Beispiel #1
    def _propagate_replicas(self):
        # Reset statistics for MC trial times.
        self.displacement_trial_time = 0.0
        self.rotation_trial_time = 0.0
        self.displacement_trials_accepted = 0
        self.rotation_trials_accepted = 0

        # Propagate replicas.

        # Print summary statistics.
        if (self.mc_displacement or self.mc_rotation):
            if self.mpicomm:
                from mpi4py import MPI
                self.displacement_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(
                    self.displacement_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
                self.rotation_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(
                    self.rotation_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
            if self.verbose:
                total_mc_time = self.displacement_trial_time + self.rotation_trial_time
                print "Rotation and displacement MC trial times consumed %.3f s (%d translation | %d rotation accepted)" % (
                    total_mc_time, self.displacement_trials_accepted,

Beispiel #2
    def _display_citations(self):

        yank_citations = """\
        Chodera JD, Shirts MR, Wang K, Friedrichs MS, Eastman P, Pande VS, and Branson K. YANK: An extensible platform for GPU-accelerated free energy calculations. In preparation."""

        print yank_citations
        print ""

Beispiel #3
    def _display_citations(self):

        yank_citations = """\
        Chodera JD, Shirts MR, Wang K, Friedrichs MS, Eastman P, Pande VS, and Branson K. YANK: An extensible platform for GPU-accelerated free energy calculations. In preparation."""

        print yank_citations
        print ""

Beispiel #4
    def create(self, reference_state, systems, positions, displacement_sigma=None, mc_atoms=None, options=None, mm=None, mpicomm=None, metadata=None):
        Initialize a modified Hamiltonian exchange simulation object.

        reference_state : ThermodynamicState
           reference state containing all thermodynamic parameters except the system, which will be replaced by 'systems'
        systems : list of simtk.openmm.System
           list of systems to simulate (one per replica)
        positions : simtk.unit.Quantity of numpy natoms x 3 with units length
           positions (or a list of positions objects) for initial assignment of replicas (will be used in round-robin assignment)
        displacement_sigma : simtk.unit.Quantity with units distance
           size of displacement trial for Monte Carlo displacements, if specified (default: 1 nm)
        ligand_atoms : list of int, optional, default=None
           atoms to use for trial displacements for translational and orientational Monte Carlo trials, if specified (all atoms if None)
        options : dict, optional, default=None
           Optional dict to use for specifying simulation options. Provided keywords will be matched to object variables to replace defaults.


        # If an empty set is specified for mc_atoms, set this to None.
        if mc_atoms is not None:
            if len(mc_atoms) == 0:
                mc_atoms = None

        # Store trial displacement magnitude and atoms to rotate in MC move.
        self.displacement_sigma = 1.0 * units.nanometer
        if mc_atoms is not None:
            self.mc_atoms = numpy.array(mc_atoms)
            self.mc_displacement = True
            self.mc_rotation = True
            self.mc_atoms = None
            self.mc_displacement = False
            self.mc_rotation = False

        self.displacement_trials_accepted = 0 # number of MC displacement trials accepted
        self.rotation_trials_accepted = 0 # number of MC displacement trials accepted

        # Form metadata dict.

        # Initialize replica-exchange simlulation.
        HamiltonianExchange.create(self, reference_state, systems, positions, options=options, metadata=metadata)

        # Override title.
        self.title = 'Modified Hamiltonian exchange simulation created using HamiltonianExchange class of on %s' % time.asctime(time.localtime())

Beispiel #5
    def _propagate_replicas(self):
        # Reset statistics for MC trial times.
        self.displacement_trial_time = 0.0
        self.rotation_trial_time = 0.0
        self.displacement_trials_accepted = 0
        self.rotation_trials_accepted = 0

        # Propagate replicas.

        # Print summary statistics.
        if (self.mc_displacement or self.mc_rotation):
            if self.mpicomm:
                from mpi4py import MPI
                self.displacement_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.displacement_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
                self.rotation_trials_accepted = self.mpicomm.reduce(self.rotation_trials_accepted, op=MPI.SUM)
            if self.verbose:
                total_mc_time = self.displacement_trial_time + self.rotation_trial_time
                print "Rotation and displacement MC trial times consumed %.3f s (%d translation | %d rotation accepted)" % (total_mc_time, self.displacement_trials_accepted, self.rotation_trials_accepted)

Beispiel #6
    def _propagate_replica(self, replica_index):
        Attempt a Monte Carlo rotation/translation move.


