Beispiel #1
def train_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train = read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train = np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test = read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    qids_train = np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    qids_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_qids.txt")
    learner = QueryRankRLS(X_train, Y_train, qids_train)
    P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
    folds = map_ids(qids_train)
    perfs = []
    for fold in folds:
        if np.var(Y_train[fold]) != 0:
            P = learner.holdout(fold)
            c = cindex(Y_train[fold], P)
    perf = np.mean(perfs)
    print("leave-query-out cross-validation cindex %f" % perf)
    partition = map_ids(qids_test)
    test_perfs = []
    #compute the ranking accuracy separately for each test query
    for query in partition:
        #skip such queries, where all instances have the same
        #score, since in this case cindex is undefined
        if np.var(Y_test[query]) != 0:
            perf = cindex(Y_test[query], P_test[query])
    test_perf = np.mean(test_perfs)
    print("test cindex %f" % test_perf)
Beispiel #2
def train_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train =  read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test =  read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test =  np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    qids_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    qids_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_qids.txt")
    learner = QueryRankRLS(X_train, Y_train, qids_train)
    P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
    folds = map_ids(qids_train)
    perfs = []
    for fold in folds:
        if np.var(Y_train[fold]) != 0:
            P = learner.holdout(fold)
            c = cindex(Y_train[fold], P)
    perf = np.mean(perfs)
    print("leave-query-out cross-validation cindex %f" %perf)
    partition = map_ids(qids_test)
    test_perfs = []
    #compute the ranking accuracy separately for each test query
    for query in partition:
        #skip such queries, where all instances have the same
        #score, since in this case cindex is undefined
        if np.var(Y_test[query]) != 0:
            perf = cindex(Y_test[query], P_test[query])
    test_perf = np.mean(test_perfs)
    print("test cindex %f" %test_perf)
Beispiel #3
def train_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train =  read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test =  read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test =  np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    qids_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    qids_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_qids.txt")
    regparams = [2.**i for i in range(-10, 10)]
    learner = LeaveQueryOutRankRLS(X_train, Y_train, qids_train, regparams = regparams, measure = cindex)
    lqo_perfs = learner.cv_performances
    P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
    print("leave-query-out performances " +str(lqo_perfs))
    print("chosen regparam %f" %learner.regparam)
    partition = map_ids(qids_test)
    #compute the ranking accuracy separately for each test query
    test_perfs = []
    for query in partition:
        #skip such queries, where all instances have the same
        #score, since in this case cindex is undefined
        if np.var(Y_test[query]) != 0:
            perf = cindex(Y_test[query], P_test[query])
    test_perf = np.mean(test_perfs)
    print("test cindex %f" %test_perf)
Beispiel #4
def print_stats():
    X_train = read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train = np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    ids = np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt", dtype=int)
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    print("Parse data set characteristics")
    print("Training set: %d instances, %d features" % X_train.shape)
    print("Instances grouped into %d sentences" % len(folds))
Beispiel #5
def print_stats():
    X_train =  read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    ids =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt", dtype=int)
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    print("Parse data set characteristics")
    print("Training set: %d instances, %d features" %X_train.shape)
    print("Instances grouped into %d sentences" %len(folds))
Beispiel #6
def plot_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train = read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train = np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test = read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    ids = np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    #mapped to a list of lists, where each list
    #contains indices for one fold
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    learner = RLS(X_train, Y_train)
    best_regparam = None
    best_error = float("inf")
    #exponential grid of possible regparam values
    log_regparams = range(-15, 16)
    kfold_errors = []
    loo_errors = []
    test_errors = []
    for log_regparam in log_regparams:
        regparam = 2.**log_regparam
        #RLS is re-trained with the new regparam, this
        #is very fast due to computational short-cut
        #K-fold cross-validation
