Beispiel #1
    def rmttest_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        self.assertEqual(77, rmte.get_id())
        self.assertEqual("ExceptMsg", rmte.get_msg())
        self.assertEqual("MyFile", rmte.get_efile())
        self.assertEqual(678, rmte.get_eline())
        self.assertEqual('[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg', rmte.__str__())
Beispiel #2
    def test_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert rmte.get_id() == 77
        assert rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg"
        assert rmte.get_efile() == "MyFile"
        assert rmte.get_eline() == 678
        assert rmte.__str__() == "[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg"
Beispiel #3
    def rmttest_positive_01(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: no file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg")

        self.assertEqual(77, rmte.get_id())
        self.assertEqual("ExceptMsg", rmte.get_msg())
        self.assertEqual('[  77]: ExceptMsg', rmte.__str__())
Beispiel #4
    def test_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert (rmte.get_id() == 77)
        assert (rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg")
        assert (rmte.get_efile() == "MyFile")
        assert (rmte.get_eline() == 678)
        assert (rmte.__str__() == '[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg')
Beispiel #5
    def test_positive_02(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile")

        assert rmte.get_id() == 77
        assert rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg"
        assert rmte.get_efile() == "MyFile"
        assert rmte.get_eline() == None
        assert rmte.__str__() == "[  77]:MyFile: ExceptMsg"
Beispiel #6
    def test_positive_01(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: no file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg")

        assert (rmte.get_id() == 77)
        assert (rmte.get_msg() == "ExceptMsg")
        assert (rmte.get_efile() == None)
        assert (rmte.get_eline() == None)
        assert (rmte.__str__() == '[  77]: ExceptMsg')
Beispiel #7
    def rmttest_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert 678 == rmte.get_eline()
        assert '[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()
Beispiel #8
    def rmttest_positive_02(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile")

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert rmte.get_eline() is None
        assert '[  77]:MyFile: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()
Beispiel #9
    def rmttest_positive_03(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, with line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile", 678)

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert 678 == rmte.get_eline()
        assert '[  77]:MyFile:678: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()
Beispiel #10
    def rmttest_positive_02(self):
        "Checks the __str__ method: with file, no line"

        rmte = RMTException(77, "ExceptMsg", "MyFile")

        assert 77 == rmte.get_id()
        assert "ExceptMsg" == rmte.get_msg()
        assert "MyFile" == rmte.get_efile()
        assert rmte.get_eline() is None
        assert '[  77]:MyFile: ExceptMsg' == rmte.__str__()