def build(self): data_dir = getattr( self, 'user_data_dir') #get a writable path to save our score = JsonStore(join( data_dir, 'score.json')) # create a JsonScore file in the available location if (not'score') ): # if there is no file, we need to save the best score as 1'score', best=1) if platform( ) == 'android': # if we are on Android, we can initialize the ADs service revmob.start_session('54c247f420e1fb71091ad44a') self.screens = {} # list of app screens self.screens['menu'] = MenuScreen( self ) #self the MainApp instance, so others objects can change the screen self.screens['game'] = GameScreen(self) self.root = FloatLayout() self.open_screen('menu') self.sound = SoundLoader.load( 'res/background.mp3') # open the background music # kivy support music loop, but it was not working on Android. I coded in a different way to fix it # but if fixed, we can just set the loop to True and call the play(), so it'll auto repeat # self.sound.loop = True It # was not working on android, so I wrote the following code: # play the sound Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_sound, 1) #every second force the music to be playing return self.root
def build(self): data_dir = getattr(self, 'user_data_dir') #get a writable path to save our score = JsonStore(join(data_dir, 'score.json')) # create a JsonScore file in the available location if(not'score')): # if there is no file, we need to save the best score as 1'score', best=1) if platform() == 'android': # if we are on Android, we can initialize the ADs service revmob.start_session('54c247f420e1fb71091ad44a') self.screens = {} # list of app screens self.screens['menu'] = MenuScreen(self) #self the MainApp instance, so others objects can change the screen self.screens['game'] = GameScreen(self) self.root = FloatLayout() self.open_screen('menu') self.sound = SoundLoader.load('res/background.mp3') # open the background music # kivy support music loop, but it was not working on Android. I coded in a different way to fix it # but if fixed, we can just set the loop to True and call the play(), so it'll auto repeat # self.sound.loop = True It # was not working on android, so I wrote the following code: # play the sound Clock.schedule_interval(self.check_sound, 1) #every second force the music to be playing return self.root
def run(self): self.best_score ='score')[ 'best'] # get the best score saved self.ids.label_best.text = 'Best score: ' + str( self.best_score) #show it if platform( ) == 'android': # if we are using android, we can show an ADs if (random.randint( 0, 5) == 1): # get a random and show a ads in the menu revmob.show_popup()
def new_game(self): if use_ads: revmob.show_popup() self.content.clear_widgets() self.content.add_widget(Image(source='assets/graphics/ui/loading.png', size=Window.size, allow_stretch=True)) Clock.schedule_once(self.post_splash)
use_ads = True except ImportError: use_ads = False Builder.load_file('gameScreen.kv') Builder.load_file('mainMenu.kv') if use_ads: if platform() == 'android': REVMOB_APP_ID = 'android_id' elif platform() == 'ios': REVMOB_APP_ID = 'ios_id' else: REVMOB_APP_ID = 'unknown platform for RevMob' revmob.start_session(REVMOB_APP_ID) class HexTap(App): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(HexTap, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.difficulty = 1 self.first_run = True self.current_state = 'mainMenu' self.content = BoxLayout() self.main_menu = MainMenu() self.help_menu = HelpMenu() self.game_map = None self.content.add_widget(self.main_menu) = SoundLoader.load('assets/audio/music.ogg') self.soundsOption = True
def run(self): self.best_score ='score')['best'] # get the best score saved self.ids.label_best.text = 'Best score: ' + str(self.best_score) #show it if platform() == 'android': # if we are using android, we can show an ADs if(random.randint(0, 5) == 1): # get a random and show a ads in the menu revmob.show_popup()
def on_pause(self): self.sound.stop() # the stop the sound Clock.unschedule(self.check_sound) if platform() == 'android': #if on android, we load an ADs and show it revmob.show_popup() return True
def print_environment_information(instance): revmob.print_environment_information()
def disable_testing_mode(instance): revmob.set_testing_mode(revmob.TESTING_MODE_DISABLED)
def set_testing_mode_without_ads(instance): revmob.set_testing_mode(revmob.TESTING_MODE_WITHOUT_ADS)
def open_link(instance): revmob.open_link()
def show_popup(instance): revmob.show_popup()
def show_fullscreen(instance): revmob.show_fullscreen()
def start_session(instance): revmob.start_session(REVMOB_APP_ID)