Beispiel #1
def test_oliver_bug(db):
    clause = {
        "clause": [
                "effect": "allow",
                "object": ["organization/*"],
                "action": ["organization.*"]
                "effect": "allow",
                "object": ["project/*/*"],
                "action": ["project.*.*"]

    policy = Policy.objects.create(name='default', body=json.dumps(clause))

    user = UserFactory.create(username='******')

    # The "successful_authenticator" thing here is more or less
    # equivalent to calling force_authenticate, I think, but it
    # requires less "real" DRF stuff.
    req1 = APIRequestFactory().get('/check')
    req1.user = user
    req1.successful_authenticator = True
    req2 = APIRequestFactory().post('/check')
    req2.user = user
    req2.successful_authenticator = True

    org = Organization(pk='TestOrg')
    proj = Project(pk='TestProj', organization=org)

    # This works!
    rsp1 = ProjectUsers().as_view(object=proj)(req1).render()
    assert rsp1.status_code == 200

    # This works too!
    rsp2 = ProjectUsers().as_view(object=proj)(req2).render()
    assert rsp2.status_code == 201
def api_post(url, user):
    req = APIRequestFactory().post(url)
    req.user = user
    req.successful_authenticator = True
    return req