        # Attempt a Monte Carlo rotation/translation move.
        import numpy.random

        # Retrieve state.
        state_index = self.replica_states[replica_index] # index of thermodynamic state that current replica is assigned to
        state = self.states[state_index] # thermodynamic state

        # Retrieve integrator and context from thermodynamic state.
        integrator = state._integrator
        context = state._context

        # Attempt gaussian trial displacement with stddev 'self.displacement_sigma'.
        # TODO: Can combine these displacements and/or use cached potential energies to speed up this phase.
        # TODO: Break MC displacement and rotation into member functions and write separate unit tests.
        if self.mc_displacement and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
            initial_time = time.time()
            # Store original positions and energy.
            original_positions = self.replica_positions[replica_index]
            u_old = state.reduced_potential(original_positions)
            # Make symmetric Gaussian trial displacement of ligand.
            perturbed_positions = self.propose_displacement(self.displacement_sigma, original_positions, self.mc_atoms)
            u_new = state.reduced_potential(perturbed_positions)
            # Accept or reject with Metropolis criteria.
            du = u_new - u_old
            if (du <= 0.0) or (numpy.random.rand() < numpy.exp(-du)):
                self.displacement_trials_accepted += 1
                self.replica_positions[replica_index] = perturbed_positions
            #print "translation du = %f (%d)" % (du, self.displacement_trials_accepted)
            # Print timing information.
            final_time = time.time()
            elapsed_time = final_time - initial_time
            self.displacement_trial_time += elapsed_time

        # Attempt random rotation of ligand.
        if self.mc_rotation and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
            initial_time = time.time()
            # Store original positions and energy.
            original_positions = self.replica_positions[replica_index]
            u_old = state.reduced_potential(original_positions)
            # Compute new potential.
            perturbed_positions = self.propose_rotation(original_positions, self.mc_atoms)
            u_new = state.reduced_potential(perturbed_positions)
            du = u_new - u_old
            if (du <= 0.0) or (numpy.random.rand() < numpy.exp(-du)):
                self.rotation_trials_accepted += 1
                self.replica_positions[replica_index] = perturbed_positions
            #print "rotation du = %f (%d)" % (du, self.rotation_trials_accepted)
            # Accumulate timing information.
            final_time = time.time()
            elapsed_time = final_time - initial_time
            self.rotation_trial_time += elapsed_time

        # Propagate with Langevin dynamics as usual.
        HamiltonianExchange._propagate_replica(self, replica_index)

Beispiel #7
    protocol = factory.defaultComplexProtocolImplicit()
    # Create the perturbed systems using this protocol.
    systems = factory.createPerturbedSystems(protocol, verbose=True)

    # Set up replica exchange simulation.

    print "Setting up replica-exchange simulation..."

    # Create reference state.
    from thermodynamics import ThermodynamicState
    reference_state = ThermodynamicState(reference_system,
    # Create simulation.
    from repex import HamiltonianExchange
    simulation = HamiltonianExchange(reference_state, systems, positions,
    simulation.number_of_iterations = niterations  # set the simulation to only run 2 iterations
    simulation.timestep = timestep  # set the timestep for integration
    simulation.nsteps_per_iteration = nsteps  # run 50 timesteps per iteration
    simulation.minimize = False
    simulation.verbose = True
    simulation.platform = platform  # set platform

    # Run simulation.

    print "Running simulation..."  # run the simulation
Beispiel #8
def test_hamiltonian_exchange(mpi=None, verbose=True):
    Test that free energies and avergae potential energies of a 3D harmonic oscillator are correctly computed
    when running HamiltonianExchange.


    * Integrate with test_replica_exchange.
    * Test with different combinations of input parameters.

    if verbose and ((not mpicomm) or (mpicomm.rank==0)): print "Testing Hamiltonian exchange facility with harmonic oscillators: ",

    # Create test system of harmonic oscillators
    import testsystems
    [system, coordinates] = testsystems.HarmonicOscillatorArray()

