def write_int1(self, t1: Place, value: int) -> Place:
        """Defining getter is not heap dependent."""
        IOExists1(Place)(lambda t2: (
                token(t1, 2) and Acc(self.int_field, 1 / 2) and write_int_io(
                    t1, value, t2) and write_int_io(t1, self.int_field, t2)),
            Ensures(token(t2) and t2 == Result()),

        t2 = write_int(t1, value)

        return t2
def write_two_ints_io(
        t_pre: Place,
        t_post: Place = Result(),
        ) -> bool:
    return IOForall(int,
        lambda value: IOExists(Place)(
            lambda t2: (
                write_int_io(t_pre, value, t2) and
                write_int_io(t2, value * 2, t_post)
Beispiel #3
def write_int_twice_io(
        t_pre: Place,
        number1: int,
        number2: int,
        t_post: Place = Result(),
        ) -> bool:
    return IOExists1(Place)(
        lambda t2: (
        write_int_io(t_pre, number1, t2) and
        write_int_io(t2, number2, t_post)
Beispiel #4
def read_write_int2(t1: Place) -> Place:
    IOExists6(Place, Place, Place, Place, int,
              int)(lambda t2, t3, t4, t5, value1, value2: (
                      token(t1, 2) and read_int_io(t1, value1, t2) and
                      read_int_io(t2, value2, t3) and write_int_io(
                          t3, value1, t4) and write_int_io(t4, value2, t5)),
                  Ensures(token(t5) and t5 == Result()),

    t2, number1 = read_int(t1)
    t3, number2 = read_int(t2)
    t4 = write_int(t3, number1)
    t5 = write_int(t4, number2)

    return t5
    def write_int(self, b: bool, t1: Place) -> Place:
            lambda t2: (
                    #:: ExpectedOutput(not.wellformed:insufficient.permission)|ExpectedOutput(carbon)(not.wellformed:insufficient.permission)
                    token(t1, 2) and
                    ((Acc(self.int_field1, 1 / 2) and write_int_io(
                        t1, self.int_field1, t2))
                     if b else (Acc(self.int_field2, 1 / 2) and write_int_io(
                         t1, self.int_field2, t2)))),
                Ensures((Acc(self.int_field1, 1 / 2) if b else Acc(
                    self.int_field2, 1 / 2)) and token(t2) and t2 == Result()),

        t2 = write_int(t1, self.int_field1)

        return t2
Beispiel #6
def write_only_positive(t1: Place) -> Place:
    IOExists3(Place, Place, int)(lambda t2, t3, value: (
            token(t1, 2) and read_int_io(t1, value, t2) and write_int_io(
                t2, value, t3)),
        Ensures((token(t3) and t3 == Result()) if value > 0 else (token(
            t2) and write_int_io(t2, value, t3) and t2 == Result())),

    t2, number = read_int(t1)

    if number > 0:
        t3 = write_int(t2, number)
        t3 = t2

    return t3
Beispiel #7
def write_non_negative(t1: Place) -> Place:
    IOExists3(Place, Place, int)(lambda t2, t3, value: (
            token(t1, 2) and read_int_io(t1, value, t2) and
            (write_int_io(t2, value, t3)
             if value >= 0 else write_int_io(t2, -value, t3))),
        Ensures(token(t3) and t3 == Result()),

    t2, number = read_int(t1)

    if number >= 0:
        t3 = write_int(t2, number)
        t3 = write_int(t2, -number)

    return t3
Beispiel #8
def read_write_int3(t1: Place) -> Place:
    IOExists6(Place, Place, Place, Place, int,
              int)(lambda t2, t3, t4, t5, value1, value2: (
                      token(t1, 2) and read_int_io(t1, value1, t2) and
                      read_int_io(t2, value2, t3) and write_int_io(
                          t3, value1, t4) and write_int_io(t4, value2, t5)),
                  Ensures(token(t5) and t5 == Result()),

    t2, number1 = read_int(t1)
    t3, number2 = read_int(t2)
    #:: ExpectedOutput(call.precondition:insufficient.permission)
    t4 = write_int(t3, number2)
    #:: ExpectedOutput(carbon)(call.precondition:insufficient.permission)
    t5 = write_int(t4, number1)

    return t5
    def write_int2(self, t1: Place, value: int) -> Place:
        IOExists1(Place)(lambda t2: (
            Requires(token(t1, 2) and write_int_io(t1, value, t2)),
            Ensures(token(t2) and t2 == Result()),

        t2 = write_int(t1, value)

        return t2
def client1(t1: Place, value: int) -> Place:
    IOExists1(Place)(lambda t2: (
        Requires(token(t1, 3) and write_int_io(t1, value, t2)),
        Ensures(token(t2) and t2 == Result()),

    writer = WriterSuper(value)
    t2 = writer.write_int(False, t1)
    return t2
Beispiel #11
def read_write_int1(t1: Place) -> Place:
    IOExists3(Place, Place, int)(lambda t2, t3, value: (
            token(t1, 2) and read_int_io(t1, value, t2) and write_int_io(
                t2, value, t3)),
        Ensures(token(t3) and t3 == Result()),

    t2, number = read_int(t1)
    t3 = write_int(t2, number)

    return t3
    def write_int1(self, t1: Place, value: int) -> Place:
            lambda t2: (
                    token(t1, 2) and Acc(self.int_field, 1 / 2) and
                    write_int_io(t1, self.int_field, t2)),
                    # Getter is heap dependent, therefore need access to
                    # self.int_field.
                    Acc(self.int_field, 1 / 2) and token(t2) and t2 == Result(

        t2 = write_int(t1, self.int_field)

        return t2
    def write_int(self, t1: Place) -> Place:
            lambda t2: (
                token(t1, 2) and
                Acc(self.int_field, 1/2) and
                write_int_io(t1, self.int_field, t2)
                Acc(self.int_field, 1/2) and
                token(t2) and
                t2 == Result()

        t2 = write_int(t1, self.int_field)

        return t2