Beispiel #1
    def post(self):
        # logger = logging.getLogger("UbertoolUseConfigurationPage")
        form = cgi.FieldStorage() 
        # config_name = str(form.getvalue('config_name'))

        # user = users.get_current_user()
        # if user:
        #     rice.user = user
        # rice.config_name = config_name

        chemical_name = form.getvalue('chemical_name')
        mai = form.getvalue('mai')
        dsed = form.getvalue('dsed')
        a = form.getvalue('area')
        pb = form.getvalue('pb')
        dw = form.getvalue('dw')
        osed = form.getvalue('osed')
        kd = form.getvalue('Kd')
        rice_obj = rice_model.rice(True,True,chemical_name, mai, dsed, a, pb, dw, osed, kd)

        # rice.put()
        # q = db.Query(rice_model.Rice)
        # q.filter("user ="******"config_name =", config_name)
        # for new_use in q:

        text_file = open('rice/rice_description.txt','r')
        x =
        templatepath = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../templates/'
        ChkCookie = self.request.cookies.get("ubercookie")
        html = uber_lib.SkinChk(ChkCookie, "Rice Output")
        html = html + template.render(templatepath + '02uberintroblock_wmodellinks.html', {'model':'rice','page':'output'})
        html = html + template.render (templatepath + '03ubertext_links_left.html', {})                
        html = html + template.render(templatepath + '04uberoutput_start.html',{
                'model_attributes':'Rice Model Output'})
        html = html + rice_tables.timestamp()
        html = html + rice_tables.table_all(rice_obj)
        html = html + template.render(templatepath + 'export.html', {})
        html = html + template.render(templatepath + '04uberoutput_end.html', {})
        html = html + template.render(templatepath + '06uberfooter.html', {'links': ''})
Beispiel #2
 def post(self):
     form = cgi.FieldStorage() 
     thefile = form['file-0']
     templatepath = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../templates/'
     ChkCookie = self.request.cookies.get("ubercookie")
     # html = uber_lib.SkinChk(ChkCookie)
     # html = html + template.render(templatepath + '02uberintroblock_wmodellinks.html', {'model':'rice','page':'batchinput'})
     # html = html + template.render (templatepath + '03ubertext_links_left.html', {})                
     html = template.render(templatepath + '04uberbatch_start.html', {
             'model_attributes':'Rice Model Batch Output'})
     html = html + rice_tables.timestamp()
     html = html + iter_html
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + 'rice-batchoutput-jqplot.html', {})
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + 'export.html', {})            
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + '04uberoutput_end.html', {'sub_title': ''})
     # html = html + template.render(templatepath + '06uberfooter.html', {'links': ''})
Beispiel #3
 def get(self):
     templatepath = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../templates/'
     ChkCookie = self.request.cookies.get("ubercookie")
     html = uber_lib.SkinChk(ChkCookie, "Rice QA/QC")
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + '02uberintroblock_wmodellinks.html', {'model':'rice','page':'qaqc'})
     html = html + template.render (templatepath + '03ubertext_links_left.html', {})                
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + '04uberoutput_start.html', {
             'model_attributes':'Rice Model QAQC'})
     html = html + rice_tables.timestamp()
     html = html + rice_tables.table_all_qaqc(rice_obj)
     # html = html + """
     # <table border="1">
     # <tr><H3>Model Validation Inputs</H3></tr><br>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Input Name</td>
     # <td>Test value1</td>
     # <td>Test value2</td>
     # <td>Unit</td>
     # </tr>      
     # <tr>
     # <td>Mass of Applied Ingredient Applied to Paddy</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>kg</td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Sediment Depth</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>m</td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Area of the Rice Paddy</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>m<sup>2</sup></td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Bulk Density of Sediment</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>kg/m<sup>3</sup></td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Water Column Depth</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>m</td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Porosity of Sediment</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>-</td>
     # </tr>
     # <tr>
     # <td>Water-Sediment Partitioning Coefficient</td>
     # <td>%s</td>
     # <td>%s</td>        
     # <td>L/kg</td>
     # </table>
     # """  % (mai[0], mai[1], dsed[0], dsed[1], a[0], a[1], 
     #        pb[0], pb[1], dw[0], dw[1], osed[0], osed[1], kd[0], kd[1])      
     # html = html + """
     # <table width="500" border="1">
     #     <br>
     #     <tr><H3>Model Validation Outputs<H3></tr><br>
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Model Name</td>
     #         <td>Simulated value</td>
     #         <td>Expected value</td>
     #         <td>Test output</td>       
     #     </tr>
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Msed</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Msed</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>   
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Vw</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>        
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Vw</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>         
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Mai1</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>         
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Mai1</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>         
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Cw</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>         
     #     <tr>
     #         <td>Cw</td>
     #         <td>%s</td>        
     #         <td>%s</td>
     #         <td><div style="word-wrap: break-word; width:40em">%s</div></td> 
     #     </tr>         
     # </table>
     # """ % (out_fun_Msed[0],msed_out[0],test_suite_msed_1,
     #        out_fun_Msed[1],msed_out[1],test_suite_msed_2,
     #        out_fun_Vw[0],vw_out[0],test_suite_vw_1,
     #        out_fun_Vw[1],vw_out[1],test_suite_vw_2,
     #        out_fun_Mai1[0],mai1_out[0],test_suite_mai1_1,
     #        out_fun_Mai1[1],mai1_out[1],test_suite_mai1_2,
     #        out_fun_Cw[0],cw_out[0],test_suite_cw_1,
     #        out_fun_Cw[1],cw_out[1],test_suite_cw_2)
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + 'export.html', {})
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + '04uberoutput_end.html', {'sub_title': ''})
     html = html + template.render(templatepath + '06uberfooter.html', {'links': ''})