def main(): print('WARNING: THIS OPTION SHOULD BE USED TO PROVISION A *SECNET* ILO SEGMENT') print('(NOT COMMON - ONLY SOME ACCENTURE ACCOUNTS HAVE THIS)\n') ##### Prompts to enter username, password, and allocation code: [username,password,alloccode] = getUPA() ##### Prompts to enter SIDs/speed/locations [mfw,speed,mfwloc,ips,ipsloc] = getDevices('firewall') print('OK\nNow let\'s define a SECNET iLO segment.\n') ###### STANDARD BACK SEGMENT # 1. VLAN: while True: try: iloVlan = getVLAN('SecNet iLO',[]) if 900 <= iloVlan <= 949: break else: print('ERROR: ILO VLAN MUST BE BETWEEN 900 AND 949.\n') except AtrributeError: print('ERROR: AttributeError.\n') # 2. DEPTHCODE: iloDepth = getDepth('firewall','9901',[]) # 3. ILO SUBNET: if == 'iad': ilonet = ip_network('') else: ilonet = ip_network('') # 4. FIREWALL INTERFACE: while True: try: fw_interface = input('Enter the firewall interface for the iLO segment (e.g, eth1, s1p1, gi0/4, etc.): ').strip() if fw_interface in devicePorts(mfw): break else: print('ERROR: INVALID INTERFACE\n') except AttributeError: print('ERROR: INVALID INTERFACE\n') # 5. SWITCHPORT NUMBER: while True: try: swpt_number = int(input('Pick the first available port on mod 4 of '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+': ')) if 1 <= swpt_number <= 48: break else: print('ERROR: NUMBER OUT OF RANGE\n') except (AttributeError,ValueError): print('ERROR: INVALID DATA\n') # 6. VRRP IP: while True: try: vrrp_ip = ip_address(input('Enter the IP address of the iLO gateway/VRRP interface (e.g., ')) if vrrp_ip in ilonet: break else: print('ERROR: '+str(vrrp_ip)+' does not belong to '+str(ilonet)+'.\n') except ValueError: print('ERROR: INVALID ADDRESS/NETMASK\n') ############################################################################# print('\nThe rest will generate port configs, custom cabling info, allocation form, etc.\n') # back up port configs print('***************************************') print('Collecting switchport backup configs...') print('***************************************\n') try: child = pexpect.spawnu('telnet '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+'') child.expect('Username: '******'Password: '******'6513-'+mfwloc.findsecsw()+'-sec-c\d{1,2}#',timeout=3) print(mfwloc.findsecsw()+':\n') child.sendline('sh run int gi4/'+str(swpt_number)) child.expect('6513-'+mfwloc.findsecsw()+'-sec-c\d{1,2}#') print(child.before) child.sendline('exit') except (EOF,TIMEOUT,ExceptionPexpect): print('ERROR: Unable to collect switchport configs from '+mfwloc.findsecsw()) print('Try collecting configs manually instead:') print() print(' '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+':') print(' sh run int gi4/'+str(swpt_number)) print() input('Hit Enter to view the new switchport configs.') print() # new port configs print('*************************************************') print('Use the following to apply new switchport configs') print('*************************************************\n') swconf = 'telnet '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+'\n' swconf += username+'\n' swconf += password+'\n' swconf += 'conf t\n' swconf += 'int gi4/'+str(swpt_number)+'\n' swconf += ' description '+alloccode+'-'+iloDepth+' '+mfw+' back\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan '+str(iloVlan)+'\n' swconf += ' switchport private-vlan host-association 11 '+str(iloVlan)+'\n' swconf += ' switchport mode private-vlan host\n' swconf += ' speed '+speed+'\n' swconf += ' duplex full\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' no shut\n' swconf += ' end\n' print(swconf) input('Hit Enter to view the custom cabling information') print() # cabling instructions print('CUSTOM CABLING INFORMATION:') print('---------------------------\n') print() print('iLO:') print(' '+mfw+' '+fw_interface+' -> GREEN