Beispiel #1
def segment_image(image,
    if pmask is not None:
        pmask = pmask == pmask.max()

        # find the bounding box, and crop image and pmask
        bbox = _nd.find_objects(pmask)[0]
        img = image[bbox]
        pmask = pmask[bbox]

        img = image
        bbox = map(slice, [0, 0], image.shape)

    if smooth:
        if pmask is None:
            img = _nd.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=smooth)
            smooth_img = _nd.gaussian_filter(img * pmask, sigma=smooth)
            smooth_img /= _np.maximum(
                _nd.gaussian_filter(pmask.astype('f'), sigma=smooth), 2**-10)
            img[pmask] = smooth_img[pmask]

    # background removal
    _print_state(verbose, 'remove background')
    img = _remove_background(img, distance=root_max_radius, smooth=1)
    if pmask is not None:
        img *= _nd.binary_erosion(pmask, iterations=root_max_radius)

    # image binary segmentation
    _print_state(verbose, 'segment binary mask')
    rmask = _segment_root(img)
    rmask = _nd.binary_closing(rmask, structure=_np.ones(
        (3, 3)))  # smooth/close a little
    if pmask is not None:
        rmask[-pmask] = 0
    if min_dimension > 0:
        cluster = _nd.label(rmask)[0]
        cluster = _clean_label(cluster, min_dim=min_dimension)
        rmask = cluster > 0

    # config root mask serialization
    rmask = rmask.view(_Image)
    rmask.set_serializer(pil_format='PNG', ser_dtype='uint8', ser_scale=255)

    return rmask, bbox
Beispiel #2
    def segment_image(filename,
        #mask = _nd.binary_erosion(mask==mask.max(), iterations=
        mask = mask == mask.max()

        # find the bounding box, and crop image and mask
        bbox = _nd.find_objects(mask)[0]
        mask = mask[bbox]
        img = image[bbox]

        if smooth:
            smooth_img = _nd.gaussian_filter(img * mask, sigma=smooth)
            smooth_img /= _np.maximum(
                _nd.gaussian_filter(mask.astype('f'), sigma=smooth), 2**-10)
            img[mask] = smooth_img[mask]

        # background removal
        _print_state(verbose, 'remove background')
        img = _remove_background(img, distance=root_max_radius, smooth=1)
        img *= _nd.binary_erosion(mask, iterations=root_max_radius)

        # image binary segmentation
        _print_state(verbose, 'segment binary mask')
        rmask = _segment_root(img)
        rmask[-mask] = 0
        if min_dimension > 0:
            cluster = _nd.label(rmask)[0]
            cluster = _clean_label(cluster, min_dim=min_dimension)
            rmask = cluster > 0

        # save the mask, and bbox
        from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
        meta = PngInfo()
            repr([(bbox[0].start, bbox[0].stop),
                  (bbox[1].start, bbox[1].stop)]))
        _Image(rmask).save(filename, dtype='uint8', scale=255, pnginfo=meta)

        return rmask, bbox
Beispiel #3
def detect_marked_plate(image,
    mask = image > marker_threshold
    cluster = _clean_label(_nd.label(mask)[0], min_dim=marker_min_size)

    # find plate mask and hull
    pmask, hull = hull_mask(cluster > 0)
    pwidth = pmask.sum(
    )**.5  # estimated plate width in pixels of a square shape
    border = pwidth * border_width
    two = _np.array(2, dtype='uint8')
    pmask = pmask.astype('uint8', copy=False) + two * _nd.binary_erosion(
        mask > 0, iterations=int(border))
    px_scale = plate_size / pwidth

    return pmask, px_scale, hull
Beispiel #4
    def compute_circle(filename, image, circle_number):
        from import detect_circles
        cmask = _nd.binary_opening(image > .45, iterations=5)
        cluster = _nd.label(cmask)[0]
        cluster = _clean_label(cluster, min_dim=30)

        ind, qual, c, dmap = detect_circles(n=circle_number, cluster=cluster)
        radius = qual**.5 / _np.pi

