Beispiel #1
def get_future_value(num_periods, num_draws_emax, period, k,
                     draws_emax_transformed, payoffs_systematic, edu_max,
                     edu_start, periods_emax, states_all, mapping_state_idx,
    """ Simulate expected future value.
    # Calculate maximum value
    emax_simulated = 0.0
    for i in range(num_draws_emax):

        # Select draws for this draw
        draws = draws_emax_transformed[i, :]

        # Get total value of admissible states
        total_payoffs = get_total_value(period, num_periods, delta,
                                        payoffs_systematic, draws, edu_max,
                                        edu_start, mapping_state_idx,
                                        periods_emax, k, states_all)

        # Determine optimal choice
        maximum = max(total_payoffs)

        # Recording expected future value
        emax_simulated += maximum

    # Scaling
    emax_simulated = emax_simulated / num_draws_emax

    # Finishing
    return emax_simulated
Beispiel #2
def get_exogenous_variables(period, num_periods, num_states, delta,
                            periods_payoffs_systematic, shifts, edu_max,
                            edu_start, mapping_state_idx, periods_emax,
    """ Get exogenous variables for interpolation scheme. The unused argument
    is present to align the interface between the PYTHON and FORTRAN
    # Construct auxiliary objects
    exogenous = np.tile(np.nan, (num_states, 9))
    maxe = np.tile(np.nan, num_states)

    # Iterate over all states.
    for k in range(num_states):

        # Extract systematic payoff
        payoffs_systematic = periods_payoffs_systematic[period, k, :]

        # Get total value
        total_payoffs = get_total_value(period, num_periods, delta,
                                        payoffs_systematic, shifts, edu_max,
                                        edu_start, mapping_state_idx,
                                        periods_emax, k, states_all)

        # Implement level shifts
        maxe[k] = max(total_payoffs)

        diff = maxe[k] - total_payoffs

        exogenous[k, :8] = np.hstack((diff, np.sqrt(diff)))

        # Add intercept to set of independent variables and replace
        # infinite values.
        exogenous[:, 8] = 1

    # Finishing
    return exogenous, maxe
def pyth_evaluate(coeffs_a, coeffs_b, coeffs_edu, coeffs_home, shocks_cholesky,
                  is_interpolated, num_draws_emax, num_periods,
                  num_points_interp, is_myopic, edu_start, is_debug, edu_max,
                  min_idx, delta, data_array, num_agents_est, num_draws_prob,
                  tau, periods_draws_emax, periods_draws_prob):
    """ Evaluate criterion function. This code allows for a deterministic
    model, where there is no random variation in the rewards. If that is the
    case and all agents have corresponding experiences, then one is returned.
    If a single agent violates the implications, then the zero is returned.
    # Construct auxiliary object
    shocks_cov = np.matmul(shocks_cholesky, shocks_cholesky.T)
    is_deterministic = (np.count_nonzero(shocks_cholesky) == 0)

    # Solve requested model.
    base_args = (coeffs_a, coeffs_b, coeffs_edu, coeffs_home, shocks_cholesky,
                 is_interpolated, num_draws_emax, num_periods,
                 num_points_interp, is_myopic, edu_start, is_debug, edu_max,
                 min_idx, delta)

    periods_payoffs_systematic, _, mapping_state_idx, periods_emax, \
        states_all = pyth_solve(*base_args + (periods_draws_emax, ))

    # Initialize auxiliary objects
    contribs = np.tile(-HUGE_FLOAT, (num_agents_est * num_periods))
    j = 0

    # Calculate the probability over agents and time.
    for _ in range(num_agents_est):
        for period in range(num_periods):
            # Extract observable components of state space as well as agent
            # decision.
            exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged = data_array[j, 4:].astype(int)
            choice = data_array[j, 2].astype(int)
            is_working = choice in [1, 2]

            # Transform total years of education to additional years of
            # education and create an index from the choice.
            edu, idx = edu - edu_start, choice - 1

