def test_simple(self): with rflow.begin_graph("reentrancy", HERE) as g: g.t1 = T1() g.t1.args.v1 = 5 g.t1.resource = rflow.FSResource("T1.pickle") g.t2 = T2() g.t2.args.x2 = g.t1 g.t2.resource = rflow.FSResource("T2.pickle") # First call, all evals must be 1 self.assertEqual(4000, self.assertEqual(1, T1.eval_count) self.assertEqual(1, T2.eval_count) self.assertEqual(0, T1.load_count) self.assertEqual(0, T2.load_count) # Next test will forget the values, and expects only t2 be # loaded. Because t1 didn't change values and t2 has a # resource. # forget values # pylint: disable=protected-access g.t1._is_dirty = True g.t2._is_dirty = True g.t1.value = Uninit g.t2.value = Uninit self.assertEqual(4000, self.assertEqual(1, T1.eval_count) self.assertEqual(1, T2.eval_count) self.assertEqual(0, T1.load_count) self.assertEqual(1, T2.load_count)
def test_depends_on_file(self): with rflow.begin_graph("depends_on_file", HERE) as g: t = g.t = DependsOnFile() t.resource = rflow.FSResource(os.path.join( resources.HERE, "sample-lines.txt")) self.assertEqual(["line 1", "line 2", "line 3"],
def workflow1(g): g.add = Add() g.add.args.a = 1 g.add.args.b = 2 g.sub = Sub(rflow.FSResource('sub.pkl')) g.sub.args.a = 8 g.sub.args.b = g.add
def _make_experiment(g, model_node, crop_width, crop_height): data_g = rflow.open_graph(".", "data") g.train_dataset = AugmentDataset(show=False) with g.train_dataset as args: args.dataset = data_g.dataset_split[0] args.crop_width = crop_width args.crop_height = crop_height g.train_dataset_view = ViewSegmentationDataset() g.train_dataset_view.args.dataset = g.train_dataset val_dataset = data_g.dataset_split[1] test_dataset = data_g.dataset_split[2] model = model_node[0] preprocessing = model_node[1] g.untrain_test = ViewDatasetPredictions() with g.untrain_test as args: args.dataset = test_dataset args.model = model args.preprocessing = preprocessing g.train = Train(rflow.FSResource(f"{}.torch")) with g.train as args: args.model = model args.preprocessing = preprocessing args.train_dataset = g.train_dataset args.val_dataset = val_dataset args.batch_size = 8 args.learning_rate = 0.001 args.max_epochs = 50 args.num_workers = rflow.UserArgument( "--num_workers", default=4, type=int) g.predict_test_set = ViewDatasetPredictions() with g.predict_test_set as args: args.dataset = test_dataset args.model = g.train args.preprocessing = preprocessing g.predict_image = ViewImagePrediction() with g.predict_image as args: args.image_path = rflow.UserArgument( "--sample-image", default="dataset/resources/640px-Arabidopsis_Thaliana_planted_in_Laboratory.jpeg") args.model = g.train args.preprocessing = preprocessing g.metrics = EvaluateMetrics() with g.metrics as args: args.dataset = data_g.dataset_split[2] args.model = g.train args.preprocessing = preprocessing =
def mnist_train(g): g.dataset = LoadDataset(rflow.FSResource("data")) g.train = Train(rflow.FSResource("model.torch")) with g.train as args: args.train_dataset = g.dataset[0] args.test_dataset = g.dataset[1] args.batch_size = 64 args.test_batch_size = 1000 args.epochs = 14 args.learning_rate = 1.0 args.gamma = 0.1 args.device = "cuda:0" g.test = Test() with g.test as args: args.model = g.train args.test_dataset = g.dataset[1] args.test_batch_size = 1000 args.device = "cuda:0"
