Beispiel #1
 def test_paired_end_file(self):
     """Test, paired end SAM file"""
     # here is the example
     # >ref
     # 5p CGA AAA CGA 3p
     # 3p GCT TTT GCT 5p
     # >r001/1
     # CGA
     # >r001/2
     # GCA
     # The sam file looks like this
     #@HD VN:1.5 SO:coordinate
     #@SQ SN:ref LN:9
     #r001 163 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 CGA III MR:f:0 #the normal ones
     #r001 83 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 TCG III MR:f:0
     #r002 163 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 TGA III MR:f:0.9 #With one dam subs
     #r002 83 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 CAA III MR:f:0.009
     #r003 83 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 TGA III #The reverse complement, should not rescale (thus no flags)
     #r003 163 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 CAA III
     #hand calculated the correct rescaled sam file in pe_rescaled_correct.sam
     options = mock_options("rescale_test/pe_test/pe.sam","rescale_test/pe_test/pe_rescaled.sam","rescale_test/pe_test/pe_output/")
     ref = pysam.Fastafile("rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa")
Beispiel #2
 def test_paired_end_file(self):
     """Test, paired end SAM file"""
     # here is the example
     # >ref
     # 5p CGA AAA CGA 3p
     # 3p GCT TTT GCT 5p
     # >r001/1
     # CGA
     # >r001/2
     # GCA
     # The sam file looks like this
     #@HD VN:1.5 SO:coordinate
     #@SQ SN:ref LN:9
     #r001 163 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 CGA III #the normal ones
     #r001 83 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 TCG III
     #r002 163 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 TGA III #With one dam subs
     #r002 83 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 CAA III
     #r003 83 ref 1 30 3M = 7 9 TGA III #The reverse complement, should not rescale
     #r003 163 ref 7 30 3M = 1 -9 CAA III
     #hand calculated the correct rescaled sam file in pe_rescaled_correct.sam
     options = mock_options("rescale_test/pe_test/pe.sam",
     ref = pysam.Fastafile("rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa")
     rescale.rescale_qual(ref, options, debug=True)
Beispiel #3
 def test_longalignshortread(self):
     """Check if fails on an aligment longer than the read"""
     prefix = "rescale_test/long_align/"
     options = mock_options(prefix + "pe.sam", prefix + "pe_out.sam",
                            prefix + "pe_output/")
     ref = pysam.Fastafile("rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa")
     rescale.rescale_qual(ref, options, debug=True)
Beispiel #4
 def test_longalignshortread(self):
     """Check if fails on an aligment longer than the read"""
     options = mock_options(prefix+"pe.sam",prefix+"pe_out.sam",prefix+"pe_output/")
     ref = pysam.Fastafile("rescale_test/pe_test/ref.fa")
     #Should run without an error