def  kdtree_radius_search(root: Node, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf():
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        return False
    # 作业3
    # 提示:通过递归的方式实现搜索
    # 屏蔽开始
    if query[root.axis] <= root.value:
        kdtree_radius_search(root.left, db, result_set, query)
        if math.fabs(query[root.axis] - root.value) < result_set.worstDist():
            kdtree_radius_search(root.right, db, result_set, query)
        kdtree_radius_search(root.right, db, result_set, query)
        if math.fabs(query[root.axis] - root.value) < result_set.worstDist():
            kdtree_radius_search(root.left, db, result_set, query)
    # 屏蔽结束

    return False
Beispiel #2
def kdtree_radius_search(root: Node, db: np.ndarray,
                         result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf():
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        return False

    # 作业3
    # 提示:通过递归的方式实现搜索
    # 屏蔽开始
    if root.value >= query[root.axis]:
        if kdtree_knn_search(root.left, db, result_set, query):
            return True
        elif math.fabs(root.value - query[root.axis]) < result_set.worst_dist:
            return kdtree_knn_search(root.right, db, result_set, query)
        return False  # 3、左右子树都不满足,就需要返回上一层树,所以为False
        if kdtree_knn_search(root.right, db, result_set, query):
            return True
        elif math.fabs(root.value - query[root.axis]) < result_set.worst_dist:
            return kdtree_knn_search(root.left, db, result_set, query)
        return False  # 3、左右子树都不满足,就需要返回上一层树,所以为False

    # 屏蔽结束

    return False
Beispiel #3
def octree_radius_search_fast(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if contains(query, result_set.worstDist(), root):
        # compare the contents of the octant
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # don't need to check any child
        return False

    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # no need to go to most relevant child first, because anyway we will go through all children
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if child is None:
        if False == overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(), child):
        if octree_radius_search_fast(child, db, result_set, query):
            return True

    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
def octree_radius_search_fast(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    # 1. if query ball contains the octant, no need to check child, just compare all point in it!
    # 只是不需要向下递归,这里的child是只当前节点的下一层,回溯还是有可能的!所以这里return的false是有原因的嗷!
    if contains(query, result_set.worstDist(), root):
        # compare all points:
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # no need to check child
        return False

    # consider leaf point:
    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare all points:
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # 2. check all children
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if child is None:
        if False == overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(), child):
        if octree_radius_search_fast(child, db, result_set,query):
            return True

    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
Beispiel #5
def octree_radius_search(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # 作业6
    # 屏蔽开始
    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
    # go to the relevant child first
    morton_code = 0
    if query[0] >[0]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 1
    if query[1] >[1]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 2
    if query[2] >[2]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 4
    if octree_radius_search(root.children[morton_code], db, result_set, query):
        return True
    # check other children
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if c == morton_code or child is None:
        if False == overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(), child):
        if octree_radius_search(child, db, result_set, query):
            return True
    # 屏蔽结束

    # final check of if we can stop search
    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
def octree_radius_search_plus(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # 提前结束:核心-八叉树对3个维度有限制;
    # 结束条件:其实是两个方向:向下递归,向上回溯
    #   1-当一个节点返回True时,表示找到knn了,维度限制导致不会有更优的了,不再向下,立即结束;
    #   2-最坏距离球如果 inside 当前节点,不需要再向上回溯检查其他节点,立即结束;

    # 跳过条件:在检查
    # 1. search the first relevant child:
    # 找到最近的孩子,根据查询点的莫顿码
    morton_code = 0
    if query[0] >[0]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 1
    if query[1] >[1]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 2
    if query[2] >[2]:
        morton_code = morton_code | 4
    if octree_knn_search(root.children[morton_code],
        return True

    # 2. check other children
    inv_worstDist = 1 / result_set.worstDist()
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if c == morton_code or child is None:
        if False == overlaps_plus(query, inv_worstDist, child):
        if octree_knn_search(child, db, result_set, query):
            return True

    # final check of if we can stop search
    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
Beispiel #7
def octree_radius_search_fast(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray,
                              result_set: RadiusNNResultSet,
                              query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    # 作业5
    # 提示:尽量利用上面的inside、overlaps、contains等函数
    # 屏蔽开始                                            #如果球包含了这个root Octant则不需要去它的子节点找了
    if (root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0) or contains(
            query, result_set.worstDist(), root):
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
    #如果球包含了这个root Octant则不需要去它的子节点找了

    children_idx = 0
    if query[0] >[0]:  # x轴
        children_idx = children_idx | 1
    if query[1] >[1]:  # y轴
        children_idx = children_idx | 2
    if query[2] >[2]:  # z轴
        children_idx = children_idx | 4

