def record_rent(**kwargs): transaction = Transaction() for key in kwargs: transaction.__setattr__(key, kwargs[key]) meta.Session.add(transaction) meta.Session.commit() #pulse unit = Unit.get_unit(kwargs['unitid']) property_name = Property.get_name_by_id(unit.propertyid) Pulse.create( unitid =, propertyid = unit.propertyid, type = 'rent', html = '<div class="unit"><a href="/unit/view/{1}">{3} #{2}</a> has paid ${0} rent for {4}/{5}.</div>'.format( kwargs['amount'],, unit.label, property_name, kwargs['formonth'], kwargs['foryear'] ) )
def undo_rent(unitId, forMonth, forYear): records = meta.Session.query(Transaction).filter(and_(Transaction.unitid==unitId,\ Transaction.formonth==forMonth,\ Transaction.foryear==forYear)).all() for record in records: meta.Session.delete(record) meta.Session.commit() #pulse unit = Unit.get_unit(unitId) property_name = Property.get_name_by_id(unit.propertyid) Pulse.create( unitid =, propertyid = unit.propertyid, type = 'warning', html = '<div class="unit"><a href="/unit/view/{1}">{3} #{2}</a>\'s rent for {0} has been unmarked.</div>'.format( '{0}/{1}'.format(forMonth, forYear),, unit.label, property_name ) )
def create(**kwargs): lease = Lease() for key in kwargs: lease.__setattr__(key, kwargs[key]) meta.Session.add(lease) meta.Session.commit() unit = Unit.get_unit(kwargs['unitid']) property_name = Property.get_name_by_id(unit.propertyid) Pulse.create( unitid =, propertyid = unit.propertyid, type = 'lease', html = '<div class="unit">A new lease will begin on {0} in <a href="/unit/view/{1}">{3} #{2}</a></div>'.format( kwargs['startdate'].strftime('%B %d'),, unit.label, property_name ) )
def delete(leaseid): lease = Lease.get(leaseid) #pulse unit = Unit.get_unit(lease.unitid) property_name = Property.get_name_by_id(unit.propertyid) lease_start = lease.startdate.strftime("%B %d, %Y") unit_label = unit.label Pulse.create( unitid =, propertyid = unit.propertyid, type = 'warning', html = '<div class="unit">Lease starting from {0} for <a href="/unit/view/{1}">{3} #{2}</a>\'s has been deleted.</div>'.format( lease_start,, unit_label, property_name ) ) recycleId = Recycle.create("Lease starting from {0} deleted from {1} #{2}".format(lease_start, property_name, unit_label)) lease.deleted = recycleId meta.Session.commit()
def json(self): companyid = request.environ.get("COMPANY_ID") propertyId = request.POST['propertyId'] unit = request.POST['unit'] sort = request.POST['sort'] sortOrder = request.POST['sortOrder'] status = request.POST['status'] curPage = request.POST['curPage'] if not return json.dumps({'errors':[{'selector':'', "message":"Unit filter only accepts letters and numbers. Please try again."}]}) if status == 'vacant': status = 'Vacant' elif status == 'underContract': status = 'Under Contract' elif status == 'movingIn': status = 'Moving In' elif status == 'movingOut': status = 'Moving Out' elif status == 'm2m': status = 'Month-to-month' now = startSlice = (int(curPage) - 1) * 20; endSlice = startSlice + 20; propIdList = [] if propertyId == 'all': user_id = Manager.get_id_of_username(request.environ.get("REMOTE_USER")) properties = Property.get_propertyList_of_userid(user_id) for item in properties: propIdList.append( else: propIdList.append(propertyId) if sort == 'rent': if sortOrder == 'asc': order = else: order = elif sort == 'due': if sortOrder == 'asc': order = Lease.due.asc() else: order = Lease.due.desc() elif sort == 'latePay': order = # ignore latePay for time being else: order = Unit.label.asc() records = meta.Session.query(Unit.label,,, Lease.due,\ Lease.startdate, Lease.enddate, Lease.outdate,,\,,Property).\ filter(Unit.deleted==None).\ filter(Lease.deleted==None).