            # Get state indicator to obtain the systematic component of the
            # agents payoffs. These feed into the simulation of choice
            # probabilities.
            k = mapping_state_idx[period, exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged]
            payoffs_systematic = periods_payoffs_systematic[period, k, :]

            # Extract relevant deviates from standard normal distribution.
            # The same set of baseline draws are used for each agent and period.
            draws_prob_raw = periods_draws_prob[period, :, :].copy()

            # If an agent is observed working, then the the labor market shocks
            # are observed and the conditional distribution is used to determine
            # the choice probabilities.
            if is_working:
                # Calculate the disturbance which are implied by the model
                # and the observed wages.
                dist = np.clip(np.log(data_array[j, 3]), -HUGE_FLOAT, HUGE_FLOAT) - \
                       np.clip(np.log(payoffs_systematic[idx]), -HUGE_FLOAT,

                # If there is no random variation in payoffs, then the
                # observed wages need to be identical their systematic
                # components. The discrepancy between the observed wages and
                # their systematic components might be small due to the
                # reading in of the dataset (FORTRAN only).
                if is_deterministic and (dist > SMALL_FLOAT):
                    contribs[:] = 1
                    return contribs

            # Simulate the conditional distribution of alternative-specific
            # value functions and determine the choice probabilities.
            counts, prob_obs = np.tile(0, 4), 0.0

            for s in range(num_draws_prob):

                # Extract the standard normal deviates sample for the iteration.
                draws_stan = draws_prob_raw[s, :]

                # Construct independent normal draws implied by the agents
                # state experience. This is need to maintain the correlation
                # structure of the disturbances.  Special care is needed in case
                # of a deterministic model, as otherwise a zero division error
                # occurs.
                if is_working:
                    if is_deterministic:
                        prob_wage = HUGE_FLOAT
                        if choice == 1:
                            draws_stan[0] = dist / shocks_cholesky[idx, idx]
                            draws_stan[1] = (
                                dist - shocks_cholesky[idx, 0] *
                                draws_stan[0]) / shocks_cholesky[idx, idx]

                        prob_wage = norm.pdf(draws_stan[idx], 0.0, 1.0) / \
                            np.sqrt(shocks_cov[idx, idx])

                    prob_wage = 1.0

                # As deviates are aligned with the state experiences, create
                # the conditional draws. Note, that the realization of the
                # random component of wages align withe their observed
                # counterpart in the data.
                draws_cond =, draws_stan.T).T

                # Extract deviates from (un-)conditional normal distributions
                # and transform labor market shocks.
                draws = draws_cond[:]
                draws[:2] = np.clip(np.exp(draws[:2]), 0.0, HUGE_FLOAT)

                # Calculate total payoff.
                total_payoffs = get_total_value(period, num_periods, delta,
                                                payoffs_systematic, draws,
                                                edu_max, edu_start,
                                                periods_emax, k, states_all)

                # Record optimal choices
                counts[np.argmax(total_payoffs)] += 1

                # Get the smoothed choice probability.
                prob_choice = get_smoothed_probability(total_payoffs, idx, tau)
                prob_obs += prob_choice * prob_wage

            # Determine relative shares
            prob_obs = prob_obs / num_draws_prob

            # If there is no random variation in payoffs, then this implies
            # that the observed choice in the dataset is the only choice.
            if is_deterministic and (not (counts[idx] == num_draws_prob)):
                contribs[:] = 1
                return contribs

            # Adjust  and record likelihood contribution
            contribs[j] = prob_obs

            j += 1

    # If there is no random variation in payoffs and no agent violated the
    # implications of observed wages and choices, then the evaluation return
    # a value of one.
    if is_deterministic:
        contribs[:] = np.exp(1.0)

    # Finishing
    return contribs
Beispiel #4
def pyth_simulate(periods_payoffs_systematic, mapping_state_idx, periods_emax,
                  states_all, shocks_cholesky, num_periods, edu_start, edu_max,
                  delta, num_agents_sim, periods_draws_sims, seed_sim):
    """ Wrapper for PYTHON and F2PY implementation of sample simulation.

