Beispiel #1
    def player_dialogselect(self, folder, auto=False):
        d_items = []
        for f in folder:

            # Skip items without labels as probably not worth playing
            if not f.get('label') or f.get('label') == 'None':

            # Get the label of the item
            label_a = f.get('label')

            # Add year to our label if exists and not special value of 1601
            if f.get('year') and f.get('year') != 1601:
                label_a = u'{} ({})'.format(label_a, f.get('year'))

            # Add season and episode numbers to label
            if utils.try_parse_int(f.get('season', 0)) > 0 and utils.try_parse_int(f.get('episode', 0)) > 0:
                label_a = u'{}x{}. {}'.format(f.get('season'), f.get('episode'), label_a)

            # Add various stream details to ListItem.Label2 (aka label_b)
            label_b_list = []
            if f.get('streamdetails'):
                sdv_list = f.get('streamdetails', {}).get('video', [{}]) or [{}]
                sda_list = f.get('streamdetails', {}).get('audio', [{}]) or [{}]
                sdv, sda = sdv_list[0], sda_list[0]
                if sdv.get('width') or sdv.get('height'):
                    label_b_list.append(u'{}x{}'.format(sdv.get('width'), sdv.get('height')))
                if sdv.get('codec'):
                    label_b_list.append(u'{}'.format(sdv.get('codec', '').upper()))
                if sda.get('codec'):
                    label_b_list.append(u'{}'.format(sda.get('codec', '').upper()))
                if sda.get('channels'):
                    label_b_list.append(u'{} CH'.format(sda.get('channels', '')))
                for i in sda_list:
                    if i.get('language'):
                        label_b_list.append(u'{}'.format(i.get('language', '').upper()))
                if sdv.get('duration'):
                    label_b_list.append(u'{} mins'.format(utils.try_parse_int(sdv.get('duration', 0)) // 60))
            if f.get('size'):
                label_b_list.append(u'{}'.format(utils.normalise_filesize(f.get('size', 0))))
            label_b = ' | '.join(label_b_list) if label_b_list else ''

            # Add item to select dialog list
            d_items.append(ListItem(label=label_a, label2=label_b, icon=f.get('thumbnail')).set_listitem())

        if not d_items:
            return -1  # No items so ask user to select new player

        # If autoselect enabled and only 1 item choose that otherwise ask user to choose
        idx = 0 if auto and len(d_items) == 1 else xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Select Item', d_items, useDetails=True)

        if idx == -1:
            return  # User exited the dialog so return nothing

        resolve_url = True if folder[idx].get('filetype') == 'file' else False  # Set true for files so we can play
        return (resolve_url, folder[idx].get('file'))  # Return the player
    def play_external(self, force_dialog=False, playerindex=-1):
        if playerindex > -1:  # Previous iteration didn't find an item to play so remove it and retry
            del self.actions[
                playerindex]  # Item not found so remove the player's action list
            del self.itemlist[
                playerindex]  # Item not found so remove the player's select dialog entry
            del self.identifierlist[
                playerindex]  # Item not found so remove the player's index

        playerindex = self.get_playerindex(force_dialog=force_dialog)

        # User cancelled dialog
        if not playerindex > -1:
            return False

        player = self.actions[playerindex]
        if not player or not player[1]:
            return False

        # External player has list of actions so let's iterate through them to find our item
        resolve_url = False
        if isinstance(player[1], list):
            actionlist = player[1]
            player = (False, actionlist[0])
            for d in actionlist[1:]:
                if player[0]:
                    break  # Playable item was found in last action so let's break and play it
                folder = KodiLibrary().get_directory(
                        self.item))  # Get the next folder from the plugin

                if d.get(
                ):  # Special option to show dialog of items to select from
                    d_items = []
                    for f in folder:  # Create our list of items
                        if not f.get('label') or f.get('label') == 'None':
                        lb_list = []
                        label_a = f.get('label')
                        if f.get('year') and f.get('year') != 1601:
                            label_a = u'{} ({})'.format(label_a, f.get('year'))
                        if utils.try_parse_int(f.get(
                                'season', 0)) > 0 and utils.try_parse_int(
                                    f.get('episode', 0)) > 0:
                            label_a = u'{}x{}. {}'.format(
                                f.get('season'), f.get('episode'), label_a)
                        if f.get('streamdetails'):
                            sdv_list = f.get('streamdetails', {}).get(
                                'video', [{}]) or [{}]
                            sda_list = f.get('streamdetails', {}).get(
                                'audio', [{}]) or [{}]
                            sdv, sda = sdv_list[0], sda_list[0]
                            if sdv.get('width') or sdv.get('height'):
                                    sdv.get('width'), sdv.get('height')))
                            if sdv.get('codec'):
                                    sdv.get('codec', '').upper()))
                            if sda.get('codec'):
                                    sda.get('codec', '').upper()))
                            if sda.get('channels'):
                                lb_list.append(u'{} CH'.format(
                                    sda.get('channels', '')))
                            for i in sda_list:
                                if i.get('language'):
                                        i.get('language', '').upper()))
                            if sdv.get('duration'):
                                lb_list.append(u'{} mins'.format(
                                    utils.try_parse_int(sdv.get('duration', 0))
                                    // 60))
                        if f.get('size'):
                                utils.normalise_filesize(f.get('size', 0))))
                        label_b = ' | '.join(lb_list) if lb_list else ''
                    if d_items:
                        idx = 0
                        if d.get('dialog',
                                 '').lower() != 'auto' or len(d_items) != 1:
                            idx = xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Select Item',
                        if idx == -1:  # User exited the dialog so return and do nothing
                        resolve_url = True if folder[idx].get(
                        ) == 'file' else False  # Set true for files so we can play
                        player = (resolve_url, folder[idx].get('file')
                                  )  # Set the folder path to open/play
                        break  # Move onto next action
                    else:  # Ask user to select a different player if no items in dialog
                        return self.play_external(force_dialog=force_dialog,

                x = 0
                for f in folder:  # Iterate through plugin folder looking for a matching item
                    x += 1  # Keep an index for position matching
                    for k, v in d.items(
                    ):  # Iterate through our key (infolabel) / value (infolabel must match) pairs of our action
                        if k == 'position':  # We're looking for an item position not an infolabel
                            if utils.try_parse_int(
                                    string_format_map(v, self.item)
                            ) != x:  # Format our position value
                                break  # Not the item position we want so let's go to next item in folder
                        elif not f.get(k) or string_format_map(
                                v, self.item
                        ) not in u'{}'.format(
                                f.get(k, '')
                        ):  # Format our value and check if it matches the infolabel key
                            break  # Item's key value doesn't match value we are looking for so let's got to next item in folder
                    else:  # Item matched our criteria so let's open it up
                        resolve_url = True if f.get(
                        ) == 'file' else False  # Set true for files so we can play
                        player = (resolve_url, f.get('file')
                                  )  # Get ListItem.FolderPath for item
                        break  # Move onto next action (either open next folder or play file)
                    return self.play_external(
                        force_dialog=force_dialog, playerindex=playerindex
                    )  # Ask user to select a different player

        # Play/Search found item
        if player and player[1]:
            action = string_format_map(player[1], self.item)
            if player[0] and action.endswith(
                    '.strm'):  # Action is play and is a strm so PlayMedia
            elif player[
                    0]:  # Action is play and not a strm so play with player
                    ListItem(library='video', **self.details).set_listitem())
                action = u'Container.Update({0})'.format(
                    action) if xbmc.getCondVisibility(
                    ) else u'ActivateWindow(videos,{0},return)'.format(action)
            return action