        #cind = _np.zeros(c.max()+1)
        #cind[ind] = _np.arange(1,len(ind)+1)
        #cmask = cind[c]

        from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
        meta = PngInfo()
        meta.add_text('circles', repr(ind.tolist()))
        meta.add_text('radius', repr(radius.tolist()))
        _Image(cluster).save(filename, dtype='uint8', scale=1, pnginfo=meta)
        #_Image(cmask).save(filename, dtype='uint8', scale=1)

        return cluster, ind, radius
Beispiel #5
    def find_plate(filename, image, plate_width):
        from import detect_circles
        mask = image > .6  ## constant
        cluster = _clean_label(_nd.label(mask)[0], min_dim=100)  ## cosntant

        # find plate mask and hull
        pmask, phull = mask_fillhull(cluster > 0)
        pwidth = pmask.sum()**.5  # estimated plate width in pixels
        border = pwidth * .03  ## constant 3% of plate width
        pmask = pmask + 2 * _nd.binary_erosion(pmask > 0,
        px_scale = plate_width / pwidth

        # detect codebar box as the biggest connex cluster
        cbmask = _nd.label(
            _nd.binary_closing((cluster > 0) & (pmask == 3), iterations=5))[0]
        obj = _nd.find_objects(cbmask)
        cbbox = _np.argmax([max([o.stop - o.start for o in ob])
                            for ob in obj]) + 1

        # find codebar mask and hull
        cbmask, cbhull = mask_fillhull(cbmask == cbbox)

        # stack masks such that
        #   pixels to process = 3,
        #   codebar pixels = 2
        #   plate border = 1
        ##mask = pmask + 1*cbmask + 1*_nd.binary_erosion(pmask, iterations=int(border))
        pmask[cbmask > 0] = 2

        # save plate mask
        from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
        meta = PngInfo()
        meta.add_text('px_scale', repr(px_scale))
        _Image(pmask).save(filename, dtype='uint8', scale=85,
                           pnginfo=meta)  # 85 = 255/pmask.max()

        return pmask, px_scale
Beispiel #6
def segment_root_in_petri_frame(image, plate_border=0.06, plate_width=1, min_dimension=5, filtering=1, is_segmented=False):
    Segment root image and detect a petri plate
    Once segmented (using segment_root_image), the petri plate is detected as 
    the biggest contiguous area and a linear homogeneous transformation is 
    fitted (homography).
        image:         an image of root system in a petri plate
        plate_border:  the size of the plate border (overlap of the top part on 
                       the bottom), it should be given as a percentage of the 
                       plate width
        plate_width:   the plate size in your unit of choice (see output) 
        min_dimension: remove pixel area that have less that this number of 
                       pixels in width or height.
        is_segmented:  if True, the input image is already segmented.
      - The segmented (labeled) root mask cropped around the petri plate.
        The petri plate are removed
      - The 3x3 transformation matrix that represents the mapping of image 
        coordinates into the plate frame with origin at the top-left corner, 
        y-axis pointing downward, and of size given by plate_width
      - The bounding box of the detected plate w.r.t the original mask shape
        given as a tuple pair of slices (the cropping used)
    ##todo: to be moved to root.image.plate (which could be renamed to petri or petri_plate)
    from .plate import find_plate
    if is_segmented: mask = image
    else:            mask = segment_root_image(image)
    # cluster mask & remove border 
    cluster = _nd.label(mask, structure=_np.ones((3,3)))[0]
    cluster[:,0] = 0; cluster[:,-1] = 0
    cluster[0,:] = 0; cluster[-1,:] = 0