    record_simulation_start(num_agents_sim, seed_sim)

    # Standard deviates transformed to the distributions relevant for
    # the agents actual decision making as traversing the tree.
    periods_draws_sims_transformed = np.tile(np.nan,
                                             (num_periods, num_agents_sim, 4))

    for period in range(num_periods):
        periods_draws_sims_transformed[period, :, :] = transform_disturbances(
            periods_draws_sims[period, :, :], shocks_cholesky)

    # Simulate agent experiences
    count = 0

    # Initialize data
    dataset = np.tile(MISSING_FLOAT, (num_agents_sim * num_periods, 8))

    for i in range(num_agents_sim):

        current_state = states_all[0, 0, :].copy()

        dataset[count, 0] = i


        # Iterate over each period for the agent
        for period in range(num_periods):

            # Distribute state space
            exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged = current_state

            k = mapping_state_idx[period, exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged]

            # Write agent identifier and current period to data frame
            dataset[count, :2] = i, period

            # Select relevant subset
            payoffs_systematic = periods_payoffs_systematic[period, k, :]
            draws = periods_draws_sims_transformed[period, i, :]

            # Get total value of admissible states
            total_payoffs = get_total_value(period, num_periods, delta,
                                            payoffs_systematic, draws, edu_max,
                                            edu_start, mapping_state_idx,
                                            periods_emax, k, states_all)

            # Determine optimal choice
            max_idx = np.argmax(total_payoffs)

            # Record agent decision
            dataset[count, 2] = max_idx + 1

            # Record earnings
            dataset[count, 3] = MISSING_FLOAT
            if max_idx in [0, 1]:
                        3] = payoffs_systematic[max_idx] * draws[max_idx]

            # Write relevant state space for period to data frame
            dataset[count, 4:8] = current_state

            # Special treatment for education
            dataset[count, 6] += edu_start

            # Update work experiences and education
            if max_idx == 0:
                current_state[0] += 1
            elif max_idx == 1:
                current_state[1] += 1
            elif max_idx == 2:
                current_state[2] += 1

            # Update lagged education
            current_state[3] = 0

            if max_idx == 2:
                current_state[3] = 1

            # Update row indicator
            count += 1


    # Finishing
    return dataset
def pyth_evaluate(coeffs_a, coeffs_b, coeffs_edu, coeffs_home, shocks_cholesky,
        is_interpolated, num_draws_emax, num_periods, num_points_interp,
        is_myopic, edu_start, is_debug,  edu_max, min_idx, delta, data_array,
        num_agents_est, num_draws_prob, tau, periods_draws_emax,
    """ Evaluate criterion function. This code allows for a deterministic
    model, where there is no random variation in the rewards. If that is the
    case and all agents have corresponding experiences, then one is returned.
    If a single agent violates the implications, then the zero is returned.
    # Construct auxiliary object
    shocks_cov = np.matmul(shocks_cholesky, shocks_cholesky.T)
    is_deterministic = (np.count_nonzero(shocks_cholesky) == 0)

    # Solve requested model.
    base_args = (coeffs_a, coeffs_b, coeffs_edu, coeffs_home, shocks_cholesky,
        is_interpolated, num_draws_emax, num_periods, num_points_interp,
        is_myopic, edu_start, is_debug, edu_max, min_idx, delta)

    periods_payoffs_systematic, _, mapping_state_idx, periods_emax, \
        states_all = pyth_solve(*base_args + (periods_draws_emax, ))

    # Initialize auxiliary objects
    contribs = np.tile(-HUGE_FLOAT, (num_agents_est * num_periods))
    j = 0

    # Calculate the probability over agents and time.
    for _ in range(num_agents_est):
        for period in range(num_periods):
            # Extract observable components of state space as well as agent
            # decision.
            exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged = data_array[j, 4:].astype(int)
            choice = data_array[j, 2].astype(int)
            is_working = choice in [1, 2]

