Beispiel #1
def mkuser(openidstr, fullname, force_id):
    u = usermodel.User()
    u.user_id = force_id
    i = usermodel.Identifier()
    i.identifierstring = openidstr
    i.identifiertype = 'openid'
    i.user_id = u.user_id

Beispiel #2
def test_putuser():

    d = {"user_id": "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920",
         "email": "wibbleemail", 
         "version": "1.0", 
         "fullname": "wibblename"}

    u = usermodel.put_user(d, "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920")
    assert u.fullname == "wibblename"
    db_session.add(u); db_session.commit()    
    u_fromdb = usermodel.get_user("org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920")
    assert u_fromdb.fullname == "wibblename"    
Beispiel #3
def test_putuser():
#    d = {"interests": null, "identifiers": [{"identifierstring": "", "user_id": "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920", "identifiertype": "openid"}], "user_id": "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920", "suffix": null, "firstname": null, "title": null, "middlename": null, "lastname": null, "imageurl": null, "otherlangs": null, "affiliationinstitution_url": null, "email": null, "version": null, "location": null, "recommendations": null, "preferredlang": null, "fullname": "Paul Brian", "homepage": null, "affiliationinstitution": null, "biography": null}

    d = {"user_id": "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920",
         "email": "wibbleemail", 
         "version": "1.0", 
         "fullname": "wibblename"}

    u = usermodel.put_user(d, "org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920")
    assert u.fullname == "wibblename"
    db_session.add(u); db_session.commit()    
    u_fromdb = usermodel.get_user("org.cnx.user-75e06194-baee-4395-8e1a-566b656f6920")
    assert u_fromdb.fullname == "wibblename"    
Beispiel #4
def post_user(jsond):
    """Given a dict representing the complete set
       of fields then create a new user and those fields

    I am getting a dictionary direct form Flask request object - want
    to handle that myself with parser.

    returns User object, for later saveing to DB"""

    u = User()

    #parser = verify_schema_version(None)
    #incomingd = parser(json_str)
    incomingd = json_dict
    u = populate_user(incomingd, u)
    db_session.add(u); db_session.commit()
    return u
Beispiel #5
    return outl

def put_user(jsond, user_id):
    """Given a user_id, and a json_str representing the "Updated" fields
       then update those fields for that user_id """

        uobj =get_user(user_id)
    except Exception, e:
        dolog("INFO", str(e))
        raise Rhaptos2Error("FAiled to get user")

    #.. todo:: parser = verify_schema_version(None)
    updated_obj = populate_user(jsond, uobj)        
    db_session.add(updated_obj); db_session.commit()
    return updated_obj

def populate_user(incomingd, userobj):
    """Given a dict, and a User object, push dict into User object and return it.

    .. todo:: validate and parse dict.


    ### put every key in json into User(), manually handling
    ### Identifier
    for k in incomingd:
        if k in ('user_id'): continue #.. todo:: test for user_id in a POST 
        if k not in (u'identifier', u'identifiers'): ## a poor manual approach...