    # find objects
    obj   = _nd.find_objects(cluster)
    obj   = [o if o is not None else (slice(0,0),)*2 for o in obj]
    osize = _np.array([(o[0].stop-o[0].start)*(o[1].stop-o[1].start) for o in obj])
    # slightly more robust than argmax only (?)
    pid   = (osize>0.9*osize.max()).nonzero()[0]+1  
    ##old: pid   = _np.argmax([(o[0].stop-o[0].start)*(o[1].stop-o[1].start) for o in obj])+1
    # get slice of plate object, and dilate it by 1 pixels
    #   > always possible because cluster border have been set to zero
    ##old: plate_box = [slice(o.start-1,o.stop+1) for o in obj[pid-1]]
    obj_plate = [obj[i] for i in pid-1]  
    min0 = min([o[0].start-1 for o in obj_plate])
    max0 = max([o[0].stop +1 for o in obj_plate])
    min1 = min([o[1].start-1 for o in obj_plate])
    max1 = max([o[1].stop +1 for o in obj_plate])
    plate_box = [slice(min0,max0),slice(min1,max1)]
    cluster   = cluster[plate_box]
    plate = reduce(_np.add,[cluster==id for id in pid])
    # quicker and more robust than fill_holes
    #   => only works because plate has a convex shape
    ##old: plate = _nd.binary_fill_holes(plate)
    def cs(x,axis,reverse):
        if reverse: sl = [slice(None)]*axis + [slice(None,None,-1)]
        else:       sl = slice(None)
        return _np.cumsum(x[sl],axis=axis,dtype=bool)[sl]
    plate = cs(plate,1,1)&cs(plate,1,0)&cs(plate,0,1)&cs(plate,0,0)
    # remove cluster not *inside* the plate 
    d2out    = _nd.distance_transform_edt(plate)
    border   = plate_border*2*d2out.max() # d2out.max: plate radius
    in_plate = d2out >= border
    cluster  = cluster*in_plate
    # remove not big enough clusters
    cluster  = _clean_label(cluster,min_dim=min_dimension)
    if filtering>0:
        mask = _nd.binary_dilation(cluster>0,iterations=filtering)
        mask = _nd.binary_closing(mask,structure=_np.ones((3,3)),iterations=filtering)
        mask = cluster>0
    plate = find_plate(plate.astype('f'),border=border, plate_width=plate_width)

    return mask, plate, plate_box
Beispiel #7
def segment_root_in_circle_frame(image, n=4, pixel_size=1, min_dimension=5, is_segmented=False):
    Segment root image and detect a petri plate
    Once segmented (using segment_root_image), the reference frame is detected 
    as made of circular shapes.
      - image:         an image of root system in a petri plate
      - n:             the number of circles to be found
      - pixel_size:    size of a pixel in the unit of your choice
                         e.g. 1/(25.4*scaned-dpi) for millimeter unit
      - min_dimension: remove pixel area that have less that this number of 
                       pixels in width or height.
      - is_segmented:  if True, the input image is already segmented.
      - The segmented (labeled) root mask cropped around the circle frame.
        The frame are removed.
      - The 3x3 transformation matrix that represents the mapping of image 
        coordinates into the detected frame: the origin is the top-left circle, 
        x-axis pointing toward the top-right circle, and the size (scale) is 
        computed based on the given 'pixel_size'. 
      - The bounding box containing all detected circles w.r.t the original mask 
        shape. Given as a tuple pair of slices (the cropping used)
        *** If n<=2, do not crop images ***
    ##Warning: currently it only crop vertically
    if is_segmented: mask = image
    else:            mask = segment_root_image(image)
    d = _nd.distance_transform_edt(mask)
    cluster = _nd.label(d>0)[0]
    # remove not big enough clusters
    cluster[:,0] = 0; cluster[:,-1] = 0   # just in case, 
    cluster[0,:] = 0; cluster[-1,:] = 0   # remove border
    if min_dimension>=0:
        cluster  = _clean_label(cluster,min_dim=min_dimension)

