Beispiel #1
    class Output:
        """Output fields to process SlamCount."""

        exp = FileField(label="Normalized expression")
        exp_json = JsonField(label="Expression (json)")
        exp_type = StringField(label="Expression type")
        rc = FileField(label="T>C read counts")
        exp_set = FileField(label="Expressions")
        exp_set_json = JsonField(label="Expressions (json)")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID source")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #2
    class Output:
        """Output fields."""

        exp = FileField(label="Normalized expression")
        exp_json = JsonField(label="Expression (json)")
        exp_type = StringField(label="Expression type")
        platform = StringField(label="Microarray platform type")
        platform_id = StringField(label="GEO platform ID", required=False)
        exp_set = FileField(label="Expressions")
        exp_set_json = JsonField(label="Expressions (json)")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID source")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
        probe_mapping = StringField(label="Probe to transcript mapping used")
Beispiel #3
    class Input:
        """Input fields."""

        my_field = StringField(label="My field")
        my_list = ListField(StringField(), label="My list")
        input_data = DataField("test:save", label="My input data")
        input_entity_data = DataField("entity", label="My entity data")
        bar = DataField(data_type="test:save", label="My bar")
        url = UrlField(UrlField.DOWNLOAD, label="My URL")
        integer = IntegerField(label="My integer")
        my_float = FloatField(label="My float")
        my_json = JsonField(label="Blah blah")
        my_optional = StringField(label="Optional",
                                  default="default value")
        my_optional_no_default = StringField(label="Optional no default",

        class MyGroup:
            foo = IntegerField(label="Foo")
            bar = StringField(label="Bar")
            group_optional_no_default = StringField(
                label="Group optional no default", required=False)

        my_group = GroupField(MyGroup, label="My group")
Beispiel #4
    class Output:
        """Output fields."""

        exp = FileField(label="Normalized expression")
        exp_json = JsonField(label="Expression (json)")
        exp_type = StringField(label="Expression type")
        rc = FileField(label="Read counts", required=False)
        exp_set = FileField(label="Expressions")
        exp_set_json = JsonField(label="Expressions (json)")
        abundance = FileField(label='StringTie abundance file')
        transcripts = FileField(label='StringTie transcripts GTF file')
        ctab = FileField(label='StringTie transcripts ctab file')
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID source")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #5
    class Output:
        """Output field of the process FindSimilar."""

        similar_genes = JsonField(label="Similar genes")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID database")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
    class Output:
        """Output field of the process ClusterTimeCourse."""

        cluster = JsonField(label="Hieararhical clustering")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID database")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #7
    class Output:
        """Output fields."""

        exp = FileField(label="Normalized expression")
        exp_json = JsonField(label="Expression (json)")
        exp_type = StringField(label="Expression type")
        rc = FileField(label="Read counts", required=False)
        exp_set = FileField(label="Expressions")
        exp_set_json = JsonField(label="Expressions (json)")
        quant = FileField(label="Salmon quant file")
        transcripts = FileField(label="Transcript-level expressions")
        salmon_output = DirField(label='Salmon output')
        txdb = FileField(label="Transcript to gene mapping")
        strandedness = StringField(label='Strandedness code')
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID source")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #8
    class Output:
        """Output fields of the process EdgeR."""

        raw = FileField("Differential expression")
        de_json = JsonField(label="Results table (JSON)")
        de_file = FileField(label="Results table (file)")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID database")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #9
    class Output:
        """Output field of the process ImportFastaNucleotide."""

        all_enhancers = FileField(label="All enhancers table")
        enhancers_with_super = FileField(label="Super enhancers table")
        plot_points = FileField(label="Plot points")
        plot_panel = FileField(label="Plot panel")
        enhancer_gene = FileField(label="Enhancer to gene")
        enhancer_top_gene = FileField(label="Enhancer to top gene")
        gene_enhancer = FileField(label="Gene to Enhancer")
        stitch_parameter = FileField(label="Stitch parameter", required=False)
        all_output = FileField(label="All output")
        scatter_plot = JsonField(label="Super-Enhancer plot")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
Beispiel #10
    class Output:
        """Output fields of the process Cuffdiff."""

        raw = FileField("Differential expression")
        de_json = JsonField(label="Results table (JSON)")
        de_file = FileField(label="Results table (file)")
        transcript_diff_exp = FileField(
            label="Differential expression (transcript level)")
        tss_group_diff_exp = FileField(
            label="Differential expression (primary transcript)")
        cds_diff_exp = FileField(
            label="Differential expression (coding sequence)")
        cuffdiff_output = FileField(label="Cuffdiff output")
        source = StringField(label="Gene ID database")
        species = StringField(label="Species")
        build = StringField(label="Build")
        feature_type = StringField(label="Feature type")
Beispiel #11
 class Output:
     output_string = JsonField(label="Output string")
     output_file = JsonField(label="Output file")
Beispiel #12
    class Input:
        """Input fields to process MergeData."""

        string_field = StringField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
                ("computer_readable1", "Human readable 1"),
                ("computer_readable2", "Human readable 2"),
        text_field = TextField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
            default="default text",
        boolean_field1 = BooleanField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Note that description fields always end in a period.",
        integer_field = IntegerField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        float_field = FloatField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        date_field = DateField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        datetime_field = DateTimeField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
            default="2020-04-20 12:16:00",
        url_field = UrlField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        secret_field = SecretField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        file_field = FileField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        filehtml_field = FileHtmlField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        dir_field = DirField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        json_field = JsonField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        list_field = ListField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",
        data_field = DataField(
            # data_type should not start with data:
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            description="Description ends in a period.",

        class Advanced:
            """Add advanced list of options."""

            boolean_field2 = BooleanField(
                label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
                description="Description ends in a period.",

        group_field = GroupField(
            label="Labels are short and do not end in a period",
            # Will show when boolean_field1 is flipped.