    # 如果在这个子octant中发现,查询点在该子octant中,同时由worst_dist构成的球也被octant包含,所以直接返回
    if octree_knn_search(root.children[children_idx], db, result_set, query):
        return True

    # 如果不满足上边的情况则需要遍历其他子octant
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if c == children_idx or root.children[c]:
        if overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(), child) == False:
        if octree_knn_search(root.children[c], db, result_set, query):
            return True
    # 屏蔽结束

    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
def octree_radius_search(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # 作业6
    # 屏蔽开始
    # 屏蔽结束

    # final check of if we can stop search
    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
Beispiel #9
def kdtree_radius_search(root: Node, db: np.ndarray,
                         result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    if root.is_leaf():
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        return False

    # 作业3
    # 提示:通过递归的方式实现搜索
    # 屏蔽开始

    # 屏蔽结束

    return False
def radius_search(root: Node, result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, key):
    if root is None:
        return False

    # compare the root itself
    result_set.add_point(math.fabs(root.key - key), root.value)

    if root.key >= key:
        # iterate left branch first
        if radius_search(root.left, result_set, key):
            return True
        elif math.fabs(root.key-key) < result_set.worstDist():
            return radius_search(root.right, result_set, key)
        return False
        # iterate right branch first
        if radius_search(root.right, result_set, key):
            return True
        elif math.fabs(root.key-key) < result_set.worstDist():
            return radius_search(root.left, result_set, key)
        return False
def octree_radius_search_fast(root: Octant, db: np.ndarray,
                              result_set: RadiusNNResultSet,
                              query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:
        return False

    # 作业5
    # 提示:尽量利用上面的inside、overlaps、contains等函数
    # 屏蔽开始
    if contains(query, result_set.worstDist(), root):
        # the octant is contained by the query ball with resule_set.worstDist()
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return False

    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # check other children
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if child is None:
        # if an octant is not overlapping with query ball, skip
        if overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(), child) == False:
        if octree_radius_search(child, db, result_set, query):
            return True

    # 屏蔽结束

    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)
def kdtree_radius_search(root: Node, db: np.ndarray,
                         result_set: RadiusNNResultSet, query: np.ndarray):
    if root is None:

    if root.is_leaf():

        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])

    if query[root.axis] <= root.value:
        kdtree_radius_search(root.left, db, result_set, query)
        if math.fabs(query[root.axis] -
                     root.value) < result_set.get_worst_dist():
            kdtree_radius_search(root.right, db, result_set, query)
        kdtree_radius_search(root.right, db, result_set, query)
        if math.fabs(query[root.axis] -
                     root.value) < result_set.get_worst_dist():
            kdtree_radius_search(root.left, db, result_set, query)
def main():
    # configuration
    leaf_size = 32
    min_extent = 0.0001
    k = 8
    radius = 1

    #root_dir = '/Users/renqian/cloud_lesson/kitti' # 数据集路径
    #cat = os.listdir(root_dir)
    #iteration_num = len(cat)
    # load date
    filename = '/home/ljn/SLAM/dateset/000000.bin'
    db_np = read_velodyne_bin(filename)
    iteration = 1

    print("octree -----------------------------------")
    construction_time_sum = 0
    knn_time_sum = 0
    radius_time_sum = 0
    brute_time_sum = 0
    result_set_knn = KNNResultSet(capacity=k)
    query = db_np[95, :]

    begin_t = time.time()
    root = octree.octree_construction(db_np, leaf_size, min_extent)
    construction_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

    begin_t = time.time()

    octree.octree_knn_search(root, db_np, result_set_knn, query)
    knn_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t
    print('knn search result\n', result_set_knn)

    begin_t = time.time()
    result_set_rnn = RadiusNNResultSet(radius=radius)
    octree.octree_radius_search_fast(root, db_np, result_set_rnn, query)
    radius_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t
    print('rnn search result\n', result_set_rnn)

    begin_t = time.time()
    diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - db_np, axis=1)
    nn_idx = np.argsort(diff)
    nn_dist = diff[nn_idx]
    nn_dist_idx_pre = np.linspace(0, nn_dist.shape[0], nn_dist.shape[0])
    nn_dist_idx = nn_dist_idx_pre[nn_idx]
    brute_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

