Beispiel #1
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = c31CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
            if datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d") > datetime.strptime(line.date_of_admission, "%Y-%m-%d"):
                raise DateException(_("Can't be born after admission!"))
            if datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d") < datetime.strptime(line.date_of_admission, "%Y-%m-%d"):
                raise DateException(_("Can't be discharged before admission!"))
                new_c31 = c31.objects.create(
                                            patient_id                      = parseInt(line.patient_id),
                                            case_id                         = parseInt(line.case_id),
                                            date_of_birth                   = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            date_of_admission               = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_admission, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            patient_admission_status        = parseInt(line.patient_admission_status),
                                            date_of_discharge               = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            patient_discharge_status        = parseInt(line.patient_discharge_status),
                                            icd                             = line.icd,
                                            added_by                        = request.user,
            except IntegrityError:
                exists += (line.patient_id,)
            except DateException, (instance):
                date_errors += ((line.case_id,instance.parameter),)
Beispiel #2
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            patients = request.FILES['patients']
            pimported_csv = c9_patientCSV.import_data(data=patients)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Patients template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        except MultiValueDictKeyError:
            operations = request.FILES['operation_room']
            oimported_csv = c9_operationCSV.import_data(data=operations)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Operation template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        except MultiValueDictKeyError:
        if patients:
            for line in pimported_csv:
                if first:
                    first = False
                    try: anst = datetime.strptime(line.anesthesia_start, "%H:%M")
                    except: anst = None
                    try: sst = datetime.strptime(line.surgery_start, "%H:%M")
                    except: sst = None
                    try: sen = datetime.strptime(line.surgery_end, "%H:%M")
                    except: sen = None
                    try: anen = datetime.strptime(line.anesthesia_end, "%H:%M")
                    except: anen = None
                    new_c9p = c9_patient.objects.create(
                        central_operating_unit = line.central_operating_unit,
                        operating_unit = line.operating_unit,
                        date = datetime.strptime(, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                        type_of_day = parseInt(line.type_of_day),
                        case_number = parseInt(line.case_number),
                        patient_identifier = line.patient_identifier,
                        patient_arrive_time = datetime.strptime(line.patient_arrive_time, "%H:%M"),
                        anesthesia_start = anst,
                        surgery_start = sst,
                        surgery_end = sen,
                        anesthesia_end = anen,
                        patient_leave_time = datetime.strptime(line.patient_leave_time, "%H:%M"),
                        added_by = request.user,
                except IntegrityError:
                    exists += (line.patient_identifier,)
                except DateException, (instance):
                    date_errors += ((line.patient_identifier,instance.parameter),)
                    errors += (line.patient_identifier,)
Beispiel #3
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = c20CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
                if datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d") > datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d"):
                    raise DateException(_("Can't born after discharge!"))
                if parseInt(line.patient_allergic_aspirin) and not parseInt(line.aspirin_intolerance):
                    raise DateException(_("Aspirin contradiction should be yes, since patient is allergic to aspirin!"))
                if line.diagnosis_code.find('I21'):
                    dc = "I21"
                elif line.diagnosis_code.find('I22'):
                    dc = "I22"
                    raise DateException(_("Diagnosis code not acceptable!"))
                new_c20 = c20.objects.create(
                                            case_id                         = parseInt(line.case_id),
                                            hospital_registration_number    = line.hospital_registration_number,
                                            date_of_birth                   = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            diagnosis_code                  = dc,
                                            type_of_unit                    = parseInt(line.type_of_unit),
                                            patient_allergic_aspirin        = parseInt(line.patient_allergic_aspirin),
                                            aspirin_intolerance             = parseInt(line.aspirin_intolerance),
                                            type_of_discharge               = parseInt(line.type_of_discharge),
                                            type_of_discharge_empty         = unidecode(line.type_of_discharge_empty),
                                            aspirin_refusal                 = parseInt(line.aspirin_refusal),
                                            aspirin_at_discharge            = parseInt(line.aspirin_at_discharge),
                                            non_aspirin_platelet            = parseInt(line.non_aspirin_platelet),
                                            date_of_discharge               = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            added_by                        = request.user,
            except IntegrityError:
                exists += (line.case_id,)
            except DateException, (instance):
                date_errors += ((line.case_id,instance.parameter),)
Beispiel #4
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = c8CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
                try: dob = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d")
                except: raise DateException(_("Date field is empty!"))
