Beispiel #1
class MetaProduct(Mapping):
    Exposes a Product-like API to allow Tasks to create more than one Product,
    it is automatically instantiated when a Task is initialized with a
    sequence or a mapping object in the product parameter. While it is
    recommended for Tasks to only have one Product (to keep them simple),
    in some cases it makes sense. For example, a Jupyter notebook
    (executed via NotebookRunner), for fitting a model might as well serialize
    the things such as the model and any data preprocessors
    def __init__(self, products):
        container = ProductsContainer(products)

        self.products = container
        self.metadata = MetadataCollection(container)
        self.clients = ClientContainer(container)

        self._repr = Repr()

    def task(self):
        # TODO: validate same task
        return self.products[0].task

    def client(self):
        return self.clients

    def task(self, value):
        for p in self.products:
                p.task = value
            except AttributeError as e:
                raise AttributeError(
                    "Expected MetaProduct to initialize with Product "
                    "instancess (which have a 'task' attribute), but "
                    f"got {p!r}, an object of type {type(p)}. Replace it "
                    "with a valid Product object. If this is a file, use "
                    f"File({p!r})") from e

    def exists(self):
        return all([p.exists() for p in self.products])

    def delete(self, force=False):
        for product in self.products:

    def download(self):
        for product in self.products:

    def upload(self):
        for product in self.products:

    def _is_outdated(self, outdated_by_code=True):
        is_outdated = [
            for p in self.products

        if set(is_outdated) == {False}:
            return False

        if set(is_outdated) <= {TaskStatus.WaitingDownload, False}:
            return TaskStatus.WaitingDownload

        return any(is_outdated)

    def _outdated_data_dependencies(self):
        return any([p._outdated_data_dependencies() for p in self.products])

    def _outdated_code_dependency(self):
        return any([p._outdated_code_dependency() for p in self.products])

    def to_json_serializable(self):
        """Returns a JSON serializable version of this product
        # NOTE: this is used in tasks where only JSON serializable parameters
        # are supported such as NotebookRunner that depends on papermill
        return self.products.to_json_serializable()

    def render(self, params, **kwargs):
        for p in self.products:
            p.render(params, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        content = self._repr.repr1(self.products.products, level=2)
        return f'{type(self).__name__}({content})'

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.products)

    def __iter__(self):
        for product in self.products:
            yield product

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.products[key]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.products)

    def _remote(self):
        return self.products.first._remote

    def _is_remote_outdated(self, outdated_by_code):
        return self.products.first._is_remote_outdated(outdated_by_code)