Beispiel #1
 def test_lower_items(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.kvs, cutlery='fork')
     assert list(hd.lower_items()) == [
         ('animal', 'chicken, Cow'),
         ('cake', 'Cheese!'),
         ('sauce', 'Bread, Cherry, or Plum Tomato'),
         ('cutlery', 'fork'),
Beispiel #2
 def test_equality(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.u3dict)
     assert hd == self.u3dict
     assert hd == HTTPHeaderDict(hd)
     # Test that we still work even if we are comparing to a
     # CaseInsensitiveDict instance.
     cid = CaseInsensitiveDict(hd)
     assert hd == cid
     assert cid == hd
Beispiel #3
 def test_add(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict()
     hd.add('sound', 'quiet')
     hd.add('SOUND', 'LOUD')
     assert hd.getlist('Sound') == ['quiet', 'LOUD']
     # Enforce type-checking in the add method.
     pytest.raises(ValueError, hd.add, 'Sound', 5)
Beispiel #4
 def test_repr(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict()
     assert repr(hd) == '{}'
     hd.add('type', 'xml')
     assert repr(hd) == "{'type': 'xml'}"
     hd.add('type', 'html')
     assert repr(hd) == "{'type': ('xml', 'html')}"
     # We can't guarantee order once we have more than one key.
     hd.add('Accept', 'text/html')
     assert repr(hd) in [
         "{'type': ('xml', 'html'), 'Accept': 'text/html'}",
         "{'Accept': 'text/html', 'type': ('xml', 'html')}",
     assert str(hd) == repr(hd)
Beispiel #5
 def test_extend(self, attr, as_arg, animal_arg_is_ordered):
     item = getattr(self, attr)
     # Call extend with the associated values - we should see all of the
     # merged data in the HTTPHeaderDict instance.
     extras = {'cutlery': 'knife'}
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.kvs)
     if as_arg:
         hd.extend(item, **extras)
         hd.extend(extras, **item)
     # Test all the stored values are what we expect.
     mget = hd.getlist
     # Depending on the item we merged in, we might be able to make
     # assumptions what the overall order of the structure is.
     animal_seq = mget('animal')
     if animal_arg_is_ordered:
         assert animal_seq == ['chicken', 'Cow', 'Dog', 'elephant']
         # The existing order in HTTPHeadersDict of the first two values
         # should be preserved - no guarantees in which order the other
         # two values are added.
         assert animal_seq in [
             ['chicken', 'Cow', 'Dog', 'elephant'],
             ['chicken', 'Cow', 'elephant', 'Dog'],
     assert mget('cake') == ['Cheese!', 'Babka']
     assert mget('sound') == ['quiet', 'LOUD']
     # We don't mandate the order in which these dictionaries are
     # processed, so it's fine whichever order it is.
     assert mget('cutlery') in [['fork', 'knife'], ['knife', 'fork']]
Beispiel #6
 def test_item_access(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.kvs)
     # Test that values are combined.
     assert hd['Sauce'] == 'Bread, Cherry, or Plum Tomato'
     assert hd['ANIMAL'] == 'chicken, Cow'
     # Test we can overwrite values.
     hd['animal'] = 'Goat!'
     assert hd['anIMal'] == 'Goat!'
     # Test deletion works.
     del hd['sauce']
     pytest.raises(KeyError, hd.__getitem__, 'sauce')
     # Only string types allowed.
     pytest.raises(ValueError, hd.__setitem__, 'cake', ['Cheese', 'sponge'])
Beispiel #7
 def setup(self):
     self.kvs = [
         ('animal', 'chicken'),
         ('AnimaL', 'Cow'),
         ('CAKE', 'Cheese!'),
         ('Sauce', 'Bread'),
         ('Sauce', 'Cherry, or Plum Tomato'),
     # HTTPHeaderDict from urllib3.
     self.u3dict = ud = U3HeaderDict()
     [ud.add(*tpl) for tpl in self.kvs]
     # Regular dictionary.
     self.ddict = dict(self.kvs)
     self.ddict['Sauce'] = ['Bread!', 'Cherry, or Plum Tomato']
     # Used by test_extend. All of these "extra" values are mostly
     # equivalent to each other.
     self.extra_hd = hd2 = HTTPHeaderDict(ANIMAL=['Dog', 'elephant'])
     hd2['cake'] = 'Babka'
     hd2.setlist('sound', ['quiet', 'LOUD'])
     hd2['CUTLERY'] = 'fork'
     self.extra_tuple_pairs = tuple_pairs = [
         ('ANIMAL', 'Dog'),
         ('Animal', 'elephant'),
         ('cake', ['Babka']),
         ('sound', 'quiet'),
         ('sound', 'LOUD'),
         ('CUTLERY', 'fork'),
     self.extra_simple_dict = dict(tuple_pairs)
     self.extra_simple_dict['sound'] = ('quiet', 'LOUD')
     self.extra_u3 = U3HeaderDict()
     for k, v in tuple_pairs:
         if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
             for vi in v:
                 self.extra_u3.add(k, vi)
             self.extra_u3.add(k, v)
Beispiel #8
 def setup(self):
     self.case_insensitive_dict = HTTPHeaderDict()
     self.case_insensitive_dict['Accept'] = 'application/json'
Beispiel #9
 def test_extend_type_checking(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict()
     pytest.raises(ValueError, hd.extend, dict(type=['xml', None, 'html']))
Beispiel #10
 def test_get_and_set_list(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.kvs)
     assert hd.getlist('SAUCE') == ['Bread', 'Cherry, or Plum Tomato']
     assert hd.getlist('CAKE') == ['Cheese!']
     assert hd.getlist('DRINK') == []
     # Needs to be a regular sequence type containing just strings.
     pytest.raises(ValueError, hd.setlist, 'Drink', 'Water')
     pytest.raises(ValueError, hd.setlist, 'Drink', ['H', 2, 'O'])
     # Test multi-setting.
     hd.setlist('Drink', ['Water', 'Juice'])
     assert hd.getlist('DRINK') == ['Water', 'Juice']
     # Setting to an empty sequence should remove the entry.
     hd.setlist('DRInk', [])
     pytest.raises(KeyError, hd.__getitem__, 'DrinK')
     assert hd.getlist('DRiNK') == []
Beispiel #11
 def test_copy(self):
     hd = HTTPHeaderDict(self.u3dict)
     hd2 = hd.copy()
     assert hd is not hd2
     assert hd == hd2