                try: doa = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_admission, "%Y-%m-%d")
                except: raise DateException(_("Date field is empty!"))
                try: dosp = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_surgical_procedure, "%Y-%m-%d")
                except: raise DateException(_("Date field is empty!"))
                try: dod = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
                except: raise DateException(_("Date field is empty!"))
                if dob > doa:
                    raise DateException(_("Can't be born after admission!"))
                if dosp < doa:
                    raise DateException(_("Can't be operated before admission!"))
                if dosp > dod:
                    raise DateException(_("Can't be operated after discharge!"))
                try: dg = parseInt(line.diagnosis_group)
                except: raise DateException(_("This does not contain a number"))
                if ((dg == 0 or dg == 1 or dg == 2 or dg == 5) and not line.icd) or ((dg == 3 or dg == 4 or dg == 5 or dg == 6 or dg == 7 or dg == 8) and not line.drg):
                    raise DateException(_("Diagnosis group does not match ICD or DRG code."))
                new_c8 = c8.objects.create(
                                            patient_id                      = parseInt(line.patient_id),
                                            case_id                         = parseInt(line.case_id),
                                            date_of_birth                   = dob,
                                            date_of_admission               = doa,
                                            patient_admission_status        = parseInt(line.patient_admission_status),
                                            type_of_admission               = parseInt(line.type_of_admission),
                                            was_surgical_procedure          = parseInt(line.was_surgical_procedure),
                                            date_of_surgical_procedure      = dosp,
                                            date_of_discharge               = dod,
                                            patient_discharge_status        = parseInt(line.patient_discharge_status),
                                            diagnosis_group                 = parseInt(line.diagnosis_group),
                                            icd                             = line.icd,
                                            drg                             = line.drg,
                                            added_by                        = request.user,
            except IntegrityError:
                exists += (line.patient_id,)
            except DateException, (instance):
                date_errors += ((line.case_id,instance.parameter),)
Beispiel #5
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = c1CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
                if datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d") > datetime.strptime(line.date_of_delivery, "%Y-%m-%d"):
                    raise DateException(_("Born after date of delivery!"))
                new_c1 = c1.objects.create( patient_id=parseInt(line.patient_id),
                                            date_of_birth=datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                                            date_of_delivery=datetime.strptime(line.date_of_delivery+' '+line.time_of_delivery, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
                                            number_of_prev_deliveries = parseInt(line.number_of_prev_deliveries),
                                            number_of_prev_deliveries_by_c = parseInt(line.number_of_prev_deliveries_by_c),
                                            the_c_section = parseInt(line.the_c_section),
                                            weight_of_the_newborn = parseFloat(line.weight_of_the_newborn),
                                            mother_illness = parseInt(line.mother_illness),
                                            specify_mother_illness = line.specify_mother_illness,
                                            drg_code = line.drg_code,
                                            added_by = request.user,
                if not line.other_diagnoses == "":

                    od = line.other_diagnoses.split(",")
                    for o in od:
                            obj = c1OtherDiagnose.objects.get(name=str(o))
                        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            except IntegrityError:
                exists += (line.patient_id,)
            except DateException, (instance):
                date_errors += ((line.case_id,instance.parameter),)
Beispiel #6
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = r1CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
            first = True
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You probably forgot to delete the first row of the csv file, please recheck.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
            try: dob = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: dob = None
            try: doa = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_admission, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: doa = None
            try: fima = datetime.strptime(line.FIM_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: fima = None
            try: bia = datetime.strptime(line.BI_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: bia = None
            try: smwta = datetime.strptime(line.SMWT_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: smwta = None
            try: sfa = datetime.strptime(line.SF_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: sfa = None
            try: sata = datetime.strptime(line.SAT_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: sata = None
            try: feva = datetime.strptime(line.FEV_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: feva = None
            try: aia = datetime.strptime(line.AI_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: aia = None
            try: snca = datetime.strptime(line.SNC_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: snca = None
            try: scia = datetime.strptime(line.SCI_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: scia = None
            try: oa = datetime.strptime(line.Other_date_of_assess, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: oa = None
            try: dod = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: dod = None
            try: fimd = datetime.strptime(line.FIM_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: fimd = None
            try: bid = datetime.strptime(line.BI_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: bid = None
            try: smwtd = datetime.strptime(line.SMWT_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: smwtd = None
            try: sfd = datetime.strptime(line.SF_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: sfd = None
            try: satd = datetime.strptime(line.SAT_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: satd = None
            try: fevd = datetime.strptime(line.FEV_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: fevd = None
            try: aid = datetime.strptime(line.AI_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: aid = None
            try: sncd = datetime.strptime(line.SNC_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: sncd = None
            try: scid = datetime.strptime(line.SCI_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: scid = None
            try: od = datetime.strptime(line.Other_date_of_assess_discharge, "%Y-%m-%d")
            except: od = None

            if dob > doa:
                raise DateException(_("Can't be born after admission!"))