STRAIGHT -> '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+' gi4/'+str(swpt_number)+' (Direct run no patch)') print() input('Hit Enter to view the firewall allocation form') print() # Firewall allocation form print('**Add the following to the firewall allocation section:\n\n') HAdeviceForm = 'FIREWALL NETWORK INFORMATION:\n' HAdeviceForm += '------------------------------\n\n' HAdeviceForm += '**iLO (Network '+iloDepth+'):\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Physical Interface: '+fw_interface+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Interface: '+str(vrrp_ip)+' (gateway for servers)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Network: '+str(ilonet)+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Netmask: '+str(ilonet.netmask)+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Connection To: '+mfwloc.findsecsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Connection Port: gi4/'+str(swpt_number)+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SwitchPort Speed/Duplex set to: '+speed+'M/Full\n' HAdeviceForm += ' (Firewalls should be set to the same speed)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SecNet Community VLAN (Num/Label): '+str(iloVlan)+'/ilonet_'+alloccode+'\n\n' print(HAdeviceForm)
def main(): ##### Prompts to enter username, password, and allocation code: [username,password,alloccode] = getUPA() ##### Prompts to enter SIDs/speed/locations of HA pair & IPS: [mfw,speed,mfwloc,sfw,sfwloc,ips,ipsloc] = getHAdevices('loadbalancer') ###### Summary Output of Devices: showSummaryHA(mfw,mfwloc,sfw,sfwloc,ips,ipsloc) ###### Prompts to select a sync port: syncInt = chooseSyncInt(mfw) availPorts = devicePorts(mfw) if syncInt != 'none': availPorts.remove(syncInt) ###### FRONT SEGMENT # 1. VLAN: Vlans = [] # FW vlans. ipsmgtVlan will not be included. frontVlan = getVLAN('the loadbalancer front',Vlans) Vlans.append(frontVlan) # 2. DEPTHCODE: Depths = [] frontdepth = getDepth('loadbalancer','0101',Depths) Depths.append(frontdepth) # 3. SUBNETS: frontnet = getSubnets('the loadbalancer front',mfw) if len(frontnet)>1: print('WARNING: The loadbalancer front accepts a single subnet. Only the first subnet was accepted.\n') print('OK\nNow let\'s define loadbalancer back segments, one by one.\n') ###### STANDARD BACK SEGMENT # 1. NAME: Segments = ['front'] # FW segment names SegmentsL = ['front'] # FW segment names with all chars lowered, for uniqueness checks. backName = getUniqueSegmentName(SegmentsL) Segments.append(backName) SegmentsL.append(backName.lower()) # 2. VLAN: backVlan = getVLAN(backName,Vlans) Vlans.append(backVlan) # 3. DEPTHCODE: backdepth = getDepth('loadbalancer','0201',Depths) Depths.append(backdepth) # 4. SUBNETS: backnets = getSubnets(backName,mfw) # 5. IPS QUESTION: monitored = 0 Sniff = ['n'] [monitored,Sniff] = askifMonitor(ips,monitored,Sniff) Ports = [1,16] # FW segment ports. First two for front & back (1,16) are fake. SubnetLists = [frontnet,backnets] ###### 'ADD?' ###### add_more_segment = addQuestion() #################### LOOP - BACK SEGMENTS ADDITIONS ######################## while add_more_segment == 'y': ###### CHOOSE AUX PORT ###### auxport = pickPort(mfwloc,Ports) Ports.append(auxport) ###### CREATE SEGMENT NAME ###### auxsegment = getUniqueSegmentName(SegmentsL) Segments.append(auxsegment) SegmentsL.append(auxsegment.lower()) ###### CHOOSE VLAN ###### auxvlan = getVLAN(auxsegment,Vlans) Vlans.append(auxvlan) ###### CHOOSE DEPTH CODE ###### auxdepth = getDepth('loadbalancer','0202',Depths) Depths.append(auxdepth) ###### CHOOSE SUBNETS ###### SubnetLists.append(getSubnets(auxsegment,mfw)) ###### IPS OPTION ###### [monitored,Sniff] = askifMonitor(ips,monitored,Sniff) ###### 'ADD?' ###### add_more_segment = addQuestion() ############################## END OF LOOP ################################# ###### IPS MANAGEMENT if ips != 'none': # 1. VLAN: print('\nNow choose the IPS management VLAN.