class AjaxApplicationBase:
	def __init__(self):
		self.renderEngine = RenderEngine()
	def setJsonObject(self, obj):

		Should be overridden, sets the applicationLayout
		and all of the pagelet bindings
	def doProcessRender(self, request):
	def render(self, request):
		return self.renderEngine.renderJson(request)
Beispiel #2
class AjaxApplicationBase:
	def __init__(self):
		self.renderEngine = RenderEngine()
	def setJsonObject(self, obj):
		obj['SITE_URL'] = settings.SITE_URL
		obj['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL

		Should be overridden, sets the applicationLayout
		and all of the pagelet bindings
	def doProcessRender(self, request):
	def render(self, request):
		return self.renderEngine.renderJson(request)
class AjaxApplicationBase:
    def __init__(self, extra=''):
        self.renderEngine = RenderEngine()
        self.extra = extra
    def setJsonObject(self, obj):
        obj['SITE_URL'] = settings.SITE_URL
        obj['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL
    def setStatus(self, status):
        Should be overridden, sets the applicationLayout
        and all of the pagelet bindings
    def doProcessRender(self, request):
    def render(self, request):
            if settings.RATE_LIMIT:
        except WebServiceException as e:
            renderObj = WebServiceObject()
        return self.renderEngine.renderJson(request)
        Coerces the request object to have a put query dict
        in order to separate it for the REST API
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def coerce_delete_post(self, request):
        if request.method == "DELETE":
            # Bug fix: if _load_post_and_files has already been called, for
            # example by middleware accessing request.POST, the below code to
            # pretend the request is a POST instead of a PUT will be too late
            # to make a difference. Also calling _load_post_and_files will result 
            # in the following exception:
            #   AttributeError: You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.
            # The fix is to check for the presence of the _post field which is set 
            # the first time _load_post_and_files is called (both by and 
            # If it's set, the request has to be 'reset' to redo
            # the query value parsing in POST mode.
            if hasattr(request, '_post'):
                del request._post
                del request._files
                request.method = "POST"
                request.method = "DELETE"
            except AttributeError:
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'DELETE'
            request.DELETE = request.POST
        Coerces the request object to have a put query dict
        in order to separate it for the REST API
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def coerce_put_post(self, request):
        if request.method == "PUT":
            # Bug fix: if _load_post_and_files has already been called, for
            # example by middleware accessing request.POST, the below code to
            # pretend the request is a POST instead of a PUT will be too late
            # to make a difference. Also calling _load_post_and_files will result 
            # in the following exception:
            #   AttributeError: You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.
            # The fix is to check for the presence of the _post field which is set 
            # the first time _load_post_and_files is called (both by and 
            # If it's set, the request has to be 'reset' to redo
            # the query value parsing in POST mode.
            if hasattr(request, '_post'):
                del request._post
                del request._files
                request.method = "POST"
                request.method = "PUT"
            except AttributeError:
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'PUT'
            request.PUT = request.POST
        Throttles a web service or ajax application to limit
        the use of the web service 
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def throttle(self, request):
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            ident = request.user.username
            ident = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None)
        if hasattr(request, 'throttle_extra'):
                Since we want to be able to throttle on a per-
                application basis, it's important that we realize
                that `throttle_extra` might be set on the request
                object. If so, append the identifier name with it.
            ident += ':%s' % str(request.throttle_extra)
        if ident:
                Preferrably we'd use incr/decr here, since they're
                atomic in memcached, but it's in django-trunk so we
                can't use it yet. If someone sees this after it's in
                stable, you can change it here.
            ident += ':%s' % self.extra
            now = time.time()
            count, expiration = cache.get(ident, (1, None))

            if expiration is None:
                expiration = now + settings.TIMEOUT * 60

            if count > settings.MAX_REQUESTS and expiration > now:
                e = THROTTLED
                e.setCustom(int((expiration - now)/60))
                raise e

            cache.set(ident, (count+1, expiration), (expiration - now))
class AjaxApplicationBase:
    def __init__(self, extra=''):
        self.renderEngine = RenderEngine()
        self.extra = extra
    def setJsonObject(self, obj):
        obj['SITE_URL'] = settings.SITE_URL
        obj['STATIC_URL'] = settings.STATIC_URL
    def setStatus(self, status):
        Should be overridden, sets the applicationLayout
        and all of the pagelet bindings
    def doProcessRender(self, request):
    def render(self, request):
            if settings.RATE_LIMIT:
        except WebServiceException as e:
            renderObj = WebServiceObject()
        return self.renderEngine.renderJson(request)
        Coerces the request object to have a put query dict
        in order to separate it for the REST API
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def coerce_delete_post(self, request):
        if request.method == "DELETE":
            # Bug fix: if _load_post_and_files has already been called, for
            # example by middleware accessing request.POST, the below code to
            # pretend the request is a POST instead of a PUT will be too late
            # to make a difference. Also calling _load_post_and_files will result 
            # in the following exception:
            #   AttributeError: You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.
            # The fix is to check for the presence of the _post field which is set 
            # the first time _load_post_and_files is called (both by and 
            # If it's set, the request has to be 'reset' to redo
            # the query value parsing in POST mode.
            if hasattr(request, '_post'):
                del request._post
                del request._files
                request.method = "POST"
                request.method = "DELETE"
            except AttributeError:
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'DELETE'
            request.DELETE = request.POST
        Coerces the request object to have a put query dict
        in order to separate it for the REST API
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def coerce_put_post(self, request):
        if request.method == "PUT":
            # Bug fix: if _load_post_and_files has already been called, for
            # example by middleware accessing request.POST, the below code to
            # pretend the request is a POST instead of a PUT will be too late
            # to make a difference. Also calling _load_post_and_files will result 
            # in the following exception:
            #   AttributeError: You cannot set the upload handlers after the upload has been processed.
            # The fix is to check for the presence of the _post field which is set 
            # the first time _load_post_and_files is called (both by and 
            # If it's set, the request has to be 'reset' to redo
            # the query value parsing in POST mode.
            if hasattr(request, '_post'):
                del request._post
                del request._files
                request.method = "POST"
                request.method = "PUT"
            except AttributeError:
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'POST'
                request.META['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'PUT'
            request.PUT = request.POST
        Throttles a web service or ajax application to limit
        the use of the web service 
        Thanks to: Django Piston for this snippet
    def throttle(self, request):
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            ident = request.user.username
            ident = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None)
        if hasattr(request, 'throttle_extra'):
                Since we want to be able to throttle on a per-
                application basis, it's important that we realize
                that `throttle_extra` might be set on the request
                object. If so, append the identifier name with it.
            ident += ':%s' % str(request.throttle_extra)
        if ident:
                Preferrably we'd use incr/decr here, since they're
                atomic in memcached, but it's in django-trunk so we
                can't use it yet. If someone sees this after it's in
                stable, you can change it here.
            ident += ':%s' % self.extra
            now = time.time()
            count, expiration = cache.get(ident, (1, None))

            if expiration is None:
                expiration = now + settings.TIMEOUT * 60

            if count > settings.MAX_REQUESTS and expiration > now:
                e = THROTTLED
                e.setCustom(int((expiration - now)/60))
                raise e

            cache.set(ident, (count+1, expiration), (expiration - now))