Beispiel #1
 def _get_plane_aligned_to_surface(_surface):
     """Finds an Aligned Plane for Surface input
     Note, will try and correct to make sure the aligned plane's Y-Axis aligns 
     to the surface and goes 'up' (world Z) if it can.
         _surface: The Rhino surface to align with
         srfcPlane: A single Plane object, aligned to the surface
     # Get the UV info for the surface
     srfcPlane = rs.SurfaceFrame(_surface, [0.5, 0.5])
     centroid = ghc.Area(_surface).centroid
     uVector = srfcPlane.XAxis
     vVector = srfcPlane.YAxis
     # Create a Plane aligned to the UV of the srfc
     lineU = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, uVector, 1)
     lineV = ghc.LineSDL(centroid, vVector, 1)
     srfcPlane = ghc.Line_Line(lineU, lineV)
     # Try and make sure its pointing the right directions
     if abs(round(srfcPlane.XAxis.Z, 2)) != 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(90))
     if round(srfcPlane.YAxis.Z, 2) < 0:
         srfcPlane =  ghc.RotatePlane(srfcPlane, ghc.Radians(180))
     return srfcPlane
Beispiel #2
def getSrfFrame(srf):
    domainU = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 0)
    domainV = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf, 1)
    u = domainU[1] / 2.0
    v = domainV[1] / 2.0
    point = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, u, v)
    param = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
    return rs.SurfaceFrame(srf, param)
Beispiel #3
def extframe(srf):
    crv = rs.DuplicateSurfaceBorder(srf, type=1)
    point = rs.EvaluateCurve(crv, 0)
    parameter = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
    plane = rs.SurfaceFrame(srf, parameter)
    direction = rs.CurveTangent(crv, 0)
    newplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point, direction, plane.ZAxis)
    frame = sweepSec(crv, newplane, vec1)
    if crv: rs.DeleteObjects(crv)
    return frame
Beispiel #4
def set_part_base_plane(part):
    """returns an alinged plane at (U.5,V.5) of a planar surface"""
    x = True
    if x == True:  #rs.IsPlaneSurface(part):
        normalizedParameter = (.5, .5)
        frameParameter = rs.SurfaceParameter(part, normalizedParameter)
        frame = rs.SurfaceFrame(part, frameParameter)
        return frame
        return "object is not a planar surface"
Beispiel #5
def isoframe(srf, uv, spacing, vec):
    points = intervalpts(srf, uv, spacing)
    sweeps = []
    for i in points:
        point = rs.EvaluateSurface(srf, i[0], i[1])
        parameter = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
        plane = rs.SurfaceFrame(srf, parameter)
        crv = rs.ExtractIsoCurve(srf, parameter, flipBool(uv))
        direction = rs.CurveTangent(crv, 0)
        newplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point, direction, plane.ZAxis)
        sweeps.append(sweepSec(crv, newplane, vec))
    return sweeps
Beispiel #6
def SurfaceTensorField(srf_id, Nu, Nv):
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf_id, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(srf_id, 1)

    t = []
    k = []
    for i in range(Nu):
        u = uDomain[0] + (i/Nu)*(uDomain[1]-uDomain[0])
        for j in range(Nv):
            v = vDomain[0]+(j/Nv)*(vDomain[1]-vDomain[0])
            t.append( rs.SurfaceFrame(srf_id, (u,v)) )
            k.append( rs.SurfaceCurvature(srf_id, (u,v))[5] )
    return t,k
Beispiel #7
def extframe(srf, vec):
    frames = []
    crv = rs.DuplicateSurfaceBorder(srf, type=1)

    domain = rs.CurveDomain(crv)
    param = (domain[0] + domain[1]) / 2.0
    rs.CurveSeam(crv, param)

    point = rs.EvaluateCurve(crv, 0)
    parameter = rs.SurfaceClosestPoint(srf, point)
    plane = rs.SurfaceFrame(srf, parameter)
    direction = rs.CurveTangent(crv, 0)
    newplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point, direction, plane.ZAxis)
    frame.append(sweepSec(crv, newplane, vec))
    if crv: rs.DeleteObjects(crv)
    return frames
Beispiel #8
def contour (crvOffset):
    # get geometry
    surfaceId = rs.GetObject("pick surface to contour", 0, True, True)
    startPt = rs.GetPoint("base point of contours")
    endPt = rs.GetPoint("end point of contours")
    count = 0
    reference = []
    target = []

    # make contours & store in newCrvs
    newCrvs = rs.AddSrfContourCrvs(surfaceId, (startPt, endPt), crvOffset) # output is a list of GUIDs. can't access raw points