    # detect frame circles
    area1 = _np.pi*_nd.maximum(d,cluster,index=_np.arange(cluster.max()+1))**2
    area2 = _label_size(cluster)
    fitv  = 2*area1 - area2 # area1 - abs(area1 - area2) ##?
    fitv[0] = 0
    index = _np.argsort(fitv)[-n:]
    if _np.sum(fitv[index]>0)<n:
        index = index[fitv[index]>0]
        print '  Warning, only %d reference circles detected, instead of %d' % (index.size,n)
    # find circles position and bbox in image
    obj = _np.asarray(_nd.find_objects(cluster))[index-1,:] 
    start = _np.vectorize(lambda o: o.start)(obj).min(axis=0)
    stop  = _np.vectorize(lambda o: o.stop )(obj).max(axis=0)
    pos   = _np.asarray(_nd.center_of_mass(_virtual_arr(shape=cluster.shape), labels=cluster, index=index))
    # remove circle mask from cluster
    for o,i in enumerate(index):
        subm = cluster[obj[o][0], obj[o][1]]
        subm[subm==i] = 0
    # crop cluster map, if possible
    if index.size>2:
        circle_box = map(slice,start,stop)
        circle_box[1] = slice(0,cluster.shape[1]) ## only crop vertically
        cluster    = cluster[circle_box]
        # detect x-coordinates: top circles are on the x-axis
        order = _np.argsort(pos[:,0])
        pos   = pos[order][:2]           # keep the top two circles
        order = _np.argsort(pos[:,1])
        y,x   = pos[order].T             # sort by x-coordinates
        angle = _np.arctan2(y[1]-y[0], x[1]-x[0]) # angle to horizontal
        # create affine transorm  - coord as in [y,x,1] order !!
        sa = _np.sin(angle)
        ca = _np.cos(angle)
        R  = _np.array([[ca,-sa, 0],[sa, ca, 0],[0,0,1]])
        T  = _np.array([[1,0,-y[0]],[0,1,-x[0]],[0,0,1]])
        T  =,T)*pixel_size
        T[-1,-1] = 1
        T = _np.eye(3)
        circle_box = map(slice,cluster.shape)

    return cluster, T, circle_box
Beispiel #8
def linear_label(mask, seed_map=None, compute_segment_map=True):
    Partition mask as a set of linear segments
            a binary map of linear structure such as it is return by 
            segment_root_* functions
            optional map of seed map - an integer area of contiguous labels. 
            Seed area are removed from output maps, but additional nodes are 
            added at cossing of skeleton and seed area. Also fill 'seed' output.
            If True, the returned segment_map is the input mask labeled with the
            computed segment_skeleton id.
        segment_skl:  (*)
            The map of segments pixels of the skeleton
        node_map:     (*)
            The map of nodes    pixels of the skeleton
        segment_map:  (*) 
            The label map of all linear segment - cluster divided in segments
            None if seed_map is None
            Otherwise return a dictionary which contains the following items: 
              'position': the y-x coordinates of the seed center
              'nodes':    the list of nodes id (in node_map) at the seed area
                          border (in no particular order)
              'sid':      the seed id of all these nodes
    (*) the labels are contiguous integer starting at 1 (background is 0)
    *** Require scikits.image ***
    # compute labeled skeleton
    segment_skl, node_map = _skeleton_label(mask,
    # don't use file_node=True:
    #   it created segments pixels in the middle of "long" node because it
    #   touched a segments. however the segments then touches the 2 (splitted)
    #   nodes on one side...

    ##tmp_node_map = node_map.copy()
    ##tmp_segment_skl = segment_skl.copy()
    if seed_map is not None:
        # remove segment and node from seed area
        seed_mask = seed_map > 0
        segment_skl[seed_mask] = 0
        node_map[seed_mask] = 0
        # make it contiguous labels
        tmp = segment_skl > 0
        segment_skl[tmp] = _clean_label(segment_skl[tmp])
        ##tmp = node_map>0
        ##node_map[tmp]    = _clean_label(node_map[tmp])

        # find connections with seed area
        #   and add them to node
        dil_smap = _nd.grey_dilation(seed_map, size=(3, 3))
        contact = (dil_smap > 0) & ((segment_skl | node_map) > 0)
        node_map = _nd.label((node_map > 0) | contact)[0]

        # identify node connection
        ny, nx = ((dil_smap > 0) & (node_map > 0)).nonzero()
        # keep a unique (arbitrary) px per node
        s_nid = dict(zip(node_map[ny, nx], dil_smap[ny, nx]))
        n_sid = s_nid.values()
        s_nid = s_nid.keys()