\ filter(Unit.propertyid.in_(propIdList)) # records at this point includes multiple records of same unit with multiple lease records allRecords = [] for record in records: allRecords.append((record[1], record[4], record[6])) no_lease_ever = [] has_old_lease = [] cur_active_lease = [] future_lease = [] for item in allRecords: unitid = item[0] startdate = item[1] outdate = item[2] if not startdate: no_lease_ever.append(unitid) elif now >= startdate and (not outdate or now <= outdate): cur_active_lease.append(unitid) elif now > startdate and (now > outdate): has_old_lease.append(unitid) elif now < startdate: future_lease.append(unitid) records = records.filter(or_(,\ (and_(,\ now>=Lease.startdate,\ (or_(Lease.outdate==None,now<Lease.outdate)))),\ (and_(,\,\,\ (and_(,\,\ (or_(Lease.outdate==None,\ now<Lease.outdate)))))) if unit != '0': labelLike = '%'+unit+'%' records = records.filter('%'+labelLike+'%')) records = records.order_by(order,Unit.label).all() unsortedRecords = [] duplicateUnit = [] for label, unitid, rent, due, start, end, out, leaseid, propid, propname in records: if unitid in duplicateUnit and unitid in has_old_lease and not unitid in cur_active_lease and not unitid in future_lease: continue obj = { 'label': label, 'unitid': unitid, 'rent': rent, 'due': due, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'out': out, 'leaseid': leaseid, 'propid': propid, 'propname': propname } unsortedRecords.append(obj) duplicateUnit.append(unitid) labelUnitIdList = [] recordsList = [] for record in unsortedRecords: label = record['label'] unitid = record['unitid'] rent = record['rent'] due = record['due'] start = record['start'] end = record['end'] out = record['out'] leaseid = record['leaseid'] propid = record['propid'] propname = record['propname'] labelId = label+'*'+unitid labelUnitIdList.append(labelId) obj = { 'label': label, 'unitid': unitid, 'rent': rent, 'due': due, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'out': out, 'leaseid': leaseid, 'propid': propid, 'propname': propname } recordsList.append(obj) sortedRecords = [] if sort == "0": labelUnitIdList = sorted(labelUnitIdList, key=self.keynat) for labelId in labelUnitIdList: labelId = labelId.split('*') label = labelId[0] id = labelId[1] sortedRecords.extend([d for d in recordsList if d['label'] == label and d['unitid'] == id]) recordsList = sortedRecords unitRecords = [] vacantList = [] vacant = 0 m2m = 0 underContract = 0 movingIn = 0 movingOut = 0 totalStatusRecords = 0 for record in recordsList: label = record['label'] unitid = record['unitid'] rent = record['rent'] due = record['due'] start = record['start'] end = record['end'] out = record['out'] leaseid = record['leaseid'] propid = record['propid'] propname = record['propname'] unit_status = Lease.unit_status(start, end, out) if unit_status == "Vacant": rent = '-' due = '-' vacant = vacant + 1 elif unit_status == 'Month-to-month': m2m = m2m + 1 elif unit_status == 'Under Contract': underContract = underContract + 1 elif unit_status == 'Moving In': movingIn = movingIn + 1 elif unit_status == 'Moving Out': movingOut = movingOut + 1 if status == "all" or unit_status == status: totalStatusRecords = totalStatusRecords + 1 obj = { 'propertyName': propname, 'propertyId': propid, 'leaseid': leaseid, 'unitId': unitid, 'label': label, 'rent': rent, 'due': due, 'latepay': '-', 'status': unit_status } if unit_status == 'Vacant': vacantList.append(obj) else: unitRecords.append(obj) unitRecords.extend(vacantList) slicedRecords = [] counter = 0 for record in unitRecords: if startSlice <= counter < endSlice: slicedRecords.append(record) counter = counter + 1 slicedRecords = Transaction.calLatefee(slicedRecords) unitRecords = slicedRecords propertyUnit = { 'unit': unitRecords, 'totalStatusRecords': totalStatusRecords, 'vacant': vacant, 'm2m': m2m, 'underContract': underContract, 'movingIn': movingIn, 'movingOut': movingOut } return json.dumps(propertyUnit) """