Beispiel #1
    def get_hosts(self, make_cfg):
        Make the new hosts file by the configuration defined by `make_cfg`
        from function list on the main dialog.

        :param make_cfg: Module settings in byte word format.
        :type make_cfg: dict

        .. seealso:: :attr:`make_cfg` in :class:`~tui.curses_d.CursesDaemon`
        for part_id in sorted(make_cfg.keys()):
            mod_cfg = make_cfg[part_id]
            if not RetrieveData.chk_mutex(part_id, mod_cfg):
            mods = RetrieveData.get_ids(mod_cfg)
            for mod_id in mods:
                self.mod_num += 1
                hosts, mod_name = RetrieveData.get_host(part_id, mod_id)
                if part_id == 0x02:
                elif part_id == 0x04:
                    self.write_common_mod(hosts, mod_name)
Beispiel #2
    def get_hosts(self, make_cfg):
        Make the new hosts file by the configuration defined by `make_cfg`
        from function list on the main dialog.

        :param make_cfg: Module settings in byte word format.
        :type make_cfg: dict

        .. seealso:: :attr:`make_cfg` in :class:`~tui.curses_d.CursesDaemon`
        for part_id in sorted(make_cfg.keys()):
            mod_cfg = make_cfg[part_id]
            if not RetrieveData.chk_mutex(part_id, mod_cfg):
            mods = RetrieveData.get_ids(mod_cfg)
            for mod_id in mods:
                self.mod_num += 1
                hosts, mod_name = RetrieveData.get_host(part_id, mod_id)
                if part_id == 0x02:
                elif part_id == 0x04:
                    self.write_common_mod(hosts, mod_name)
Beispiel #3
    def select_func(self, pos=None, key_in=None):
        screen = self.__stdscr.subwin(18, 26, 2, 26)
        screen.bkgd(" ", curses.color_pair(4))
        # Set local variable
        normal = curses.A_NORMAL
        select = curses.color_pair(5)
        select += curses.A_BOLD
        list_height = 15
        ip = self.settings[1][1]
        # Key Press Operations
        item_len = len(self.func_items[ip])
        item_sup, item_inf = self.item_sup, self.item_inf
        if pos != None:
            if item_len > list_height:
                if pos <= 1:
                    item_sup = 0
                    item_inf = list_height - 1
                elif pos >= item_len - 2:
                    item_sup = item_len - list_height + 1
                    item_inf = item_len
                item_sup = 0
                item_inf = item_len
            if key_in == curses.KEY_DOWN:
                pos += 1
                if pos >= item_len:
                    pos = 0
                if pos not in range(item_sup, item_inf):
                    item_sup += 2 if item_sup == 0 else 1
                    item_inf += 1
            elif key_in == curses.KEY_UP:
                pos -= 1
                if pos < 0:
                    pos = item_len - 1
                if pos not in range(item_sup, item_inf):
                    item_inf -= 2 if item_inf == item_len else 1
                    item_sup -= 1
            elif key_in in [10, 32]:
                self.func_selec[ip][pos] = not self.func_selec[ip][pos]
                mutex = RetrieveData.get_ids(self.func_items[ip][pos][2])
                for c_id, c in enumerate(self.func_items[ip]):
                    if c[0] == self.func_items[ip][pos][0]:
                        if c[1] in mutex and self.func_selec[ip][c_id] == 1:
                            self.func_selec[ip][c_id] = 0
  , 1)
            item_sup = 0
            if item_len > list_height:
                item_inf = list_height - 1
                item_inf = item_len
        # Function list
        items_show = self.func_items[ip][item_sup:item_inf]
        items_selec = self.func_selec[ip][item_sup:item_inf]
        for p, item in enumerate(items_show):
            sel_ch = "+" if items_selec[p] else " "
            item_str = ("[%s] %s" % (sel_ch, item[3])).ljust(23)
            item_pos = pos - item_sup if pos != None else None
            highlight = select if p == item_pos else normal
            if item_len > list_height:
                if item_inf - item_sup == list_height - 2:
                    screen.addstr(4 + p, 2, item_str, highlight)
                elif item_inf == item_len:
                    screen.addstr(4 + p, 2, item_str, highlight)
                elif item_sup == 0:
                    screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, highlight)
                screen.addstr(3 + p, 2, item_str, highlight)
        if item_len > list_height:
            if item_inf - item_sup == list_height - 2:
                screen.addstr(3, 2, " More  ".center(23, "."), normal)
                screen.addch(3, 15, curses.ACS_UARROW)
                screen.addstr(17, 2, " More  ".center(23, "."), normal)
                screen.addch(17, 15, curses.ACS_DARROW)
            elif item_inf == item_len:
                screen.addstr(3, 2, " More  ".center(23, "."), normal)
                screen.addch(3, 15, curses.ACS_UARROW)
            elif item_sup == 0:
                screen.addstr(17, 2, " More  ".center(23, "."), normal)
                screen.addch(17, 15, curses.ACS_DARROW)
            for line_i in range(list_height - item_len):
                screen.addstr(17 - line_i, 2, " " * 23, normal)

        self.item_sup, self.item_inf = item_sup, item_inf
        return pos