Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AWS4Auth instances can be created by supplying scoping parameters
        directly or by using a pre-generated signing key:

        >>> auth = AWS4Auth(access_id, access_key, region, service)


        >>> auth = AWS4Auth(access_id, signing_key)

        access_id  -- This is your AWS access ID
        access_key -- This is your AWS access key
        region     -- The region you're connecting to, as per this list at
                      e.g. us-east-1. For services which don't require a region
                      (e.g. IAM), use us-east-1.
        service    -- The name of the service you're connecting to, as per
                      endpoints at:
                      e.g. elasticbeanstalk.
        signing_key - An AWS4SigningKey instance.

        All arguments except signing_key should be supplied as strings.

        l = len(args)
        if l not in [2, 4]:
            msg = 'AWS4Auth() takes 2 or 4 arguments, {} given'.format(l)
            raise TypeError(msg)
        self.access_id = args[0]
        if isinstance(args[1], AWS4SigningKey) and len(args) == 2:
            # instantiate from signing key
            key = args[1]
            self.region = key.region
            self.service = key.service
            self.signing_key = key
        elif len(args) == 4:
            # instantiate from args
            access_key = args[1]
            self.region = args[2]
            self.service = args[3]
            self.signing_key = AWS4SigningKey(access_key,
            raise TypeError()
        if 'include_hdrs' in kwargs:
            self.include_hdrs = kwargs[str('include_hdrs')]
            self.include_hdrs = self.default_include_headers
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AWS4Auth instances can be created by supplying scoping parameters
        directly or by using a pre-generated signing key:

        >>> auth = AWS4Auth(access_id, access_key, region, service)


        >>> auth = AWS4Auth(access_id, signing_key)

        access_id  -- This is your AWS access ID
        access_key -- This is your AWS access key
        region     -- The region you're connecting to, as per this list at
                      e.g. us-east-1. For services which don't require a region
                      (e.g. IAM), use us-east-1.
        service    -- The name of the service you're connecting to, as per
                      endpoints at:
                      e.g. elasticbeanstalk.
        signing_key - An AWS4SigningKey instance.

        All arguments except signing_key should be supplied as strings.

        l = len(args)
        if l not in [2, 4]:
            msg = 'AWS4Auth() takes 2 or 4 arguments, {} given'.format(l)
            raise TypeError(msg)
        self.access_id = args[0]
        if isinstance(args[1], AWS4SigningKey) and len(args) == 2:
            # instantiate from signing key
            key = args[1]
            self.region = key.region
            self.service = key.service
            self.signing_key = key
        elif len(args) == 4:
            # instantiate from args
            access_key = args[1]
            self.region = args[2]
            self.service = args[3]
            self.signing_key = AWS4SigningKey(access_key, self.region,
            raise TypeError()
        if 'include_hdrs' in kwargs:
            self.include_hdrs = kwargs[str('include_hdrs')]
            self.include_hdrs = self.default_include_headers
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AWS4Auth instances can be created by supplying key scope parameters
        directly or by using an AWS4SigningKey instance:

        access_id   -- This is your AWS access ID
        secret_key  -- This is your AWS secret access key
        region      -- The region you're connecting to, as per the list at
                       e.g. us-east-1. For services which don't require a region
                       (e.g. IAM), use us-east-1.
        service     -- The name of the service you're connecting to, as per
                       endpoints at:
                       e.g. elasticbeanstalk.
        date        -- Date this instance is valid for. 8-digit date as str of the
                       form YYYYMMDD. Key is only valid for requests with a
                       Date or X-Amz-Date header matching this date. If date is
                       not supplied the current date is used.
        signing_key -- An AWS4SigningKey instance.
                    -- Must be supplied as keyword argument. AWS4Auth tries to
                       parse a date from the X-Amz-Date and Date headers of the
                       request, first trying X-Amz-Date, and then Date if
                       X-Amz-Date is not present or is in an unrecognised
                       format. If one or both of the two headers are present
                       yet neither are in a format which AWS4Auth recognises
                       then it will remove both headers and replace with a new
                       X-Amz-Date header using the current date.