            if doa > dod:
                raise DateException(_("Can't be born after admission!"))

            if (fima and fima > dod) or (fima and fima < doa):
                raise DateException(_("FIM assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (bia and bia > dod) or (bia and bia < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Barthel index assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (smwta and smwta > dod) or (smwta and smwta < doa):
                raise DateException(_("6 minutes walk test assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (sfa and sfa > dod) or (sfa and sfa < doa):
                raise DateException(_("SF-36 assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (sata and sata > dod) or (sata and sata < doa):
                raise DateException(_("SAT assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (feva and feva > dod) or (feva and feva < doa):
                raise DateException(_("FEV-1 assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (aia and aia > dod) or (aia and aia < doa):
                raise DateException(_("ASIA impairment assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (snca and snca > dod) or (snca and snca < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Standard neurological classification of spinal cord injury assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (scia and scia > dod) or (scia and scia < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Spinal Cord Independence Measure assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (oa and oa > dod) or (oa and oa < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Other assessment can't be after discharge!"))
            if (fimd and fimd > dod) or (fimd and fimd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("FIM assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (bid and bid > dod) or (bid and bid < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Barthel index assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (smwtd and smwtd > dod) or (smwtd and smwtd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("6 minutes walk test assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (sfd and sfd > dod) or (sfd and sfd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("SF-36 assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (satd and satd > dod) or (satd and satd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("SAT assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (fevd and fevd > dod) or (fevd and fevd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("FEV-1 assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (aid and aid > dod) or (aid and aid < doa):
                raise DateException(_("ASIA impairment assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (sncd and sncd > dod) or (sncd and sncd < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Standard neurological classification of spinal cord injury assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (scid and scid > dod) or (scid and scid < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Spinal Cord Independence Measure assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if (od and od > dod) or (od and od < doa):
                raise DateException(_("Other assessment at discharge can't be after discharge!"))
            if parseInt(line.Other_applied_discharge) is None:
                oad = 0
                oad = parseInt(line.Other_applied_discharge)
                new_r1 = r1.objects.create(
                                            patient_id                      = parseInt(line.patient_id),
                                            case_id                         = parseInt(line.case_id),
                                            date_of_birth                   = dob,
                                            field_of_rehab                  = parseInt(line.field_of_rehab),
                                            field_of_rehab_other            = line.field_of_rehab_other,
                                            date_of_admission               = doa,
                                            FIM_applied                     = parseInt(line.FIM_applied),
                                            FIM_date_of_assess              = fima,
                                            FIM_score                       = parseFloat(line.FIM_score),
                                            BI_applied                      = parseInt(line.BI_applied),
                                            BI_date_of_assess               = bia,
                                            BI_score                        = parseFloat(line.BI_score),
                                            SMWT_applied                    = parseInt(line.SMWT_applied),
                                            SMWT_date_of_assess             = smwta,
                                            SMWT_score                      = parseFloat(line.SMWT_score),
                                            SF_applied                      = parseInt(line.SF_applied),
                                            SF_date_of_assess               = sfa,
                                            SF_score                        = parseFloat(line.SF_score),
                                            SAT_applied                     = parseInt(line.SAT_applied),
                                            SAT_date_of_assess              = sata,
                                            SAT_score                       = parseFloat(line.SAT_score),
                                            FEV_applied                     = parseInt(line.FEV_applied),
                                            FEV_date_of_assess              = feva,
                                            FEV_score                       = parseFloat(line.FEV_score),
                                            AI_applied                      = parseInt(line.AI_applied),
                                            AI_date_of_assess               = aia,
                                            AI_score                        = parseFloat(line.AI_score),
                                            SNC_applied                     = parseInt(line.SNC_applied),