            # Transform total years of education to additional years of
            # education and create an index from the choice.
            edu, idx = edu - edu_start, choice - 1

            # Get state indicator to obtain the systematic component of the
            # agents payoffs. These feed into the simulation of choice
            # probabilities.
            k = mapping_state_idx[period, exp_a, exp_b, edu, edu_lagged]
            payoffs_systematic = periods_payoffs_systematic[period, k, :]

            # Extract relevant deviates from standard normal distribution.
            # The same set of baseline draws are used for each agent and period.
            draws_prob_raw = periods_draws_prob[period, :, :].copy()

            # If an agent is observed working, then the the labor market shocks
            # are observed and the conditional distribution is used to determine
            # the choice probabilities.
            if is_working:
                # Calculate the disturbance which are implied by the model
                # and the observed wages.
                dist = np.clip(np.log(data_array[j, 3]), -HUGE_FLOAT, HUGE_FLOAT) - \
                       np.clip(np.log(payoffs_systematic[idx]), -HUGE_FLOAT,

                # If there is no random variation in payoffs, then the
                # observed wages need to be identical their systematic
                # components. The discrepancy between the observed wages and
                # their systematic components might be small due to the
                # reading in of the dataset (FORTRAN only).
                if is_deterministic and (dist > SMALL_FLOAT):
                    contribs[:] = 1
                    return contribs

            # Simulate the conditional distribution of alternative-specific
            # value functions and determine the choice probabilities.
            counts, prob_obs = np.tile(0, 4), 0.0

            for s in range(num_draws_prob):

                # Extract the standard normal deviates sample for the iteration.
                draws_stan = draws_prob_raw[s, :]

                # Construct independent normal draws implied by the agents
                # state experience. This is need to maintain the correlation
                # structure of the disturbances.  Special care is needed in case
                # of a deterministic model, as otherwise a zero division error
                # occurs.
                if is_working:
                    if is_deterministic:
                        prob_wage = HUGE_FLOAT
                        if choice == 1:
                            draws_stan[0] = dist / shocks_cholesky[idx, idx]
                            mean = 0.0
                            sd = abs(shocks_cholesky[idx, idx])
                            draws_stan[1] = (dist - shocks_cholesky[idx, 0] *
                                draws_stan[0]) / shocks_cholesky[idx, idx]
                            mean = shocks_cholesky[idx, 0] * draws_stan[0]
                            sd = abs(shocks_cholesky[idx, idx])

                        prob_wage = norm.pdf(dist, mean, sd)

                    prob_wage = 1.0

                # As deviates are aligned with the state experiences, create
                # the conditional draws. Note, that the realization of the
                # random component of wages align withe their observed
                # counterpart in the data.
                draws_cond =, draws_stan.T).T

                # Extract deviates from (un-)conditional normal distributions
                # and transform labor market shocks.
                draws = draws_cond[:]
                draws[:2] = np.clip(np.exp(draws[:2]), 0.0, HUGE_FLOAT)

                # Calculate total payoff.
                total_payoffs = get_total_value(period, num_periods,
                    delta, payoffs_systematic, draws, edu_max, edu_start,
                    mapping_state_idx, periods_emax, k, states_all)

                # Record optimal choices
                counts[np.argmax(total_payoffs)] += 1

                # Get the smoothed choice probability.
                prob_choice = get_smoothed_probability(total_payoffs, idx, tau)
                prob_obs += prob_choice * prob_wage

            # Determine relative shares
            prob_obs = prob_obs / num_draws_prob

            # If there is no random variation in payoffs, then this implies
            # that the observed choice in the dataset is the only choice.
            if is_deterministic and (not (counts[idx] == num_draws_prob)):
                contribs[:] = 1
                return contribs

            # Adjust  and record likelihood contribution
            contribs[j] = prob_obs

            j += 1

    # If there is no random variation in payoffs and no agent violated the
    # implications of observed wages and choices, then the evaluation return
    # a value of one.
    if is_deterministic:
        contribs[:] = np.exp(1.0)

    # Finishing
    return contribs