                       If this behaviour is not wanted, set the
                       raise_invalid_date keyword argument to True, and
                       instead an InvalidDateError will be raised when neither
                       date is recognised. If neither header is present at all
                       then an X-Amz-Date header will still be added containing
                       the current date.

                       See the AWS4Auth class docstring for supported date
                    -- Must be supplied as keyword argument. If session_token
                       is set, then it is used for the x-amz-security-token
                       header, for use with STS temporary credentials.

        l = len(args)
        if l not in [2, 4, 5]:
            msg = 'AWS4Auth() takes 2, 4 or 5 arguments, {} given'.format(l)
            raise TypeError(msg)
        self.access_id = args[0]
        if isinstance(args[1], AWS4SigningKey) and l == 2:
            # instantiate from signing key
            self.signing_key = args[1]
            self.region = self.signing_key.region
            self.service = self.signing_key.service
        elif l in [4, 5]:
            # instantiate from args
            secret_key = args[1]
            self.region = args[2]
            self.service = args[3]
   = args[4] if l == 5 else None
            self.signing_key = None
            raise TypeError()

        raise_invalid_date = kwargs.get('raise_invalid_date', False)
        if raise_invalid_date in [True, False]:
            self.raise_invalid_date = raise_invalid_date
            raise ValueError('raise_invalid_date must be True or False in AWS4Auth.__init__()')

        self.session_token = kwargs.get('session_token')
        if self.session_token:
        self.include_hdrs = kwargs.get('include_hdrs', self.default_include_headers)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        AWS4Auth instances can be created by supplying key scope parameters
        directly or by using an AWS4SigningKey instance:

        access_id   -- This is your AWS access ID
        secret_key  -- This is your AWS secret access key
        region      -- The region you're connecting to, as per the list at
                       e.g. us-east-1. For services which don't require a region
                       (e.g. IAM), use us-east-1.
        service     -- The name of the service you're connecting to, as per
                       endpoints at:
                       e.g. elasticbeanstalk.
        date        -- Date this instance is valid for. 8-digit date as str of the
                       form YYYYMMDD. Key is only valid for requests with a
                       Date or X-Amz-Date header matching this date. If date is
                       not supplied the current date is used.
        signing_key -- An AWS4SigningKey instance.
                    -- Must be supplied as keyword argument. AWS4Auth tries to
                       parse a date from the X-Amz-Date and Date headers of the
                       request, first trying X-Amz-Date, and then Date if
                       X-Amz-Date is not present or is in an unrecognised
                       format. If one or both of the two headers are present
                       yet neither are in a format which AWS4Auth recognises
                       then it will remove both headers and replace with a new
                       X-Amz-Date header using the current date.

                       If this behaviour is not wanted, set the
                       raise_invalid_date keyword argument to True, and
                       instead an InvalidDateError will be raised when neither
                       date is recognised. If neither header is present at all
                       then an X-Amz-Date header will still be added containing
                       the current date.

                       See the AWS4Auth class docstring for supported date
                    -- Must be supplied as keyword argument. If session_token
                       is set, then it is used for the x-amz-security-token
                       header, for use with STS temporary credentials.

        l = len(args)
        if l not in [2, 4, 5]:
            msg = 'AWS4Auth() takes 2, 4 or 5 arguments, {} given'.format(l)
            raise TypeError(msg)
        self.access_id = args[0]
        if isinstance(args[1], AWS4SigningKey) and l == 2:
            # instantiate from signing key
            self.signing_key = args[1]
            self.region = self.signing_key.region
            self.service = self.signing_key.service
        elif l in [4, 5]:
            # instantiate from args
            secret_key = args[1]
            self.region = args[2]
            self.service = args[3]
   = args[4] if l == 5 else None
            self.signing_key = None
            raise TypeError()

        raise_invalid_date = kwargs.get('raise_invalid_date', False)
        if raise_invalid_date in [True, False]:
            self.raise_invalid_date = raise_invalid_date
            raise ValueError(
                'raise_invalid_date must be True or False in AWS4Auth.__init__()'

        self.session_token = kwargs.get('session_token')
        if self.session_token:
        self.include_hdrs = kwargs.get('include_hdrs',