Beispiel #1
def do_analysis():
    # get a meeting
    riffdata = Riffdata()
    test_meetings = ['plg-147-l2t0dt-1', 'plg-206-uzw00g-3']
    meeting = riffdata.get_meeting(test_meetings[0])

    participant_uts = meeting['participant_uts']

    verts, colors = get_utterances_as_polycollection(participant_uts)
    bars = PolyCollection(verts, facecolors=colors)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    loc = mdates.MinuteLocator(byminute=[0, 15, 30, 45])

    ax.set_yticks([*range(1, len(participant_uts) + 1)])

    fig.savefig('meeting_timeline.png', dpi=288)
def do_analysis(meeting_date_range=(None, None), room_detail: str = 'count'):
    riffdata = Riffdata()

    # display strings for the start and end of the date range
    from_constraint = ''
    to_constraint = ''
    # constraints for the query to implement the date range
    startTimeConstraints = {}
    if meeting_date_range[0] is not None:
        startTimeConstraints['$gte'] = meeting_date_range[0]
        from_constraint = f'from {meeting_date_range[0]:%b %d %Y}'
    if meeting_date_range[1] is not None:
        startTimeConstraints['$lt'] = meeting_date_range[1]
        to_constraint = f'through {meeting_date_range[1]:%b %d %Y}'

    qry = None
    if len(startTimeConstraints) > 0:
        qry = {'startTime': startTimeConstraints}

    meetings = riffdata.get_meetings(qry)

    if len(meetings) == 0:
        print('There were no meetings found')

    first_meeting_start = min(meetings, key=lambda m: m['startTime'])['startTime']
    last_meeting_start = max(meetings, key=lambda m: m['startTime'])['startTime']
    print(f'There were {len(meetings)} meetings {from_constraint} {to_constraint}\n'
          f'  first meeting on: {first_meeting_start:%b %d %Y}\n'
          f'  last meeting on:  {last_meeting_start:%b %d %Y}\n')

    init_partcnt_cnt: MutableMapping[int, int] = {}  # this exists solely to define the type for reduce below
    meetings_w_num_participants = reduce(inc_cnt, [len(meeting['participants'])
                                                   for meeting in meetings], init_partcnt_cnt)
    print('Number of meetings grouped by number of participants:')

    # filter the meetings list to exclude meetings w/ only 1 participant
    meetings = [meeting for meeting in meetings if len(meeting['participants']) > 1]

    if len(meetings) == 0:
        print('There were no meetings with more than 1 participant')
        print(f'Number of meetings with more than 1 participant was {len(meetings)}')

    meeting_duration_distribution = [
        [5, 0],
        [10, 0],
        [20, 0],
        [40, 0],
        [60, 0],
        [120, 0],
        [180, 0],
        [720, 0],

    meeting_durations = [meeting['meetingLengthMin'] for meeting in meetings]
    reduce(inc_bucket, meeting_durations, meeting_duration_distribution)
    print(f'The {len(meetings)} meetings grouped by meeting length in minutes:')
    # pprint.pprint(meeting_duration_distribution)

    longest_meeting = max(meetings, key=lambda m: m['meetingLengthMin'])
    print('The longest meeting was:')

    avg_meeting_duration = sum(meeting_durations) / len(meeting_durations)
    print(f'Average length of a meeting was {avg_meeting_duration:.1f} minutes\n')

    # find the set of unique participants in these meetings
    all_meeting_participants: Set[str] = set().union(*[meeting['participants'] for meeting in meetings])
    print(f'Total number of participants in these meetings was {len(all_meeting_participants)}\n')

    # print the requested room details
    print_room_details(meetings, RoomDetailLevel(room_detail))
def print_room_details(meetings, detail_level: RoomDetailLevel = RoomDetailLevel.COUNT) -> None:
    Print the room details for the rooms used by the given meetings


    - NONE: no room details are printed
    - COUNT: every room name is listed with the number of times that room was used for a meeting
    - SUMMARY: every room name is listed with a summary of the usage of that room including
        - number of times the room was used
        - shortest and longest meeting times in the room
        - fewest and most participants in the room
    - SUMMARY_ATTENDEES: SUMMARY information and a list of all participants with a count of the
      number of meetings in the room that participant attended
    - ALL_MEETINGS: every room name is listed followed by complete details of each meeting that
      took place in the room
    if detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.NONE:
        # print nothing

    # reorganize the meetings by room
    # dict of room name to room dict containing summary values and list of meetings
    rooms: MutableMapping[str, MutableMapping[str, Any]] = {}
    for meeting in meetings:
        room_name = meeting['room']
        if room_name in rooms:
            rooms[room_name] = {'meetings': [meeting]}

    # all detail levels except none show how many rooms were used by the meetings
    print(f'{len(rooms)} rooms used')

    if detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.COUNT:
        # print each room and a count of how many times it was used
        print('Count of the number of times a meeting room was used:')
        for room_name, room in rooms.items():
            print(f'{room_name}: {len(room["meetings"])}')

    if detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.ALL_MEETINGS:
        # print each room and a count of how many times it was used
        for room_name, room in rooms.items():
            print(f'{room_name}: {len(room["meetings"])}')
            for meeting in room['meetings']:

    # compute room summary details
    for room in rooms.values():

    if detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.SUMMARY or detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.SUMMARY_ATTENDEES:
        # print summary information about the meetings in each room
        for room_name, room in rooms.items():
            # shorter var names for summary info (I think we can do even better)
            shortest_meeting = room['summary']['shortest_meeting']
            longest_meeting = room['summary']['longest_meeting']
            avg_meeting = room['summary']['avg_meeting']
            fewest_participants = room['summary']['fewest_participants']
            most_participants = room['summary']['most_participants']
            room_participants = room['summary']['room_participants']

            print(f'{room_name}: {len(room["meetings"])} meetings')

            if fewest_participants == most_participants:
                print(f'\tattended by {fewest_participants} participants')
                print(f'\tattended by {fewest_participants} - {most_participants} participants')

            if shortest_meeting == longest_meeting:
                print(f'\tlasting {shortest_meeting:.1f} minutes')
                print(f'\tlasting from {shortest_meeting:.1f} to {longest_meeting:.1f} minutes'
                      f' (avg: {avg_meeting:.1f})')

            if detail_level is RoomDetailLevel.SUMMARY_ATTENDEES:
                print('\troom participants (# of meetings)')
                for p, cnt in room_participants.items():
                    print(f'\t\t{p} ({cnt})')
