key_rpath, uid='root', gid='ssl-cert').changed

    if changed:
        return Changed(
            msg='Uploaded key pair {}/{}'.format(cert_name, key_name))

    return Unchanged(
        msg='Key pair {}/{} already uploaded'.format(cert_name, key_name))