Beispiel #1
 def node_visible(key: str) -> bool:
     k: Kind = graph.nodes[key]["data"]
     if hide and exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), hide):
         return False
     if show is None:
         return True
         return exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), show)
Beispiel #2
 def current_step_done(self) -> bool:
     This step is done, when the event it is waiting for has arrived.
     return self.timed_out or exist(
         lambda x: isinstance(x, Event) and x.message_type == self.perform.
Beispiel #3
async def query_cost(graph_db: Any, model: QueryModel,
                     with_edges: bool) -> EstimatedSearchCost:
    q_string, bind = to_query(graph_db, model, with_edges=with_edges)
    nr_nodes = await graph_db.db.count(graph_db.vertex_name)
    plan = await graph_db.db.explain(query=q_string, bind_vars=bind)
    full_collection_scan = exist(
        lambda node: node["type"] == "EnumerateCollectionNode", plan["nodes"])
    estimated_cost = int(plan["estimatedCost"])
    estimated_items = int(plan["estimatedNrItems"])
    # If the number of returned items is small, most of the computation happens on the db side
    # A higher factor (==estimated cost) is acceptable in this case.
    factor = 20 if estimated_items < 3 else 2.1
    # max upper bound, if the number of nodes is very small
    ratio = estimated_cost / max(10000, nr_nodes * factor)
    # the best rating is complex, if a full collection scan is required.
    best = Rating.complex if full_collection_scan else Rating.simple
    rating = best if ratio < 0.2 else (
        Rating.complex if ratio < 1 else Rating.bad)
    return EstimatedSearchCost(estimated_cost, estimated_items, nr_nodes,
                               full_collection_scan, rating)
Beispiel #4
 def not_hidden(key: str) -> bool:
     k: Kind = graph.nodes[key]["data"]
     return not (hide and exist(lambda r: r.fullmatch(k.fqn), hide))