\n' +'It can be any one of the VLANs that you allocated to this customer.\n' +'However, try avoiding a VLAN that is widely exposed to the Internet.') ipsmgtVlan = getIpsVLAN('loadbalancer',frontVlan) # 2. DEPTH CODE: ipsmgtDepth = getIPSDepth(Vlans,ipsmgtVlan,Depths) # 3. IP ADDRESS: ipsmgtIPaddr = getInterfaceIP('the IPS management') ############################################################################# print('\nThe rest will generate port configs, custom cabling info, allocation form, etc.\n') # SVIs backup and configs if frontdepth == '0001': makeSVI(username,password,mfwloc,frontVlan,alloccode,frontnet) input('Hit Enter to collect switchport backup configs.') print() # back up port configs backupPortsHA(mfwloc,ipsloc,username,password,Ports,ips) input('Hit Enter to view the new switchport configs.') print() # new port configs print('*******************************') print('New switchport configs to apply') print('*******************************\n') swconfigs = [(mfwloc,'m',mfw,'5'),(sfwloc,'s',sfw,'6')] for loc,role,sid,mod in swconfigs: swconf = 'telnet '+loc.findsw()+'\n' swconf += username+'\n' swconf += password+'\n' swconf += 'conf t\n' swconf += 'int '+loc.findfrport()+'\n' swconf += ' description '+loc.rrs.replace('.','-')+'-'+role+'fr '+alloccode+'-'+Depths[0]+' '+sid+' front\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan '+str(Vlans[0])+'\n' swconf += ' switchport mode access\n' swconf += ' speed auto\n' swconf += ' no duplex\n' swconf += ' flowcontrol receive on\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' no shut\n' swconf += '!\n' swconf += 'int '+loc.findbkport()+'\n' swconf += ' description '+loc.rrs.replace('.','-')+'-'+role+'bk '+alloccode+'-'+Depths[1]+' '+sid+' back\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan '+str(Vlans[1])+'\n' swconf += ' switchport mode access\n' swconf += ' speed auto\n' swconf += ' no duplex\n' swconf += ' flowcontrol receive on\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' no shut\n' swconf += '!\n' aux = 2 for port in Ports[2:]: swconf += 'int gi'+loc.findmod()+'/'+str(port)+'\n' swconf += ' description '+loc.rrs.replace('.','-')+'-'+role+'b'+str(aux)+' '+alloccode+'-'+Depths[aux]+' '+sid+' back'+str(aux)+'\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan '+str(Vlans[aux])+'\n' swconf += ' switchport mode access\n' swconf += ' speed auto\n' swconf += ' no duplex\n' swconf += ' flowcontrol receive on\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' no shut\n' swconf += '!\n' aux += 1 if ips != 'none' and loc.findsw() == ipsloc.findsw(): swconf += 'int '+ipsloc.findfrport()+'\n' swconf += ' description RESERVED: '+ipsloc.rrs.replace('.','-')+'-fr '+alloccode+' '+ips+'\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan 133\n' swconf += ' switchport mode access\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' shut\n' swconf += '!\n' swconf += 'int '+ipsloc.findbkport()+'\n' swconf += ' description '+ipsloc.rrs.replace('.','-')+'-bk '+alloccode+'-'+ipsmgtDepth+' '+ips+' mgmt\n' swconf += ' switchport\n' swconf += ' switchport access vlan '+str(ipsmgtVlan)+'\n' swconf += ' switchport mode access\n' swconf += ' speed 100\n' swconf += ' duplex full\n' swconf += ' spanning-tree portfast edge\n' swconf += ' no shut\n!