Beispiel #1
def get_rendered_ownership_form(request):
    """Returns the rendered ownership form for the item in the current
    request. If the item is not an instance of Owned, than an empty
    string is returned.

    Changing the owner of the item will only be available for users with
    a administrative role and update permissions on the current item.
    Changing the group is restricted to the groups the user is member if
    the user has not an administrative role.

    def _has_administrational_role(modul, user):
        for action in modul.actions:
            if == "Update":
                for role in action.roles:
                    if role.admin and has_role(user,
                        return True
        return False

    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    form = get_ownership_form(request)
    modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
    usergroup_modul = get_item_modul(request, Usergroup)
    _groups = [unicode( for g in request.user.groups]
    _admin = (_has_administrational_role(modul, request.user)
              or has_role(request.user, "admin")
              or _has_administrational_role(usergroup_modul, request.user))
    values = {"_admin": _admin,
              "_groups": _groups}
    if isinstance(item, Owned):
        return form.render(values=values)
        return ""
Beispiel #2
def get_rendered_ownership_form(request):
    """Returns the rendered ownership form for the item in the current
    request. If the item is not an instance of Owned, than an empty
    string is returned.

    Changing the owner of the item will only be available for users with
    a administrative role and update permissions on the current item.
    Changing the group is restricted to the groups the user is member if
    the user has not an administrative role.
    def _has_administrational_role(modul, user):
        for action in modul.actions:
            if == "Update":
                for role in action.roles:
                    if role.admin and has_role(user,
                        return True
        return False

    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    form = get_ownership_form(request)
    modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
    usergroup_modul = get_item_modul(request, Usergroup)
    _groups = [unicode( for g in request.user.groups]
    _admin = (_has_administrational_role(modul, request.user)
              or has_role(request.user, "admin")
              or _has_administrational_role(usergroup_modul, request.user))
    values = {"_admin": _admin, "_groups": _groups}
    if isinstance(item, Owned):
        return form.render(values=values)
        return ""
Beispiel #3
    def create(self, user, values):
        """Will create a new instance of clazz. The instance is it is
        not saved persistent at this moment. The method will also take
        care of setting the correct ownership.

        :user: User instance will own the new created item
        :values: Dictionary with values for the new item
        :returns: Instance of clazz

        if not isinstance(values, dict):
            raise ValueError("Values must be a dictionary")
        item = self._clazz()
        # Try to set the ownership of the entry if the item provides the
        # fields.
        if (hasattr(item, 'uid') and user is not None):
            item.uid =
        if (hasattr(item, 'gid')):
            modul = get_item_modul(None, item)
            if modul.default_gid:
                item.gid = modul.default_gid
            elif (user is not None and user.default_gid):
                item.gid = user.default_gid
        if values:
            if hasattr(self, "_use_strict"):
                item.set_values(values, use_strict=self._use_strict)
        return item
Beispiel #4
def has_permission(permission, context, request):
    """Wrapper for pyramid's buitin has_permission function.  This
    wrapper sets dynamically the __acl__ attribute of the given context
    and then  .  check if the user has the given permission in the
    current context using pyramid's has_permission function.

    Context can be:
    * Instance of BaseItem
    * Subclass of BaseItem
    * Ressource, built from a RessourceFactory

    If context is an instance or subclass of BaseItem the wrapper will
    dynamically set the __acl__ attribute. This attribute is used by the
    pyramid's has_permission function the check the permission. If the
    context is a resource the function does nothing as the resource
    already has the __acl__ attribute set.

    If the user has the permission the it returns True, else False
    (Actually it returns a boolean like object, see pyramids
    has_permission doc for more details.)