    # Define mass of carbon atom.
    mass = 12.0 * units.amu

    # Define thermodynamic states.
    sigmas = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4] * units.angstroms # standard deviations: beta K = 1/sigma^2 so K = 1/(beta sigma^2)
    temperature = 300.0 * units.kelvin # temperatures
    seed_positions = list()
    analytical_results = list()
    f_i_analytical = list() # dimensionless free energies
    u_i_analytical = list() # reduced potential
    systems = list() # Systems list for HamiltonianExchange
    for sigma in sigmas:
        # Compute corresponding spring constant.
        kT = kB * temperature # thermal energy
        beta = 1.0 / kT # inverse temperature
        K = 1.0 / (beta * sigma**2)
        # Create harmonic oscillator system.
        [system, positions] = testsystems.HarmonicOscillator(K=K, mass=mass, mm=openmm)
        # Append to systems list.
        # Append positions.
        # Store analytical results.
        results = computeHarmonicOscillatorExpectations(K, mass, temperature) 
        reduced_potential = results['potential']['mean'] / kT
    # Compute analytical Delta_f_ij
    nstates = len(f_i_analytical)
    f_i_analytical = numpy.array(f_i_analytical)
    u_i_analytical = numpy.array(u_i_analytical)
    s_i_analytical = u_i_analytical - f_i_analytical
    Delta_f_ij_analytical = numpy.zeros([nstates,nstates], numpy.float64)
    Delta_u_ij_analytical = numpy.zeros([nstates,nstates], numpy.float64)
    Delta_s_ij_analytical = numpy.zeros([nstates,nstates], numpy.float64)
    for i in range(nstates):
        for j in range(nstates):
            Delta_f_ij_analytical[i,j] = f_i_analytical[j] - f_i_analytical[i]
            Delta_u_ij_analytical[i,j] = u_i_analytical[j] - u_i_analytical[i]
            Delta_s_ij_analytical[i,j] = s_i_analytical[j] - s_i_analytical[i]

    # Define file for temporary storage.
    import tempfile # use a temporary file
    file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)    
    store_filename =
    #print "Storing data in temporary file: %s" % str(store_filename)

    # Create reference thermodynamic state.
    from thermodynamics import ThermodynamicState
    reference_state = ThermodynamicState(systems[0], temperature=temperature)
    # Create and configure simulation object.
    from repex import HamiltonianExchange
    simulation = HamiltonianExchange(reference_state, systems, seed_positions, store_filename, mpicomm=mpicomm) # initialize the replica-exchange simulation
    simulation.number_of_iterations = 1000 # set the simulation to only run 2 iterations
    simulation.timestep = 2.0 * units.femtoseconds # set the timestep for integration
    simulation.nsteps_per_iteration = 500 # run 500 timesteps per iteration
    simulation.collision_rate = 9.2 / units.picosecond 
    simulation.platform = openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName('Reference') # use reference platform

    # Run simulation. # run the simulation

    # Stop here if not root node.
    if mpicomm and (mpicomm.rank != 0): return
    # Analyze simulation to compute free energies.
    analysis = simulation.analyze()

    # TODO: Check if deviations exceed tolerance.
    Delta_f_ij = analysis['Delta_f_ij']
    dDelta_f_ij = analysis['dDelta_f_ij']
    error = Delta_f_ij - Delta_f_ij_analytical
    indices = numpy.where(dDelta_f_ij > 0.0)
    nsigma = numpy.zeros([nstates,nstates], numpy.float32)
    nsigma[indices] = error[indices] / dDelta_f_ij[indices]
    MAX_SIGMA = 6.0 # maximum allowed number of standard errors
    if numpy.any(nsigma > MAX_SIGMA):
        print "Delta_f_ij"
        print Delta_f_ij
        print "Delta_f_ij_analytical"
        print Delta_f_ij_analytical
        print "error"
        print error
        print "stderr"
        print dDelta_f_ij
        print "nsigma"
        print nsigma
        raise Exception("Dimensionless free energy difference exceeds MAX_SIGMA of %.1f" % MAX_SIGMA)

    error = analysis['Delta_u_ij'] - Delta_u_ij_analytical
    nsigma = numpy.zeros([nstates,nstates], numpy.float32)
    nsigma[indices] = error[indices] / dDelta_f_ij[indices]
    if numpy.any(nsigma > MAX_SIGMA):
        print "Delta_u_ij"
        print analysis['Delta_u_ij']
        print "Delta_u_ij_analytical"
        print Delta_u_ij_analytical
        print "error"
        print error
        print "nsigma"
        print nsigma
        raise Exception("Dimensionless potential energy difference exceeds MAX_SIGMA of %.1f" % MAX_SIGMA)

    if verbose: print "PASSED."
Beispiel #9
    def create(self,
        Initialize a modified Hamiltonian exchange simulation object.