\n' swconf += ' end\n' print(swconf) input('Hit Enter to view the custom cabling information') print() # cabling instructions site = rs = if site == 'iad': nw_rs = ('3.1','3.2','3.3','3.4','3.5','3.6','3.7','3.8', '3.9','3a.9','3.10','3a.10','3.11','3a.11','3.12','3a.12', '3.13','3a.13','3.14','3a.14','3.15','3a.15','3.16','3a.16', '3.17','3a.17','3.18','3a.18','3.19','3a.19','3.20','3a.20', '12.1','12.2','12.3','12.4','12.5','12.6','12.7','12.8', '12.9','12a.9','12.10','12a.10','12.11','12a.11','12.12','12a.12', '12.13','12a.13','12.14','12a.14','12.15','12a.15','12.16','12a.16', '12.17','12a.17','12.18','12a.18','12.19','12a.19','12.20','12a.20') else: nw_rs = ('3.1', '3a.1', '3.2', '3a.2', '3.3', '3a.3', '3.4', '3a.4', '3.5', '3a.5', '3.6', '3a.6', '3.7', '3a.7', '3.8', '3a.8', '3.9', '3a.9', '3.10', '3a.10', '3.11', '3a.11', '3.12', '3a.12', '3.13', '3a.13', '3.14', '3a.14', '3.15', '3a.15', '3.16', '3a.16', '22.1', '22a.1', '22.2', '22a.2', '22.3', '22a.3', '22.4', '22a.4', '22.5', '22a.5', '22.6', '22a.6', '22.7', '22a.7', '22.8', '22a.8', '22.9', '22a.9', '22.10', '22a.10', '22.11', '22a.11', '22.12', '22a.12', '22.13', '22a.13', '22.14', '22a.14', '22.15', '22a.15', '22.16', '22a.16') if site == 'iad': (sync,bk,bks) = ('51','50','49') else: (sync,bk,bks) = ('44','43','42') print('CUSTOM CABLING INFORMATION:') print('---------------------------\n') cabling = '' if syncInt != 'none': cabling += 'sync:\n' x = nw_rs.index(rs) cabling += ' '+mfw+' '+syncInt+' -> YELLOW XOVER -> U'+sync+' YELLOW PANEL p'+str(x+1 if x<=15 else x-31)+'\n' cabling += ' '+sfw+' '+syncInt+' -> YELLOW STRAIGHT -> U'+sync+' YELLOW PANEL p'+str(x+1 if x<=15 else x-31)+'\n\n' cumulative = 0 if Sniff[1] == 'y': cumulative += 1 cabling += backName+':\n' cabling += ' '+mfw+' '+availPorts[1]+' -> GREEN XOVER -> '+ips+' port 1A\n' cabling += ' '+ips+' port 1B -> GREEN STRAIGHT -> U'+bk+' UPPER ORANGE PANEL p'+str(nw_rs.index(rs)%16+17)+'\n\n' auxII = 2 for segment in Segments[2:]: cabling += segment+':\n' if Sniff[auxII] == 'y': cumulative += 1 cabling += ' '+mfw+' '+availPorts[auxII]+' -> GREEN XOVER -> '+ips+' port '+str('1A' if cumulative == 1 else '2C')+'\n' cabling += ' '+ips+' port '+str('1B' if cumulative == 1 else '2D')+' -> GREEN STRAIGHT -> U'+bk+' UPPER ORANGE PANEL p'+str(Ports[auxII])+'\n' else: cabling += ' '+mfw+' '+availPorts[auxII]+' -> GREEN STRAIGHT -> U'+bk+' UPPER ORANGE PANEL p'+str(Ports[auxII])+'\n' cabling += ' '+sfw+' '+availPorts[auxII]+' -> GREEN STRAIGHT -> U'+bks+' LOWER ORANGE PANEL p'+str(Ports[auxII])+'\n\n' auxII += 1 print(cabling) input('Hit Enter to view the loadbalancer allocation form') print() # HA device pair allocation form if mfw.is_fw(): devicetype = 'firewall' else: devicetype = 'loadbalancer' HAdeviceForm = 'LOAD-BALANCING INFORMATION:\n' HAdeviceForm += '------------------------------\n\n' HAdeviceForm += 'Allocation Code: '+alloccode+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += 'Master '+devicetype.title()+' ID: '+mfw+'\n' HAdeviceForm += 'Backup '+devicetype.title()+' ID: '+sfw+'\n' HAdeviceForm += 'Master Rack/Console Loc.Code: '+mfwloc+'\n' HAdeviceForm += 'Backup Rack/Console Loc.Code: '+sfwloc+'\n' HAdeviceForm += devicetype.title()+' Network Unit: Infra 4.0, equipment racks: '+mfwloc.row+'-'+mfwloc.rack_noa+', '+sfwloc.row+'-'+sfwloc.rack_noa+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += devicetype.title()+'s Front (Network '+frontdepth+')\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Front-VRRP Interface: '+str(frontnet[0][4])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Front Interface: '+str(frontnet[0][5])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Front Interface: '+str(frontnet[0][6])+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Default Gateway: '+str(frontnet[0][1])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Front Network: '+str(frontnet[0])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Front Netmask: '+str(frontnet[0].netmask)+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Ports on SLB Equipment side: '+availPorts[0]+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SLB-Equipment side VLAN & VRRP ID: 