Beispiel #1
 def perform_custom_join_test(self, token):
     # This is for CustomTestAtJoinNode:
     for this_test in self.custom_tests:
         DEBUG("custom test:", this_test)
         op = this_test.op
         wme1 = token.wmes[this_test.condition_number_of_arg1]
         arg1 = getattr(wme1, this_test.field_of_arg1)
         if hasattr(this_test, 'const'):
             arg2 = this_test.const
             DEBUG("token:", token)
             wme2 = token.wmes[this_test.condition_number_of_arg2]
             if wme2 is None:
                 return True
             arg2 = getattr(wme2, this_test.field_of_arg2)
         if op == '!=':
             if arg1 == arg2:
                 return False
         if op == '>':
             if arg1 <= arg2:
                 return False
         if op == '<':
             if arg1 >= arg2:
                 return False
         if op == 'π0':
             if arg1[0] != arg2:
                 return False
         if op == 'π1':
             if arg1[1] != arg2:
                 return False
     return True
Beispiel #2
    def perform_join_test(self, token, wme):
		:type token: rete.Token
		:type wme: rete.WME
        DEBUG("join test, token=", token)
        for this_test in self.tests:
            DEBUG("test:", this_test)
            # This is for ordinary TestAtJoinNode:
            arg1 = getattr(wme, this_test.field_of_arg1)
            wme2 = token.wmes[this_test.condition_number_of_arg2]
            if wme2 is not None:
                arg2 = getattr(wme2, this_test.field_of_arg2)
                if arg1 != arg2:
                    return False
        return True
Beispiel #3
    def left_activation(self, token, wme, binding=None):
		:type wme: WME
		:type token: Token
		:type binding: dict
        new_token = Token(token, wme, node=self, binding=binding)
        DEBUG("**** firing %s\n" % new_token)
Beispiel #4
    def left_activation(self, t, w, binding=None):
		:type w: rete.WME
		:type t: rete.Token
		:type binding: dict
        DEBUG("NCC left-activate, wme = ", w)
        new_token = Token(t, w, self, binding)
        new_token.ncc_results = []
        DEBUG("NCC node.items add token = ", new_token)
        for result in self.partner.new_result_buffer:
            result.owner = new_token
            DEBUG("  add to ncc_results: ", result)
        if not new_token.ncc_results:  # if results == []
            for child in self.children:
                child.left_activation(new_token, None)
Beispiel #5
    def left_activation(self, t, w, binding=None):
		:type w: rete.WME
		:type t: rete.Token
		:type binding: dict
        DEBUG("NCC partner left-activate, wme = ", w)
        new_result = Token(t, w, self, binding)
        owners_t = t
        owners_w = w
        for i in range(self.number_of_conditions):
            owners_w =
            owners_t = owners_t.parent
        found = False
        for token in self.ncc_node.items:
            if token.parent == owners_t and == owners_w:
                DEBUG("  partner add to ncc_results: ", new_result)
                new_result.owner = token
                found = True
        if not found:
            # new_result.owner = 'buffed'
Beispiel #6
    def activation(self, wme):
		:type wme: rete.WME
        DEBUG("⍺ activate: wme=%s" % wme)
        if self.field_to_test != 'no-test':
            v = getattr(wme, self.field_to_test)
            v2 = self.thing_the_field_must_equal
            # if v2 and v2[0] == 'F':
            # v2 = getattr(wme, v2)
            # print "%s =? %s" % (v, v2)
            if v != v2:
                return False  # failed the test; don't propagate any further
        if self.amem:
        for child in self.children:
Beispiel #7
    def right_activation(self, wme):
		:type wme: rete.WME
        # The Join Nodes with CustomTests will never be right-activated
        # Because they have no proper "conditions" (Has).
        if hasattr(self, 'custom_tests'):
            DEBUG("This should be an error")

        # DEBUG(self, "right-activation:")
        # DEBUG("wme =", wme)
        for token in self.parent.items:
            # DEBUG("token=", token)
            if self.perform_join_test(token, wme):
                binding = self.make_binding(wme)
                for child in self.children:
                    child.left_activation(token, wme, binding)
Beispiel #8
q = net.add_production(Rule(Has('□', '$x')))
q.postcondition = Has("random_play", '$x')
q.truth = 0.4

# [note to myself:
# Solved: The problem here is that the π1(x,1) proposition needs to
# be checked for x != y, but it has no "Has" representation.
# Now the problem is a "None" token passed down to the Join Node.
# Why is it None?]

f = open("", "w+")
os.system("dot -Tpng -orete.png")
DEBUG("\nRete graph saved as rete.png\n")