    :permission: String. Name of the permission. E.g list, create, read
    :context: Either Resource, Instance of BaseItem or Subclass of BaseItem
    :request: current request
    :returns: True or False (Boolean like object)

    if isinstance(context, BaseItem) or hasattr(context, "_modul_id"):
        modul = get_item_modul(request, context)
        context.__acl__ = context._get_permissions(modul, context, request)
    # Call of has_permission will trigger 4 additional SQL-Queries. The
    # query will only be trigger once per request.
    return has_permission_(permission, context, request)
Beispiel #5
def get_blobform_config(request, item, formname):
    """Helper function used in the create_ method to setup the create
    forms for blogform items. To create a new blogform item the
    creation is done in three steps:

    1. Stage 1: The user selects a form from a list
    2. Stage 2: The create dialog is rendered with the selected form
    3. Stage 3: The item is validated and saved.

    :request: current request
    :item: item to build the form
    :formname: name of the form in the formconfig
    :returns: formconfig, item used to build a form.

    # First check if the fid parameter is provided
    fid = request.params.get('fid') or item.fid
    blobform = request.params.get('blobforms')
    if fid:
        log.debug("Stage 3: User has submitted data to create a new item")
        setattr(item, 'fid', fid)
        formfactory = BlobformForm.get_item_factory()
        formconfig = Config(parse(formfactory.load(fid).definition))
        return item, formconfig.get_form(formname)
    elif blobform:
        log.debug("Stage 2: User has selected a blobform %s " % blobform)
        setattr(item, 'fid', blobform)
        formfactory = BlobformForm.get_item_factory()
        formconfig = Config(parse(formfactory.load(blobform).definition))
        return item, formconfig.get_form(formname)
        log.debug("Stage 1: User is selecting a blobform")
        modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
        formconfig = get_form_config(modul, "blobform")
        return modul, formconfig
Beispiel #6
def get_blobform_config(request, item, formname):
    """Helper function used in the create_ method to setup the create
    forms for blogform items. To create a new blogform item the
    creation is done in three steps:

    1. Stage 1: The user selects a form from a list
    2. Stage 2: The create dialog is rendered with the selected form
    3. Stage 3: The item is validated and saved.

    :request: current request
    :item: item to build the form
    :formname: name of the form in the formconfig
    :returns: formconfig, item used to build a form.

    # First check if the fid parameter is provided
    fid = request.params.get('fid') or item.fid
    blobform = request.params.get('blobforms')
    if fid:
        log.debug("Stage 3: User has submitted data to create a new item")
        setattr(item, 'fid', fid)
        formfactory = BlobformForm.get_item_factory()
        formconfig = Config(parse(formfactory.load(fid).definition))
        return item, formconfig.get_form(formname)
    elif blobform:
        log.debug("Stage 2: User has selected a blobform %s " % blobform)
        setattr(item, 'fid', blobform)
        formfactory = BlobformForm.get_item_factory()
        formconfig = Config(parse(formfactory.load(blobform).definition))
        return item, formconfig.get_form(formname)
        log.debug("Stage 1: User is selecting a blobform")
        modul = get_item_modul(request, item)
        formconfig = get_form_config(modul, "blobform")
        return modul, formconfig
Beispiel #7
def has_permission(permission, context, request):
    """Wrapper for pyramid's buitin has_permission function.  This
    wrapper sets dynamically the __acl__ attribute of the given context
    and then  .  check if the user has the given permission in the
    current context using pyramid's has_permission function.

    Context can be:
    * Instance of BaseItem
    * Subclass of BaseItem
    * Ressource, built from a RessourceFactory

    If context is an instance or subclass of BaseItem the wrapper will
    dynamically set the __acl__ attribute. This attribute is used by the
    pyramid's has_permission function the check the permission. If the
    context is a resource the function does nothing as the resource
    already has the __acl__ attribute set.

    If the user has the permission the it returns True, else False
    (Actually it returns a boolean like object, see pyramids
    has_permission doc for more details.)

