from correlations.errors import uWerr, acorrnErr, getW
from theory.clibs.autocorrelations.exponential import hmc
from theory.operators import magnetisation_sq
from correlations.acorr import acorrMapped
from results.common.utils import prll_map
from import load
from plotter.pretty_plotting import Pretty_Plotter

min_sep = 0.
max_sep = 50
max_x_view = 10.
max_y_view = 2.

file_desc = 'acorr_mag2_hmc'
acs = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_acs.json'.format(file_desc))
t = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_trajs.json'.format(file_desc))
p = load('results/data/other_objs/{}_probs.pkl'.format(file_desc))
s = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_samples.json'.format(file_desc))

op_samples = magnetisation_sq(s)
av_op = op_samples.mean()
tsum = np.cumsum(t)

n, dim = s.shape[1], 1
spacing = 1.
n_samples, n_burn_in = s.shape[0], 50
c_len = 10000
m = 1.0
n_steps = 20
step_size = 1. / ((3. * np.sqrt(3) - np.sqrt(15)) * m / 2.) / float(n_steps)
Beispiel #2
        if plateau_plot == True:
            fig_plateau = plt.figure()
            ax_plateau = fig_plateau.add_subplot(111)
            ax_plateau.plot((W, W), (0,tplot[W]))
            ax_plateau.set_title(r'$\tau_{int}$ in dependence of $W$')
        dtint = np.sqrt(4*(W + 0.5-tint)/float(self.N)) * tint
        return tint,dtint,W

# load data from christian and use his data
comparison_xx = load(comparison_loc)
comparison_xx = np.asarray(comparison_xx)

print 'Comparing autocorrelation calculations...'
# assert that the autocorrelation routine is the same
av_xx = comparison_xx.mean()
norm = ((comparison_xx-av_xx)**2).mean()
my_acorr = np.asarray(map(lambda s: myAcorr(comparison_xx, av_xx, s), np.asarray(separations)))

christian_class = Christian_Autocorrelation(comparison_xx)
christian_acorr = christian_class.acf()[:c_len]

christian_acorr = np.asarray(christian_acorr)
diffs = christian_acorr[:my_acorr.size] - my_acorr
print " > av. difference: {}".format(diffs.mean())
Beispiel #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from import load
# from theory.autocorrelations import M2_Exp as Theory
from common.acorr import plot
from common.utils import saveOrDisplay

save = False
file_name = 'acorr_mag2_khmc'

dest = 'results/data/other_objs/{}_allPlot.pkl'.format(file_name)
a = load(dest)
pa = load('results/data/other_objs/{}_probs.pkl'.format(file_name))

# m         = 0.1
# n_steps   = 1000
# step_size = 1./((3.*np.sqrt(3)-np.sqrt(15))*m/2.)/float(n_steps)
# tau       = step_size*n_steps
# n, dim  = 10, 1
# x0 = np.random.random((n,)*dim)
# spacing = 1.0
# n_samples, n_burn_in = 1000000, 50
# c_len   = 100000
# th = Theory(tau=tau, m=m)
# vFn = lambda x: th.eval(t=x, pa=pa, theta=np.pi/2)/th.eval(t=0, pa=pa, theta=np.pi/2.)
# l = a['lines'].keys()[0]
# x, f0 = a['lines'][l]
    ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.3, 1., .102), loc=9,
           ncol=6, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.)
    pp.save_or_show(save, PLOT_LOC)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from results.common.utils import saveOrDisplay
    file_name = __file__
    save = True
    # load the existing parameters
    dest = "results/optimalParams_minimiseCost_xx_hmc_params_coarse.pkl"
    output = store.load(dest)
    # in this case best_params: [best_theta, best_]
    best_params, best_fn, arg_grid, fn_grid = output
    print '\n\n__Model details__'
    print 'Potential:\tFree-Field'
    print 'Lattice:\t(100,1)'
    print 'Mass:\t\t0.01'
    print '\nBest parameters:\n\tstep_size: {:10.5f}\n\tn_steps:   {:10.5f}\n\ttau:       {:10.5f}'.format(
            best_params[0], best_params[1],
    x,y = arg_grid
    z   = fn_grid
    l = z.shape[0] # this is the grid length (square grid)
Beispiel #5
    from theory.clibs.autocorrelations.exponential import hmc
    cpp = True
    cpp = False
    print 'failed to import c++'
from theory.operators import magnetisation_sq
from correlations.acorr import acorrMapped, acorrMapped_noDups
from results.common.utils import prll_map
from import load
from plotter import Pretty_Plotter, PLOT_LOC
from common.utils import saveOrDisplay, multiprocessing
import ctypes

fname = 'acorr_mag2_hmc'
acs = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_acs.json'.format(fname))
seps = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_trajs.json'.format(fname))
p = load('results/data/other_objs/{}_probs.pkl'.format(fname))
s = load('results/data/numpy_objs/{}_samples.json'.format(fname))

save = True
op = magnetisation_sq(s)
av_op = op.mean()

n, dim = 10, 1
spacing = 1.
n_samples, n_burn_in = 100000, 50
c_len = 1000
m = 1.0
n_steps = 20
step_size = 1. / ((3. * np.sqrt(3) - np.sqrt(15)) * m / 2.) / float(n_steps)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
from import load
from correlations.acorr import acorr as getAcorr
from correlations.errors import uWerr, gW
from common.uWerrWind import plot, preparePlot
from common.utils import saveOrDisplay

save = False
file_name = ''

dest = 'results/data/other_objs/uWerrWind_mag2_hmc_allPlot.pkl'
a = load(dest)

m = 1.0
n_steps = 10
step_size = 1. / ((3. * np.sqrt(3) - np.sqrt(15)) * m / 2.) / float(n_steps)
tau = step_size * n_steps

n, dim = 100, 1
x0 = np.random.random((n, ) * dim)
spacing = 0.05

op_name = r'$\hat{O} = \phi_0^2 :\phi_0 = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\tilde{\phi}_0 = '\
    + r' \sum_{x\in\mathbb{Z}^d_\text{L}}\tilde{\phi}_0$'
subtitle = r"Potential: {}; Lattice Shape: ".format('Klein Gordon') \
    + r"${}$; $a={:.1f}; \delta\tau={:.1f}; n={}$".format(
        x0.shape, spacing, step_size, n_steps)

plot(save=saveOrDisplay(save, file_name), **a)