Beispiel #1
    def toResponse(self, stanza):
        Construct error response stanza.

        The C{stanza} is transformed into an error response stanza by
        swapping the C{to} and C{from} addresses and inserting an error

        @note: This creates a shallow copy of the list of child elements of the
               stanza. The child elements themselves are not copied themselves,
               and references to their parent element will still point to the
               original stanza element.

               The serialization of an element does not use the reference to
               its parent, so the typical use case of immediately sending out
               the constructed error response is not affected.

        @param stanza: the stanza to respond to
        @type stanza: L{domish.Element}
        from reqs.twisted.words.protocols.jabber.xmlstream import toResponse
        response = toResponse(stanza, stanzaType='error')
        response.children = copy.copy(stanza.children)
        return response
 def test_noType(self):
     Test that a proper response is generated without type attribute.
     stanza = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'message'))
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(stanza)
 def test_toResponseNoAddressing(self):
     Test that a response is generated from a stanza without any addressing.
     stanza = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'message'))
     stanza['type'] = 'chat'
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(stanza)
 def test_toResponseNoTo(self):
     Test that a response is generated from a stanza without a to address.
     stanza = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'iq'))
     stanza['type'] = 'get'
     stanza['from'] = '[email protected]/resource'
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(stanza)
     self.assertEqual(response['to'], '[email protected]/resource')
        def onAuthSet(iq):
            Called when the initializer sent the authentication request.

            The server checks the credentials and responds with an empty result
            signalling success.
            self.assertEquals('user', unicode(iq.query.username))
            self.assertEquals('secret', unicode(iq.query.password))
            self.assertEquals('resource', unicode(iq.query.resource))

            # Send server response
            response = xmlstream.toResponse(iq, 'result')
 def test_toResponse(self):
     Test that a response stanza is generated with addressing swapped.
     stanza = domish.Element(('jabber:client', 'iq'))
     stanza['type'] = 'get'
     stanza['to'] = '*****@*****.**'
     stanza['from'] = '[email protected]/resource'
     stanza['id'] = 'stanza1'
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(stanza, 'result')
     self.assertNotIdentical(stanza, response)
     self.assertEqual(response['from'], '*****@*****.**')
     self.assertEqual(response['to'], '[email protected]/resource')
     self.assertEqual(response['type'], 'result')
     self.assertEqual(response['id'], 'stanza1')
        def onAuthGet(iq):
            Called when the initializer sent a query for authentication methods.

            The response informs the client that plain-text authentication
            is supported.

            # Send server response
            response = xmlstream.toResponse(iq, 'result')
            response.addElement(('jabber:iq:auth', 'query'))

            # Set up an observer for the next request we expect.
            d = self.waitFor(IQ_AUTH_SET, onAuthSet)

            # Send server response

            return d
 def onSession(iq):
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(iq, 'result')
 def onBind(iq):
     response = xmlstream.toResponse(iq, 'result')
     response.addElement((NS_BIND, 'bind'))
                              content='[email protected]/other resource')