1\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+sfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Connection Port: '+sfwloc.findfrport()+' (flowctrl recv on)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SwitchPort Speed/Duplex set to: a-1000M/a-Full\n' HAdeviceForm += ' INFRA4.0 VLAN (Num/Label): '+str(frontVlan)+'/''r'+str("%02d" % int(mfwloc.row))+'-'+alloccode+'-'+frontdepth+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += devicetype.title()+'s Backs:\n\n' HAdeviceForm += '**'+backName+' (Network '+backdepth+')\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Back-VRRP Interface: '+str(backnets[0][1])+' (gateway for ???)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(backnets[0][2])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(backnets[0][3])+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Network: '+str(backnets[0])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Netmask: '+str(backnets[0].netmask)+'\n\n' ####################### ADD LOOP FOR ADDITIONAL ALIASES ####################### if len(backnets) > 1: for backnet in backnets[1:]: HAdeviceForm += ' *Add\'tl Alias for '+backName+':\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Back-VRRP Interface: '+str(backnet[1])+' (gateway for ???)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(backnet[2])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(backnet[3])+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Network: '+str(backnet)+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Netmask: '+str(backnet.netmask)+'\n\n' ############################################################################### HAdeviceForm += ' Master SLB device back-alias-IP: ?\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup SLB device back-alias-IP: ?\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Netmask on SLB device-alias: ?\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Ports on SLB Equipment side: '+availPorts[1]+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SLB-Equipment side VLAN & VRRP ID: 102\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+sfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Connection Port: '+sfwloc.findbkport()+' (flowctrl recv on)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SwitchPort Speed/Duplex set to: a-1000M/a-Full\n' HAdeviceForm += ' INFRA4.0 VLAN (Num/Label): '+str(backVlan)+'/''r'+str("%02d" % int(mfwloc.row))+'-'+alloccode+'-'+backdepth+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Range of Load-balanced sites:\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' 1: \n' HAdeviceForm += ' 2: \n' HAdeviceForm += ' 3: \n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' RESERVED: \n\n' auxIII = 2 for segment in Segments[2:]: HAdeviceForm += '**'+segment+' (Network '+Depths[auxIII]+')\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Back-VRRP Interface: '+str(SubnetLists[auxIII][0][1])+' (gateway for ???)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(SubnetLists[auxIII][0][2])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(SubnetLists[auxIII][0][3])+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Network: '+str(SubnetLists[auxIII][0])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Netmask: '+str(SubnetLists[auxIII][0].netmask)+'\n\n' ####################### ADD LOOP FOR ADDITIONAL ALIASES ####################### if len(SubnetLists[auxIII]) > 1: for aliasnet in SubnetLists[auxIII][1:]: HAdeviceForm += ' *Add\'tl Alias for '+Segments[auxIII]+':\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Back-VRRP Interface: '+str(aliasnet[1])+' (gateway for ???)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(aliasnet[2])+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Back Interface: '+str(aliasnet[3])+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Network: '+str(aliasnet)+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Back Netmask: '+str(aliasnet.netmask)+'\n\n' ############################################################################### HAdeviceForm += ' Master SLB device back-alias-IP: ?