Beispiel #1
def makeFE_table(inFile, constCov, constrain):
    if (type(inFile) == str) and (str(type(inFile[0])) != "<class 'Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord'>"):
        inFile = GBcode(openFasta(inFile))
    table = []
    for item in inFile:
        table.append([item.description, getFree_energy(str(item.seq)), getFree_energy(str(item.seq), constCov), getFree_energy(str(item.seq), constrain)])
    return table
Beispiel #2
def haploRNA3D(templateInput, fastaFile, cycles, path, chain='A'):
    Creates a tertiary structure for each unique sequence in a Fasta file
    using the methods from the module moderna. This function returns three
    files for each sequences: (1) a fasta file comparing the target sequence with
    the sequence of the template pdb structure, (2) a pdb file of the homologous 
    structure with no refinement, and (3) a pdb file of the homologous structure
    with refinement.
    Results are showed in a folder named 'haploRNA3D_month_day_hour_min'.
    This folder is located in Home.
    Module required:
    - argparse
    - subprocess
    - time
    - expanduser (from os.path)
    Usage: <template> <fasta file> <cycles refinement> <path> <chain (default='A')>
    print 'Loading template...'
    template = load_template(templateInput, str(chain))
    seqTemplate = str(get_sequence(template))

    print 'Loading Fasta file...'
    records = openFasta(fastaFile)
    nameLst, seqLst = getNameSeq(records)    
    for index in range(len(nameLst)):
        seqLst[index] = replaceBase(seqLst[index], seqTemplate)
    if str(path).endswith('/'):
        nameDir = str(path)+'haploRNA3D_'+time.ctime().replace(' ','_').replace(':','_')[4:16]
        nameDir = str(path)+'/'+'haploRNA3D_'+time.ctime().replace(' ','_').replace(':','_')[4:16]
    subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', nameDir])
    muscle = locate('muscle')

    print 'Refining the models...'
    refinementScript = locate('')
    secondStruct = open(nameDir+'/Secondary_Structure.fasta', 'w')
    for elm in range(len(seqLst)):
        print 'Refining', elm+1, 'of', len(seqLst)
        seqTargTempl(seqLst[elm], seqTemplate, nameLst[elm], nameDir)
        model(muscle, nameDir, nameLst[elm], templateInput, chain)
        currentTemplate = load_template(nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:10])
            subprocess.check_call(['python', refinementScript, '-m',
                           nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:10], '-y',
                           str(cycles), '-o', nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:11]+'_refined.pdb', '-t'])
            subprocess.check_call(['python', refinementScript, '-m',
                           nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:10], '-y',
                           str(cycles), '-r', '2-'+str(len(currentTemplate)),
                           '-o', nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:11]+'_refined.pdb', '-t'])
        newmodel = load_model(nameDir+'/'+nameLst[elm][:11]+'_refined.pdb')
        newmodelStruc = get_secstruc(newmodel)
        newmodelSeqen = str(get_sequence(newmodel))
    print 'Done!'
Beispiel #3
def adjusted_structure_entropy(inFile, outFile, title, structure):
    This function returns a figure of structural entropy when several sequences (from a fasta file)
    are adjusted to a defined secondary RNA structure.
    Usage: <inFile> <outFile> <title> <structure>
    if (type(inFile) == str) and (str(type(inFile[0])) != "<class 'Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord'>"):
        inFile = openFasta(inFile)
    for elem in inFile:
        fit_result = fit_to_secondStruct(structure, str(elem.seq))
        elem.seq = fit_result
    info_content_file(inFile, title, outFile)
Beispiel #4
def tableByGB(inFile):
    WARNING: before to use this function identify yourself to NCBI using
    This function build a table based on a list. Each element is the info for each sequence.
    Module required:
    - Entrez (from Bio)
    - SeqIO (from Bio)
    if (type(inFile) == str) and (str(type(inFile[0])) != "<class 'Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord'>"):
        inFile = openFasta(inFile)
    inFile = GBcode(inFile)
    GB_table = []
    for elem in inFile:
    return GB_table