    :permission: String. Name of the permission. E.g list, create, read
    :context: Either Resource, Instance of BaseItem or Subclass of BaseItem
    :request: current request
    :returns: True or False (Boolean like object)

    if isinstance(context, BaseItem) or hasattr(context, "_modul_id"):
        modul = get_item_modul(request, context)
        context.__acl__ = context._get_permissions(modul, context, request)
    # Call of has_permission will trigger 4 additional SQL-Queries. The
    # query will only be trigger once per request.
    return has_permission_(permission, context, request)
Beispiel #8
    def create(self, user, values):
        """Will create a new instance of clazz. The instance is it is
        not saved persistent at this moment. The method will also take
        care of setting the correct ownership.

        :user: User instance will own the new created item
        :values: Dictionary with values for the new item
        :returns: Instance of clazz

        if not isinstance(values, dict):
            raise ValueError("Values must be a dictionary")
        item = self._clazz()
        # Try to set the ownership of the entry if the item provides the
        # fields.
        if (hasattr(item, 'uid')
           and user is not None):
            item.uid =
        if (hasattr(item, 'gid')):
            modul = get_item_modul(None, item)
            if modul.default_gid:
                item.gid = modul.default_gid
            elif (user is not None and user.default_gid):
                item.gid = user.default_gid
        if values:
            if hasattr(self, "_use_strict"):
                item.set_values(values, use_strict=self._use_strict)
        return item
Beispiel #9
 def render(self):
     modul = get_item_modul(self._request, self._item)
     template_modul = get_item_modul(self._request, Printtemplate)
     values = {}
     values['request'] = self._request
     values['body'] = self._render_body()
     values['modul'] = modul.get_label(plural=True)
     values['header'] = template_modul.get_label(plural=True)
     values['action'] = self._action.capitalize()
     values['ok_text'] = template_modul.get_label(plural=False)
     values['ok_url'] = self._request.current_route_path()
     values['_'] = self._request.translate
     values['cancel_url'] = self._request.ringo.history.last(
     ) or self._request.url.replace("print", "read")
     values['eval_url'] = self.form._eval_url
     values['h'] = ringo.lib.helpers
     return literal(self.template.render(**values))
Beispiel #10
def _handle_delete_request(request, items, callback):
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    _ = request.translate
    if request.method == 'POST' and is_confirmed(request):
        item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label(plural=True)
        item_label_log = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label()
        mapping = {'item_type': item_label, 'num': len(items)}
        for item in items:
            if callback:
                item = callback(request, item)
        # Invalidate cache
        except (sa.exc.CircularDependencyError, sa.exc.IntegrityError) as e:
            mapping["error"] = e.message.decode("utf-8")
            title = _("Can not delete ${item_type} items.",
            body = _("There has been an integrity error which prevents "
                     "the request to be fulfilled. There are still "
                     "depended items on the item to be deleted. Please "
                     "remove all depended relations to this item before "
                     "deleting it and try again. Hint: ${error}",
            renderer = InfoDialogRenderer(request, title, body)
            rvalue = {}
            ok_url = request.session['history'].pop(2)
            rvalue['dialog'] = renderer.render(ok_url)
            return rvalue

        msg = _('Deleted ${num} ${item_type} successfully.', mapping=mapping)
        log_msg = u'User {user.login} deleted {item_label} {}' \
            .format(item_label=item_label, item=item, user=request.user)
        request.session.flash(msg, 'success')
        # Handle redirect after success.
        return _handle_redirect(request)
        renderer = ConfirmDialogRenderer(request, clazz, 'delete')
        rvalue = {}
        rvalue['dialog'] = renderer.render(items)
        rvalue['clazz'] = clazz
        rvalue['item'] = items
        return rvalue
Beispiel #11
def _load_user(userid, request):
        modul = get_item_modul(request, User)
        UserClazz = dynamic_import(modul.clazzpath)
        factory = UserClazz.get_item_factory()
        return factory.load(userid)
    except NoResultFound:
        return None
Beispiel #12
    def __init__(self, request, item=None):
        # Reset ACL
        self.__acl__ = []
        self.item = item