                                            SNC_date_of_assess              = snca,
                                            SNC_score                       = parseFloat(line.SNC_score),
                                            SCI_applied                     = parseInt(line.SCI_applied),
                                            SCI_date_of_assess              = scia,
                                            SCI_score                       = parseFloat(line.SCI_score),
                                            Other_applied                   = parseInt(line.Other_applied),
                                            Other_name_of                   = line.Other_name_of,
                                            Other_date_of_assess            = oa,
                                            Other_score                     = parseFloat(line.Other_score),
                                            patient_discharge_status        = parseInt(line.patient_discharge_status),
                                            discharge                       = parseInt(line.discharge),
                                            if_unplanned                    = parseInt(line.if_unplanned),
                                            date_of_discharge               = dod,
                                            FIM_applied_discharge           = parseInt(line.FIM_applied_discharge),
                                            FIM_date_of_assess_discharge    = fimd,
                                            FIM_score_discharge             = parseFloat(line.FIM_score_discharge),
                                            BI_applied_discharge            = parseInt(line.BI_applied_discharge),
                                            BI_date_of_assess_discharge     = bid,
                                            BI_score_discharge              = parseFloat(line.BI_score_discharge),
                                            SMWT_applied_discharge          = parseInt(line.SMWT_applied_discharge),
                                            SMWT_date_of_assess_discharge   = smwtd,
                                            SMWT_score_discharge            = parseFloat(line.SMWT_score_discharge),
                                            SF_applied_discharge            = parseInt(line.SF_applied_discharge),
                                            SF_date_of_assess_discharge     = sfd,
                                            SF_score_discharge              = parseFloat(line.SF_score_discharge),
                                            SAT_applied_discharge           = parseInt(line.SAT_applied_discharge),
                                            SAT_date_of_assess_discharge    = satd,
                                            SAT_score_discharge             = parseFloat(line.SAT_score_discharge),
                                            FEV_applied_discharge           = parseInt(line.FEV_applied_discharge),
                                            FEV_date_of_assess_discharge    = fevd,
                                            FEV_score_discharge             = parseFloat(line.FEV_score_discharge),
                                            AI_applied_discharge            = parseInt(line.AI_applied_discharge),
                                            AI_date_of_assess_discharge     = aid,
                                            AI_score_discharge              = parseFloat(line.AI_score_discharge),
                                            SNC_applied_discharge           = parseInt(line.SNC_applied_discharge),
                                            SNC_date_of_assess_discharge    = sncd,
                                            SNC_score_discharge             = parseFloat(line.SNC_score_discharge),
                                            SCI_applied_discharge           = parseInt(line.SCI_applied_discharge),
                                            SCI_date_of_assess_discharge    = scid,
                                            SCI_score_discharge             = parseFloat(line.SCI_score_discharge),
                                            Other_applied_discharge         = oad,
                                            Other_name_of_discharge         = line.Other_name_of_discharge,
                                            Other_date_of_assess_discharge  = od,
                                            Other_score_discharge           = parseFloat(line.Other_score_discharge),
                                            added_by                        = request.user,
            except CsvDataException:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('r1_stat'))
        form = FileUploadForm()
        context = { "form" : form }
        return render_to_response('r1_file_upload.html', context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #7
def Import(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        first = True
            csv_file = request.FILES['file']
            imported_csv = c23CSV.import_data(data=csv_file)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You probably forgot to delete the first row of the csv file, please recheck.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        except CsvDataException:
            return render_to_response('error.html', {"message": _("You are not using the Template csv. The number of fields is different.") }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
        for line in imported_csv:
            if first:
                first = False
                try: si = datetime.strptime(line.surgical_incision+" "+line.surgical_incision_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                except ValueError: raise DateException(_("Date format is unaccaptable! YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable format."))
                try: dofd = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_first_dose+" "+line.time_of_first_dose, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                except ValueError: raise DateException(_("Date format is unaccaptable! YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable format."))