\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup SLB device back-alias-IP: ?\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Netmask on SLB device-alias: ?\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Ports on SLB Equipment side: '+availPorts[auxIII]+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SLB-Equipment side VLAN & VRRP ID: '+str(101+auxIII)+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Master '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Backup '+devicetype.title()+' Connection To: '+sfwloc.findsw()+'\n' HAdeviceForm += ' '+devicetype.title()+' Connection Port: gi'+sfwloc.findmod()+'/'+str(Ports[auxIII])+' (flowctrl recv on)\n' HAdeviceForm += ' SwitchPorts Speed/Duplex set to: a-1000M/a-Full\n' HAdeviceForm += ' INFRA4.0 VLAN (Num/Label): '+str(Vlans[auxIII])+'/''r'+str("%02d" % int(mfwloc.row))+'-'+alloccode+'-'+Depths[auxIII]+'\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' Range of Load-balanced sites:\n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' 1: \n' HAdeviceForm += ' 2: \n' HAdeviceForm += ' 3: \n\n' HAdeviceForm += ' RESERVED: \n\n' auxIII += 1 HAdeviceForm += '**State sync is '+syncInt+'\n\n' print(HAdeviceForm) if ips != 'none': input('Hit Enter to view the IPS allocation form') print() # [IF APPLICABLE] IPS allocation form ipsform = 'IPS NETWORK INFORMATION:\n' ipsform += '--------------------------\n\n' ipsform += 'IPS ID: '+ips+'\n' ipsform += 'IPS Rack Location: '+ipsloc+'\n\n' ipsform += 'IPS Management#1 port\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+ipsloc.findsw()+'\n' ipsform += ' port: '+ipsloc.findbkport()+' (Green cable)\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: 100M/Full\n' ipsform += ' VLAN (Num/Label): '+str(ipsmgtVlan)+'/''r'+str("%02d" % int(ipsloc.row))+'-'+alloccode+'-'+ipsmgtDepth+'\n\n' if Sniff[1] == 'y': ipsform += 'IPS inline port 1A\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfw+'\n' ipsform += ' port: '+availPorts[1]+'\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: XOVER\n\n' ipsform += 'IPS inline port 1B\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' ipsform += ' port: '+mfwloc.findbkport()+' ('+mfwloc+' green)\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: straight-thru \n\n' auxIV = 2 for sniff in Sniff[2:]: if sniff == 'y': ipsform += 'IPS inline port 2C\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfw+'\n' ipsform += ' port: '+availPorts[auxIV]+'\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: XOVER\n\n' ipsform += 'IPS inline port 2D\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' ipsform += ' port: gi'+mfwloc.findmod()+'/'+str(Ports[auxIV])+'\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: straight-thru\n\n' auxIV += 1 else: auxIV += 1 else: auxV = 0 auxVI = 2 for sniff in Sniff[2:]: if sniff == 'y': ipsform += 'IPS inline port '+('1A' if auxV == 0 else '2C')+'\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfw+'\n' ipsform += ' port: '+availPorts[auxVI]+'\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: XOVER\n\n' ipsform += 'IPS inline port '+('1B' if auxV == 0 else '2D')+'\n\n' ipsform += ' connection to: '+mfwloc.findsw()+'\n' ipsform += ' port: gi'+mfwloc.findmod()+'/'+str(Ports[auxVI])+'\n' ipsform += ' speed/dup: '+speed+'M/Full\n' ipsform += ' cable type: straight-thru\n\n' auxV += 1 auxVI += 1 else: auxVI += 1 ipsform += 'IPS Management\n\n' ipsform += ' IP: '+str(ipsmgtIPaddr.ip)+'\n' ipsform += ' Netmask: '+str(ipsmgtIPaddr.netmask)+'\n' ipsform += ' Gateway: '+str([1])+'\n' ipsform += 'Broadcast: '+str([-1])+'\n' print(ipsform)