def merge_voices_to_chords(self): """Fügt Töne mit gleicher Länge, gleichem Offset und ohne Haltebogen zu einem Akkord zusammen""" unique_offsets_with_sustains = self.get_unique_offsets_with_sustains() for sustain, offset in unique_offsets_with_sustains: possible_chord = [] for ind_voice, voice1 in enumerate(self.voices): for ind_note, note1 in enumerate(voice1.notes_chords_rests): if self.previous_measure is None and note1.sustain == sustain and note1.offset == offset and note1.tie == '' and isinstance( note1, note.Note): possible_chord.append(note1) if len(possible_chord) == 1: swap_index = (ind_voice, ind_note) elif len(possible_chord) > 1: voice1.notes_chords_rests[ind_note] = rest.Rest( sustain) elif note1.sustain == sustain and note1.offset == offset and note1.tie == '' and isinstance( note1, note.Note) and not ( ind_note == 0 and self.previous_measure.voices[ind_voice]. notes_chords_rests[-1].tie == 'start'): possible_chord.append(note1) if len(possible_chord) == 1: swap_index = (ind_voice, ind_note) elif len(possible_chord) > 1: voice1.notes_chords_rests[ind_note] = rest.Rest( sustain) if len(possible_chord) > 1: merged_chord = chord.Chord(possible_chord, sustain) self.voices[swap_index[0]].notes_chords_rests[ swap_index[1]] = merged_chord
def voices_generator(measure1, measure_length, tied_tones): cons_pause_threshold = 0.07 cons_note_threshold = 0.01 notes = ((1, 0.01, 0.07), (2, 0.07, 0.13), (3, 0.13, 0.19), (4, 0.19, 0.26), (6, 0.26, 0.39), (8, 0.39, 0.52), (10, 0.52, 0.64), (12, 0.64, 0.77), (14, 0.77, 0.88), (16, 0.88, 1.00)) rests = ((1, 0.07, 0.012), (2, 0.012, 0.18), (3, 0.18, 0.24), (4, 0.24, 0.31), (6, 0.31, 0.44), (8, 0.44, 0.57), (10, 0.57, 0.69), (12, 0.69, 0.82), (14, 0.82, 0.93), (16, 0.93, 1.00)) log = open('log1.txt', 'a') for voice1 in measure1: voice_object = voice.Voice() for tone in voice1: temp = (float(tone[1]) / float(measure_length)) # (Prozentwert) if temp > cons_pause_threshold and tone[0] == 'X': log.write('z: ' + str(temp) + '\n') for value, min_v, max_v in rests: if min_v < temp <= max_v: rest_object = rest.Rest(value) voice_object.add(rest_object) elif temp > cons_note_threshold and not tone[0] == 'X': log.write(tone[0] + ': ' + str(temp) + '\n') for value, min_v, max_v in notes: if min_v < temp <= max_v: note_object = note.Note(tone[0], value) voice_object.add(note_object) log.write( str(measure_length) + '---------------------voice-------------\n') for tone in tied_tones: if tone == voice_object.notes_chords_rests[-1].str_format: voice_object.notes_chords_rests[-1].tie = 'start' voice_object.improve_rhythm() yield voice_object log.write('---------------------measure-------------\n') log.close()
# # Test script for router function. # import sys import datetime import libxml2 sys.path.append("..") import rest from nsx_basic_input import * from case23_nsx_router_delete_input import * caseName = 'case23_nsx_router_delete' restclient = rest.Rest(NSX_IP, NSX_USER, NSX_PWD, True) def deleteRouter(): respData = restclient.delete(NSX_URL + '/api/4.0/edges/' + NSX_ROUTER_ID, 'deleteRouter') output(restclient.getDebugInfo() + restclient.prettyPrint(respData)) def output(msg): f = file("../log/" + caseName + "_output_20%y%m%d%H%M%S.log"), "w") f.write(msg) f.close()
pattern_error = re.compile("(?P<month>(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) (?P<day> ?[1-9]?[0-9]).*(?P<error>\[err\]).*)") i=0 test_cases= [] for line in lines: test_cases.append(TestCase(line, '', '','', '')) if pattern_emerg.findall(line): test_cases[i].add_error_info('Emerg: ' +args.baseURL ) elif pattern_error.findall(line): test_cases[i].add_skipped_info('Error: ' +args.baseURL) i+=1 ts = [TestSuite("InfoLog", test_cases)] print(TestSuite.to_xml_string(ts)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #--baseURL=http://{BLGW_IP}/ parser.add_argument('--baseURL', help ="BLGW IP") parser.add_argument('unittest_args', nargs='*') args = parser.parse_args() restLog = rest.Rest(args.baseURL +'a/read/serviceErrorHistory') # Now set the sys.argv to the unittest_args (leaving sys.argv[0] alone) sys.argv[1:] = args.unittest_args unittest.main()