                try: dold =datetime.strptime(line.date_of_last_dose+" "+line.time_of_last_dose, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                except ValueError: raise DateException(_("Date format is unaccaptable! YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable format."))
                try: dowc =datetime.strptime(line.date_of_wound_close+" "+line.time_of_wound_close, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
                except ValueError: raise DateException(_("Date format is unaccaptable! YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable format."))
                if dofd > dold and dofd is not None and dold is not None:
                    raise DateException(_("Date of last dose happened before date of first dose!"))
                if si > dowc and si is not None and dowc is not None:
                    raise DateException(_("Can't close the wound before the incision!"))
                if not parseInt(line.penicilin_allergy):
                    pa = 1
                    pa = parseInt(line.penicilin_allergy)

                if not line.principal_diagnoses_code:
                    raise DateException(_("There is no diagnoses code for this record!"))

                new_c23 = c23.objects.create(
                    case_id                         = parseInt(line.case_id),
                    hospital_registration_number    = line.hospital_registration_number,
                    date_of_birth                   = datetime.strptime(line.date_of_birth, "%Y-%m-%d"),
                    weight_of_patient               = parseInt(line.weight_of_patient),
                    principal_diagnoses_code        = line.principal_diagnoses_code,
                    principal_procedure_code        = line.principal_procedure_code,
                    procedure_planned               = parseInt(line.procedure_planned),
                    patient_allergy                 = parseInt(line.patient_allergy),
                    generic_name_of_drug            = line.generic_name_of_drug,
                    penicilin_allergy               = pa,
                    preoperative_infection          = parseInt(line.preoperative_infection),
                    type_of_infection               = unidecode(line.type_of_infection),
                    surgical_incision               = si,
                    antibiotic_given                = parseInt(line.antibiotic_given),
                    name_of_first_dose              = line.name_of_first_dose,
                    name_of_second_dose             = line.name_of_second_dose,
                    first_dose                      = parseFloat(line.first_dose),
                    second_dose                     = parseFloat(line.second_dose),
                    route_of_admin                  = parseInt(line.route_of_admin),
                    date_of_first_dose              = dofd,
                    total_dose_in_24h               = parseFloat(line.total_dose_in_24h),
                    date_of_last_dose               = dold,
                    date_of_wound_close             = dowc,
                    added_by                        = request.user,
            except IntegrityError:
                if not parseInt(line.weight_of_patient):
                    date_errors += ((line.case_id,_("Weight of the patient can't be null!")),)
                    date_errors += ((line.case_id,_("This case is already in the database!")),)
            except DateException, (instance):
                date_errors += ((line.case_id,instance.parameter),)
            except CsvDataException:
                errors += (line.case_id,)
Beispiel #8
 if first:
     first = False
 try: saot = datetime.strptime(line.saturday_open_time, "%H:%M")
 except: saot = None
 try: sact = datetime.strptime(line.saturday_close_time, "%H:%M")
 except: sact = None
 try: suot = datetime.strptime(line.sunday_open_time, "%H:%M")
 except: suot = None
 try: suct = datetime.strptime(line.sunday_close_time, "%H:%M")
 except: suct = None
     new_c9o = c9_operation.objects.create(
         central_operating_unit = line.central_operating_unit,
         operating_unit = line.operating_unit,
         type_of_or = parseInt(line.type_of_or),
         weekday_open_time = datetime.strptime(line.weekday_open_time, "%H:%M"),
         weekday_close_time = datetime.strptime(line.weekday_close_time, "%H:%M"),
         weekday_staffed_days = parseInt(line.weekday_staffed_days),
         saturday_open_time = saot,
         saturday_close_time = sact,
         saturday_staffed_days = parseInt(line.saturday_staffed_days),
         sunday_open_time = suot,
         sunday_close_time = suct,
         sunday_staffed_days = parseInt(line.sunday_staffed_days),
         hygiene_category = parseInt(line.hygiene_category),
         professional_field = line.professional_field,
         preparatory_room = parseInt(line.preparatory_room),
         postoperative_room = parseInt(line.postoperative_room),
         observation_begins = datetime.strptime(line.observation_begins, "%Y-%m-%d"),
         observation_ends = datetime.strptime(line.observation_ends, "%Y-%m-%d"),