        perfs = []
        for fold in folds:
            #computes holdout predictions, where instances
            #in fold are left out of training set
            P = learner.holdout(fold)
            perfs.append(sqerror(Y_train[fold], P))
        e_kfold = np.mean(perfs)
        P_loo = learner.leave_one_out()
        e_loo = sqerror(Y_train, P_loo)
        P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
        e_test = sqerror(Y_test, P_test)
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, loo_errors, label="leave-one-out")
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, kfold_errors, label="leave-sentence-out")
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, test_errors, label="test error")
    plt.ylabel("mean squared error")
def plot_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train =  read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test =  read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test =  np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    ids =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    #mapped to a list of lists, where each list
    #contains indices for one fold
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    learner = RLS(X_train, Y_train)
    best_regparam = None
    best_error = float("inf")
    #exponential grid of possible regparam values
    log_regparams = range(-15, 16)
    kfold_errors = []
    loo_errors = []
    test_errors = []
    for log_regparam in log_regparams:
        regparam = 2.**log_regparam
        #RLS is re-trained with the new regparam, this
        #is very fast due to computational short-cut
        #K-fold cross-validation
        perfs = []
        for fold in folds:
            #computes holdout predictions, where instances
            #in fold are left out of training set
            P = learner.holdout(fold)
            perfs.append(sqerror(Y_train[fold], P))
        e_kfold = np.mean(perfs)
        P_loo = learner.leave_one_out()
        e_loo = sqerror(Y_train, P_loo)
        P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
        e_test = sqerror(Y_test, P_test)
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, loo_errors, label = "leave-one-out")
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, kfold_errors, label = "leave-sentence-out")
    plt.semilogy(log_regparams, test_errors, label = "test error")
    plt.ylabel("mean squared error")
Beispiel #8
def train_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train = read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train = np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test = read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test = np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    ids = np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    #mapped to a list of lists, where each list
    #contains indices for one fold
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    learner = RLS(X_train, Y_train)
    best_regparam = None
    best_error = float("inf")
    #exponential grid of possible regparam values
    log_regparams = range(-15, 16)
    for log_regparam in log_regparams:
        regparam = 2.**log_regparam
        #RLS is re-trained with the new regparam, this
        #is very fast due to computational short-cut
        #K-fold cross-validation
        P = np.zeros(Y_train.shape)
        for fold in folds:
            #computes holdout predictions, where instances
            #in fold are left out of training set
            P[fold] = learner.holdout(fold)
        e = sqerror(Y_train, P)
        print("regparam 2**%d, k-fold error %f" % (log_regparam, e))
        if e < best_error:
            best_error = e
            best_regparam = regparam
    P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
    print("best regparam %f k-fold error %f" % (best_regparam, best_error))
    print("test error %f" % sqerror(Y_test, P_test))
Beispiel #9
def train_rls():
    #Select regparam with k-fold cross-validation,
    #where instances related to a single sentence form
    #together a fold
    X_train =  read_sparse("train_2000_x.txt")
    Y_train =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_y.txt")
    X_test =  read_sparse("test_2000_x.txt", X_train.shape[1])
    Y_test =  np.loadtxt("test_2000_y.txt")
    #list of sentence ids
    ids =  np.loadtxt("train_2000_qids.txt")
    #mapped to a list of lists, where each list
    #contains indices for one fold
    folds = map_ids(ids)
    learner = RLS(X_train, Y_train)
    best_regparam = None
    best_error = float("inf")
    #exponential grid of possible regparam values
    log_regparams = range(-15, 16)
    for log_regparam in log_regparams:
        regparam = 2.**log_regparam
        #RLS is re-trained with the new regparam, this
        #is very fast due to computational short-cut
        #K-fold cross-validation
        P = np.zeros(Y_train.shape)
        for fold in folds:
            #computes holdout predictions, where instances
            #in fold are left out of training set
            P[fold] = learner.holdout(fold)
        e = sqerror(Y_train, P)
        print("regparam 2**%d, k-fold error %f" %(log_regparam, e))
        if e < best_error:
            best_error = e
            best_regparam = regparam
    P_test = learner.predict(X_test)
    print("best regparam %f k-fold error %f" %(best_regparam, best_error))
    print("test error %f" %sqerror(Y_test, P_test))