Beispiel #1
def default_n_vc (p, n):
	head = p.loop_id (n)
	general = [(n2, rep_graph.vc_options ([0], [1]))
		for n2 in p.loop_heads ()
		if n2 != head]
	specific = [(head, rep_graph.vc_offs (1)) for _ in [1] if head]
	return (n, tuple (general + specific))
Beispiel #2
def default_n_vc_cases(p, n):
    head = p.loop_id(n)
    general = [(n2, rep_graph.vc_options([0], [1])) for n2 in p.loop_heads()
               if n2 != head]

    if head:
        return [(n, tuple(general + [(head, rep_graph.vc_num(1))])),
                (n, tuple(general + [(head, rep_graph.vc_offs(1))]))]
    specific = [(head, rep_graph.vc_offs(1)) for _ in [1] if head]
    return [(n, tuple(general + specific))]
Beispiel #3
def build_proof_rec_with_restrs (split_points, kind, searcher, p, restrs,
		hyps, must_find = True, name = "problem"):
	if not split_points:
		return build_proof_rec (searcher, p, restrs, hyps, name = name)

	sp = split_points[0]
	use_hyps = list (hyps)
	if p.node_tags[sp][0] != p.pairing.tags[1]:
		nrerr_hyp = check.non_r_err_pc_hyp (p.pairing.tags,
			restr_others (p, restrs, 2))
		use_hyps = use_hyps + [nrerr_hyp]

	if p.loop_id (sp):
		lim_pair = get_proof_split_limit (p, sp, restrs, use_hyps,
			kind, must_find = must_find)
		lim_pair = get_proof_visit_restr (p, sp, restrs, use_hyps,
			kind, must_find = must_find)

	if not lim_pair:
		assert not must_find
		return build_proof_rec_with_restrs (split_points[1:],
			kind, searcher, p, restrs, hyps, must_find = must_find,
			name = name)

	(min_v, max_v) = lim_pair
	if kind == 'Number':
		vc_opts = rep_graph.vc_options (range (min_v, max_v), [])
		vc_opts = rep_graph.vc_options ([], range (min_v, max_v))

	restrs = restrs + ((sp, vc_opts), )
	subproof = build_proof_rec_with_restrs (split_points[1:],
		kind, searcher, p, restrs, hyps, must_find = must_find,
		name = name)

	return ProofNode ('Restr', (sp, (kind, (min_v, max_v))), [subproof])
Beispiel #4
def add_loop_bound_restrs_hyps(p, restrs, hyps, split, bound, ctxt):
    # time this for diagnostic reasons
    start = time.time()

    # vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets])
    hyps = hyps + get_linear_series_hyps(p, split, restrs, hyps)
    hyps = list(set(hyps))
    if bound == None or bound >= 10:
        restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_options([0], [1])),)
        restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_upto(bound + 1)),)

    end = time.time()
    save_extra_timing("LoopBoundRestrHyps", ctxt, end - start)

    return (restrs, hyps)
Beispiel #5
def add_loop_bound_restrs_hyps(p, restrs, hyps, split, bound, ctxt):
    # time this for diagnostic reasons
    start = time.time()

    #vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets])
    hyps = hyps + get_linear_series_hyps(p, split, restrs, hyps)
    hyps = list(set(hyps))
    if bound == None or bound >= 10:
        restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_options([0], [1])), )
        restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_upto(bound + 1)), )

    end = time.time()
    save_extra_timing('LoopBoundRestrHyps', ctxt, end - start)

    return (restrs, hyps)
Beispiel #6
def build_compound_problem (fnames):
	"""mirrors build_problem from check for multiple functions"""
	printout ('Building compound problem for %s' % fnames)
	last_compound_problem_req[0] = list (fnames)
	p = problem.Problem (None, name = ', '.join(fnames))
	fun_tag_pairs = []

	all_tags = {}
	for (i, fn) in enumerate (fnames):
		i = len (fnames) - i
		[pair] = pairings[fn]
		next_tags = {}
		scripts = get_problem_inline_scripts (pair)
		for (pair_tag, fname) in pair.funs.items ():
			tag = '%s_%d_%s' % (fname, i, pair_tag)
			tag = syntax.fresh_name (tag, all_tags)
			next_tags[pair_tag] = tag
			p.add_entry_function (functions[fname], tag)
			p.hook_tag_hints[tag] = pair_tag
			p.replay_inline_script (tag, scripts[pair_tag])
		fun_tag_pairs.append ((next_tags, pair))

	p.pad_merge_points ()
	p.do_analysis ()

	free_hyps = []
	for (tags, pair) in fun_tag_pairs:
		(inp_eqs, _) = pair.eqs
		free_hyps += check.inst_eqs (p, (), inp_eqs, tags)
		err_vis_opts = rep_graph.vc_options ([0, 1, 2], [1])
		err_vis_vc = tuple ([(n, err_vis_opts) for n in p.loop_heads ()
			if p.node_tags[n][0] == tags['C']])
		err_vis = (('Err', err_vis_vc), tags['C'])
		free_hyps.append (rep_graph.pc_false_hyp (err_vis))

	addr_map = {}
	for n in p.nodes:
		if not p.node_tags[n][0].endswith ('_ASM'):
		if type (p.node_tags[n][1]) == tuple:
			(fname, data) = p.node_tags[n][1]
			if (logic.is_int (data) and is_addr (data)
					and not fname.startswith ("instruction'")):
				assert data not in addr_map, data
				addr_map[data] = n

