Beispiel #1
TCase_posttest_index = 20

TCase_without_dups = {}

with open('../../data/PVP2S_tests.csv', 'rb') as f:
    next(f) # header row1 not used
    next(f) # header row2 not used
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:
        #(debug) print row[pk_index] + ' :: ' + str(row)
        TCase_without_dups[int(row[TCase_pk_index])] = row

# create usecase INSERTs
for k, row in sorted(TCase_without_dups.iteritems()):
    print TCase_template.format(k, row[6], repair_fmt(row[8]), row[9], row[TCase_fk_index], repair_fmt(row[10]), repair_fmt(row[13]))

print "SELECT pg_catalog.setval('testmgr_testclass_id_seq', " + str(k + 1) + ", true);"

# create TestClass INSERTs  (all words from columns 18-20, which is SAML_Requests, PreTest, PostTest)
TClass_without_dups = set()
for k, row in sorted(TCase_without_dups.iteritems()):
    tclasses = row[TCase_samlrequ_index]
    if row[TCase_pretest_index]: tclasses += ', ' + row[TCase_pretest_index]
    if row[TCase_posttest_index]: tclasses += ', ' + row[TCase_posttest_index]
    tclasses = tclasses.replace(" ","")
    # create list of unique class names
    for n in tclasses.split(","):
Beispiel #2
import csv
from repairfmt import repair_fmt

leftonline = 'INSERT INTO requmgr_requirement (id, name, feature_id, operation_count) VALUES ('
pk_index = 4
fk_index = 2
eliminate_dups = {} # TODO need to make uniquy by name, f_id

with open('../../db/PVP2S_tests.csv', 'rb') as f:
    next(f) # header row1 not used
    next(f) # header row2 not used
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:
        #print row[pk_index] + ' :: ' + str(row)
    	eliminate_dups[int(row[pk_index])] = row

for k, row in sorted(eliminate_dups.iteritems()):
    print leftonline + str(k) + ", '" + repair_fmt(row[5]) + "', " + row[fk_index] + ", 0);"

#Column indices from input data
Oper_fk_index = 4
Oper_shortid_index = 6
Oper_pk_index = 7
Oper_operation_index = 15
Oper_samlrequ_index = 18
Oper_pretest_index = 19
Oper_posttest_index = 20

Oper_without_dups = {}

with open('../../data/PVP2S_tests.csv', 'rb') as f:
    next(f) # header row1 not used
    next(f) # header row2 not used
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:
        #(debug) print row[pk_index] + ' :: ' + str(row)
        Oper_without_dups[int(row[Oper_pk_index])] = row

Oper_template = "UPDATE testmgr_usecase SET operation = '{}' WHERE id = {}; -- {}"

# create Operation INSERTs
for k, row in sorted(Oper_without_dups.iteritems()):
    if row[Oper_operation_index] != '':
        print Oper_template.format(row[Oper_operation_index], k, repair_fmt(row[16]))

Beispiel #4
TCase_pretest_index = 19
TCase_posttest_index = 20

TCase_without_dups = {}

with open('../../data/PVP2S_tests.csv', 'rb') as f:
    next(f)  # header row1 not used
    next(f)  # header row2 not used
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:
        #(debug) print row[pk_index] + ' :: ' + str(row)
        TCase_without_dups[int(row[TCase_pk_index])] = row

# create usecase INSERTs
for k, row in sorted(TCase_without_dups.iteritems()):
    print TCase_template.format(k, row[6], repair_fmt(row[8]), row[9],
                                row[TCase_fk_index], repair_fmt(row[10]),

print "SELECT pg_catalog.setval('testmgr_testclass_id_seq', " + str(
    k + 1) + ", true);"

# create TestClass INSERTs  (all words from columns 18-20, which is SAML_Requests, PreTest, PostTest)
TClass_without_dups = set()
for k, row in sorted(TCase_without_dups.iteritems()):
    tclasses = row[TCase_samlrequ_index]
    if row[TCase_pretest_index]: tclasses += ', ' + row[TCase_pretest_index]
    if row[TCase_posttest_index]: tclasses += ', ' + row[TCase_posttest_index]
    tclasses = tclasses.replace(" ", "")
    # create list of unique class names
Beispiel #5
import csv
from repairfmt import repair_fmt

leftonline = 'INSERT INTO requmgr_requirement (id, name, feature_id, operation_count) VALUES ('
pk_index = 4
fk_index = 2
eliminate_dups = {}  # TODO need to make uniquy by name, f_id

with open('../../db/PVP2S_tests.csv', 'rb') as f:
    next(f)  # header row1 not used
    next(f)  # header row2 not used
    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=';')
    for row in reader:
        #print row[pk_index] + ' :: ' + str(row)
        eliminate_dups[int(row[pk_index])] = row

for k, row in sorted(eliminate_dups.iteritems()):
    print leftonline + str(k) + ", '" + repair_fmt(
        row[5]) + "', " + row[fk_index] + ", 0);"