    # divide the target surface
    printBed = rs.GetObject("pick surface for layout", 8, True, True)
    intCount = len(newCrvs)
    uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 0)
    vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(printBed, 1)
    uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount

    for u in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
        layout = rs.SurfaceFrame(printBed, [u,1])
        target1 = layout[0] # set target to point inside of object - note this is a single point
        target2 = rs.PointAdd(target1,(0,10,0)) # this could be more parametric
        target.extend([target1, target2])
    #print target

    # add text, reference and orient!
    # for orient, we need a list 3 points to reference and 3 points to target!
    # maybe reference should be curve origin crvPl[0] and midpoint? or else polyline verticies -- need to convert curve to polyline first? 
    for crv in newCrvs:
        count += 1 # for label
        crvPl = rs.CurvePlane(crv) # plane for text
        rs.AddText(count, crvPl, 0.25) # should you label on the ground?
        #crvPl = rs.PointAdd(crvPl[0], (0,0,-1)) # if you wanted to offset text
        ref1 = rs.CurveMidPoint(crv) 
        ref2 = crvPl[0]
        reference.extend([ref1, ref2])
Beispiel #9
def WhoFramedTheSurface():
    surface_id = rs.GetObject("Surface to frame", 8, True, True)
    if not surface_id: return

    count = rs.GetInteger("Number of iterations per direction", 20, 2)
    if not count: return

    udomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surface_id, 0)
    vdomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(surface_id, 1)
    ustep = (udomain[1] - udomain[0]) / count
    vstep = (vdomain[1] - vdomain[0]) / count

    u = udomain[0]
    while u <= udomain[1]:
        v = vdomain[0]
        while v <= vdomain[1]:
            pt = rs.EvaluateSurface(surface_id, u, v)
            if rs.Distance(pt, rs.BrepClosestPoint(surface_id, pt)[0]) < 0.1:
                srf_frame = rs.SurfaceFrame(surface_id, [u, v])
                rs.AddPlaneSurface(srf_frame, 1.0, 1.0)
            v += vstep
        u += ustep
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

idSurface = rs.GetObject("Surface to frame", 8, True, True)
faces = []

intCount = rs.GetInteger("Number of iterations per direction", 20, 2)

uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 0)
vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 1)
uStep = int((uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount)
vStep = int((vDomain[1] - vDomain[0]) / intCount)

for u in range(int(uDomain[0]), int(uDomain[1]), int(uStep)):
    for v in range(int(vDomain[0]), int(vDomain[1]), int(vStep)):
        pt = rs.EvaluateSurface(idSurface, u, v)
        srfFrame = rs.SurfaceFrame(idSurface, [u, v])
        rs.AddPlaneSurface(srfFrame, 2.0, 2.0)
        #rs.AddEllipse(srfFrame, 1.0, 3.0)
        component = rs.GetObject("component to populate", rs.filter.mesh)
        faces = rs.MeshFaces(component, False)
        rs.AddMesh(faces, srfFrame)

Beispiel #11
def sweepRail(srf, crv, vec, param, point):
    plane = rs.SurfaceFrame(srf, param)
    direction = rs.CurveTangent(crv, 0)
    newplane = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point, direction, plane.ZAxis)
    # if crv: rs.DeleteObjects(crv)
    return sweepSec(crv, newplane, vec)
Beispiel #12
uDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 0)
vDomain = rs.SurfaceDomain(idSurface, 1)

# get size int from domain & / by intended count = increment between surfaces
uStep = (uDomain[1] - uDomain[0]) / intCount
vStep = (vDomain[1] - vDomain[0]) / intCount

#print uStep
#print vStep


# loop through size of surface by step increment in both u & v directions
for u in rs.frange(uDomain[0], uDomain[1], uStep):
    for v in rs.frange(vDomain[0], vDomain[1], vStep):
        pt = rs.EvaluateSurface(idSurface, u,
                                v)  # get points at each domain step
        if rs.Distance(pt, rs.BrepClosestPoint(idSurface, pt)[0]) < 0.1:
            srfFrame = rs.SurfaceFrame(
                idSurface, [u, v])  # create ref plane at each division point
            newPlane = rs.AddPlaneSurface(
                srfFrame, 1.0, 1.0)  # create surface at each ref plane
            # add height guideline from plane's origin to "ceiling"
            centerPt = rs.SurfaceAreaCentroid(
                newPlane)  # locate center of each new plane
            limit = 10  # set "ceiling"
            endPt = limit - centerPt[0][
                2]  # access z coordinate with the tuple
            rs.AddLine(centerPt[0], rs.PointAdd(centerPt[0], (0, 0, endPt)))

rs.EnableRedraw(True)  # refresh viewport at one time only
Beispiel #13
 def surf_f(u, v):
     plane = rh.SurfaceFrame(id, (u, v))
     if rh.IsPointOnSurface(id, plane.Origin):
         return f(fromPlane(plane))
         return False