        item_id = request.matchdict.get('id')
        if item_id and not self.item:
            self.item = self._load_item(item_id, request)
        if not self.__modul__:
            self.__modul__ = get_item_modul(request, self.__model__)
        self.__acl__ = self._get_item_permissions(request)
Beispiel #13
    def __init__(self, request, item=None):
        # Reset ACL
        self.__acl__ = []
        self.item = item

        item_id = request.matchdict.get('id')
        if item_id and not self.item:
            self.item = self._load_item(item_id, request)
        if not self.__modul__:
            self.__modul__ = get_item_modul(request, self.__model__)
        self.__acl__ = self._get_item_permissions(request)
Beispiel #14
 def render(self, items):
     values = {}
     values['request'] = self._request
     values['items'] = items
     values['body'] = self._render_body()
     values['modul'] = get_item_modul(self._request, self._item).get_label(plural=True)
     values['action'] = self._action.capitalize()
     values['ok_url'] = self._request.current_route_path()
     values['_'] = self._request.translate
     values['cancel_url'] = self._request.referrer
     values['evalurl'] = self._request.application_url+get_eval_url()
     return literal(self.template.render(**values))
Beispiel #15
 def _render_body(self):
     out = []
     # Collect all available evaluations and provide the evaluations
     # for this modul to the form while rendering.
     evaluations = []
     #converter = get_converter()
     modul = get_item_modul(self._request, self._item)
     for evaluation in modul.evaluations:
     values = {"evaluations": evaluations}
     values["_converter"] = False # converter.is_available()
     out.append(self.form.render(buttons=False, values=values))
     return "".join(out)
Beispiel #16
 def render(self, items):
     _ = self._request.translate
     values = {}
     values['request'] = self._request
     values['items'] = items
     values['body'] = self._render_body()
     values['modul'] = get_item_modul(self._request, self._item).get_label(plural=True)
     values['action'] = _(self._action.capitalize())
     values['ok_url'] = self._request.current_route_path()
     values['_'] = self._request.translate
     values['cancel_url'] = self._request.referrer
     values['eval_url'] = self._request.application_url+get_eval_url()
     return literal(self.template.render(**values))
Beispiel #17
def _handle_delete_request(request, items, callback):
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    _ = request.translate
    if request.method == 'POST' and request.ringo.params.confirmed:
        item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label(plural=True)
        mapping = {'item_type': item_label, 'num': len(items)}
        for item in items:
            handle_callback(request, callback, item=item, mode="pre,default")
            handle_callback(request, callback, item=item, mode="post")
        # Invalidate cache
        except (sa.exc.CircularDependencyError, sa.exc.IntegrityError) as e:
            mapping["error"] = e.message.decode("utf-8")
            title = _("Can not delete ${item_type} items.", mapping=mapping)
            body = _(
                "There has been an integrity error which prevents "
                "the request to be fulfilled. There are still "
                "depended items on the item to be deleted. Please "
                "remove all depended relations to this item before "
                "deleting it and try again. Hint: ${error}",
            renderer = InfoDialogRenderer(request, title, body)
            rvalue = {}
            ok_url = request.ringo.history.pop(2)
            rvalue['dialog'] = renderer.render(ok_url)
            return rvalue

        msg = _('Deleted ${num} ${item_type} successfully.', mapping=mapping)
        log_msg = u'User {user.login} deleted {item_label} {}' \
            .format(item_label=item_label, item=item, user=request.user)
        request.session.flash(msg, 'success')
        # Handle redirect after success.
        return _handle_redirect(request)
        renderer = ConfirmDialogRenderer(request, clazz, 'delete')
        rvalue = {}
        rvalue['dialog'] = renderer.render(items)
        rvalue['clazz'] = clazz
        rvalue['item'] = items
        return rvalue
Beispiel #18
def has_admin_role(action_name, clazz, request):
    """Return True if the current user has admin role for the given
    action_name on the given clazz. Having a admin role means that the
    check for the ownership in context of the permissions checks can be

