Beispiel #1
 MJD = hdr_data[1].strip("\n").replace(".", "_")
 MJDfloat = hdr_data[1].strip("\n")
 if (len(MJD) - MJD.index("_") -
         1) > 4:  #check to see if the MJD has more than 4 decimal places
     MJD = MJD[:MJD.index("_") + 5]  #reduce the MJD to 4 decimal places
 base_name = source_name + "_" + MJD
 outdir = outdir + "/" + base_name
 print "Output will go to %s" % (outdir)
 if (os.path.isdir(base_name) is not True):
     os.system("mkdir %s" % (base_name))
 basedir = os.getcwd() + "/" + base_name
 os.system("mv %s.hdr %s/" % (fname, basedir))
 if (dorfi is True):
     kill_chans, kill_chan_range, kill_time_range, mask_file = rfi(
         fil_file, time, timesig, freqsig, chanfrac, intfrac, max_percent,
         mask, sp)
     kill_chans = []
     kill_chan_range = []
     kill_time_range = []
     mask_file = ""
 if (nosearch is not True):
     # IF running heimdall then remove old candidates
     os.system("rm %s/*.cand" % (outdir))
     if (nogpu is not True):
         heimdall_run(fil_file, lodm, hidm, outdir, boxcar_max, dorfi,
         #os.system("mv %s.* %s" % (base_name,base_name))
         #if(os.path.isfile("*.cand") is True):
         if filter(os.path.isfile, glob.glob("*.cand")):
    #print fname,hdr_file_name
        "header {0} -source_name -tstart -tsamp -nchans > {1}.hdr".format(
            fil_file, fname))
    hdr_file = open(hdr_file_name, "r")
    hdr_data = hdr_file.readlines()
    source_name = hdr_data[0].strip("\n")
    source_name = source_name.replace(" ", "_")
    #source_name = "fake"
    #print source_name

    MJD = hdr_data[1].strip("\n").replace(".", "_")
    if (len(MJD) - MJD.index("_") -
            1) > 4:  #check to see if the MJD has more than 4 decimal places
        MJD = MJD[:MJD.index("_") + 5]  #reduce the MJD to 4 decimal places
    base_name = source_name + "_" + MJD
    print base_name
    if (os.path.isdir(base_name) is not True):
        os.system("mkdir %s" % (base_name))
    if (dorfi is True):
        rfi(fil_file, time, timesig, freqsig, chanfrac, intfrac, max_percent,
            mask, sp)
    if (nosearch is not True):
        # IF running heimdall then remove old candidates
        os.system("rm %s/*.cand" % (base_name))
        heimdall_run(fil_file, lodm, hidm, base_name, boxcar_max)
    os.system("mv %s.* %s" % (base_name, base_name))
    basedir = os.getcwd() + "/" + base_name
    candplots(basedir, fil_file, source_name, snr_cut, filter_cut, maxCandSec,
              noplot, maxMem)