        ##    # 1. seed pixel touching seed area
        ##    #    replace segment px touching seed area by new nodes
        ##dil_smap = _nd.grey_dilation(seed_map,size=(3,3))
        ##ny,nx = ((dil_smap>0)&(segment_skl>0)).nonzero()
        ##s_nid = node_map.max() + _np.arange(1,ny.size+1)    # id of seed *nodes*
        ##n_sid = dil_smap[ny,nx]                             # id of *seed* node
        ##node_map[ny,nx] = s_nid
        ##segment_skl[ny,nx] = 0
        ##    ## new node don't touch existing nodes?
        ##    ##   two connected nodes is not a problem (...?)
        ##    ## any other unexpected error ?
        ##    # 2. node touching seed area
        ##ny,nx  = ((dil_smap>0)&(node_map>0)).nonzero()
        ##    # keep a unique (arbitrary) px per node
        ##s_nid2 = dict(zip(node_map[ny,nx],dil_smap[ny,nx]))
        ##n_sid2 = s_nid2.values()
        ##s_nid2 = s_nid2.keys()
        ##print s_nid2, len(s_nid2)
        ##print n_sid2, len(n_sid2)
        ##s_nid  = _np.hstack((s_nid, s_nid2))
        ##n_sid  = _np.hstack((n_sid, n_sid2))

        # create output seed structure
        seed = dict()
        # compute seed  positions
        obj = _nd.find_objects(seed_map)
        spos = _np.array([[(sl.stop + sl.start) / 2. for sl in o]
                          for o in obj])
        seed['position'] = spos
        seed['nodes'] = _np.array(s_nid)
        seed['sid'] = _np.array(n_sid)

        if compute_segment_map:
            mask = mask - seed_mask
        seed = None

    if compute_segment_map:
        # compute segment map by dilation of segment_skeleton into mask
        segment_map = _nd.distance_transform_edt(segment_skl == 0,
        segment_map = segment_skl[tuple(segment_map)] * (mask)
        segment_map = None

    return segment_skl, node_map, segment_map, seed
Beispiel #9
def detect_circles(n,
    Find 'n' circles in mask (or cluster)
    For all connected components of mask (or cluster), this function compute a 
    "quality" coefficient as the area of the biggest inscribed circles minus 
    the area of the cluster out of that circle. 
    It then returns the indices of the n clusters with highest coefficient 
    The quality coefficient can be seen as the size of the circles, minus the 
    error to being a circle. The min_quality parameter would mean the minimum 
    radius of detected circles, subestimated by accepted error area.
            Number of circles to be found
            Binary array to find the circles in (not used if cluster is given)
            (optional) Label map of mask. If given, mask is  not used. Otherwise 
            it is computed from mask            
            (optional) Distance map of mask
            Does not process clusters that don't have at least one dimension
            bigger than 'min_dimension'
            If not None, filter out cluster with quality less than this.
            If less than n cluster respect that rule, and n>0, print a warning.
        - indices of the 'n' detected "best" circles in clsuter map
        - estimated "quality" of the circles
        - cluster map  (updated in-place if given)
        - distance map (same as input if given)
    if cluster is None:
        if mask is None:
            raise TypeError('either mask of cluster should be given')
        cluster = _nd.label(mask)[0]

    # remove not big enough clusters
    cluster[:, 0] = 0
    cluster[:, -1] = 0  # remove borders
    cluster[0, :] = 0
    cluster[-1, :] = 0  # --------------
    if min_dimension >= 0:
        cluster[:] = _clean_label(cluster, min_dim=min_dimension)

    if dmap is None:
        dmap = _nd.distance_transform_edt(cluster > 0)

    # detect frame circles
    area1 = _np.pi * _nd.maximum(
        dmap, cluster, index=_np.arange(cluster.max() + 1))**2
    area2 = _label_size(cluster)
    fitv = 2 * area1 - area2  # area1 - abs(area1 - area2) ##?
    fitv[0] = 0
    index = _np.argsort(fitv)[-n:][::-1]

    if min_quality is not None:
        index = index[fitv[index] > min_quality]
        if n > 0 and index.size < n:
            print '  Warning, only %d circles detected, instead of %d' % (
                index.size, n)

    return index, fitv[index], cluster, dmap