Beispiel #1

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to the Roblox economy endpoints.


from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("economy")

class Currency:
    Represents currency data.
    def __init__(self, currency_data):
        self.robux = currency_data["robux"]

class LimitedResaleData:
    Represents the resale data of a limited item.
    def __init__(self, resale_data):
        self.asset_stock = resale_data["assetStock"]
        self.sales = resale_data["sales"]
        self.number_remaining = resale_data["numberRemaining"]
        self.recent_average_price = resale_data["recentAveragePrice"]
        self.original_price = resale_data["originalPrice"]
Beispiel #2

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox icons and thumbnails.


from ro_py.utilities.errors import InvalidShotTypeError
import enum

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("thumbnails")

class ReturnPolicy(enum.Enum):
    place_holder = "PlaceHolder"
    auto_generated = "AutoGenerated"
    force_auto_generated = "ForceAutoGenerated"

class ThumbnailType(enum.Enum):
    avatar_full_body = 0
    avatar_bust = 1
    avatar_headshot = 2

class ThumbnailSize(enum.Enum):
    size_30x30 = "30x30"
    size_42x42 = "42x42"
    size_48x48 = "48x48"
    size_50x50 = "50x50"
    size_60x62 = "60x62"
Beispiel #3

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to chatting and messaging.


from ro_py.utilities.errors import ChatError
from ro_py.users import PartialUser

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("chat")

class ChatSettings:
    def __init__(self, settings_data):
        self.enabled = settings_data["chatEnabled"]
        self.is_active_chat_user = settings_data["isActiveChatUser"]

class ConversationTyping:
    def __init__(self, cso, conversation_id):
        self.cso = cso
        self.requests = cso.requests = conversation_id

    async def __aenter__(self):
        await + "v2/update-user-typing-status",
                                     "isTyping": "true"
Beispiel #4
from enum import Enum

import iso8601
import asyncio

from ro_py.wall import Wall
from ro_py.roles import Role
from ro_py.users import PartialUser, BaseUser
from import EventTypes
from typing import Tuple, Callable
from ro_py.utilities.errors import NotFound
from ro_py.utilities.pages import Pages, SortOrder
from ro_py.utilities.clientobject import ClientObject

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("groups")

class Shout:
    Represents a group shout.
    def __init__(self, cso, group, shout_data):
        self.cso = cso
        self.requests = cso.requests = group = shout_data
        self.body = shout_data["body"]
        self.created = iso8601.parse_date(shout_data["created"])
        self.updated = iso8601.parse_date(shout_data["created"])
Beispiel #5
This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox assets.


from ro_py.utilities.clientobject import ClientObject
from ro_py.utilities.errors import NotLimitedError
from ro_py.economy import LimitedResaleData
from ro_py.utilities.asset_type import AssetTypes
import iso8601
import asyncio
import copy

from ro_py.utilities.url import url

endpoint = url("api")

class Reseller:
    def __init__(self, user, user_asset):
        self.user = user
        self.user_asset = user_asset

class Asset(ClientObject):
    Represents an asset.

    cso : ro_py.utilities.clientobject.ClientSharedObject
Beispiel #6

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox authenticated user account information.


from datetime import datetime
from ro_py.gender import RobloxGender

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("accountinformation")

class AccountInformationMetadata:
    Represents account information metadata.
    def __init__(self, metadata_raw):
        self.is_allowed_notifications_endpoint_disabled = metadata_raw[
        """Unsure what this does."""
        self.is_account_settings_policy_enabled = metadata_raw[
        """Whether the account settings policy is enabled (unsure exactly what this does)"""
        self.is_phone_number_enabled = metadata_raw["isPhoneNumberEnabled"]
        """Whether the user's linked phone number is enabled."""
        self.max_user_description_length = metadata_raw[
        """Maximum length of the user's description."""
        self.is_user_description_enabled = metadata_raw[
Beispiel #7

from ro_py.utilities.clientobject import ClientObject
from ro_py.thumbnails import GameThumbnailGenerator
from ro_py.utilities.errors import GameJoinError
from ro_py.utilities.baseasset import BaseAsset
from ro_py.utilities.cache import CacheType
from ro_py.users import PartialUser
from ro_py.groups import Group
from ro_py.badges import Badge
import subprocess
import json
import os

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("games")

class Votes:
    Represents a game's votes.
    def __init__(self, votes_data):
        self.up_votes = votes_data["upVotes"]
        self.down_votes = votes_data["downVotes"]

class Game(ClientObject):
    Represents a Roblox game universe.
    This class represents multiple game-related endpoints.
Beispiel #8

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox client settings.


import enum

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("accountsettings")

class PrivacyLevel(enum.Enum):
    Represents a privacy level as you might see at!/privacy.
    no_one = "NoOne"
    friends = "Friends"
    everyone = "AllUsers"

class PrivacySettings(enum.Enum):
    Represents a privacy setting as you might see at!/privacy.
    app_chat_privacy = 0
    game_chat_privacy = 1
    inventory_privacy = 2
    phone_discovery = 3
    phone_discovery_enabled = 4
    private_message_privacy = 5
Beispiel #9
This file houses functions and classes that pertain to Roblox trades and trading.

from typing import Callable, List

from ro_py.utilities.pages import Pages, SortOrder
from ro_py.assets import Asset, UserAsset
from ro_py.users import PartialUser, User
from import EventTypes
import iso8601
import asyncio
import enum

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("trades")

def trade_page_handler(requests, this_page, args) -> list:
    trades_out = []
    for raw_trade in this_page:
        trades_out.append(PartialTrade(requests, raw_trade))
    return trades_out

class Trade:
    def __init__(self, cso, data, sender: User, send_items: List[Asset],
                 receive_items: List[Asset]):
        self.cso = cso
        self.requests = cso.requests
        self.trade_id = data['id']
Beispiel #10

This file houses functions and classes that pertain to game-awarded badges.


from ro_py.utilities.clientobject import ClientObject
from ro_py.utilities.baseasset import BaseAsset

from ro_py.utilities.url import url

endpoint = url("badges")

class BadgeStatistics:
    Represents a badge's statistics.
    def __init__(self, past_date_awarded_count, awarded_count,
        self.past_date_awarded_count = past_date_awarded_count
        self.awarded_count = awarded_count
        self.win_rate_percentage = win_rate_percentage

class Badge(ClientObject, BaseAsset):
    Represents a game-awarded badge.

Beispiel #11

This file houses functions used for tampering with Roblox Datastores


from urllib.parse import quote
from math import floor
import re

from ro_py.utilities.url import url
endpoint = url("gamepersistence")

class DataStore:
    Represents the in-game datastore system for storing data for games (
    This is only available for authenticated clients, and games that they own.

    requests : ro_py.utilities.requests.Requests
        Requests object to use for API requests.
    place_id : int
        PlaceId to modify the DataStores for, 
        if the currently authenticated user doesn't have sufficient permissions, 
        it will raise a NotAuthorizedToModifyPlaceDataStores exception
    name : str
        The name of the DataStore, 
        as in the Second Parameter of 
        `std::shared_ptr<RBX::Instance> DataStoreService::getDataStore(const DataStoreService* this, std::string name, std::string scope = "global")`