	return (p, free_hyps, addr_map, fun_tag_pairs)
Beispiel #7
def build_compound_problem(fnames):
    """mirrors build_problem from check for multiple functions"""
    printout('Building compound problem for %s' % fnames)
    last_compound_problem_req[0] = list(fnames)
    p = problem.Problem(None, name=', '.join(fnames))
    fun_tag_pairs = []

    all_tags = {}
    for (i, fn) in enumerate(fnames):
        i = len(fnames) - i
        [pair] = pairings[fn]
        next_tags = {}
        scripts = get_problem_inline_scripts(pair)
        for (pair_tag, fname) in pair.funs.items():
            tag = '%s_%d_%s' % (fname, i, pair_tag)
            tag = syntax.fresh_name(tag, all_tags)
            next_tags[pair_tag] = tag
            p.add_entry_function(functions[fname], tag)
            p.hook_tag_hints[tag] = pair_tag
            p.replay_inline_script(tag, scripts[pair_tag])
        fun_tag_pairs.append((next_tags, pair))


    free_hyps = []
    for (tags, pair) in fun_tag_pairs:
        (inp_eqs, _) = pair.eqs
        free_hyps += check.inst_eqs(p, (), inp_eqs, tags)
        err_vis_opts = rep_graph.vc_options([0, 1, 2], [1])
        err_vis_vc = tuple([(n, err_vis_opts) for n in p.loop_heads()
                            if p.node_tags[n][0] == tags['C']])
        err_vis = (('Err', err_vis_vc), tags['C'])

    addr_map = {}
    for n in p.nodes:
        if not p.node_tags[n][0].endswith('_ASM'):
        if type(p.node_tags[n][1]) == tuple:
            (fname, data) = p.node_tags[n][1]
            if (logic.is_int(data) and is_addr(data)
                    and not fname.startswith("instruction'")):
                assert data not in addr_map, data
                addr_map[data] = n

    return (p, free_hyps, addr_map, fun_tag_pairs)
Beispiel #8
def findLoopBoundBS(p_n, p, restrs=None, hyps=None, try_seq=None):
    if hyps == None:
        hyps = []
    # print 'restrs: %s' % str(restrs)
    if try_seq == None:
        # bound_try_seq = [1,2,3,4,5,10,50,130,200,260]
        # bound_try_seq = [0,1,2,3,4,5,10,50,260]
        calls = [n for n in p.loop_body(p_n) if p.nodes[n].kind == "Call"]
        if calls:
            bound_try_seq = [0, 1, 20]
            bound_try_seq = [0, 1, 20, 34]
        bound_try_seq = try_seq
    rep = mk_graph_slice(p, fast=True)
    # get the head
    # print 'Binary addr: %s' % toHexs(self.toPhyAddrs(p_loop_heads))
    loop_bound = None
    p_loop_heads = [n for n in p.loop_data if p.loop_data[n][0] == "Head"]
    print "p_loop_heads: %s" % p_loop_heads

    if restrs == None:
        others = [x for x in p_loop_heads if not x == p_n]
        # vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets])
        restrs = tuple([(n2, rep_graph.vc_options([0], [1])) for n2 in others])

    print "getting the initial bound"
    # try:
    index = tryLoopBound(p_n, p, bound_try_seq, rep, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps)
    if index == -1:
        return None
    print "got the initial bound %d" % bound_try_seq[index]

    # do a downward binary search to find the concrete loop bound
    if index == 0:
        loop_bound = bound_try_seq[0]
        print "bound = %d" % loop_bound
        return loop_bound
    loop_bound = downBinSearch(
        bound_try_seq[index - 1],
        lambda x: tryLoopBound(p_n, p, [x], rep, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps, bin_return=True),
    print "bound = %d" % loop_bound
    return loop_bound
Beispiel #9
def findLoopBoundBS(p_n, p, restrs=None, hyps=None, try_seq=None):
    if hyps == None:
        hyps = []
    #print 'restrs: %s' % str(restrs)
    if try_seq == None:
        #bound_try_seq = [1,2,3,4,5,10,50,130,200,260]
        #bound_try_seq = [0,1,2,3,4,5,10,50,260]
        calls = [n for n in p.loop_body(p_n) if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call']
        if calls:
            bound_try_seq = [0, 1, 20]
            bound_try_seq = [0, 1, 20, 34]
        bound_try_seq = try_seq
    rep = mk_graph_slice(p, fast=True)
    #get the head
    #print 'Binary addr: %s' % toHexs(self.toPhyAddrs(p_loop_heads))
    loop_bound = None
    p_loop_heads = [n for n in p.loop_data if p.loop_data[n][0] == 'Head']
    print 'p_loop_heads: %s' % p_loop_heads

    if restrs == None:
        others = [x for x in p_loop_heads if not x == p_n]
        #vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets])
        restrs = tuple([(n2, rep_graph.vc_options([0], [1])) for n2 in others])

    print 'getting the initial bound'
    index = tryLoopBound(p_n, p, bound_try_seq, rep, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps)
    if index == -1:
        return None
    print 'got the initial bound %d' % bound_try_seq[index]

    #do a downward binary search to find the concrete loop bound
    if index == 0:
        loop_bound = bound_try_seq[0]
        print 'bound = %d' % loop_bound
        return loop_bound
    loop_bound = downBinSearch(
        bound_try_seq[index - 1], bound_try_seq[index], lambda x: tryLoopBound(
            p_n, p, [x], rep, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps, bin_return=True))
    print 'bound = %d' % loop_bound
    return loop_bound