    #brute knn search
    result_set_knn_brute = KNNResultSet(capacity=k)
    for index in range(k):
        result_set_knn_brute.add_point(nn_dist[index], nn_dist_idx[index])
    # brute radiusNN search
    result_set_rnn_brute = RadiusNNResultSet(radius=radius)
    for index in range(nn_dist.shape[0]):
        if nn_dist[index] < radius:
            result_set_rnn_brute.add_point(nn_dist[index], nn_dist_idx[index])

    print("Octree: build %.3f, knn %.3f, radius %.3f, brute %.3f" %
          (construction_time_sum * 1000, knn_time_sum * 1000,
           radius_time_sum * 1000, brute_time_sum * 1000))

    print("kdtree -----------------------------------")
    construction_time_sum = 0
    knn_time_sum = 0
    radius_time_sum = 0
    brute_time_sum = 0
    for i in range(iteration):
        query = db_np[95, :]

        begin_t = time.time()
        root = kdtree.kdtree_construction(db_np, leaf_size)
        construction_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

        begin_t = time.time()
        result_set_knn = KNNResultSet(capacity=k)
        kdtree.kdtree_knn_search(root, db_np, result_set_knn, query)
        knn_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

        begin_t = time.time()
        result_set_rnn = RadiusNNResultSet(radius=radius)
        kdtree.kdtree_radius_search(root, db_np, result_set_rnn, query)
        radius_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

        begin_t = time.time()
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - db_np, axis=1)
        nn_idx = np.argsort(diff)
        nn_dist = diff[nn_idx]
        brute_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

        nn_dist_idx_pre = np.linspace(0, nn_dist.shape[0] - 1,
        nn_dist_idx = nn_dist_idx_pre[nn_idx]
        # brute knn search
        result_set_knn_brute = KNNResultSet(capacity=k)
        for index in range(k):
            result_set_knn_brute.add_point(nn_dist[index], nn_dist_idx[index])
        # brute radiusNN search
        result_set_rnn_brute = RadiusNNResultSet(radius=radius)
        for index in range(nn_dist.shape[0]):
            if nn_dist[index] < radius:
    print("Kdtree: build %.3f, knn %.3f, radius %.3f, brute %.3f" %
          (construction_time_sum * 1000, knn_time_sum * 1000,
           radius_time_sum * 1000, brute_time_sum * 1000))

    print("scipy kdtree  -----------------------------------")
    construction_time_sum = 0
    knn_time_sum = 0
    radius_time_sum = 0

    query = db_np[95, :]

    begin_t = time.time()
    tree = spatial.KDTree(db_np, leaf_size)
    construction_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

    #no knn
    begin_t = time.time()
    knn_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t

    begin_t = time.time()
    result_set_rnn = tree.query_ball_point(query, radius)
    radius_time_sum += time.time() - begin_t
    print('rnn search result\n', result_set_rnn)

    print("Octree: build %.3f, knn %.3f, radius %.3f" %
          (construction_time_sum * 1000, knn_time_sum * 1000,
           radius_time_sum * 1000))
Beispiel #14
def octree_radius_search(root: Octant,
                         db: np.ndarray,
                         result_set: RadiusNNResultSet,
                         query: np.ndarray,
    if root is None:
        return False

    # 作业5
    # 另外一种极端情况:查询半径已经包括了整个区域
    if search == 'fast':
        if contains(query, result_set.worstDist(), root):

            leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
            diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points,
            for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
                result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
            return False

    # 如果是叶子,则将该区域内返回到result_set
    if root.is_leaf and len(root.point_indices) > 0:
        # compare the contents of a leaf
        leaf_points = db[root.point_indices, :]
        diff = np.linalg.norm(np.expand_dims(query, 0) - leaf_points, axis=1)
        for i in range(diff.shape[0]):
            result_set.add_point(diff[i], root.point_indices[i])
        # check whether we can stop search now
        return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)

    # 作业6
    # 屏蔽开始
    child_idx = -1
    if search == 'normal':
        child_idx = 0
        # 判断所查询点在八叉树的位置
        if query[0] >[0]:
            child_idx = child_idx | 1
        if query[1] >[1]:
            child_idx = child_idx | 2
        if query[2] >[2]:
            child_idx = child_idx | 4

        # 递归判断是否在该区域就可以找到足够多的点
        if octree_radius_search(root.children[child_idx], db, result_set,
                                query, search):
            return True

    # 没有在查询点区域找到,对其他区域进行搜索
    for c, child in enumerate(root.children):
        if c == child_idx or child is None:  # 搜索区域没有点或所搜索到查询点区域,skip
        if False == overlaps(query, result_set.worstDist(),
                             child):  # 搜索区域与查询点和最坏距离构成的球面没有交点,skip
        if octree_radius_search(child, db, result_set, query,
                                search):  # 其他情况可以进入搜索区域搜索(递归)
            return True
    # 屏蔽结束

    # final check of if we can stop search
    return inside(query, result_set.worstDist(), root)