    :action_name: Name of the action
    :clazz: clazz
    :request: current request and user
    :returns: True or False
    modul = get_item_modul(request, clazz)
    for action in modul.actions:
        if == action_name:
            for role in action.roles:
                if role.admin and has_role(request.user,
                    return True
    return False
Beispiel #19
def restore(request):
    clazz = request.context.__model__
    _ = request.translate
    item = get_item_from_request(request)
    item_label = get_item_modul(request, clazz).get_label(plural=True)
    mapping = {'item_type': item_label, 'item': item}
    item.trash_state_id = 1
    route_name = get_action_routename(item, 'update')
    url = request.route_path(route_name,

    msg = _('Restored ${item} from trash successfully.', mapping=mapping)
    log_msg = u'User {user.login} restored {item_label} {}'.format(
        item_label=item_label, item=item, user=request.user)
    request.session.flash(msg, 'success')

    return HTTPFound(location=url)
Beispiel #20
def load_modul(item):
    """Will load the related modul for the given item. First we try to
    get the bound session from the object and reuse this session to load
    the modul item. If the item has no bound session then call the
    get_item_modul method with no request.

    :item: item
    :returns: modul instance

    from ringo.model.modul import ModulItem
    session = Session.object_session(item)
    mid = item.__class__._modul_id
    # Loading the modul is expensive! So try to cache it.
    if not CACHE_MODULES.get(mid):
        if session:
            modul = session.query(ModulItem).filter_by(id=mid).one()
            modul = get_item_modul(None, item)
        CACHE_MODULES.set(, modul)
    return CACHE_MODULES.get(mid)
Beispiel #21
def load_modul(item):
    """Will load the related modul for the given item. First we try to
    get the bound session from the object and reuse this session to load
    the modul item. If the item has no bound session then call the
    get_item_modul method with no request.

    :item: item
    :returns: modul instance

    from ringo.model.modul import ModulItem
    session = Session.object_session(item)
    mid = item.__class__._modul_id
    # Loading the modul is expensive! So try to cache it.
    if not CACHE_MODULES.get(mid):
        if session:
            modul = session.query(ModulItem).get(mid)
            modul = get_item_modul(None, item)
        CACHE_MODULES.set(, modul)
    return CACHE_MODULES.get(mid)
Beispiel #22
    def _render_body(self, items):
        out = []
        _ = self._request.translate
        item_label = escape(get_item_modul(self._request,
        mapping = {'action': escape(_(self._action.capitalize()).lower()),
                   'item': item_label,
                   'Action': escape(_(self._action.capitalize()))}
        out.append(_("Do you really want to ${action}"
                     " the following ${item} items?",
        out.append(HTML.tag("br", _closed=False))
        out.append(HTML.tag("ol", _closed=False))
        for item in items:
            out.append(HTML.tag("li", _closed=False))
            out.append(HTML.tag("/li", _closed=False))
        out.append(HTML.tag("/ol", _closed=False))
        out.append(_('Please press "${Action}" to ${action} the item.'
                     ' Press "Cancel" to cancel the action.',

        return literal("").join(out)
Beispiel #23
    def _render_body(self, items):
        out = []
        _ = self._request.translate
        item_label = escape(get_item_modul(self._request,
        mapping = {'action': escape(_(self._action.capitalize()).lower()),
                   'item': item_label,
                   'Action': escape(_(self._action.capitalize()))}
        out.append(_("Do you really want to ${action}"
                     " the following ${item} items?",
        out.append(HTML.tag("br", _closed=False))
        out.append(HTML.tag("ol", _closed=False))
        for item in items:
            out.append(HTML.tag("li", _closed=False))
            out.append(HTML.tag("/li", _closed=False))
        out.append(HTML.tag("/ol", _closed=False))
        out.append(_('Please press "${Action}" to ${action} the item.'
                     ' Press "Cancel" to cancel the action.',

        return literal("").join(out)