        reference_state : ThermodynamicState
           reference state containing all thermodynamic parameters except the system, which will be replaced by 'systems'
        systems : list of simtk.openmm.System
           list of systems to simulate (one per replica)
        positions : simtk.unit.Quantity of numpy natoms x 3 with units length
           positions (or a list of positions objects) for initial assignment of replicas (will be used in round-robin assignment)
        displacement_sigma : simtk.unit.Quantity with units distance
           size of displacement trial for Monte Carlo displacements, if specified (default: 1 nm)
        ligand_atoms : list of int, optional, default=None
           atoms to use for trial displacements for translational and orientational Monte Carlo trials, if specified (all atoms if None)
        options : dict, optional, default=None
           Optional dict to use for specifying simulation options. Provided keywords will be matched to object variables to replace defaults.


        # If an empty set is specified for mc_atoms, set this to None.
        if mc_atoms is not None:
            if len(mc_atoms) == 0:
                mc_atoms = None

        # Store trial displacement magnitude and atoms to rotate in MC move.
        self.displacement_sigma = 1.0 * units.nanometer
        if mc_atoms is not None:
            self.mc_atoms = numpy.array(mc_atoms)
            self.mc_displacement = True
            self.mc_rotation = True
            self.mc_atoms = None
            self.mc_displacement = False
            self.mc_rotation = False

        self.displacement_trials_accepted = 0  # number of MC displacement trials accepted
        self.rotation_trials_accepted = 0  # number of MC displacement trials accepted

        # Form metadata dict.

        # Initialize replica-exchange simlulation.

        # Override title.
        self.title = 'Modified Hamiltonian exchange simulation created using HamiltonianExchange class of on %s' % time.asctime(

Beispiel #10
    def _propagate_replica(self, replica_index):
        Attempt a Monte Carlo rotation/translation move.


        # Attempt a Monte Carlo rotation/translation move.
        import numpy.random

        # Retrieve state.
        state_index = self.replica_states[
            replica_index]  # index of thermodynamic state that current replica is assigned to
        state = self.states[state_index]  # thermodynamic state

        # Retrieve integrator and context from thermodynamic state.
        integrator = state._integrator
        context = state._context

        # Attempt gaussian trial displacement with stddev 'self.displacement_sigma'.
        # TODO: Can combine these displacements and/or use cached potential energies to speed up this phase.
        # TODO: Break MC displacement and rotation into member functions and write separate unit tests.
        if self.mc_displacement and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
            initial_time = time.time()
            # Store original positions and energy.
            original_positions = self.replica_positions[replica_index]
            u_old = state.reduced_potential(original_positions)
            # Make symmetric Gaussian trial displacement of ligand.
            perturbed_positions = self.propose_displacement(
                self.displacement_sigma, original_positions, self.mc_atoms)
            u_new = state.reduced_potential(perturbed_positions)
            # Accept or reject with Metropolis criteria.
            du = u_new - u_old
            if (du <= 0.0) or (numpy.random.rand() < numpy.exp(-du)):
                self.displacement_trials_accepted += 1
                self.replica_positions[replica_index] = perturbed_positions
            #print "translation du = %f (%d)" % (du, self.displacement_trials_accepted)
            # Print timing information.
            final_time = time.time()
            elapsed_time = final_time - initial_time
            self.displacement_trial_time += elapsed_time

        # Attempt random rotation of ligand.
        if self.mc_rotation and (self.mc_atoms is not None):
            initial_time = time.time()
            # Store original positions and energy.
            original_positions = self.replica_positions[replica_index]
            u_old = state.reduced_potential(original_positions)
            # Compute new potential.
            perturbed_positions = self.propose_rotation(
                original_positions, self.mc_atoms)
            u_new = state.reduced_potential(perturbed_positions)
            du = u_new - u_old
            if (du <= 0.0) or (numpy.random.rand() < numpy.exp(-du)):
                self.rotation_trials_accepted += 1
                self.replica_positions[replica_index] = perturbed_positions
            #print "rotation du = %f (%d)" % (du, self.rotation_trials_accepted)
            # Accumulate timing information.
            final_time = time.time()
            elapsed_time = final_time - initial_time
            self.rotation_trial_time += elapsed_time

        # Propagate with Langevin dynamics as usual.
        HamiltonianExchange._propagate_replica(self, replica_index)
