elif SKIN in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']:
		wiz.log("[Installed Check] Incorrect skin: %s" % SKIN, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		defaults = wiz.getS('defaultskin')
		if not defaults == '':
			if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ADDONS, defaults)):
				x = 0
				while not xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)") and x < 150:
					x += 1

				if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"):
		if not wiz.currSkin() == defaults and not BUILDNAME == "":
			gui = wiz.checkBuild(BUILDNAME, 'gui')
			FAILED = True
			if gui == 'http://':
				wiz.log("[Installed Check] Guifix was set to http://", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
				DIALOG.ok(ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR %s]It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build." % COLOR2, "Sadly no gui fix was attatched to the build", "You will need to reinstall the build and make sure to do a force close[/COLOR]")
			elif wiz.workingURL(gui):
				yes=DIALOG.yesno(ADDONTITLE, '%s was not installed correctly!' % BUILDNAME, 'It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build.', 'Would you like to apply the GuiFix?', nolabel='[B]No, Cancel[/B]', yeslabel='[B]Apply Fix[/B]')
				if yes: wiz.ebi("PlayMedia(plugin://%s/?mode=install&name=%s&url=gui)" % (ADDON_ID, urllib.quote_plus(BUILDNAME))); wiz.log("[Installed Check] Guifix attempting to install")
				else: wiz.log('[Installed Check] Guifix url working but cancelled: %s' % gui, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
				DIALOG.ok(ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR %s]It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build." % COLOR2, "Sadly no gui fix was attatched to the build", "You will need to reinstall the build and make sure to do a force close[/COLOR]")
				wiz.log('[Installed Check] Guifix url not working: %s' % gui, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		wiz.log('[Installed Check] Install seems to be completed correctly', xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
	if not wiz.getS('pvrclient') == "":
Beispiel #2
        wiz.log("[Installed Check] Incorrect skin: %s" % SKIN, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
        defaults = wiz.getS('defaultskin')
        if not defaults == '':
            if os.path.exists(ADDONS, defaults):
                x = 0
                while not xbmc.getCondVisibility(
                        "Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)") and x < 150:
                    x += 1

                if xbmc.getCondVisibility("Window.isVisible(yesnodialog)"):
        if not wiz.currSkin() == defaults:
            gui = wiz.checkBuild(BUILDNAME, 'gui')
            FAILED = True
            if gui == 'http://':
                wiz.log("[Installed Check] Guifix was set to http://",
                    "[COLOR %s]It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build."
                    % COLOR2, "Sadly no gui fix was attatched to the build",
                    "You will need to reinstall the build and make sure to do a force close[/COLOR]"
            elif wiz.workingURL(gui):
                yes = DIALOG.yesno(
                    '%s was not installed correctly!' % BUILDNAME,
Beispiel #3
		wiz.log("[Installed Check] Build was extracted %s/100 with [ERRORS: %s]" % (EXTRACT, EXTERROR), xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		yes=DIALOG.yesno(ADDONTITLE, '[COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR] [COLOR %s]was not installed correctly!' % (COLOR1, COLOR2, BUILDNAME), 'Installed: [COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR] / Error Count: [COLOR %s]%s[/COLOR]' % (COLOR1, EXTRACT, COLOR1, EXTERROR), 'Would you like to try again?[/COLOR]', nolabel='[B]No Thanks![/B]', yeslabel='[B]Retry Install[/B]')
		FAILED = True
		if yes:
			wiz.ebi("PlayMedia(plugin://%s/?mode=install&name=%s&url=fresh)" % (ADDON_ID, urllib.quote_plus(BUILDNAME)))
			wiz.log("[Installed Check] Fresh Install Re-activated", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		else: wiz.log("[Installed Check] Reinstall Ignored")
	elif SKIN in ['skin.confluence', 'skin.estuary']:
		wiz.log("[Installed Check] Incorrect skin: %s" % SKIN, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		defaults = wiz.getS('defaultskin')
		if not defaults == '':
			if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ADDONS, defaults)):
				if wiz.swapSkins(defaults):
		if not wiz.currSkin() == defaults and not BUILDNAME == "":
			gui = wiz.checkBuild(BUILDNAME, 'gui')
			FAILED = True
			if gui == 'http://':
				wiz.log("[Installed Check] Guifix was set to http://", xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
				DIALOG.ok(ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR %s]It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build." % COLOR2, "Sadly no gui fix was attatched to the build", "You will need to reinstall the build and make sure to do a force close[/COLOR]")
			elif wiz.workingURL(gui):
				yes=DIALOG.yesno(ADDONTITLE, '%s was not installed correctly!' % BUILDNAME, 'It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build.', 'Would you like to apply the GuiFix?', nolabel='[B]No, Cancel[/B]', yeslabel='[B]Apply Fix[/B]')
				if yes: wiz.ebi("PlayMedia(plugin://%s/?mode=install&name=%s&url=gui)" % (ADDON_ID, urllib.quote_plus(BUILDNAME))); wiz.log("[Installed Check] Guifix attempting to install")
				else: wiz.log('[Installed Check] Guifix url working but cancelled: %s' % gui, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
				DIALOG.ok(ADDONTITLE, "[COLOR %s]It looks like the skin settings was not applied to the build." % COLOR2, "Sadly no gui fix was attatched to the build", "You will need to reinstall the build and make sure to do a force close[/COLOR]")
				wiz.log('[Installed Check] Guifix url not working: %s' % gui, xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
		wiz.log('[Installed Check] Install seems to be completed correctly', xbmc.LOGNOTICE)
	if not wiz.getS('pvrclient') == "":