# Test script for identity function. # 用户处于已认证状态时,可以正常调用API;而已经注销的用户,则不能成功调用API;默认情况下用户处于已认证状态,调用API操作全程由HTTPS加密 # import sys import datetime import libxml2 sys.path.append("..") import rest from nsx_basic_input import * caseName = 'case01_nsx_identity_login' restclient = rest.Rest(NSX_IP, VC_USER, VC_PWD, True) def userLogin(): respData = restclient.put('%s/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/%s/enablestate/1'%(NSX_URL, NSX_USER), '', 'userLogin') output(restclient.getDebugInfo() + restclient.prettyPrint(respData)) def output(msg): f = file("../log/" + caseName + "_output_20%y%m%d%H%M%S.log"), "w") f.write(msg) f.close() def main():
def __init__(self, house, clock, schedule): # this allows the Person to be aware of the time self.clock = clock # a unique identification number for the Person = -1 # the home self.home = house # the biology characteristics = bio.Bio() # the Age of the person = 30 # The gender of a person = bio.FEMALE # set the social characteristics self.socio = social.Social( # set the location of the Person to a copy of the Home's location self.location = loc.Location(house.location.geo, house.location.local) # the number of steps num_sample_points = len(self.clock.hist_time) # create major need-associations (income, rest, hunger) self.income = income.Income(clock, num_sample_points) = rest.Rest(clock, num_sample_points) self.hunger = hunger.Hunger(clock, num_sample_points) # create minor need-associations (travel, interruption) = travel.Travel(clock, num_sample_points) self.interruption = interruption.Interruption(clock, num_sample_points) # a dictionary (key, value)-pairs of need-associations self.needs = { need.INCOME: self.income, need.REST:, need.HUNGER: self.hunger, need.TRAVEL:, need.INTERRUPTION: self.interruption, } # the state of a person self.state = state.State(state.IDLE) # history of the Person's state, activities, and location self.hist_state = state.IDLE * np.ones((num_sample_points, 1)) self.hist_activity = activity.NO_ACTIVITY * np.ones( self.hist_state.shape) self.hist_local = loc.HOME * np.ones(self.hist_state.shape) # history of magnitude of each need. There must to be one per person self.H = -1 * np.ones((num_sample_points, need.N)) self.need_vector = -1 * np.ones((need.N, 1)) self.schedule = schedule return
def __init__(self): self.api = rest.Rest(REST_EPR) self.api.key = APIKEY pass
import serial_shell import rest print('# Testing NameServers') # Open a serial connection to the unit under test con = serial_shell.Shell('COM7') # Get the list of nameservers (ignore the prompt status) _status, output = con.execute('cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver') # Parse the output from the shell ns = output[0][11:].strip().split(' ') # Open a connection to the Redfish server red = rest.Rest('', 'admin', 'admin') # Get the list of nameservers json = red.get('/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/enp2s0') ns_red = json['NameServers'] # Compare the actual list with what Redfish says if ns != ns_red: raise Exception('Redfish does not match the system:' + str(ns_red) + ':' + str(ns) + ':') print('OK Redfish list of servers matches the system config file.') # Change the list of nameservers print('Changing the list of NameServers to []') red.patch('/redfish/v1/Managers/1/EthernetInterfaces/enp2s0', {'NameServers': ['']})