# **** Background knowledge ****
net.add_wme(WME('diag', (0, 0)))
net.add_wme(WME('diag', (1, 1)))
net.add_wme(WME('diag', (2, 2)))
net.add_wme(WME('back_diag', (0, 2)))
net.add_wme(WME('back_diag', (1, 1)))
net.add_wme(WME('back_diag', (2, 0)))

def show_board(board):
    for i in [0, 3, 6]:
        for j in range(3):
            x = board[i + j]
            if x == -1:
def playGames(population):
	from GUI import draw_board
	global board
	win = draw = stall = lose = 0

	# Add rules to Rete
	rete_net = Network()
	for candidate in population:
		p = add_rule_to_Rete(rete_net, candidate['rule'])
		if p:
			print('●', print_rule(candidate['rule']), end='\n')
			# print(' (%d)' % length_of_rule(candidate['rule']))
			candidate['p_node'] = p
	# save_Rete_graph(rete_net, 'rete_0')

	for n in range(1000):		# play game N times
		print("\t\tGame ", n, end='\r')
		# Initialize board
		for i in [0, 1, 2]:
			for j in [0, 1, 2]:
				if board[i][j] != ' ':
					rete_net.remove_wme(WME(board[i][i], str(i), str(j)))
				rete_net.add_wme(WME(' ', str(i), str(j)))
				board[i][j] = ' '

		CurrentPlayer = 'X'					# In the future, may play against self
		moves = []							# for recording played moves
		for move in range(9):				# Repeat playing moves in single game
			# print("    move", move, end='; ')

			if CurrentPlayer == 'X':
				# collect all playable rules
				playable = []
				for candidate in population:
					p0 = candidate['p_node']
					if not p0:
					if p0.items:
						DEBUG(len(p0.items), " instances")
					for item in p0.items:
						# item = random.choice(p0.items)		# choose an instantiation randomly
						# Question: are all instances the same?
						# apply binding to rule's action (ie, post-condition)
						if is_var(p0.postcondition.F2):
							p0.postcondition.F2 = item.get_binding(p0.postcondition.F2)
							if p0.postcondition.F2 is None:
								p0.postcondition.F2 = str(random.randint(0,2))
						if is_var(p0.postcondition.F3):
							p0.postcondition.F3 = item.get_binding(p0.postcondition.F3)
							if p0.postcondition.F3 is None:
								p0.postcondition.F3 = str(random.randint(0,2))
						DEBUG("production rule = ", print_rule(candidate['rule']))
						DEBUG("chosen item = ", item)
						DEBUG("postcond = ", p0.postcondition)

						# Check if the square is empty
						x = int(p0.postcondition.F2)
						y = int(p0.postcondition.F3)
						if board[x][y] == ' ':
							candidate['fitness'] += 1.0
							candidate['fitness'] -= 1.0

				# print(len(playable), "playable rules ", end='')
				uniques = []
				for candidate in playable:
					if not uniques:
					exists = False
					for u in uniques:
						if candidate['p_node'].postcondition == u['p_node'].postcondition:
							exists = True
					if not exists:
				# print("; unique moves =\x1b[31;1m", len(uniques), end='\x1b[0m\n')

				if not uniques:
					# print("No rules playable")
					stall += 1
					break		# next game
				# Choose a playable rule randomly
				candidate = random.choice(uniques)
				p0 = candidate['p_node']

				x = int(p0.postcondition.F2)
				y = int(p0.postcondition.F3)
				board[x][y] = CurrentPlayer
				# print("    played move: X(%d,%d)" % (x,y))
				# remove old WME
				rete_net.remove_wme(WME(' ', p0.postcondition.F2, p0.postcondition.F3))
				# add new WME
				rete_net.add_wme(WME(CurrentPlayer, p0.postcondition.F2, p0.postcondition.F3))
				# **** record move: record the rule that is fired

			else:			# Player = 'O'
				i,j = opponentPlay()
				board[i][j] = 'O'
				# print("Opponent move: O(%d,%d)" % (i,j))
				# remove old WME
				rete_net.remove_wme(WME(' ', str(i), str(j)))
				# add new WME
				rete_net.add_wme(WME('O', str(i), str(j)))

			# printBoard()		# this is text mode
			draw_board(board)	# graphics mode
			# check if win / lose, assign rewards accordingly
			winner = hasWinner()
			if winner == ' ':
				# let the same set of rules play again
				# let opponent play (opponent = self? this may be implemented later)
				CurrentPlayer = 'O' if CurrentPlayer == 'X' else 'X'
			elif winner == '-':
				# increase the scores of all played moves by 3.0
				for candidate in moves:
					candidate['fitness'] += 3.0
				# print("Draw")
				draw += 1
				break			# next game
			elif winner == 'X':
				# increase the scores of all played moves by 10.0
				for candidate in moves:
					candidate['fitness'] += 10.0
				# print("X wins")
				win += 1
				break			# next game
			elif winner == 'O':
				# decrease the scores of all played moves by 8.0
				for candidate in moves:
					candidate['fitness'] -= 8.0
				# print("O wins")
				lose += 1
				break			# next game
	return win, draw, stall, lose