def data(g): """ Graph width dataset loading and split. """ g.dataset = LoadDataset(rflow.FSResource( "dataset/CVPPP2017_LCC_training/training")) g.dataset_split = SplitDataset( rflow.FSResource("dataset/dataset-split.pkl")) with g.dataset_split as args: args.dataset = g.dataset args.train_size = 0.9 args.val_size = 0.05 args.test_size = 0.05 g.train_dataset_view = ViewSegmentationDataset() g.train_dataset_view.args.dataset = g.dataset_split[0] g.test_dataset_view = ViewSegmentationDataset() g.test_dataset_view.args.dataset = g.dataset_split[2]
def test_resource_link(self): with rflow.begin_graph('explict', HERE) as gh: gh.g = GenFile() gh.g.resource = rflow.FSResource(DependencyTest.GENFILE_PATH) gh.g.args.p1 = 4 gh.g.args.p2 = 'Hello' gh.u = ExplictUseFile() gh.u.args.input_resource = gh.g.resource self.assertEqual(['4 - Hello\n'],
def test_task(self): with rflow.begin_graph("task", HERE) as g: t1 = g.t1 = T() t1.args.v1 = 4 t1.args.v2 = 3 t1.args.v3 = 2 # R = 4 * 3 + 2 = 14 t1.resource = rflow.FSResource("T1.pickle") t2 = g.t2 = T() t2.args.v1 = t1 t2.args.v2 = 5 t2.args.v3 = t1 # 14 * 5 + 14 = 84 t2.resource = rflow.FSResource("T2.pickle") c = g.c = C() c.args.v1 = t2 c.args.v2 = t2 self.assertEqual(84,[0]) self.assertEqual(84,[1])
def exp2(g): """ Sample random text counting experiment. Args: g (:obj:`shrkit.workflow.Graph`): Experiment's initialized DAG. """ g.random_text = RandomText(rflow.FSResource('random-text.txt')) with g.random_text as args: args.num_of_words = 50 args.selected_words = [ 'lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipiscing', 'elit', 'vestibulum', 'non', 'feugiat', 'felis' ] g.word_freq = WordFrequency(rflow.FSResource('random-text-freq.txt')) g.word_freq.args.input_resource = g.random_text.resource g.kmost_freq = PrintKMost() with g.kmost_freq as args: args.word_freq = g.word_freq args.K = 10
def test_implicit(self): with rflow.begin_graph('implicit', HERE) as gh: gh.g = GenFile() gh.g.resource = rflow.FSResource(DependencyTest.GENFILE_PATH) gh.g.args.p1 = 5 gh.g.args.p2 = 'bye' gh.u = ImplicitUseFile() gh.u.args.input_filename = DependencyTest.GENFILE_PATH with self.assertRaises(IOError): gh.u.require(gh.g) self.assertEqual(['5 - bye\n'],
def test_template(self): g = rflow.get_graph('test_template') g.template =['HELLO', 'WHAT']) with g.template as args: args.HELLO = "Hello" args.WHAT = "World" args.template_resource = rflow.FSResource(RESOURCES / 'txt1.txt.template') g.template.resource = rflow.FSResource(RESOURCES / 'txt1.txt') self._textfile_equals(RESOURCES / 'txt1.txt', 'Hello this is a World ?') g.template.resource = rflow.FSResource(RESOURCES / 'txt2.txt') self._textfile_equals(RESOURCES / 'txt2.txt', 'Hello this is a World ?') g.template.args.template_resource = rflow.FSResource( RESOURCES / 'txt2.txt.template') self._textfile_equals(RESOURCES / 'txt2.txt', 'World, Hello ?')
def test_non_collateral(self): with rflow.begin_graph("collateral-test", HERE) as g: g.a = A() g.a.resource = rflow.FSResource("collateral-v1.pkl") g.a.args.v1 = 1 g.a.args.v2 = True g.a.args.v2 = False g.a._is_dirty = True g.a.value = rflow.Uninit g.a.args.v1 = 2 g.a._is_dirty = True g.a.value = rflow.Uninit self.assertEqual(1, A.load_count) self.assertEqual(2, A.eval_count)